Bros... i miss him

Bros... i miss him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>lol the hunter is nothing without the hunt maiev

Tyrande doesnt it.

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Did Maiev stay with him for another 10k years of hate sex or is she truly meaningless again just after finding him?

Illy is slamming sargeras' boy pussy rn

Don't, tempt, fate. They managed to bring him back without the modern writers ruining him once, don't try our luck again. That being said there's far too little porn with him

Wow sucks so he'll be back

The Pantheon summons Sargeras away from his Azeroth stabbing activities to sit in a cell for a time-out. Illidan thinks it's a good opportunity to PVP him, despite being full of fel-blood, which would make him a puppet.

Haven't played WoW since WoTLK. I keep hearing that the ultimate baddies are now the Void Lords. That true?

Why did you repeat what I just said a few replies up

N'Zoth got unleashed at the end of the raid today so something like that. Might see azeroth get corrupted and a changed landscape

More or less.
They are then things behind the old gods and are just the other extreme to the light.

the real tragedy is priest lore getting voided .how do lightforged draenei even fall to the void lmao

Why did neither of you answer my question of if Maiev stayed with him in Sarg's prison or not? I just want to know.

Illidan and sargeras are alone together slamming each other's boy pussies. Maiev is a boss for the horde for warfronts

>Maiev is a boss for the horde for warfronts

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lads, whit the stuff they released todat, d yu think my bois will be ok?

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also holy shit i need a new keyboard

fucking retarded as shit you’re fighting gods god then you’re going to fight gods gods god
until every last possible baddie can be killed and they’re going to do it with no effort milking every every last drop run it to the ground never another warcraft anything

Dont worry user, it's Arthas who's returning next.

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Guess you're right. Tho I can't see how the modern braindead writers wouldn't fuck him up.

they should just shut wow down for a reboot or sequel

Current ultimate baddies are the Void Lords, but it's heavy implied that all the Light fuckers are also batshit crazy as well, and they've been teasing that there are Death Gods fucking with shit too, it'll probably turn out that there are extremes from all sides that want part of the action and we'll have some nonsense like Super Elemental lords at some point until Blizzard realizes that they need to hire writers that don't only cocksuck their favorites into mary-sue status that are present for every major plot point of an expansion and actually introduce and develop new characters they can use as major characters or villains later (see Garrosh and Nazgrim.)

Nah he isn't returning, though the undead theme is returning.

Instead there will be a "greater death king/god" type of deal. Where they're like "But wait, there's more! See this is just like Legion, but with the undead instead".

Something is definitely happening with the current lich king, tho. His daughter is in the current expac and he had a pretty big involvement with legion. Something is brewing and is either starting next expac or the one following the next one.

Have they ever fucked?

No, Tyrande NWF'd Illidan, and Illidan NWF'd Azshara

Illidan was ruined by the modern writers though.

Yes, Illidan was ruined in TBC and redeemed in Legion, we know user.

TBC ruined him by turning him into a loot pinata.
However Legion ruined him by completely retconning his character. He was suddenly a giant mary sue/greatergood faggot out of nowhere.
His personnality was fun at least.
But the story of the expac was really bad. And now Illidan is gone forever.

So is Illidan dead now or is he and Sarge playing Hearthstone in-between battles?

The fuck you are talking about

Illidan is that level 50 who invite himself in a level 120 party

Remember when he told Arthas to 1v1 him faggot and got his nelf ass handed to him?
That was awesome.

what a pile of garbage

No, she did/is-doing stuff to get revenge on the Horde occupying Darkshore

TBC was a lore-massacre overall.
Even ignoring the race stuff, they were hellbent on making Illidan's whole faction as evil as possible

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I'm still fucking mad that Kael'thas was not only completely ruined by TBC, but Illidan got retconned into being alive AND into the savior of Azeroth when his motivations were EXACTLY THE SAME AS KAEL'S

they fucked him up in TBC, because the people writing TBC's quests hadn't played Warcraft 3. Metzen was working on other stuff at the time and didn't have much oversight on TBC. By the time he found out what the quest writers had done with the story - thinking that Illidan was the bad guy and leader of the Legion - it was too late for them to re-write everything. So they just tried making it work as best they could.

