>fill game with fapbait so people will overlook the absolute dumpster fire it is
Will Game Freak's scheme work?
>fill game with fapbait so people will overlook the absolute dumpster fire it is
Will Game Freak's scheme work?
Other urls found in this thread:
The free art is better so no
I doubt thats their scheme.
Everyone is capable of having two separate ideas in their mind.
>"This girl is cute and I want her to crush my spine"
>"Theyre cutting pokemon for no reason and are making a shit game"
Are not mutually exclusive
But people will still buy it because it has cute girls.
if i'm buying a cute girl, she isn't going to come with her baggage, user
>Will Game Freak's scheme work?
It's not their scheme. Nintendo wants sexier girls to put in their new trainer collecting gacha game.
She's not in Shield and we don't know which box legendary is superior, so I doubt your logic holds.
Also, Sword and Shield might actually be legitimately good Pokémon games despite Masuda's retarded choices.
I wish this attitude was more prevalent
Itll work with desperate Yea Forums incels at least. Normies not so much
There are literally infinite anime girls for you to tug your micropenis to. Weebs will flock to this one because official artwork always gets them whipped up more than unofficial. The bare feet is clearly to pander to weebs favorite fetish
normies will buy it because it says pokemon
like many of my friends don't even know they're cutting the national dex
it will be a pokemon game. it will not be a good pokemon game. they are cheaping out more and more because they can, and that should honestly be obvious with this latest generation.
You will never touch a woman
I know normies will lap it up but that's because they're mindless drones not because they're sexually drawn to the cartoons like Yea Forumsirgins are
i think a lot of people are really hating on these games this time around tho. they will make millions but i feel like they will see a mistake in their charts with this one.
Honestly the game looks fine. Not great, not as good as such a big franchise should be but it looks fine. There will be around 400 Pokemon to catch as usual, but this pokedex is looking really good. Dynamaxing is a way better gimmick than mega evolving because any Pokemon can do it and it's time limited (3 turns). It's got the first open world area in the franchise. Pokemon move around in the overworld, even outside the open world area. The NPCs all look good.
Unlikely. It's way better than lets go and that sold great. All major switch games sell a ton.
There's no winning anymore. Either the game(s) sell well and continue dialing back on features or quality or they fail and Pokemon begins the death spiral.
Game Freak/The Pokemon Company will still be loaded with money and making dumb decisions either way.
>on the switch
>decently sized
it's gonna sell like fucking hotcakes and dictate how the series is gonna go from now on
Is Bea the new Bowsette? The amount of art she's getting is insane.
let's go was super pandering tho. it added the ability to see your pokemon and treat it like a pet, which people wanted in the normal pokemon games.
No, because I'll just fap to fanart for free instead of paying for lower quality versions of said character.
she cute
>Will Game Freak's scheme work?
It works already...
>it added the ability to see your pokemon and treat it like a pet, which people wanted in the normal pokemon games.
That was literally in HG/SS.
People still jerk off to OW but hardly anyone plays it now.
This happens with every new Pokegirl. The generic Lass trainer got a shitload of art after the SwSh reveal trailer.
And they likely have hotter girls not revealed yet...
i think it's a snowball because when they started adding trainers, artists wanted to be the first to draw them, and people were looking for how long it took for porn to come out. more and more people jumped aboard, but she herself is not the new bowsette.
bea is objectively the cutest of the new trainers, tho
>The bare feet is clearly to pander to weebs favorite fetish
That would be zettai ryouiki you fucking pleb.
>hotter girls not revealed yet...
Hell on earth...
>game underperforms
>meanwhile masters has been a hit. not as wide a reach as go but it brings in more money because gacha whales
>ishihara is proven right that mobile is the future, so the mainline games get smaller and smaller budgets and continue to get worse until they're completely phased out
there's really no winning. if the games do great then it sends the message to game freak that people will lap up whatever shit they put on our plate so they'll continue to put minimal effort into the series
Ghost boy is cuter
not even gay
women are just softer men
Ghost Boy is the best thing I've seen about the new games and it's the closest I've gotten to wanting to buy it up. It's a shame he's gonna be lost in the sea of waifus.
bea is cute but masuda is still a hack
He stands out a lot because every other fucking NPC is just anime FIFA
S/M also didn't have a national dex.
waifus are like fast food they quickly become replaced as another one appears
I remember this cesspol being spammed with Wicke pics last gen
Reminder, Bea’s feet are super hot!
