Other urls found in this thread:
But what if we're his wife?
>utopian society
>kids and wife
Good one
the kids and wife came after the ascians thought the destruction of their own utopia.
What do I do at 80 after clearing the EX trials?
you pick a different game to play
Level alt jobs
Careful, you're just fueling Barry.
He had a kid and wife when he was the garlean emperor dumbass, go play the game.
How come MCH and bard basically does the same damage (supposedly) but one has no utility besides tactician and is basically UNGA BUNGA SMASH DRILL AND HEAT BLAST making bard genuinely look like a 200 IQ class in comparison due to it having a load more factors to damage optimization
This thread might was made by him or more likely will attract him.
Mortals he doesn't even consider alive enough to call killing them murder.
He probably viewed any consort like an advanced RealDoll.
Found that one asshurt BRD main that shows up every thread
>Level another class
>Get crafters/gatherers ready for the Ishgard Reconstruction
>Stock up on treasure maps
>Farm mounts
>Stop playing until Eden
>Kill yourself
Plenty of things to choose from.
he mentions he tried countless times to find whether these people are worth leaving the ascian legacy to.
>Farm mounts
Are the old ARR EX Primals soloable at 80?
But if you are so brainwashed and addicted, you could level the other jobs, crafters, jew the marketboard, do the casino mini games, get into housing, collect mounts and minions
The ARR primals were soloable at 70, user.
Heavensward EX primals are probably soloable now. ARR EX primals were soloable at 70.
The same way we try to teach lesser beasts things like sign language and communication. Doesn't mean we view them in the same light as other humans, just oddities with potential.
Were gays tolerated in Amaurotian society?
if that's what you interpreted from the story, sure.
I can't see them give any fucks about that.
>tfw you realize the story peaked at the end Shadowbringers
>tfw you realize we'll never have another "villain" as compelling as Emet-Selch
>tfw you realize the 5.X patch MSQ and possibly even the next expansion's MSQ will not be able to live up to this (and even if good in their own right) will still feel like a step down by comparison.
Amaurotines were more powerful than the Gridanian elementals at their full potential, evidenced by Emet pulling Y'shtoya out of the lifestream without any real effort. If they could master aether, they could master buttsex
So basically what Stormblood was to Heavensward?
I was sure they are unable to even match, let alone top Heavensward and yet here we are.
But yeah, I actually agree, this is probably as good as it gets. What I'm trying to say is that I already experienced this feeling after HW going into SB, there will be nothing new.
Emet-Selch, sure, but Lahabrea and Elidibus are such massive fucking jobbers that it's hard to take them seriously as two of the original unbroken Ascians
MCH does a bit more damage than BRD to make up for no battle voice and is constantly active.
BRD will still be better though do to their DoTs and their ability to be used on multiple enemies. Not to mention BRD is easier to perform with at a higher level.
Zenos beating him offscreen in a generic grunts body is the funniest shit.
>can make anything
>make something that can't reproduce
But BRD is using a fucking bow wile MCH is using guns. Bows will never ever ever ever be even close to being as cool as guns. Who even levels BRD unirnoically? Sounds boring as all fucks to be honest.
Who would seriously choose bows when you could have guns and mecha instead?
a man of taste
fuck harpfags
What about World of Darkness?
Why would they be preoccupied with reproduction? They were immortal beings
guns are cringe, a good knife user would beat someone with a gun 8 out of 10 times
I don't see why you couldn't, it ought to be in the same boat where as long as you have enough people to perform mechanics you should be able to go into an undersized alliance.
3 people maybe
But you can get into a queue relatively quickly to faceroll through it, surely it's faster than soloing even with queue time involved?
Not if the gun user shoots him first so he can't even get close, HAH! Checkmate.
What do I level once I'm done with Scholar?
Summoner, it's one of the best DPS out there, with ress for when the party fucks up
Allow me to break down a bunch of language puns and references you might have missed.
Amaurot is the capital of Utopia in the book Utopia.
The author of Utopia knew both Latin and Greek and is probably the greatest pun master in history. Amaurot in Greek sounds like "darkening" but in Latin it sounds like "a place of golden towers". A darkening place of golden towers.
Utopia in Latin sounds like "a true place" but Utopia in Greek sounds like "not a place".
Hythlodaeus is an Ascian shade you meet in Amaurot, which is aware it is a memory by virtue of the simple fact that Emet-Selch had an errant thought of "Hythlodaeus would surely notice" while fashioning them. Hythlodaeus is surely the WoL's former identity despite not mentioning this directly. Or do they? Hythlodaeus is also a character in Utopia, a traveler who lived in Utopia for years. Through discourse, Hythlodaeus and the author's self named self insert, More, become friends but also debate each other's values. Both Hythlodaeus and More represent extremes of the author's own values. They are both self inserts. As the text was written in Latin, the author Thomas More names himself "Morus", which in Latin can actually mean, well, "moron" and in Greek is "dull". Hythlodaeus in greek actually sounds like "speaker of nonsense". Thus the author is representing himself as both the dullard fool and the one who speaks nonsense, arguing and reconciling with another. And in Utopia, you don't refer to yourself as "I", you refer to yourself as "he/she" or "him/her". Hythlodaeus of FFXIV mentions that surely Emet-Selch can recognize "him/her" (changes with character gender) in you. Hythlodaeus, as a Utopian, is referring to themselves. No wonder they can see Ardbert and recognize the color of your soul.
Want another name pun? Emet-Selch named themselves "Solus" for their human identity. In Latin that sounds like star. In Greek it sounds like lonely. The lonely star.
Whichever you like.
They didn't exist.
Did they even fight? I thought there was a line like "i was looking forward to fighting myself, but that didn't happen"
DRG. It's the most fun melee.
if he levels up SCH, he levels up SMN too by extension, dumbass
yeah I saw that reddit post too user
Not him but kill yourself
Oh yeah? I didn't think they had any self awareness on Reddit. Care to link me?
The first part is pretty neat. The second part is up its own ass.
Not him either, but no, you should kill yourself instead of that user.
Just what is the context of this reaction image?
