Games to cure your depression
Games to cure your depression
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the guild wars 2 gem shop always makes me feel better
Just avoid multiplayer games. The worlds full of assholes. And I'm not referring to banter. That's fine.
classic 16-bit and arcade beatemups, or modern takes on the genre, especially fun when drunk
I find more solemn games help me. SotC hits me where it hurts in teems of aesthetic. If I'm down its basically the only time I can get through a walking simulator like Dear Esther.
No game is going to cure your emotional state. Especially not in any substantial long term use.
With that being said, walking sims will be your best bet. If you are just outright frustrated with your life then take some time and cool the fuck off. That Edith finch game has a real good scene in it. You can play through the game OR you can watch it here. Just know the disconnect will effectively be incredibly jarring.
There's also some good pieces in the walking sim beginners guide.
Honestly I'd say just fucking read man. Read, go outside when you don't want too, and get some decent nutrition and sleep. Tell Camus I said hi.
FFVII is the game I turn to.
Postal 2
i only have 2 of those things
i have none of these things and im not even depressed
i have 0 of those things lmao
how'd you get this picture of me what the fuck
Anyone who openly admits to being depressed to numerous people is trying to create an identity out of it which is pathetic. Real depression is a much deeper rabbit hole that will be kept bottled up by most.
slime rancher is pretty fuckin legit
bullet eating with akio-chan
mental illness is an illness. you can have all those things and still be depressed. there's just something wrong with you.
I have none of these things now what
I’ve wasted my life
>Tfw finally realized your narcissistic brother has been manipulating you since you were a kid.
>Tfw this fucked up my ability to make relationships.
>Tfw finally seeing the light healing from the emotional Trauma.
>distracted by all these vain and materialistic things that prevent you from reaching true fufillment
Is this really what this image's trying to say? I doubt it with that tumblr-schtict artstyle
video games make it worse, if you are really depressed it is just this oppressive feeling of hopelessness that dominates all your thoughts and falling into things like games/drinking ect just make these feelings worse
Depression isn’t a mental illness
yeah me too but i stopped caring about that, i'll be turning 27 really soon
Prove it isn't with actual credible studies and evidence.
>cure your depression
there is no cure, youll just have your good days and bad days
best thing to do after a bad day is hope the next is a good day
Marvel ultimate alliance 3.
>proceeds to post something from as well as an infographic with no source
ok weeapoo
29 here it just keeps getting worse. Make a decision to change your life or you'll feel the same forever
Oh hey I turn 29 in 20 days. I am a complete failure in multiple ways.
Who are you quoting?
>Make a decision to change your life
how? I dont know how to talk to people, I have no friends and i'm balding
i have tea but no cookies
unironically sex games irl
Dilate tranny
This. Also any team based game with matchmaking. Pure cancer.
OP, try good singleplayers, if you have close friend play good coop games.
I'm balding and I'm 22.
time to just end it bro like why live lol
>no proof, immediately resorts to NPC tier buzzwords to deflect criticism
That's what I thought, faggot.
Not really. Stigma on talking about depression has not existed for decades now. Fact that there are still some people who do not really have understanding of it and/or feel ashamed about it does not mean that only those people suffer clinical depression.
Kinda. It's actually a reference to a very famous and surprisingly good book by Facundo Cabral, which is one of the psychologists that helped popularizing Mindfulness Meditation and some pretty interesting therapeutic strategies inspired by eastern philosophy.
That said, the image is god awful, and comes across as saying the EXACT opposite of what contemporary clinical psychiatry actually defines as depression.
Tell your friends and family that you're unwell and then see a doctor and/or psychiatrist or psychologist. Telling your friends and family first means you can use them as support to get yourself to get help
Once you get better, they'll also understand and be all the happier to see you happy
>dmc faggot doesnt know what he is talking about
Of all the posts in this thread, this one is by far the most helpful. What exactly is your problem with it?
Zoomer sadness is not depression
3/5 of those things aren't materialistic you dumb fucking faggot.
>Goals achieved
>a single diploma
h-hes pretty cute
I have a diploma from a good school and a girl who adores me and I've been neet and feeling hopeless for the last 2 years what the fuck man
Sure *he* is samefag.
Maybe I'm a simp but replaying Little Big Planet always makes me forget about everything, for a little bit
Depression is a cause, and personally, I got it via being unlucky. how do you deal with being unlucky, fellow unlucky bros? My brother became an alcoholic and kept it hidden from us, then, in a drunken haze, fell and squished an eyeball so he's one eyed now, my mom got a deep vein trombosis which almost cost her life, and 2 weeks after that she fell and shattered her femur. Some fucking moron idiot hit my car while parking then left a ticket with "sorry :)" written on it
I am in a drunken haze and about to seriously commit murder, my friends
> diploma
It's pointless if at middle of education you will get how pointless thing is.
>LBP3 was disappointing for me
>LBP2 is dead community wise
>LBPK got its servers shut down years ago
There is no non-meme job that needs more than an AA/AS and if you're putting your high school diploma on your wall you deserve depression desu
>Only got a high school diploma
>Never been employed
>Disowned by father and the rest of my family
>Don't even technically own the dog that I take care of
I guess I got tea and two friends.
russian roulette.