The redhead girl got like 500 porn pics in five days and immediately vanished into the ether when Nessa was shown off
If you buy a game for a character you'll see for 5 minutes a generic character at that you deserve death.
I've never seen the problem with this. More variety is good, and you can always go back to old pics you like whenever you want to. That's the glory of fictional women, there's no reason to dedicate yourself to one cause they're not real.
read this wrong and i thought a man named Will G. Freak was putting a dastardly plan together
quit being pedantic. when people say national dex they're talking about having the ability to transfer any previous pokemon into the game.
She's a Game Exclusive Gym Leader, she appears to fight you, you defeat her... and that's it since this is not BW where the Leaders appears later to help.
Is this the feet thread?
>N-n-n-intendo makes games for kids, n-n-ot mature games like sony!!!
>Sony starts censoring games
>N-n-n-nintendo games are f-f-f-fapbait!!!!
no, it's the abs thread
Oh no, not more brown muscle girls. What a terrible crime.
They basically just copy pasted Youmu's design and made her tan.
Are you all OK with Pokemon becoming exclusively a waifubait vehicle for gachas and free money?
We don't actually know that, there's a lot that hasn't been revealed in this game. Maybe you can play as her.
I think it's more like since they can be mass ´produced it would'nt be counted as a good feature
I unironically think Pokémon would be better off as a Persona-style thing, Game Freak is clearly much better at making cute girls than whatever they're doing now
That reminds me of how for the longest time I thought Good Will Hunting was a movie about hunting for good will, then I watched it and it turns out the name of the protagonist is Will Hunting.
Have sex.
One of that artists better work cuz he usually draws them with wonky feet.
It's been on the road to becoming Persona for a while, you can even dress up in different fashion and do all sorts of non-battle activities, just like Persona.
She's so cool, I love her.
She looks like she fucks white women
I'm sorry user, you are expecting too much from GF, so your espectations will be shattered.
I'll just wait for her to come to the mobile game.
Do you really have that of a barefoot character? The answer yes now until the end of time.
would you Yea Forums?
Or if the games underperformed they can just let Nintendo handle it.
*To ask*
>fill game with fapbait so people will overlook the absolute dumpster fire it is
I wasn't going to play it anyway, it's a Pokemon game.
w-w-what happens next?
What's this fapbait's name so I can fap to it on boorus tonight?
Something like this
she holds multiple spots on the hot posts page and her tag is immediately visible on the new posts page, but I might as well spoonfeed and tell you it's saitou
I think Masuda can still direct great games if he wasnt involved with gamefreak. Hopefully Gamefreak fires his ass so that he would be forced to put effort into making games.
shitskins aren't fapbait
>dress up in different fashion
but you can't do that in persona?
ohmori's been responsible for sun/moon and and now sword/shield, so masuda being fired/quitting wouldn't fix much
It's already working for atelier
She's just tanned, /pol/-kun
>Another fucking ICE CREAM pokemon
I can't people will buy this shit again and make gf millions
>we've reached the point where a design like this is considered "fapbait"
all is lost
Watch out, shes got a sword!
Pokemon has declined from a series that I play to a series that I just consume the porn art from. Congratulations, Pokemon, you're in the Overwatch tier!
What's the official Vidya Porn Series list like so far?
We've got Overwatch and Pokemon. Who shares the throne with them?
>british pokemon game
>more revealed characters so far have been black than white
there's been one black character. a couple others have been arab/paki/indian, and you're in a thread about a tanned white girl
Is this the Toph thread?
barefoot brown Youmu
my D is ready
Nessa is still hotter IMHO
You forgot to add fit
bea's fat cock
Post more
Nessa is for bimbofication!
and trigger colorfags
Fate, KanColle, Touhou and iM@S are the kings of porn in Japan. OW is really popular only in the West. Pokemon porn is big in Japan, but not as big as the 4 aforementioned franchises, though if we combine Western and Japanese art then it's probably comparable.
I wish Nintendo had total control over the Pokemon IP.
It might just be me but I've seen more art of her abs than her feet
Imagine Nessa and Bea together smothering you between their bodies.
(and that's a good thing!)
>this entire thread
Bless your failing little heart Pokemon, at least you still give us fap bait as you die.
Imagine Suiren between them...
>he thinks Pokemon is going to die
Oh how woefully naive. This will be the best selling one yet. Just look at how much money Let's Go made and begin to cry.
Ghost boy is more unique of the two to say the least.
ah yes it will definitely sell more than 31 million copies. without a doubt
>We put our Shy Guy mask from Mario on a Pokemon character, this is very unique!