I was thinking DRG but I'm worried the coming patch will fuck it in some way. Maybe they will only nerf the potencies to bring it in line though
mechanically it's fine. they'll almost definitely only change potencies. the only actual change it needs is to be able to maintain its Disembowel buff during its AoE combo. but that's a minor complaint relevant only really to dungeons.
the whole "aoe combo extends my dmg buff" is an awful change as was making the dmg buff of drg the 2nd part of an infinite combo as was removing tp so that you can just spam aoe in every fucking dungeon with no penalty
As another user said, the post starts out okay but by the end it catapults to farfetched territory.
And don't scroll down to the comments, it gave me cancer.
In the English text, when you merge with Ardbert and Emet-Selch briefly glimpses an Ascian silhouette in the light of your merging aether, he simply says "No... it can't be!". In the Japanese text, what he says is closer to "Impossible, why are YOU here?" Which confirms that Emet-Selch recognizes the specific Ascian he is seeing. Pretty much confirming what we already knew about the WoL being the 14th council member and dissenter. But seeing as how Hythlodaeus claims to have also been Emet-Selch's friend I would presume that Hythlodaeus is also the 14th given that the "him/her" whom Emet-Selch must see inside you is probably Hythlodaeus itself.
By the point where Emet-Selch's Amaurot recreation is frozen in time at, the 14th had already dissented from their decision to summon Zodiark and left the council chambers, which is where every other Ascian memory in Amaurot believes Emet-Selch to be due to him having been there during the time of the memory. So it checks out that the memory of Hythlodaeus is just chilling with you at the DMV instead of being there if they were the 14th and also you.
>Pretty much confirming what we already knew about the WoL being the 14th council member and dissenter.
No, why would it confirm that? The only thing confirmed by that is that the WoL was indeed an ascian, and Emet-Selch knew him/her.
They are to him as an advanced AI would be to us.
It might feel real, but your brain knows it isn't.
There's no other Ascian that Emet-Selch knew personally that is unaccounted for instead of part of his collection of masks.
They were all gay
user, there is no way for us to know which Ascians exactly he knew personally. There were many of them, a whole society.
Seems a bit too speculative.
It's fucking sad that I could tell this was an XIV thread without ever having played the damn game. You faggots always have the same shitty openings where you scream about some androgynous fuck with no context.
Unnecessary. We know we're the 14th because the 14th summoned Hydaelyn and we're the goddamn Warrior of Light.
You're trying too hard.
>14th summoned Hydaelyn
I don't remember this part. Did the 14th really summon her alone? I remember there were 14 members, but I don't even recall the 14th being a dissenter, let alone the sole summoner of Hydaelin, and I have talket to Emet-Selch every time.
gun should have been a pre imperial garlean revolver. I thought it was kinda cool how the gun he used in game was one from the founding of his empire.
Seeing as how Zodiark had already been summoned/sacrificed to twice before Hydaelyn was ever summoned and that Hythlodaeus says that the council is only 13 now at a snapshot taken from before Zodiark's initial summoning, I would say it's a good chance that the 14th was a dissenter as the council was meeting at that time to finalize their plans to summon Zodiark.
As for summoning Hydaelyn alone, no. Nearly 25% of the Ascians remained and the dissenters said no more sacrifices to Zodiark. How many of those 25% were in support of summoning Hydaelyn no one can say but everyone remaining except the three known unbroken were sundered into shards of themselves upon Hydaelyn's summoning. It is worth noting that Ascian society left all important decisions to the councilors, so deciding to summon Hydaelyn was almost certainly the decision of the one council member who was not already tempered by Zodiark as they had left before its summoning. Note that as Zodiark had been summoned to grant will to the star (they refer to the planet as the star by the way, not the actual sun), Zodiark would have been inhabiting the mothercrystal at the time and would have been much more powerful than Hydaelyn in most situations due to having the aether of 75% of the Ascians behind it. So fragmenting the world into Shards was probably a way for Hydaelyn to win and take over the will of the star.
You did all the role quests, right, user?
Gunbreaker artifact looks surprisingly decent on roegadyn desu
Too much speculation, we don't have any information to confirm anything about what you have written, only guesses that opens up this possibility but others as well.
There is a chance that the 14th was a dissenter, there is a chance that he/she led the summoning, and there is a chance that he/she was the one Emet-Selch knew and recognized in us, but there is also a chance that all of this is not true. We don't know anything at all about the specifics of how Hydaelin was summoned.
working on it
Only finished tank, working on healer, but I don't think I have a single magic DPS levelled at all.
It's going to take a while.
Sure we do, Hades in-fight dialogue tells us that Hydaelyn's light split the star and every soul on it. Why is he even bothering to yell that at us? We're JUST the Warrior of Light.
user, that information isn't revealed in the Hades in-fight, we have known that for a while. That is in no way relevant to the identity of the WoL.
The only thing confirmed is that Emet-Selch knew us before we got sundered, nothing else.
Should have done SCH as your healer to get SMN for free
I'd do the healer ones but I don't want to play the tranny class
I'm lvl 0 arcanist. I have AST and WHM at 70 and 72.
SCH and SMN both looked boring as fuck so I avoided them.
Hythlodaeus literally brings up that Emet will recognize you directly after musing that the council is 13 now.
Absolutely seething harp fag
>Didn't play 3.X SMN
>Didn't play 4.1 SMN
fucking hell you missed out.
I'm much more interested in who Elidibus is, and what his role as Emissary really is desu senpai. We had assumed he was responsible for the balance between light and dark, but clearly that's not it.
Elidibus' title is Altima. When he transforms he will be Necron. They want to forcibly rejoin Zodiark's crystal and Hydaelyn's crystal to mash all worlds back together and cause all the people who have grown from the ashes of the Ascians to rejoin into basically, Ascians.
He's obviously Alphinaud.
That isn't a confirmation of anything else other than that he knew us before being sundered.
>In the English text, when you merge with Ardbert and Emet-Selch briefly glimpses an Ascian silhouette in the light of your merging aether, he simply says "No... it can't be!". In the Japanese text, what he says is closer to "Impossible, why are YOU here?"
Reminder that people continue to defend Koji in spite of shit like this
The artist Alphinaud and his assistants!
Yes, now fuck off.
where can I find newer feo ul art
He's gonna cause the 3rd impact, Shinji. Can't you recognize his voice?
Not doing it, redpill me on Cylva.
he put the benis in bagina :DD
Man, Minfilia and Ryne are so fucking cute.