>TBC was a lore-massacre overall.
I never said the contrary.
>they were hellbent on making Illidan's whole faction as evil as possible
Illidan always wanted to become a tyrannical ruler of Outland. That's one of the only part of the lore that was in line with Wc3 story.

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Actually this is wrong :
Illidan's motivations in Wc3 were always bad : Getting power at all cost, becoming a dictator in Outland, etc.
Kael on the other did everything for his people.
But WoW players being big retards somehow forced their headcanon about Illidan being a good guy all along.

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>Kael did everything for his people
>Written into being a madman immediately with no explanation
>Reduced to a meme when they recycle him in MgT
>Dead and gone forever and any time Blood Elves look back at their history in quest lines he's seen as a bad ruler

why couldnt they make Kaelthas the faction leader of the Belves instead of literal who
why couldnt he remain the calculating, wizened blood mage who makes sacrifices for his people by joining the Horde or Alliance instead of a saturday morning cartoon villain loot pinata
why did Blizzard have to add light-powered eredar instead of keeping the Broken who could have been Shaman
why did they have to add the absolute dogshit cosmic scifi lore to the game
why did they hire fucking christie golden as a senior writer
why is every major character a basedboy, disney princess or a rabid retard male


t. Didn’t play nor grasp the lore
Illidindu is fucking muscle satan’s ass 24/7 bruh.

That demon within fight in the nighthold was awesome though

Kael would have stuck with the Alliance. His crush on Jaina notwithstanding, he's pragmatic and understands that there's no reason to hold a grudge against the modern Alliance based on the actions of an Alliance that fell apart.

Blood/High Elves for Alliance and the Ogres with the magic crystals from Outland for Horde

>why couldnt they make Kaelthas the faction leader of the Belves instead of literal who
>why couldnt he remain the calculating, wizened blood mage who makes sacrifices for his people by joining the Horde or Alliance instead of a saturday morning cartoon villain loot pinata
TBC made the campaign of the Blood Elves in Wc3 COMPLETELY pointless. The only consequence of Wc3 in WoW is that Blood Elves can have green eyes.
He also liked the Night Elves.

>He was suddenly a giant mary sue/greatergood faggot out of nowhere.
We didn’t play the same WC3.
Illidindu always had good intentions he was just deeply fucking retarded about how to do anything because he was born as le speshul twin but sucked at everything while his Chad brother fucked his oneitis and was overall the chaddest Druid to exist.
While Illidindu was a moron who got eye shanked by a demon because as said before, he is and was an idiot.

Because tbc royally fucked shit up in the grand scheme of things but every wowfag thinks its infallible and literally perfect because old version of game good

Tbc's writing by itself is so fucking bad that it alone may be the true reason why the story of warcraft became so laughably fucked up beyond repair and predictable. The whole expansion was immediately jusy DUDE REMEMBER WARCRAFT 3 CHARACTER?

>not wanting sexy space goats

Whats wrong with you user?

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>We didn’t play the same WC3.
>Illidindu always had good intentions
Where? When he betrays the Night Elves to side with Azshara because of how jaelous he was? When he makes another deal with the Legion just for power?

People are fond of TBC because the gameplay was good. That's literally it, story immediately started taking a backseat in a goddamn RPG.

I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei, please.

Everyone sucking tbc's cock so fucking hard for so many years is entirely why legion exists

fuck off with your futa tranny shit and choke to death on an inflatable sperm whale dick you retarded cretin

I loved the game's lore back in Warcraft I-II-II, even Vanilla had its previous moments, but what came afterwards, barring Wrath, was a travesty

Blizzard's lore team and Chris Metzen took a giant shit on the little bit of nostalgia I enjoyed

Fuck you too

>implying Illidan wasn't already completely ruined by TBC writers already before this

Vanilla should never have had playable Undead, give Horde Ogres or Goblins or something, but the fact that the Horde has always had undead HUMANS is a fucking travesty.