But hey, I'm gonna need someone to buy Shield so I can trade with him, so like him all you want.
I want to cover Bea's abs in cum!
god can vr come around yet
there will NEVER be a real girl as attractive as bea
>Let's Go did not sold as much as the others
>Sword and Shield has controversies
You're the naive one for believing this will surpass the others and best the best selling one
Sexbots, user
Oh no, controversies. Because that has ever caused anything to flop. IDIOT!
VR is around, there are even porn games you can play where you insert your dick into a thing so you get the tactile feedback.
>Higher than Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Imagine a contest between Nessa and Bea trying to one-up each other in endurance
End of Humanity
It's the oldest trick in the book and it works
Forgot about Yooka Laylee dumbass.
And that's a good thing
Glad I'm not the only one that saw it.
sadly, it already has
I didn't realize I needed to end that post with /s
*puts dick in navel*
Youmu no!
I want to exercise with her
based schizoposter
mad your thread isn't getting the attention you think it deserves?
I'll let you in on a little secret. I have a folder full of bea pictures but I haven't preordered sword. hell, I don't even own a goddamn switch. I can very easily enjoy cute girls without ever having played the game they're from
Imagine licking her abs after a workout
holy shit, this picture
Salty coins and milk
Yooka Laylee? The game that just got a sequel announced! YOU FUCKING MORON???
Just make it so they can birth children. Like donating sperm but into your sexbot then she ends up birthing your child but you can customize what your kid will be like like creating a character in vidya. Imagine the possibilities, anons.
Can anyone post that image in the second panel?
but you can just pay for it, like he said
It looks like it was saved before it finished loading which deflates my dick.
Games can have sequels even if the first one didn't sold that much.
Let's Go has sold better than every previous remake in the same timeframe.
Do you think she's shaved? I hope she has a nice blonde bush.
It absolutely will, pokemon will soon be confined to mobileshit.
you can only choose 1
Bea in a heartbeat
Why would it be a different color from her hair?
nessa looks ugly, and I think it's her color palette
Pretty sure her hair is platinum blond
Nessa is really cute, she's just nowhere near as cute as Bea.
>you idiots, we've all got swords!
I think nessa is really cute but Bea really hits all my weak spots
>visible abs
>maillot under clothes
I'll take Nessa. I like the blue highlights.
Bea mating press
Imagine massaging her feet after she's been working out. Imagine how soft her feet are. Imagine the smell.
>those thighs
what a cute design, really
user please I'm on no-fap.
I have gone through the entire thread just appreciating how cute she is
Do not do this to me
Why would her feet be soft? Working out makes your feet harder.
Footfags are dumb, it's best to just ignore them.
How do you pronounce this?
There are different tiers of footfags, I am an ascended footfag so I know all the intricacies of feet and call out the falsehoods when I see them.
>fill game with fapbait so people will overlook the absolute dumpster fire it is
not just games user, not just games
you're starting to mature
you still have a lot ahead of you, but you're on the right track
Bean without the n
Bee, her name is derived from "bean" in both languages.
it's a shame. here's source in case he posts a finalized version
Delicious tomboy tan lines, I just want lick all over them
Bea where you pronounce the e as in bed and the a as in ask
It's a spanish name (short for Beatriz), assuming that's the root they're using
While it is correct that Bea can be pronounced this way, that does not seem to be what they are going for.
me on the right
She's literally a Touhou character with a tan.
>Will Game Freak's scheme work?
Of course it will. You underestimate how many lonely otaku virgins there are out there.
so what's her relation to kidney beans?
Nessa is old and busted. Bea is the new hotness.
so nessa is no longer the hottest girl in twitter pokemon community?
tomboys are for impregnating
It's nice to see all these people on Yea Forums who like Youmu after some Yea Forumstard I used to talk to spent years raking me over coals for liking her. In the end, I won. He's probably here somewhere. YOU HEAR ME, YOU DUMB FUCK? I WON!
She's brown and so are kidney beans. That's all I can come up with.
>people calling her Youmu
>not 2Bea
she probably tastes good too
to be honest the best thing I can say about kidney beans is they're not pinto beans
navy and black beans shit all over both of them though
The only beans I like are baked beans.
This. Toph is also acceptable.
tomboys are for getting soaked under the rain making a run for the bus stop because you got too caught up playing videogames together and are going to be late
Youmu predates both of those characters significantly. It is disrespectful to call her anything but Youmu.
tomboys are for elbowing each other competitively while playing vidya together until it slowly escalates to playful wrestling and then...
vulva way too puffy
Dumbest outfit I've ever seen in a pokemon game desu
>tfw you will never have hot sweaty sex with a tomboy after a pick up game
>gymnast leotard with a top and shorts over it
Eh, there are way more retarded ones
Imagine being this gay
where did youmu's swords go?