It's weird that they made up Altima when all the Ascians are the opposite of what their glyph suggests due to the glyph being upside-down. Elidibus still has an upside-down Zodiark glyph so by reason he should be named after the light scion opposing Zodiark, but that is Ultima who has her own glyph already, so why did they flip his glyph upside down if he's just the regular ol' Zodiark?
That's what I really want to know.
Might have something to do with light and dark being so central to their struggle, but I dunno. What does it really mean to be the emissary?
>Can't play summoner worth shit
god kill me please
Agreed, patrician taste.
Nigga, at this point just drop this game and pick up Euro Truck Simulator 2 or something.
Piss easy. First couple HW Extremes are soloable too up to Thordan
what level do the post ARR jobs start at? i heard they don't all start at 1
>play female character
>get invited to FCs/whispered compliments/friend requested and creeped on by all the dudes
>change to male character
>get messaged/emoted at by catboys
>"M+M ERP" on their info
are lalafells the only safe race
The HW jobs start at 30, SB at 50, and SHB at 60.
to be fair it was the last part of Bismark and we just blew through it, but that placing in it was pretty consistent
I play female xaela with all the red flags so I can avoid these niggers and it's working
cool, thanks.
Are you even pressing buttons?
This is bullshit. 98% of the playerbase is playing female characters, everybody knows that it's dudes playing female characters.
Every compliment I received for my character was made under the assumption I was actually a dude. They just liked how she turned out.
If you have no FC, you get harrassed by desperate people to to have more members in their shit FCs regardless of what race or gender your character has, until you join one.
meant for
I've played a variety of cute female characters and handsome male characters and not once have I ever been approached with flirting, compliments, etc.
And I spent the majority of my playtime on Balmung
What groups are you a part of where you're exposed to these idiots? I'm convinced this isn't just something that happens randomly and only occurs if you seek it out.
>If you have no FC, you get harrassed by desperate people to to have more members in their shit FCs
i've never understood this and the discord shilling. small FCs are extremely comfy and much better
It depends on where you are. Most small FCs are just a clique of people that are basically impenetrable to newcomers, and with large FCs you have to be really picky. I'm in a large raiding FC and there's not too many newbies and they have FC-wide raid nights and other such things which are pretty fun.
Me neither, but I still get whispers all the time trying to recruit me. But as I only play this game on and off, I see no point.
Last year I joined one so the whispers stop. However, by the time I returned afte a few months (like usual I disapper for months or half years), the FC disappeared from the face of the earth without trace. So I don't bother with them anymore.
There's little reason NOT to be in an FC. Just join a large one that's been around for more than a year and only interact with them if you need something.
Even if you never speak to them you still get FC buffs just for being there.
It's a shame that despite being an MMO, there are virtually 0 chances presented for players to bond organically.
No hard overworld quests that manage to overcome with some people who then invite you to their FC, or anything similar.
You get dumped into a brainless dungeon, nobody says anything and leave. No wonder it's impossible for most people to penetrate those cliques.
What FC buffs are there that makes it worth it?
Eureka was created to get people to socialize more and create parties on the fly in order to progress, and everybody hated it. It really is a game that people treat like a singleplayer experience where you occasionally have to deal with bots of varying intelligence.
The big one is 10% leveling exp, but there's also DoH/DoL exp buffs, reduced teleportation costs and other things.
Usually most FCs just have the exp buff active 24/7. By not being in an FC you're depriving yourself of a constant 10% exp bonus.
>tranny tank refuses to pulls more than 2 enemies episode
Hmm, well shit. I might as well accept the next time I get a whisper, I honestly had no idea even though I have been in one briefly.
I would pull more than 2 enemies if the healer was able to deal with it, but I'm not risking big dick wall to wall pulls in the expert dungeons while my right side has 400 and 406s, left side 430.
>Vote dismiss
>Another tank joins 10 seconds after
You might be better off searching for a large FC in the housing districts and applying manually. They usually have more consistent players and aren't just loaded with newbies and alts who all quit the game after a week of joining.
Just join them and keep to yourself. Most of them are just fine with that.
>tank goes ham in a leveling dungeon and pulls wall to wall
>doesn't use a single CD and melts within seconds
I'm not a fuckin miracle worker, bub
Ranjit job fucking when
i joined a /vg/ FC and its extremely comfy and everyone is super nice
Which server?
>Loses against a GNB that lost 5/6th of his toolkit
it was a level 65 DRK in a level 24 leveling dungeon, he had no excuse for being so shit
What is his job even? Isn't it just monk with a pet dragon gimmick?
its only a matter of time. also Golbez trial when? you do have his EX right OObros?
Well yeah, that's different. But then again, if the DPS classes don't even have access to decent aoe at that level, then there is literally no point in going for the big dick pulls because you won't actually speed anything up, just needlessly strain your healer further preventing him to dps.
shiva. most EU players are on light
meant for
Animist is the closest.
Ehh, I'm in Chaos fml.
is this any good
i was too but i transfered because everyone bullied me. there are some anons there, just ask. they'll be glad to know they aren't alone
i was asking for bigger pulls though, and using AOEs on 2 enemies. i dont know why i constantly run into bad tanks. i had a terrible experience in POTD yesterday with a terrible GNB
if she's white, she ain't right
Why the nigger lips?
i dont know what nigger lips are
I have both a male and female alts and I never get any whispers from randoms. Stop playing on Crystal.
monkey like in appearance
>Stop playing on Crystal
if I could leave I would user
all of aether is locked and half of primal is too
it's too late
it was a utopia; so gays didn't even exist
Of course the people that post that shit are people that seek out that kind of attention.
I play on crystal and I rarely get messaged unlike optimal where niggas always were up in my dms.
>tfw no big tittied bunny goth gf
he means why doesn;t she have pencil lips
Why are you so particular about the appearance of your guardian force and not its abilities and junctions?
People are retarded, played with jap dub and german sub's and the difference was so jarring, to me who understands some basic shit and even to some who just watched some anime.
what item level should my tank be before attempting the SSS extreme?
or is the af gear enough to clear it in time?
what's SSS?
you can't even do the duty in AF gear why would you think you can clear it?
I still can't believe that the playerbase is so fucking retarded that this issue comes up all the time.
How the fuck is it possible to miss something like this?
you're welcome
Why don't they put a damn ilvl minimum on that dungeon so you're forced to buy it or else you can't finish msq.
