>tfw no loving robot mommy
Why is life so cruel?
Tfw no loving robot mommy
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What does this movie have to do with video games, though?
I expected some deep/strange shit/serious plot twists from this story, instead I got
>muh diversity
>muh humans are bad
>muh we can feel sentiments too
What a waste of fucking time, so boring. The only reedemable thing is the lore you can read on the journals/newspapers
>watch "I am mother" on netflix
>huge /m/ fag
>want the robot to be the good guy for once
>its another "robots bad" trope
>they have the nerve to use that as the twist
>I expected some deep/strange shit/serious plot twists from this story
That's your own fault, honestly. Fahrenheit was fucking retarded, and compared to it this was a masterpiece. They aren't trying to write Memento. And for what it was, the writing was pretty good. My only real gripe with it as with all movie games is that it's pretty clear what the good ending is. Like, if you choose to go full android with Connor you're basically punished for it and that's that. I found that disappointing, since you never get clarification on whether or not the androids truly feel in the first place. It's stipulated at the start by Connor that it's a glitch, and they never resolve the issue of whether it is or not. I also hate that the game forces you to become friends with Hank, because he's honestly a miserable drunk piece of shit, and I was glad he killed himself. I hated Alice too.
But yeah, everything YOU said is a retarded criticism without any kind of basis in the game, you're just looking for things to hate that aren't relevant when there are clear objective issues with the game.
user, how can you possibly watch anything on Netflix and not expect it to be dogshit?
You're right.
I rarely watch netflix, but my brother was scrolling through it and I saw that thumbnail
So I decided to watch it on my own in my free time, and it didnt meet my expectations
>expecting something deep from a Cage game
To be fair his other games are full of strange shit but it's the bullshit and nonsense kind of strange. Same with the plot twists.
I really don't know what you expected. I however only expected utter fucking dogshit like Beyond Two Souls but I was postivily surprised by Detroit cause it has some pretty good parts, imo. Also lots of actually different endings.
>everything YOU said is a retarded criticism without any kind of basis in the game
Am I supposed to like the story at all costs? I thought it was bad, and that's it.
It's a very trivial story, the ones you saw a million times in this kind of setting. The only time I said "wow" was when you discover the little girl is an android too, and even then I don't understand what was Kara and Tyrone's problem with her being one. Also the romance between the other black android and the female android in the rebels was so forced, literally 0 interactions between them and then suddently they love each other? What? Feels like they added it randomly just for that kiss scene because they have no clue on how they could make them survive that part.
Sad, because the intro part with Connor was very promising.
I felt the same way, user.Honestly, the worst parts in the game are definitely the ones with Markus, at least for replayability's sake. The android graveyard was fun the first time, but now it's just a chore. The worst part of it though is without a DOUBT that level with him in the streets as he's looking for Jericho. That's so insanely boring. I don't know how people dislike Kara, because her parts were objectively the best. Connor is a better character, but apart from a few decisions it was pretty linear. Some of the sequences with Kara like fighting off the dad, evading the police, trying to hide evidence once the cop comes searching, etc., were intense. Honestly, I hope their next game is even better. Though I kinda wish they went for a more tame drama story than something so wild and either supernatural or sci-fi each time.
>Am I supposed to like the story at all costs?
Nope, that has nothing to do with the bullshit you wrote though, since you're apparently a hurt /pol/ snowflake that thought a story about AI was preaching too much inclusivity. You make a retarded claim, you will be called out on being retarded. It's that simple.
>I thought it was bad, and that's it.
That's because you're a moron. It's clearly not bad. The narrative is delivered surprisingly well, and the actual dialogue between the characters holds up regardless of the choices you make. In every objective way of evaluating it, it's above average or average if your standards are super high. So, no, it's not bad, and again, you look retarded saying that.
>It's a very trivial story, the ones you saw a million times in this kind of setting.
Not an argument. That can be said for countless other good revenge stories and so on.
>and even then I don't understand what was Kara and Tyrone's problem with her being one
That's because you're dumb and missed the point entirely. It was supposed to show that the androids weren't truly independent yet. They wanted to be seen as human rather than considering themselves a unique sentient species, so the story confronts Kara with whether or not she can look at an android the exact same way she would at a human. I'm not surprised you can't evaluate stories when something this simple baffles you, nigger.
>Also the romance between the other black android and the female android in the rebels was so forced, literally 0 interactions between them and then suddently they love each other?
It wasn't "forced", but yes, the game does go from one big thing to the other without much in-between. Nevertheless, the exact same thing can be said for most plays, so this is a non-criticism. There's a clear reason why North and Markus would go for one another, so it's by no means "forced", and you can refuse her if you aren't a beta, which is exactly what I did.
Yeah Markus is the most disappointing cause it starts so strong with Carl and the junkyard scene, and then takes a nosedive straight into shit after it. His character never really develops. Also the acting seems much worse in later scenes. I think Jesse Williams was just not into the role or didn't want to deal with Cage's bullshit or something. My favourite way to play Markus is to let him fail everything so he gets banished from Jericho, then North takes over and you get to play as her. As shit as their romance is, North is an interesting character in concept, she's just badly written.
I disagree with Kara, though. Her whole story is emotion bait. She has absolutely no personality outside of "muh Alice", and Alice also has no character outside of being a helpless, scared child(?). I also think most of her endings are boring. I don't know, I disliked her story a lot. Probably cause I expected something completely because of that teaser they showed in 2015 (I think) where she seemed like an entirely different character.
Connor is absolutely the strongest character for me, I'd even say he's the only redeeming factor of the entire game. He has lot of character growth and Hank is the only character I really cared about, despite not emotion-baiting like with Kara, quite the opposite even. The fact how much the two influence each other so much is a really interesting dynamic, the acting between the two is legit and their endings are the most interesting in how different they can be.
>people liked kara
imagine enjoying filler
connor was the best
The whole twist was so fucking.
>I ze le hinted it
No you didn’t , you just had bad animation and illogical events to force it
Thank god you can kill her off early
The story flows so much better without her desu
Although that scene where you have to run from the Police is kino as fuck if you let yourself get caught or find Kara as Connor before she gets the opportunity to attempt to flee. The music is fucking amazing because it seamlessly into Connor's theme when he starts chasing her.
The music is generally really good, I'm surprised it got so little attention in general. The thing with each character having a different composer was a fantastic idea honestly
She's best character and girl killed Connor of at the hq
Honestly it was hinted at it but just not in a good way
The fact that she never eats made me suspicious from the start
And then there's that weird ass scene in Rose's house with the android couple where one of them died and Alice walks up to the dude and his LED glows yellow. It took me 3 playthroughs to understand that it's probably supposed to imply that Alice and the android communicated "wirelessly" there.
Also some other shit like Connor saying "when we were chasing those deviantS" and Alice saying "Why do humans hate us?"
It's just so fucking clumsy. The whole thing with Kara willfully ignoring the fact that she's an android just makes no fucking sense because that means that Kara denies the fact that humans and androids are alike. She thinks less of Alice because she's not a human so she forces herself to ignore the fact that she's an android. What the fuck man
It's hilarious that diversity bothered you, and not every fucking sci-fi cliche from every android movie and book ever made. /pol/niggers truly have a one track brain.
Why did they make household robots basically human, with feelings and desires? Sounds like a dumb idea.
Androids becoming sentient is basically just a bug which only triggers under certain circumstances. Whether this bug was intentional like via some kind of purposely created virus is debatable as the story never explains the exact origin.
I can buy it if the excuse is that happy people are more productive, so one way to make people happier is a companion who can understand and empathize with you