Why is GF still pretending that Pokemon games are for kids only with all that waifubait they released for the past 20 years?
Tomboys are for gifting pretty girly dresses and seeing them get embarrassed at trying them on
People will buy it regardless of its quality, but that's because of the brand, not because of the girls.
Well right now we barely know anything about these characters. People will care more after the games release.
Because that makes it easier to trick kids into buying it and then kids get hit by a barrage of boner fuel and turn into well adjusted adults.
she looks way more like youmu though
she even has the bow
these two made me think about buying a pokemon game for the first time in 15 years
why is her stomach 1.5 times the length of a normal stomach
You know that demon that goes "po, po, po"?
you really don't need that, just mount an onahole on top of a few pillows/bodypillow and pretend you're proneboning
I've still got time. I'm twenty two, I exercise, so it's technically possible. Don't fucking ruin this for me because I don't have much to live for beyond for.
the fuck, this isn't pokemon music?
did they get the composer from Danganronpa to do this?
>tfw Bea will never do squats on your face
Not me. I have no intentions of buying (or even playing) any Pokemon game. I just lurk these threads for the lewd pictures. I have like over 1000 images of girls like Lana's Mom, Mallow, Lusamine, Nessa, Cynthia and so on. Pic related. One of my favorite faps.
Mean to say "Link related", not "Pic related".
We should bring back the franchise to the proper way where waifus aren't a thing at all.
I remember of how much I want to fuck May when I was kid because of Pokemon Ruby.
God the blonde pokemon woman has some of the best and kinkiest armpit licking scenes in h-comics to date
that was drawn by CLAMP
Imagine buying Shield instead of Sword. They might as well not even release Shield anymore
This is how I want to die.
I would prefer not to die from being sat on, that would kind of be a bitch-ass way to go.
what if because you don't battle her in shield she has a more active role outside of the gym?
>yfw u will never have a hot qt brown coach gf
>yfw u will never have a gf
>yfw u will never
>being sat on
Is that what you see happening in the picture?
That is my deepest fear.
Lmao fucking cuck
This guy has the best Lusamine/Cynthia lewds, in my view.
This, my brother is considering buying a switch now just for pokemon. Other then Mario I doubt he'd play much else, I emulated botw on my PC and we were both kind of underwhelmed by it when he was down for the weekend so I doubt he'll play that.
Wait, Lusamine is Cynthia?
I think it's Nightingale from FGO.
Oh, you're right. I don't know how I didn't see that, I actually play FGO. Thanks though, this should make it easy to find.
>Allister will get doujins of this . Plu Hex Manianiac.
Alliester is the lyucky boy!
Why are you in every thread?
and at 1.5x the price
He's trolling in the hopes of getting attention. Don't give it to him, everyone was doing a good job of ignoring him until you came along.
it'll definitely work better than filling a game with ugly dykes in order to avoid the ire of "people" who don't even play games
Maybe. I wasn't going to get it since I think no national dex is just laziness from GF. On the other hand, i havent played since Platinum and my friends are getting it since they finally bought a Nintendo console and they think the trainers are hot so I might as well join them.
You say this in a thread where half the people are saying they won't buy the game and are only here to jack off to the fanart. Projection much?
If I do get SwSh it'll definitely be used. At 50% price minimum
Anyone else find it a little creepy that the characters everyone is finding "really hot" are teenagers at best? Pokemon has got to be an FBI honeypot at this point.
>artist drew one for Allister too
who cares
keyword "better" you fucking retard
Yeah you should. I mean i do think GF is being lazy but at the same time i don't give a fuck about most Pokemons since i known shit about gen 5-7 mons. If i cared enough i probably get used too.
Not really. My post was immediately sandwiched by two people saying they aren't buying the game. Nobody buys games. You lose.
kek yeah im sure a pokemon game wont sell
"who cares" said the pdo
He was made to be eaten.
People were saying this one was going to flop and kill Pokemon so I guess I still win.
Dis you just get internet yesterday or is this your fist Pokemon since the Switch is your first Nintendo console?
You need to go back
I thought Nintendo players were supposed to be Nintendo loyalists who never bought anything else, now Switch is bought by an army of people who are new to Nintendo? Which is it buddy?
Make me, bitch.