There is
410 min ilvl
Or just put in a giant warning message YOU CAN BUY THE AF GEAR NOW FROM NOT GEROLT DUMBASS DO IT FFS REEEE t. Yoshi
It actually does tell you that you can buy it.
No, if I recally correctly it doesn't say you can do it RIGHT NOW, so I assume a lot of people misunderstand it and think it will take more time for him to create the stuff and they have to come back later.
But actually no, you can buy it right then and there, which is weird because he never actually worked on that stuff then, but ok.
Not Gerolt does tell you this, sprouts and retards will be too retarded to read this however
Most people skip cutscenes or any dialog for some reason. Should have forced it to go in the inventory instead of being able to be bought.
It makes a lot more sense this way since you can come here to pick it up when you finish levelling other jobs to 80.
I guess they could have automatically given you a box in your inventory when you hit 80 for the other classes, but come the fuck on, how much babying does this community need?
so will we get crafted stormblood primal weapons for cunbreaker
Haha, you're funny.
yes, but WoWfugees don't read anything and just skip so they can get the the autistic endgame grind
I really can't stand people who scoff at playing with a controller. they don't even attempt it, within an hour you've mastered it and it's not difficult like people claim.
probably. SB classes got HW primal weapons and HW classes got ARR primal weapons
Limitless blue isn't because of the pull apart mechanic, only one I have managed is Ravana ex so far
I personally hate it but I can 100% see why people use it and prefer it.
To be fair, the 2.1 - 2.55 content really is a fucking terrible slog. Nobody can defend that.
DRKbros, how much of a DPS gain is Living Shadow?
See him with his great, great grandson though.
>some edgy zoomer calls out weebs in shout
>whilst playing and paying money for a weeb game
is dnc good or bad
Why dont you form your own opinions? Play and find out.
he's doing it ironically
Who care? You literally just press it on cooldown except when a boss becomes invulnerable.
you're assuming western pigs have any self awareness
I care, I want to know how much DPS its actually doing. You sound like an unga bunga WARfag
Any other way to get tomes yet?
Funny because DRK has its own unga bunga shit now.
tranny logs
>Tfw no damage-dealing GF with L Mag-RF and HP-J
He's cooler without the dragon scythe shit.
i donr wanna spend hours getting it to 80 only to not get into any groups
> heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast heat blast
what did they mean by this?
it's a 1500~ something potency DoT you hit whenever you can
Forgot that there was a pull apart mechanic with the two dragons honestly, but yeah you're fucked if burst isn't high enough to kill one of em before they chain
does flamethrower actualy do anything whatsoever?
That's more like it!
It does more damage than spread shot.
>Not get into any groups
Only autistic parsetrannies care about what classes they bring to fights, extremes could be cleared by a group with a FSH in it if they were allowed
>japanese community is good at the game
No seriously user, I'm fucking depressed about this. I just wanna buy a bunch of tents, refine them into Curagas, and junction them to my HP stat to instantly put me into the yellow so I can spam my Limit Break.
Why does life have to be so hard?
Just be glad it isn't as bad as people not doing their 70 job quests right before Shinryu.
Its fun as fuck spamming that shit on 1.5s while also getting Gauss Round and Ricochet refreshed forcing you to spam those too.
So is the raid tier releasing next week the Eden/FF8 stuff or something else?
It stuns things -> no healing
It burns the mobs faster -> less healing
Literally why the fuck not
just go to one of the primal servers that isnt locked
i clip too much. they need to fix how ogcd's work in this game desu
Nah fuck off, Swiftcast->Holy gives me time to catch up on healing for big pulls
He had a katana ok what was he supposed to do
>When they really need to
i.e. never. There's no trash mob ability that absolutely needs to be stunned and anything that is really worth stunning can be stopped with interject.
The sooner the mobs are dead the sooner everyone keep going, and spamming Holys help with that while mitigating any damage they might have gotten during that timeframe
I was like 10 and had below room temperature IQ when I finished FF8 so I didn't even use the junction system much. Would junctioning Curagas really put your HP into yellow in FF8? Because that sounds game breaking when it comes to limit spam.
Stunning is a pretty good mitigation tool that tanks don't even use.
Eden, yeah.
- zenos, with a katana
How is that even a question, are these guys geniunely brain damaged? The main reason for Holy spam isn't even the stun mitigation, it's fucking AoE damage. The sooner the trash is done the sooner we can move on. It's non negotiable that I'm going to holy spam on 3 or more mobs, if you don't like it, either stfu or you are booted from my party instantly.
Is the animation lock combined with latency.
Behold the Ultimate Weapon.
I always run in with the tank and spam holy, because I figured it helps the dungeon go by faster.
How is that a bad thing? It's not like I spam holy for boss fights.
imagine caring about fucking expert dungeons holy fuck. im gonna spam holy and use assize purely for damage as much as i can
JP has the most savage clears overall despite having a small playerbase. They respect content so much that cheesing it like this goes against their nature.
As long as I don't die while the healer is spamming holy what's the problem really
how the fuck is it cheesing? why else do whms have holy?
5.0 ended so cleanly, I wonder where the patches will even take us.
3.0 ended with Estinien corrupted by Nidhogg and led to 3.3's Final Steps of Faith.
4.0 ended with Yotsuyu still alive as an amnesiac and led to 4.3's Castrum Fluminis.
5.0 tied up pretty much all of it's story and both Zenos and Elidibus are endgame villains so there doesn't seem to be anything to build off with 5.3.
Oh my friend, it was GLORIOUS. You grab a bunch of tents early on, draw Siren from the boss in Dollet, teach her L Mag-RF, and that'll let you turn the tents into curagas. Get 100 of them and junction them to your HP stat. This puts your health in the four digit range, I forget how much, but the important part is that your current health stays the same while your max health increases. So as long as you don't rest at an inn or something you'll have "low health" which increases the chance of Limit Breaks. Then whenever a character's action menu comes up without the arrow next to Attack that would indicate a Limit Break, just press triangle or whatever button you use to switch to another character. That'll reset the character's menu which means it once again checks to see if you should have a limit break, and since you're on low health it won't be long until it gives you one.
Basically you get Limit Breaks every single turn, it's a great tool for getting good at the skill-based ones. As long as each party member has a GF with HP-J equipped this effect can apply to all of them. It turns the early game into a Renzokuken-fest and it's super fun.