In this very thread we see evidence of how much damage tbc did not only to wow but the community itself
Draeneifags and belffags are the most obnoxious and insufferable fucks in mmo history and draeneifags in particular get so bad that they overshadow the 3 furshit races in their own game while having the audacity to consider themselves superior and above anything
The best part of classic is it lacks these fucking tbc races and their fans cannot stand the idea of not playing as their fetish bait.

>Illidan is that level 50 who invite himself in a level 120 party
cool it with the monkey speak

TBC was probably, excluding WoD and BfA, the worst expansion of WoW.
Zones are ugly as hell (fucking mountains and Greennothing Valley) and important plot characters randomly killed and Illidan doesn't even die for real. Kil'Jaeden doesn't get killed either.

> fans cannot stand the idea of not playing as their fetish bait.

What is Nelf.

smug illidan was the best

>Did Maiev stay with him for another 10k years of hate sex
They're both awkward virgins.

I don't. He was a shitty character in Legion. WoW ruined every character from warcraft.

>I'm going to fuck Azshara my queen so hard and repopulate my empire

What did n'zoth mean by this?

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They should have fucked. A lot of lives would have been saved.

Blizzard has a thing for rape dungeons, remember that time Sinestra got rewarded by Deathwing by getting dicked so hard her lower half became lava?

Attached: Sinestra.jpg (692x377, 35K)

A fucking flash in the pan compared to how bad draenei became. Literally saints in comparison at this point since almost all the degens nelves had moved on.

Yes, like consuming the skull of guldan to sate his lust for power? Truly a selfless act

Wasted that vagina

The real question is how the fuck did she still birth shit

Havent played since WotLK, what happened to nelfs?

And I miss old Blizzard. There is nothing you can do. Unless you get enough money to buy out Acti-Blizz when their stocks start to take a dip into rock-bottom.

Her head is fucked up too if you compare sides.

It allowed him to destroy the Legion.
This mission is the only time where Illidan is "good" in wc3.
Then retarded nelf leaders chase him away and he sides with the Legion again.

Isn't she leading the elven army?

Oh yes and don't forget that time the life binder was a breeding slave for the orcs

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there wasn't even a hint of the illidan that saved Tyrande in the TBC lore, not even when you face him. Just face it, they retconned his motivation then fixed it in Legion.

Yeah, but instead of being fucked by orcs she got dicked by her mate non-stop.
They essentially forced two lovers to have sex and poop out kids that were forced to fight for the orcs.

>there wasn't even a hint of the illidan that saved Tyrande in the TBC lore
What makes you say that?
>they retconned his motivation
What motivation did they retcon?

His daughter is busy riding the boy king every night.

Is WoW good now?


based and honestpilled

>what makes you say that
There's not even one shred of dialogue that suggests he's anything but pure evil gone 'mad'.

>what motivation
After he failed to kill the Lich King he should have been solely focused on preparing himself to fight the Legion. Instead he conveniently went 'mad' and solely focused on being evil and fighting adventurers who shared his distaste for a common enemy.

Three factions. The new faction is Forsaken led by Sylvanas (as in you are Forsaken by the rest of the world)

There are too many "light races". The Draenei become corrupted into some verion of Eredar, so are now a red demon race.
Make all these heavy events the focus of a new best selling expansion.


Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Nelves, Pandarian
Only Alliance can be Paladins


Orcs, Tauren, Belves, Dark Iron Dwarves
Only Horde can be Demon Hunters


Worgen, Undead, Goblins, Eredar
Only Forsaken can be Death Knights

Retcon alliances until everything fits. The game regains the character that made it great, with a new monstrous third faction, and the natural honorable savagery of the Horde restored.

Fuck balance whiners, cosmetic whiners, and lifetime neckbeards, you want to play one of the specialty characters join the faction or fuck off. You want your cosmetics? Race change or fuck off.

WoW lore regains the natural themes and dynamic that it never should have gotten away from in the first place. PVP is infinitely more balanced with three factions. Designers must once again use effort and less homogenization to design for (slightly) asymmetric factions.

WoW is saved, you're welcome.

I hate the fact that they're always trying to make bigger and bigger bad guys. I preferred the way in vanilla which had truly local bosses who didn't try to conquer millions of galaxies at once.