I have tea and cookies and the diploma, I also used to have a pet but now it lives with my parents and I only see him occasionally now
No friends or gf tho
>Father disowned me but since I never cared about him I just told him "ok" and "get out of my flat now"
That awkward walkout summarizes his entire pathetic existence perfectly.
i've been balding since 21, hair has gotten ridiculously thin in certain areas and you can see right to the scalp in those parts
Mines didn't nearly go as well as this but I'm very glad for you.
>i've been balding since 21
Haha, I've been balding since 16. It has been almost 10 years since then and I don't really care anymore but having it so early sucked major dick
I have the cat
Someone post the edit
i'm just so tired, tired of being so sad and full of hate
i just want to be happy Yea Forumsros
Get help then.
It do be like that.
Are these kind of pics just made for teenage girls or what?
Well, yes, but again: Check out the actual reference. As bad the picture looks, it's (poorly) inspired by a very god story.
How old are you
i've gone to a psychologist (or psychiatrist, i don't know) to see my depression problem once, he gave me a antidepressant that i never took and a clonazepam prescription that i used until it ran out but have been going to mental professionals since i was a kid for ADHD treatment.
It all got worse now that i passed into officer school.
Funny that you mention this, I've been shifting away from most of these lately and I've been feeling a little better. I still have huge chunks of time where I feel like shit but it doesn't feel as extreme.
>for ADHD treatment.
No wonder you're depressed. Those ""meds"" fucked with your brain.
ADHD is a meme.
>haha everyone has these amirite
imagine being such a sheltered faggot that this becomes your default
28 years old, every new bedroom I move into becomes a metaphorical prison. I just happen to be lucky enough to keep ending up in places that enable my stagnation, whether it be a job I can walk to because I've never had a license or people that leave me alone.
I think "curing" depression is more about letting go than anything else.
ADHD is real but you're right, those meds really fuck up your brain chemistry and development, i stopped taking them over 5 years ago but the damage was already done.
>confusing the symptoms with the cause
People don’t do that shit then become depressed, they’re depressed so they do that shit.
fuck off richo you pedo
no social interaction
sleeping at 8am
playing vidya all night
only those 4
just be yourself bro
How do I get these things? Especially tea and cookies, I don't think I've ever had a cookie that went well with a cup of tea
god, that's me
I've gotten rid of the alcohol and the fast food
Haven't done weed or been on pill drugs so I have that going for me but everything else is right on the money. It's literally 4:10 am for me right now and I'm about to go to sleep
>muh dmc fags
If you can't take shit on the internet plug it off
Danganronpa 2 (after playing 1 obviously)
Well, if you don't take the damn pills and don't demand further treatment, then you can't be particularly surprised that it does not work.
Take the medicine and/or ask for other treatment options. From the top of my head, usually available options are:
Therapy: CBT, gestalt, Jungian, mindfulness, group therapy.
Life style adjustments: Regular exercises, solid sleep schedule, more fulfilling job or hobby.
Other options: transcranial magnetotherapy, one of the many currently running psychedelic-based therapy pilots, hyponotherapy, esketamin.
There are quite a lot of options available. You just have to keep trying.
i was already depressed before i picked up any of these habits but lets see:
>watch copious amounts of porn and hentai/fap over 9 times a day
>don't do DUDE WEED LMAO anymore but smoke at least a ciggarette a day (sometimes less)
>bad eating habits/timing/too much microwaved and junkfood
>sedentary lifestyle
>no exercize whatsoever
>haven't drinked alchohol in months (lack of money)
>use my pc for longhours in the dark
>don't take any pill
>i sleep when the sun is rising
OP please tell me where you found this picture of me, i'm not fucking memeing, this isn't funny.
>0 friends
>only my mom loves me
>have a college degree
>my pet duck flew away
>I dont drink tea or eat cookies
Nothing will ever cure your depression.
I have nothing in that picture. Unlike that faggot Etika I have nothing.
Enjoy living off disability
Same. We should commit suicide.
A bullet can
not op but the garbage
you're very hot user
It's not a video game, but vitamin d would help a lot.
>only friends are online, haven't had a friend in my house easily in 14 years
>associate's in criminal justice gets me absolutely nowhere, realized cops have the shittiest job on the Earth dealing with absolute fucking drooling retards daily with terrible shifts, god awful pay for the work, little downtime, and are likely to get shot by a nigger at some point and die hated by a world that doesn't appreciate you being society's tard wrangler
>cat darted out the door and haven't seen her in 4 days, timid fucking faggot who won't ever come back inside without a trap involved because they're too afraid of everything
>Mom is literally the only family member who loves me, every single portion of our family has disowned us over the pettiest shit possible but immediately tried getting back into our lives the second my Mom won a lawsuit and got a massive payout
>have no special talent or remarkable abilities, have wasted my life playing video games but still only achieve an above average level of skill at best in anything
The only reason I have elected not to kill myself after my Mom dies is because I want to see if the world ends in my lifetime or not.
Not reading this. Kys frog incel
Not reading this. Kys gash-crotched subhuman.
Going to have to recommend Minecraft, at a certain point the autism hides the depression until you get bored.
>he has good days
I think you're just sad bro
thanks but i really dont like seeing it on a Yea Forums thread of all places
All I know about depression is that its a cancer of the mind and soul.
And like with most cancer you either persevere or die trying.
>being fat
>not just ingesting tapeworms
Life is Strange.
I cant play with depression... . Need a bootle to lift the inhibition.
>he posts his ugly mug on /fa/
>w...why are you posting pics of me!
God, I hate you faggots.
Salt, meet wounds.