HP goes to yellow, when you have less than 25% HP left.
If your max hp is 9999, limits start to appear at 2500.
If your max hp is 999, limits start at 250.
So you just stay at critical hp all the time, and since your max hp is high, you dont die to every attack.
To them it has to be cheesing otherwise it wouldn't even be a discussion.
WHM do holy for the massive fucking damage obviously, the stun is just a nice bonus.
Elidibus literally says what he's planning and so does Zenos
The little boy who asked us how we got so strong is gonna be 5.3's villain.
We're gonna fight Zenos, duh. The trailer showed us that.
Hai Yai Forces.
>Endgame villain
The guy who ran away crying his secrets as he did from a level 70 Stormblood Garlean grunt
There is nothing that prevents dealing with Elidibus and Zenos being the theme for 5.x content. In fact, I really hope that will be the case so they can come up with something a lot more exciting for the actual new expansion.
That scene from the trailer was us fighting Elidibus in Zenos's skin, you doof. We've already done that.
>geared up from goatse tokens
>look up video of extreme Titania and Innocence
Jesus. I'm too stupid for this. I guess I need to go play Roblox or whatever kids plays now.
I don't want Zenos to be a villain again. We've already seen the full extent of his character and defeated him while he was fused with a god dragon so it's not like he's a credible threat. His only use now is as a plot device and once he's accomplished whatever it is he's been brought back for I want him to die quickly. Either that or make him an ally because there's nowhere left to go with him as a villain.
I'm guessing Varis isn't really dead either. Elidibus, who knows. They've got to put in some work to make him seem like a worthy opponent because right now he's literally a joke.
> people are actually unsure if Hythlodeus is WoL
This is "crystal exarch isn't Graha tier" stupidity.
Zenos' plan is to absorb Zodiark and force us to absorb Hydaelyn in a great battle of the Gods. That's not something they'll tie up in a patch. That sounds like the ultimate endgame final battle.
>tfw first playthrough I completely missed the textline that told you that you could buy the AF sets from the lamp maker dude and just assumed you got it from the level 80 jobquest
>had shitty mismatched armor set for final cutscenes and final dungeon/boss
still beat it first try without any deaths at least, but I would've enjoyed the cutscenes better with my AF :(
If we're going down this route, Hythlodaeus, Hydaelyn
Because the implications are literally the same when combined with the visual.
innocence is a joke you can be 40iq and all you need to know is dont stand in the lines
quite possible he's the badguy for the patches and we clean him up
Less likely cause he's over in Garlemald and will be busy doing his own thing for a while, polishing his katana collection and getting rid of the Ascian cooties
Oh I get it. I didn't account for the fact that it won't heal you when upgarding the max HP. They probably would make it so in a modern game, so I assumed. Nice!
I've watched the Titania EX fight a good couple time. Should I just jump in for a pug?
I think Yoshi said that us defeating Zenos was a 'miracle', so they clearly intend to keep him as a Gary-Stu villain as long as they can.
The animation where black mage pulls their arm back when they fiinish casting their spell is the most satisfying thing in the game.
That just makes it worst with how many shitters you find, don't even get me start on people trying to enforce some meta comp to clear it.
And it sounds so fucking retarded that I really really really hope that they don't let it come to that, and let us deal with Zenos before this insanity could come to fruition.
It's a lot easier than it looks. If you can get into voice chat with someone they can tell you exactly where you need to go at all times.
Sure, join a practice group in PF and get some hands on experience. You'll learn everything quick enough and get it down so long as everyone in your group has above room temperature IQ, which is probably unlikely
That was when we fought his body at the very end of SB patches after the last dungeon.
Scions need to get home.
Did he deserve to die like this?
God. Dammit.
It will get resolved this expansion and both Elidibus and Zenos will be dead by the end of ShB.
What should I level after DRG? I'm hearing good things about MCH. Fun is more relevant to me numbers.
>We've saved our world, but we have not reclaimed it
come on now
Far as we've seen, most ascians are fucking shit at fighting anybody powerful. Emet is the only exception so far, he actually put up a fight.
>calls WoL their new old friend
It shouldn't even be in question
Actually if you designed it so it healed you while upgrading your max HP it would be exploitable for a resource-free heal while in the field, pretty much all games don't have you heal while increasing your max HP. For example in XIV when you switch from one job to another job with more HP you have to wait for your automatic regen to bring you up to your new maximum.
Yes, though Alphinaud deserved it more
Varis is as dead as it gets in this kind of game.
Couldn't agree more. I don't hate Zenos or anything, he is just such an uninteresting villain that we have already dealt with. Boring.
That was building up the Eden raid that starts next week, there's a reason it literally ended that scene with a shot of Eden.
That's the Eden storyline though.
After playing for 2 weeks I'm redownloading WoW.
Just to tell you how bad this game is made go play something like BfA.
Don't listen to the trannies who shill the game for free. Imagine paying a subscription and saying that the story is better than FF sp titles. I just reached level 50 and I have maybe seen 10 players in total since I started playing.
The game is just a pedo and fetish hovel
Learn some actual English before you post here boy.
If only the other wowniggers would follow you
>I'm guessing Varis isn't really dead either
The most powerful autist in the planet cleaved him down the middle with a sharp metal stick, he's dead Jim
If only.
nice blogpost, enjoy your slot machine
Have fun my dude. I regret buying BFA and everything I did to play with friends on there but I'll probably try it again for classic.
>Wownigger going back to his dungpile
Good, take the other refugees with you
You're right, but modern FFs actually heal you to max between battles nowadays anyway.
He did the same thing to Y'shtola and she survived. It takes a fucking lot for a character to actually die in this game. Zenos slit his own throat and is alive. Thancred had a whole dramatic death sequence and survived.
What's great about that is that Hythlodeus clearly admired Emet.
>timeline finally gets unfucked after stopping edibles in 4.3
>exarch fades away but time fuckery and multiple crystal towers sends his memories to our graha who wakes up and exits the tower to become a scion.
How would you feel?
Even better. You can hit your own teammates.
So everyone (including Squall) just hits Squall with basic attack, until his hp is critical.
Every time I play the game, Squall is never at max hp.