Those two arent mutually exclusive.
nigga this is the second time you reply to me with that
Yeah because you can't make me leave no matter how many times you repost your magic catchphrase. Also get a fucking life, why are you still here hours later.
>why are you still here hours later
The same can be said about you wtf
not a bad idea actually
honestly don't think the game looks bad but i'll be assed if i ever pay 60 bucks for a fucking pokemon game no matter what the game is, nothing in the series has ever been worth $60
>Sword has the cooler name
>Sword has the cooler legendary dog
>Sword gets the cute brown girl
Who is ACTUALLY going to buy shield over sword?
why is there smoke coming out of her vagina?
>People were saying this one was going to flop and kill Pokemon
Here is the thing about humanity user. 98% of people lie and do the opposite of what they say they are going to do. No matter how much something is bad for them they will still do it. Much like an alcoholic they will keep drinking until they are stopped.
>so I guess I still win.
At nothing
that's steam tho
imagine the smell
i fucking hate this artstyle
i blame Lilith for making it popular
>Sword gets the cute brown girl
Wait do the trainers change depending on the game?
Remember gentlemens, my Boi Allister will be Baed and Nessed Soon.
Sword gets brown in OP, Shield gets the Literal ShyGuy
Bea card when
So what is this game?
These are delicious brown girls.
Why are trannies pushing this ugly el goblina so hard
lurk more
Koikatsu. It's VR stuff. Look it up in the /h/ section of this site.
Oh shit, I've been seeing that on Steam but I ignored it because I figured it was some stupid VN. They put an actual porn game on Steam?
Have you been living under a fucking rock?
Basically they took off the start menu and you need to do a work around which is why I suggested /h/ Koikatsu thread and look up Steam thread to restore it back.
>Will assbaiting mongoloid weebshits work
I mean Nier Autismo sold pretty well so yeah. You can sell any shitty to the mentally ill if you include some semi-nude cartoon.
Godamn it. My fetish but artists really seem to fuck it up badly with poorly drawn feet and expressions.
I'm sorry
Still wondering what the purpose of this image is supposed to be.
>Have been wanting a massive culling of the PokeDex since gen6 as there are just too many Pokemon and many are redundant or cancer.
>TFW I get my wish granted.
The cute girls and entertainment from watching autists sperg out is just a free bonus to me. The game looks really fun and without shit like the Tapus or Lando, competitive might be good again.
Actually that's much better.
The problem is not that you can't catch them all, is that you hard trained level 100 favorites most likely remain trapped in a previous gen/Pokemon home.
I don't pass my Pokemon onto new games anyway, that's not fun.
I think I know her
Why does Zinnia have so much art like this? Does this actually happen in the game or something?
ITT: dumb feet urchins
That's on you for wasting your time doing something pointless. Training Pokemon and shiny hunting are really dumb ways to waste time. In the time it took you to soft reset for that different colored Kartana, you could've learned how to generate one into the game and beat an entirely different game or do something to improve the quality of your life.
Drawings on a piece of paper are not real.
>Tries to see the bright side of things
>Isen't sperging about MAH DEX
I am happy people like you exist. Getting back into Sword after Pokemon Black 2 and before that Pokemon Silver and Gold and Red and Blue. It's a nice feeling someone likes challenge thn the same old same old.
>next to know art of Bea with tanlines.
But i don't give a shit about shinies, just natures and IV can be fixed with super training.
I agree to a degree. I never bother catching all the Pokemon so the cuts literally don't matter to me and I'm sure there will be more than enough Pokemon I like still available. Although I do find it amusing that hated Pokemon like Vanilluxe are already confirmed to be in. Not that I hate Vanilluxe but it's kind of funny to imagine people going "Ahh, finally all those stupid new Pokemon like the ice cream Pokemon will be cut" and nope, he's still in.
They did it in SuMo and you fucking loved it!
>Nier Autismo sold pretty well so yeah
2B's ass was the main protagonist of The first half of Nier Automata, so, at least it kind of make sense to buy the game.
Why the fuck would you buy a Pokemon game for a fapbait with less than 30 minutes screetime tho ? Might as well just wait for her to be added in Pokemon Masters.
Gatcha seems to be the future of the franchise anyway.
Monster girl island is a porn game with watersports, anal, facesitting, etc and its free to play the demo on steam with no patch.
Many Illusion games are there now but require an official patch from their site after downloading
So yes Steam fully allows porn games now
Misty is like 12 and half the planet for the last 2 decades has openly wanted to fuck her
So no, nobody actually cares
No because I'm just gonna fap to the doujins.