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Alternatively, the belf and worgen positions might be better switched.

>Jainaaaaa can you shut the dooooooooooooooooooooor

can anyone explain to me how they keep bouncing back and forth from a decent expansion to a trash one?
wrath- solid
cata- meh
mop- solid
wod- trash
legion- solid
bfa- trash

It doesn't go like that it has been a steady decline since TBC. There is no difference at all between Cataclytsm and Pandaria for example both are shit.

>nelves can't be demon hunters
You do realize who started this thread, right?
Other than that I like the idea of worgen allying with the undead, it fits.

>There's not even one shred of dialogue that suggests he's anything but pure evil gone 'mad'.
That's his character during wc3 : He becomes less evil when Tyrande is around.
>After he failed to kill the Lich King he should have been solely focused on preparing himself to fight the Legion.
And TBC doesn't retcon that : He's trying to tighten his grip on Outland.

High elves


>Night elves


Alliance and horde are hostile to each other. Both are neutral to night elves. Forsaken are unfriendly to everyone. Saved game.

Illidan, please come back and save us from this shitty expansion

I have had such a terrible WoW experience ever since TBC.

Didn't play Wotlk because my parents stopped paying my subscription
Finally got a job to pay for cataclysm and vomited on my keyboard several times
Didn't play MoP because I "wasn't a fucking loser wasting my late teens" on an MMO
Played WoD Because everyone was hyping it so god damn much pre release
Didn't play Legion because WoD made me consider shooting up a church
Played bfa because I am now an empty shell with no aspirations.

I've literally never played a decent expansion in over a decade. Maybe classic will revitalize something in me

>nelf can't be demon hunter

Wow retcons so much bullshit, and the lore is so fucked up no one will really care.

Add in a new event that Nelf has to convert to belf to become a demon hunter, done. They all share the same elf ancestors anyway and it makes a shitton more sense for a belf to become a demon hunter than a nelf. It's just an intermediate step in their going over to the demon side of things.

N'zoth is just trying to conquer all the pussy on azeroth

Lmao demon hunter is one of the most iconic Night Elf hero.
Why the hell would you change that.

Ogres are cool, but you're making the same mistake WoW does by not allowing for player psychology, or conversely letting them do too much because "LOOKS COOL VIDEO GAMES" and destroying the character of the setting.

The monstrous races would all work together very well on a goth oriented Forsaken faction, and have Squad Goals. Same with the law abiding Alliance, and the Savage Horde could make a return to form.

As it stands the factions have zero character because WoW has loaded everything into the "diversity spin cycle" and turned all the colors of the factions in this game into a uniform brown, and it shows in the lackluster writing.

Because after taking in all the demon power and running around with glowing green eyes he might as well be a belf and it would improve the setting immensely to tweak one characters back story slightly. The benefits for the entire game are well worth messing with Illidan.

holy shit how can someone have such a garbage taste

The factions have zero character because the writers never played Warcraft 3. That's it.

You sound stupid enough to work for blizzard.

Frankly Ilidan is the perfect new leader for the belfs, he already rejected and shattered a Naaru and everyone hates the current nobody leader.

Tie that in with them losing paladin status, boom done.

In that case that's the dh belf who should become nelf for larping as an iconic nelf class.

You sound like an autist that can't let go of a death grip on a cinema you saw once when the whole game is making this sucking quicksand sound around you.

Fuck switch nelf to horde and belf to alliance then if it bothers you so much. The factions have no character anymore, this is irrefutable. Tauren gassing people for forsaken is what you are currently defending. Worgen snarling a lot and then sitting down when the king pats their head. It's all kind of a joke. There is never any real impact to the writing.

correction, you could ghost write for Christie golden

He's just telling you that you're a fucking idiot thinking demon hunters have more to do with blood elves than night elves

>Fixing the factions is the same as being a sweatie SJW fanfic author.

Enjoy as the subs continue to drop and classic is a failure then I guess. You're just as much part of the problem as her, being satisfied to endlessly munch on garbage.

Dunno. Both him and the belves are a mess in terms of lore.
I think Illidan would just rush to save the nelves if he came back.