>WOWbaby can't read
I know, I fucking hated that from XIII. It removes the purpose of individual encounters draining your resources and just makes them a slog to get through.
He has a cloning facility and the empire has finished researching artificial echo a while ago so if they wanted to bring Varis back, there is quite literally nothing preventing them to do so.
I can't believe Y'shtola FUCKING DIED for the 5th time!
Too true. Fuck XIII.
Destroys big pulls.
Bitch knows she's untouchable and flaunts it whenever she can.
Yeah but Y'shtola is a postergirl for the game and got immediate Medical attention. Zenos did die from slitting his throat, turns out his sharingan is just really fucking strong and let's him steal grunt bodies from beyond the grave and Thancred is immune to death at this point. Unless Gaius and Estinen manage to overpower Zenos, which is unlikely, there's no chance Varis is getting medical attention if there's even anyone left in the palace capable of it after Zenos' invasion
He's already a member of the circle of knowing so sure.
Ascian DPS that conjures weapons and creatures to fight when
Oh she's touchable, just not by you.
Wait till October and every second faggot you see will be dressed like your wife user
these always are the most tiresome
Void mage soon.
I was so against YorHa being in XIV, but that world would actually fit into The First just fine.
I don't want my dick covered with cobwebs and a thick layer of dust when I stick it in, he can keep her.
Done caster and bard. They're fucking boring and I don't care about the WoD losers. Give me back my job quests you lazy fucking faggots.
jesus christ black mage might be the most boring job in this game how can people main this job? just for the big dps numbers i assume?
So who will Gaia be? She and Eden are clearly Ascian related.
i once asked a blm why he plays it and he said "so i can focus on the fight mechanics easier"
>think the game peaked with ARR compared to 1.0
>Heavensward happens
>Think raids can't get better as Alexander
>Omega happens, Ultimate Fights happen
>Think story cant get better as Heavensward
>Kinobringers happens
I learned one thing user, never doubt the XIV team
I was leveling a ninja i'm at 60 with it, switched to BLM 40 now and i'm having a brain tumor playing it
Now what height of excitement job do you play?
Now if only they had the talent to make the "game" part good too.
Not him, but fucking WHM is more exciting and that's saying something.
I can't wait for it!
the Ascian society instantly fills the same role Humanity did in Automata, so that's free real estate.
Or Yoko Taro just says fuck it and makes a portal take us to the robutt world
Same with the Crystal Exarch thing.. its to simple. Also retards fail to realize that its not the Graha Tia we met, since alot of shit happend between Crystal Tower and him arriving in the first. Also If we where Hythlodeus they would have made a way bigger deal out of it right?
It has a lot of small optimization tricks that are fun to learn.
Is it weird that I enjoy playing it then?
Try playing it at cap you fucking losers rofl.
>So I was playing JOB at cap and then I switched to a lvl 1 job and it wasn't as fun. WTF
>slog through 80 levels of the most boring job for it to still be boring at max
no thanks
Unironically this desu, Fishing is fast to level and comfy
All I want is the armor of light chest piece. For the love of god, please stop dropping crimson and fuma pants.
Try actually getting Fire IV. Fucking kids ahahaha.
>same spell as fire and fire 3 just with higher number
so blms do just play it for the big damage right? not because its actually fun?
It doesn't even look that good to be honest.
what if we have to fight yoshida at the end of the nier raids like how they had the CEO in automata
>Played for 2 weeks and is level 50
not even worth a (You)
and if you lose, he unsubscribes you from his game, no refunds
Sure but not as a final boss.
how come there is no porn of yoshi's lala
This warrior of light is the only one that can pull off using this armor and not looking like a clown
That's true, the entire point is his misses his people and having a normal life yet you never see this, its all offscreen
It's good and unique enough for me to want it anyway. Mostly it's just one piece outside my grasp.
At this point it's just stubbornness desu. I could just get the sigmascape set instead, but I'm determined to get this it.
You will never understand. Stick to fluffing us.
emo suck is the worst ff villain
Can't wait for a bullet hell boss that people get massacred at.
bros it not fair, it was my turn to fuck y'sthola...
why would i? your not a very useful class for savage lol
I just use fire 2 because I want to do more damage than fire but not too much damage
Redpill me on NIN
no they were hardcore religious and zodiark hates fags
It has naruto running and ninja handsigns, pretty cool.
low as hell dps, you need good ping, trick attack makes you always useful and wanted
Make sure to /handover to your minion daily.
somebody call tom holland because it's pizza time
Gonna give this a try, first modern MMO for me (tried CABAL before). Is WHM ping-intensive? Don't need to see big numbers like BLM, just want to carry my own weight in runs.
>tfw feel empty now after finishing the main quest
Having to wait another 2 years for the next expansion is unbearable.
Thanks I forgot what that command was.
>Also If we where Hythlodeus they would have made a way bigger deal out of it right?
They will, in time. For now they've done enough to hint at it. Hythlodeus is the only person that could see Ardbert (even the Fae and Emet couldn't see him.) Only the WoL can see Ardbert because we're the same soul, one that Hythlodeus instantly recognizes.
Hythlodeus is also the only one that Emet fucked up when he recreated his people. For some reason, Emet's thoughts drifted when he got to Hythlodeus. That has to mean something.
Hythlodeus isn't that far removed name wise from Hydaelyn. Seeing as we're 90% certain that the WoL is the Ascian that stepped down during The Final Days and was responsible for summoning Hydaelyn, it isn't a stretch that we actually summoned something largely in our own image. I mean, Hythlodeus literally has Deus (Latin for God) in his name.
Emet also explicitly recognizes the Ascian at the end of his trial in the JP script. They wouldn't do that for an Ascian that they haven't introduced yet.
We'll get round to the WoL's Ascian identity in time, and when it happens, they'll only need to flashback to the Hythlodeus bench scene and it'll make lorefags cream themselves over the long term planning.
You exist to fluff others.
Only NIN and MCH really get fucked by ping, you'll be fine.
Try something like Mudfish if your ping feels that bad and you want to improve it.
You can play anything to. No matter what retards here say as long as you are not dead then you are doing dps.
you can do a flip if you jump with your weapon drawn
nothing of value was lost, take the other retards with you too
survivor from the 13th shard tricked by the ascians to go to the first and help the flood of light by manipulating ardbert and pretending to be part of his party, when he found out he spared her and she spent the next century fucking around until the cardinal virtues got created then recruited people to put her old comrades to rest; she's the elf in the inn who's part of the introduction to role quests as well as the other member of the WoD's party you see in the flashbacks
Yoko Taro said he was not even aware there was going to be a Nier raid in the game. I do not think he will be writing this.