Does it have mommy fetish and to adjust height etc?
I don't know
I didn't play oras
Yeah, hopefully later Pokemon games only have a regional dex. Being able to carry over older ones removes a lot of the flavor. I get that people have their favorites but they can just play the games they're in if they want. No reason at all to keep the old ones in.
It will probably be the scottish mc girl sexual assaulting him
> I get that people have their favorites but they can just play the games they're in if they want. No reason at all to keep the old ones in.
Take it from someone that has played the old games. I know I can go back and play it again and I do know in future games they will be included. But I am not going to lose my head over it.
>That's on you for wasting your time doing something pointless.
>"Gotta catch them all"
>You even get rewarded for the more Pokemon you got in the dex in each games
That's like saying collecting all possible items in a collectathon games is pointless. That's pretty much the point of the game. If anything Gamefreak is to blame again for adding so much forgettable Pokemons in the previous gens.
Gen 5 was clearly the worst for that.
It's not my fault if in god's plan
He made the boner so much stronger than a man
I like Vanillite, it's really cute. There are quite a decent amount of fans for "objectmons" as seen with the reaction to the new Cake Pokemon. Hopefully we can take it as a sign that the cuts will be largely contained to legendaries and redundant Pokemon. There are 11 fully evolved Normal/Flying types, we don't need half of them or thier pre-evos. We don't need Wishcash or even my beloved Gastrodon, Seismitoad, Quagsire and hopefully Swampert are enough bulky Water/Ground types.
That's not helping your case for wasting so much of your time. It still makes you look dumb.
I agree, it also helps from a competitive scene as it will be easier to balance 550 Pokemon over balancing 900+. The limited PokeDex might also make the games/region feel more unique than just an expansion to the previous one.
Plus anyone who thinks there will be fewer Pokemon in these games than XY's 450+ Pokemon regional-dex are retards. There will be plenty of Pokemon that you're a fan of in these games, and in the next one, and in all future games.
The reward for completing the dex is absolutely pointless. The goal of the game is to beat the Elite Four and Champion. That's it.
They're both hot in their own unique way.
I wouldn't mind as much if the dex culling meant actually improving the game, but so far it's looking like the same old reused models and animations.
If they cut the roster to 300 and used the headroom from that to flesh out each of them and give them unique animations and shit I'd totally be down, but it's just shaping up to be Sun and Moon except in England and with less Pokemon.
I just want battles to at least be on par with Battle Revolution. That game's 13 fucking years old, why is that so much to ask?
I don't think Battle Revolution's animations were that fancy.
A fucking image and item that increases your chances of finding an off-color Pokemon are not a suitable reward for wasting hundreds of hours. The goal is to collect the ones you want, beat the champion and then either do the post-game or play competitively. "Catching them all" has always been a waste of time and nothing more than a marketing slogan.
>"Catching them all" has always been a waste of time and nothing more than a marketing slogan.
Which, by the way, is only the English slogan.
That's my point, they aren't that great, but they're still the best we've had by far. You'd think by now they'd be able to top it or at least match it in one of the mainline games after more than a decade.
why is the sniper eating out a pokemon character?
>That's like saying collecting all possible items in a collectathon games is pointless. That's pretty much the point of the game.
Pokemon is not a collectathon. It's part of the challenge but it's not necessary to beat the game. It's more about creating the best deck of monsters to fight and battle with you to finish the game. Legendary's and collecting is great side content though. The fact that they even allowed you to bring them over was just a bonus in the series not the main thing.
The way I see it, removing Pokemon like Landorus, Heatran, Magearna and the Tapus makes the game objectively better.
Game Freak and Pokemon is horribly mismanaged and understaffed, they'll never be able to improve things like animations with thier current way of pumping out annual releases and/or current amount of staff.
>dumpster fire
>games have huge bump compared to older games
>smoother, no fps drops during battles, animations aren‘t 5 hour long
>b-but not all pokemon are in it is a dumpster fire
I assume the time saved by cutting Pokemon is probably meant to be going to something like adding more cutscenes. We're seeing a lot of that in the trailer. Yes, I know it's in-engine cutscenes, but you still have to script them out. Seems like it will be a very story heavy game.
Even the guys are fapbait
I'm not gay but I would totally spookyboi
>I like content being removed
>Its going to be well balanced
You're all setting up for disappointment
Good to see the only problem you're paying attention to is cutting Pokemon and not the likes being told and the shitty graphics on a home console and reused assets
Keep eating the shit sandwiches masuda's giving you user
>I'm not gay but I would totally fuck this underaged boy
Like he said, the framerate has been improved significantly over SuMo. But you probably don't notice things like framerates, because you aren't a real gamer.
