So what's the fucking point in having female protags beat'em up when there's NO CLOTHES BREAK and NO RAPE ON KNOCK DOWN, DEFEAT AND GAME OVERS?
So what's the fucking point in having female protags beat'em up when there's NO CLOTHES BREAK and NO RAPE ON KNOCK DOWN...
Threadly reminder the director is anti-trump and pro-asylum seeker.
Hurrr must protect my alt right secret club durrrrr
>cuck city roasties
Threadly reminder I don't care.
>resorting to photoshop
why are libs so pathetic
Im buying it. Does that triggger you, trump boy?
I can already tell threads about this game are gonna be fun.
>Crybaby cultists literally shaking
I finna pirate this game and then go find and punch a tranny. keep seething lmao
Threadly reminder that WayForward is a shit tier studio that hasn't produced a single decent game in almost 30 years.
Fuck him to hell and back then but one thing is him and another thing is his work. Most of the time people (Jews) do smear their work with their own agendas but some rare times they don't (Carl Gustav Jung, Stanley Kubrick) and this is one of those rare cases. Yeah you could say it has "muh women empowerment" but it's done in a non-preachy way
Thanks for reminding me, gonna buy 10 copies.
Also his shit writing doesn't even need to be acknowledged.
Just download it in Jap and get a non-cancerous translation.
How can you get so consistently triggered that you prepare mental coping mechanisms and war plans on how you're going to "approach" the game in such a way that you make absolutely sure it won't trigger you, but then call other people ultra sensitive snowflakes?
am i banned yet, if not, MODS DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS
I was going to get it in Jap regardless, they'll probably get both a non-limited physical release AND a bitchin CE.
Thanks for letting me know. I'll buy three copies now.
Lol at that projection. It isnt me seething, cultist. Go get help.
Rightwingers being hypocrites and projecting their weak views. Color me surprised.
everyone should be against our dear leader trumptard
>another game with Female Protags
....why do they hate men so much now? i can;t play anything new with a cool guy anymore.
You get to rape the defeated enemies?