Who is this?
heh....i might have to use 10% of my power for this....
Some of this reasoning falls apart a bit since they just pulled Hythlodeus and Amaurot from Utopia. The idea that the name has any actual connections beyond the references is a bit of a stretch
So during wildfire do I just spam the fuck out of heat blast during hypercharge and throw in some gauss rounds and ricochet and hope animations don't clip?
He's credited so that seems unlikely
Ardbert wasn't seen by Hythlodeus, he just sensed his soul and said it was the same exact color as yours, Arbert never appeared in front of Emet so we don't know if Ascians can see souls like that or whatever, need more information before we can say Hythlodeus was us and not just some cool friend of our Mystery Nigga self, because if he was us why did Emet create us waiting at the fucking Ascian DMV of all places
Ive been maining it since 3.1 and shb nin is making me cry, I love it but im bad and have east coast ping
>believing le trickster dev
You just got beanboozled.
Wasn't Ardbert with us in the run up to Hades? We collapsed after Emet-Selch BTFO all the Scions and the last thing we saw as we closed our eyes was Ardbert standing by us in Selch's boss room.
>B-b-but the 3 second GCD, WoW is way faster and more skill intensive
mash heat blast, weave a single gauss/richochet for each one, you can fit another gcd after the end of hypercharge in the wildfire window
Yeah that's the only time he's in view of Emet, but we pass out so we have no clue whether Emet noticed him or not
>You can see Urianger laying face down in the water at the end cutscene on the beach
It's Hythlodaeus
I can't believe they just killed him off like that, what the hell Ishikawa?
>permadeath raids
>You can't find him anywhere post-MSQ
I can't believe Urianger is actually fucking dead
Dragoon if you like to live dangerously.
Bard if you want to be the WHM's mana bitch.
>look at logs someone from farm party uploaded
>percentile going up and up with each kill
feels pretty good bros, but how the hell can i get high dps parses as a healing in pugs without paying a dancer to partner me
I think it's equally fair to say either Hythlodeus is important in that he's the WoL, or he, emet and WoL were a trio of friends, and Emet thinking about the WoL made him think back to the three of them.
So I could see Hythlodeus being sacrificed and WoL going spare and using that to fuel the creation of Hydaelyn. Which to me feels less egocentric on the player and as such I feel like I lean that way a little bit more.
>They wouldn't do that for an Ascian that they haven't introduced yet.
I disagree with your entire assessment here, we have been introduced, so showing us looking like that serves as a reinforcement of the idea of Emet recognising us and seeing us how he did in the past even if just for a moment.
The mystery is still open.
>Bard if you want to be the WHM's mana bitch.
are you retarded?
ignore the memes
I really wish doing side quests at max level was like in wow where the excess experience was converted into bonus money.
He's part of the nier raid and has to deal with the sassy black robot
Dragoon, their ultimate looks cool as fuck and honestly looking cool as fuck is the main goal
>even more insufferable piece of shit newfags
I wish wowniggers would stop playing this game
As a Gunbreaker Off Tank during trials and such, should I be giving Aurora to the Main Tank?
go back.
shut the fuck up tranny
Ah, so it doesn't restores other player's mana anymore?
Gonna throw my hat in for Bard here, bows are cool and so are songs.
Haven't played WoW in years my man, stop seeing spooks around every corner. The bonus gold concept is perfectly sound and why it wasn't aped by Yoshi I will never understand.
Emet left his alien ghost memories on and one of them started making slutty robots wearing blindfolds and leotards
a tank got upset with me because I was hitting mobs while he was still pulling
kinematografia, arigato Natsuko Ishikawa
Have sex
I liked how DFO did it.
Your max level character created exp capsules that your other characters could use.
>this post
This is the future you clowns chose
bros? but he made a video about taking the red pill? surely alpha male wouldn't be scared of some weeb death threats?
As a BRD main I'd say just go DRG. BRD is a meme at this point. Not bad but not amazing either.
Fuck Apex Arrow btw. I have never been more disappointed.
When Yoshi first asked Yoko for a collab he burst out laughing and asked him if he wanted to end FFXIV. He's just le epic trolling.
also nobody's happy with the job changes except DRG players
I'm just asking a question, cunt.
>BRD is a meme at this point.
bard is better than both machinist and dancer. the other two go too far in either the pdps and rdps directions
If by "it" you mean refresh, definitely, since it was removed. And WHM is the least likely to have MP problems right now.
Two players got so upset with me pulling a dungeon as NIN to show my friend the path when he started tanking that they went and just stood at the entrance while talking shit.
Had to vote kick before they finally gave up and left.
XIV should take some ideas from DFO
Like going back and condensing the main story and letting you skip quests if you over level, but we got the jump potions instead
>capsule a class to 80 so then you have zero idea how to play that job in a game that is heavily reliant on your teammates
What's pdps?
Yeah, feel free to Heart of Stone them too honestly.
personal dps. machinist does the highest personal dps out of the 3 ranged dps but it provides zero raid dps. compared to dancer who does the lowest pdps but contributes the most rdps. then bard who has a good amount of both
It already happens anyway, wouldn't change anything tbqh
Personal DPS
Personal dps, damage (you) do and yourself and not damage you contribute to the party through buffs and utilities
>letting you skip quests
I sincerely hope FFXIV never goes that fucking low
Dragoon if you want to do damage
Bard if you want healers to suck your dick
Do anybody but filthy parsefags care about that stuff?
How tf do I get a house for my FC when everything is always taken?
Also how much would it cost for 10 people?
Why does Dancer go too far in providing Raid DPS? I mean in classic FF it's always been a support class.
It won't, story is too important and respect the content while a meme is very much how Yoship and the XIV team view the game
You already can if you buy a jump potion though
Zoomers always have the absolute most cancerous ideas
i was just responding the guy who said bard was a meme job at this point
it needs a bit more personal dps to be "meta"
Nope, so long as you pull your weight and are able to clear fights no one really cares what class you are or how much damage you do outside of parsefags
I thought they discussed compressing ARR and making some of the more annoying parts sidequests?
they were but then they made the skip potion so do you think they give a shit anymore?