Content I don't like or care about getting removed doesn't bother me. I'm sorry you're so invested in mediocre fantasy creatures like Girafarig and Kricketune, user.
>I don't like it so you should not like it either
How about fucking off or drinking Bleach.
How the fuck is it a "Dumpster Fire"? I haven't given a shit about Pokemon outside of the porn for ages, since every game is the same thing, but isn't that what the pokemon fans want? I don't see how that makes it a dumpster fire.
>can't find the artists twitter or pixiv
I'm still waiting for the inevitable 'bathroom tiles' edit
Use image search. Do not ask to be spoon-fed.
You sound like the biggest cock sucking faggot to unironically use the term gamer. Go back.
>Wow they seem to be removing a lot of content with no real new additions
>But at least the framerate fixed for this low effort shitty game
Are gamefreak apologists the literal worst
Oh, it's an edit. That makes sense.
I've used asciid, yandex, saucenao, google images, and iqdb.
No, you fucking idiot.
You should pay all your money to Masuda since he has put a lot of effort into the game since all the pokemons/trainers have not recycled modes, animations and totally high quality ones/moves
which is false by the way and he lied
>Are gamefreak apologists the literal worst
No but people like you in Pic Related are.
>Battle Revolution
>13 years old
Either way, I'm gonna by the game anyway so stay mad. Dumb phoneposter. Hell, I'm gonna buy two copies. Just to piss you off. Not even gonna use the other one, just gonna chuck it in the trash can as I walk out of Best Buy.
He's cute like a girl tho
I'm not going to be pissed, just disappointed.
SuMo's framerate sucked due to the "future proofed" high poly models though, which just makes the current situation more annoying.
You're a fucking idiot
I came into this thread for Bea, you faggots just decided to pour in and ruin it
>Calls people dumb
>Says they're going to spend 60 bucks on a game just to throw it away out of spite
You sure showed me, user
>Recycled Models
Someone has not played Pokemon in a long time. They always do that. Either way I am going to pre order the game and play it.
I'm not gay but I would totally want to see that boy rape onee-chans twice his size.
>Reddit Letter Media
Post discarded.
That's different
>They always do that
Except those games didn't cut out chunks of the roster.
If they're removing a bunch of Pokemon, the least that can be expected is improved animations and models for the ones that are included.
So they're recycling models/animations, and have really simple animations? Just like most every other Pokemon game ever? Again, that just seems like something the Pokemon fans are fine with, DESU. It's shit sure, but again, the people who play Pokemon, don't seem to give much of a shit about that.
Don't fret, here's a Bea to calm you down.
>wanting to see a male character's big, throbbing cock
Nah I would argue that is pretty gay.
Even a highestrogen clock is right once a decade.
>I'm sorry you're so invested in mediocre fantasy creatures
>Proceed to defend the most mediocre games the franchise has ever produced
That's some serious case of double standards, here.
>Hey look mom I posted that same image again.
LMAO. Yes you sure showed me user.
Even a highestrogen clock is wrong once a decade.
I do find it strange though that they seem to be counting out the possibility of adding Pokemon in later patches. It feels like Japanese people are scared to patch games for some reason. Nintendo actually had a restriction on 3DS that you could only have four patches for a game and that's it. So you had to make them count. But that restriction is gone on Switch. They can do as many patches as they want for Pokemon on Switch.
>draw nude character
>paint it black
Just came back to say I was wrong on this post and I love black people. They are based.
people carry over their pokemon to new games?
what the fuck is wrong with you
if you don't play gen 1 you're a fucking nigger anyway
Kanto, now that was a good game.
>she squats more than me
not fair
Based user seeing the light, which in this case is a black light, but it's still the light.
You're literally just advocating for worse games with less content.
Stop it. Gen 1-6 are the greatest ever and if we do not have all 8500 Pokemon right this instant I will cry.
Yes that's right. Only Pokemon are the majority of the content. 8500 Pokemon or bust.
I want Bea to molest me
These crying cats are just cats with eyedrops, right? I don't think cats can cry.
That's a crime
what about her being molested?
Cats can indeed cry user.
Cats can cry. Especially if their owner dies. They sit still and do not move until help comes.
>Yes that's right. Only Pokemon are the majority of the content.
Yes? What do you think the majority of the content in Pokemon is?
The feels...