How is Bard's support now? I heard it got nerfed, but do they still actually provide buffs to the raid or is it just personal buffs?
Ah, well I hope they'll buff it in that direction then. I enjoy playing a supporting role.
I don't think anything come out of it. If it was going to happen at all, it would have been done before ShB dropped to help newbies as much as possible.
I think their "solution" neded up being the jump potion, and that's it.
they still have battle voice which was buffed from 15% to 20% as well as a few more support abilities
its not like you wont be able to find groups as dancer or anything at the end of the day play whatever you like plus others will still like having a dancer just to be the dance partner
they've got a dps buff and a defensive buff for the party and an incoming healing buff for a single target
You can just turn the quest in with another job, now that they level sync.
Anyone know a good solid crafting class to level up first? I have everything at 70.
Did we get potency changes before Omega launched in 4.0? I forget if we had to wait for changes until Savage.
figure out which jobs are meta and level the one that makes their gear
Watching someone on stream play this and chat is full of crap like pog or poggers, what does the word mean?
twitch emotes
how do I see it?
install betterttv
get everything to 71 first then make the accessories. They're a huge upgrade and cheap to make.
ALC or CUL if you're only going to do one
>Calamity cause creation magic turn against themselves
>Kill half your population to save the other half
>Go to civil war
>Fuck up the universe in the process
>Still somehow claim to be the only ones fit to live in this world
Why is anyone taking these clowns seriously?
>join innocence clear party
>ninja dies 6 times
>samurai dies 4 times
Fending Gear
Healing Gear
Casting Gear
Aiming Gear
Striking Gear
Scouting Gear
Maiming Gear
they really need to do something about this
I'm not logging my twitch account to that website.
>Open PF
>See these names
>Close PF
Made for the mating press
>Edgar Fortnite.
It's the .45 Auto pistol from New Vegas.
Shut the fuck up faggot. The less there are of us the better off we are.
They won't, because they care more about how many jobs there are per role than how many jobs share a type armor.
Next expansion will probably bring up Casting gear and Healing gear to 4 jobs each.
Lmao get fucked gaijin this is OUR game
fuck you, innocence is fucking hard on nin
I personally cannot stand people who refuse to try legacy controls simply because "I'm used to standard." One time a leaf nigga actually asked how to remove auto facing target on cast, I told him to switch to legacy and like 5 mentors defended his shitty fucking choice of controls
>three Luna's
Christ, bet they're all Au Ra too.
Literally nobody is taking them seriously though, and 2 of them are dead for this reason, only 1 clown remains.
I just use Standard and cheese movement with the right mouse button.
Whatever happened to Slaying Gear?
I also have Luna in my "family" name because I couldn't think anything better, and I kinda hate it. Now that I have seen this, I really hate it but I can't think of anything good and also don't want to spend the money on name change, fuck.
This is how you XIVcucks sound trying to upstage WoW
If he was trying to revert the source back to its original state then how does emet even know all the shit that caused this mess wouldn't just happen again anyway
for a race of perfect entities they sure are a bunch of fuck ups
My character's surname is literally just an object and a weather condition slammed together, don't feel too bad.
I bind abilities to the S key so no I will not use legacy controls
>Used to have a potato lore friendly name
>Server transfer and have spent majority of the time the recent years as c@ so take the opportunity to free name change
>Don't recall seeing many Luna's so put it as last name
>Two years later there are lunas everywhere
I'm almost tempted to buy a name change only because of how shit almost every Luna I've run into is but they are expensive as fuck.
Eh as a last name it isn't that awful but I see so many people with it as a first name.
I'd rather receive a valentine from Fordola to be honest.
it's right side, shared by all STR jobs
Every time I see some lvl 80 faggot backpedaling I want to punch their stupid faces in.
>I bind abilities to a universally-used movement key
You are LITERALLY retarded.
But then how will you slowly walk backwards??
The weather condition goes first but you've got the right idea. The object was one letter off.
and as always the wowcuck comeback is to repeat the same thing in all caps
can they just make 1.0 servers for fucks sake and not more of this wowclone garbage
going back here level synced would've triggered me
Chad Thundercuck.
Based (You) fisher
Keep up the good work
He didn't even get any.
>A and D strafe left and right
>to move backwards just turn and strafe
>get an extra key for oGCDs
what's the problem?
1.0 was a disaster of a game that almost killed XIV
>Playing the game with tank controls
Nope. And the weather condition is still way off.
I never even considered trying legacy controls until now. I've never had any issues with standard. What is even the difference and why is it better?
>Using standard.
>not using controller
Closer on the weather, but still one off on the object.
there's no point using legacy if I never backpedal anyway
You know controllers also use standard and legacy right?
what's legacy. turn instead of strafe?
Why does Emet have a clit in his forehead?
lmfao who fuckin cares about what control type you use you mentally ill weebs will truly argue over anything
I used to play TERA where your character nearly always faced where the camera was pointing, it's hard to get used to otherwise
Yeah it's undeniable that legacy is better.
When was this scene? I don't remember it.
That's what retarded normalfags says when their brains are unable to cope with them being used to doing something in a stupid retarded inefficient way.
it frees your character's movement from the camera, so you can run in any direction while looking in any direction and not that shitty "holding W while moving the left mouse camera around" shit, I'm talking "looking at the boss while moving out of an aoe, but an aoe appeared where you're running so you immediately change direction with one button press"
Probably one of the 2.0 cutscenes.
been using standard forever and have cleared every ounce of content in the game :)
There's no point when mouse turning is so fast and precise though.
People were constantly judging and laughing at you.
confirmed for not playing the game at all
You mean Onze, peasant.
no one plays legacy
Member when standard was better for melees because of auto attacks?
legacy is garbage for retards who can't handle camera movement and character movement at the same time
>Losing the cute lala backpedal animation to get 1 percentile higher log
No way fag
i always spammed the face target hotkey
On a second thought, I'm not trying legacy after all. Sounds annoying and a relic for literal autists.
I said one letter off, not two. And you're getting further away on the weather condition.
it is dont worry
>Having a decent control scheme is for autists
>Toilet paper is garbage for retards that can't handle using their hands.
>world full on a wednesday at 9am