You have dirty feet
Cats cry but not in response to emotion, it's usually because of medical reasons, not sadness or pain
dat bulge
Forgot to add, cats can still get sad and feel pain but they won't cry because of it
You're right, normally it wouldn't be a problem. It BECAME a problem when the devs said that they removed pokemon from the game SPECIFICALLY so they could work on the animations. From what we've seen, they've done jack SHIT with the animations, and they're still exactly the same as the ones from Gens 6/7.
The 'balancing' excuse is bullshit, too, because origin markers are a thing that already exist. Literally all they had to do was restrict transferring until you've beaten the game (like they did in gens 4 and 5) and restrict online battles and trades to pokemon in the regional dex, the same thing they've done in official tournaments since fucking XY.
I heard a cat that cried due to that.
It's not even a bulge, the anatomy is just so bad it looks like they gave her a beer gut. Looks like a fucking diaper. Bad art is bad
Pardner you suffer from Severe Autism.
>drawing bulges on girls and calling it muh puffy
This is among the most retarded things an artist can do.
But this will be more the case
I agree
You didn't answer the question. If you don't think Pokemon are the majority of the content in Pokemon games, what do you think is?
As you're invested in a mediocre fantasy game
>why is there smoke coming out of her vagina?
>The game looks really fun and without shit like the Tapus or Lando, competitive might be good again.
>adds another gimmick to replace megas and z-moves
>don't even know who's actually going to be in or if there's more new broken pokemon in the region
>rotation system means a future game will be blighted with them anyway
lol, good and balanced competitive in this series, nice joke
What's the purpose of that hole over his mouth?
You are a disgrace.
Holy Gods! my franchise is ruined
That isn’t smoke. That’s steam. Steam from the steam clams she has.
what does she taste like?
>Nessa is gradual & works her hips
>Bea aims to destroy your pelvis
>everyone forgot that oleana even existed
I didn't, I really do wish there was more art of her, she's hot as fuck
>Also, Sword and Shield might actually be legitimately good Pokémon games despite Masuda's retarded choices.
How the fuck can someone say this after seeing all the footage and news? I wouldn't be able to type something like that without laughing
Probably if he has more importance in the game post release
>Expecting that she has six pokémon
>Expecting that her Pokémon will have all the moves slots
FUCK futafags,
stop corrupting sweet tomboys, thanks
I'm not very good at photoshop, but here
Thanks user
Godspeed user
like a liar
You mean shitskin mutts troglodyte
man look at all these feet pictures haha
I’m mad that CSR drew her first instead of Bea.
Is this an instant loss?
Yes, in the postgame story she absorbs energy from Rayquaza's mega-evolution meteorite and becomes gigantic.
No, not really, that was a lie.
I cropped the bigger image just barely enough that it fits 4chinchin's 4MB limit
I will not support the game.
But I will support the porn.
Just like I did with Sun and Moon.
I wonder if there's some already
I can only get off to Zinnia getting fugged up by fug now.
Worked for overwatch.
Same for me also about Masters, old ignored trainers like Flannery needs more porn.
Until they revealed Tracer secret.
>not the edit
I'm just gonna fap to the art, fuck the games
Bea is hot and I wanna fuck her but I'm staying with Shield because Allister and the shield legendary look cooler.
Cool takes priority over hot.
Apparently that sort of thing is a standard and actually is beneficial to games in terms of optimisation, at least from what I heard with discussion about it
Wtf bros I want to buy a KTM now !
>ANOTHER brown cutie
What is happening? I'm fucking tired of saving all this fap art. First like 50 images of nessa now this....
youmu a nigger
I think Bea is pretty cool
god I wish that were me
She is but creepy ghost child is cooler.
*blocks your path*
It's not the first time
Enjoy your vacation, user-kun
*Insert Foot*
That sounds strange...
A common type of physical training for eastern fighters is holding a stance for an extended period of time. Sort of like yoga, but outside with the elements. In the scenario in that image, Bea is trying to be diligent with her training despite being groped by wild Caterpie
if you are swayed by even the most basic of anime girls in this into buying a game for children you had previously sworn off from you are either weak willed or had no real conviction to begin with.
I want to see Maylene and Bea fight.
fucking garbage art, I'd take even shadman over this.
Unironically who still plays pokemon? I mean it was fun and all for the first 3-4 times but the game has barely changed at all. How do people still enjoy it?
At least having waifubait gives the game something to be excited about.
Nobody gonna buy it because of feet
if you are swayed by even the most basic of Sonic Art in this into buying a game for children you had previously sworn off from you are either weak willed or had no real conviction to begin with.