The problem with wow is antagonist power creep. Once you've killed a god, killing your local bandit leader seems a bit underwhelming so they need to continually invent bigger bad guys.

No you're just as stupid and incomprehensible as her writing. Go learn English.


Yes but you're all idiots for being married to some tiny element of a lore they've repeatedly demonstrated to not give two fucks about. Why not put things where they should be?

It's not really hard to write a motivation for belves to want revenge on demons for fucking them over in the past, same as orcs. Unless you have had a decade of swilling down WoW lore that is I guess.

You could make a case for Nelves on horde if it bothers you so much, again. Paladins make the most sense on Alliance, Demon Hunters make the most sense on Horde, and Death Knights make the most sense on Forsaken if you were to align by three factions is the main point. Put belves on Alliance Nelves: "the humans have fucked with the natural order one too many times so we're joining horde" Lore is fucking simple on the macro. They have fucked up the macro, they have fucked up the foundation so their characters now have these shitty motivations that don't make sense anymore. Arthas made sense before there was a Forsaken muddying up the waters. Seperate the Forsaken out, let them be the darker monstrous faction they were meant to be instead of sitting at a table drinking a beer with a Tauren. That is what is stupid and Disneyfying the whole game, same as ever other childish homogenization Blizzard has been doing to appeal to lowest common demoninator (You) . Rainbow Diablo, Pandas, Undead partying it up with living beings instead of subjugating or draining the life from them. There is no impact to the fantasy in this game anymore. Every race is just a dumb costume for a neckbeard, there are no roles to even play.

The only way to "put things where they should be" is to make demon hunters night elf only, and then remove them as a playable class.

They already doing that this august..

Autism : The post.
It's not because WoW fucks the lore that it's a reason to fuck it more.
And no, demon fucked way more with the nelves than the belves. Hence why... demon hunter was invented by nelves.
Oh and faction sucks, Nelves should have never been in Alliance, and Belves should have never been in Horde.



>It's not because WoW fucks the lore that it's a reason to fuck it more.

Yeah it is. The lore is so obviously in desperate need of a hard reset.

And a hard reset isn't a reason to make the lore somehow worst.

Go back to China and wait for your next shitty MMO there's one every five mins.

imagine playing this game in the current year lmfao blizzard really has a hold on you kiddos huh?


why not kill Maiev then? Maiev is nothing without her hate boner for Illidan

Why the hell would you want to kill one of the last good character? Wtf is wrong with people like you?

Oh the irony of this post.
Belf shitter which race was introduced for ugly gooks calls me a chink.

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she clearly does now, since she turned into a moon flavored demon hunter and is all about vengeance

Were the Draenei originally from Draenor/Outland before WoW was a thing? And did the ones who weren't broken actually look like they do in WoW?

Nagrand was created by God himself

He needed it to destroy the Burning Legion but no one would listen to him, just like when he wanted to prevent Arthas from reaching Ner'zhul but Maiev was so bent on hunting him. I think Tyrande even wanted to help him at this point.


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>Were the Draenei originally from Draenor/Outland before WoW was a thing?
>And did the ones who weren't broken actually look like they do in WoW?
Poorly-worded question, but I'm going to assume you're asking if Draenei were originally depicted in WoW similar to their Warcraft 3 appearance. If that's what you're asking, yes. There was a lone Draenei in Blasted Lands, and a village in northern Swamp of Sorrows that were just called Draenei, and depicted the same.


Holy fucking shit kid. The lore might’ve been off but to have this level of retardness is baffling

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> just like when he wanted to prevent Arthas from reaching Ner'zhul
He did that because of a deal with the Legion.
Hence why he never told anything to Maiev.
>I think Tyrande even wanted to help him at this point.
Nope. She just forgives him (and forgets the fact that he killed hundreads of innocent night elves).

>give it to me daddy N'Zoth!
What did Azshara mean by this?

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are we finally fighting the old gods/void or is it some gay shit again?

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Pretty much guaranteed old gods and void, with a possible expansion following suit with the same theme. Though there's teasings of void possibly being used for good, and light possibly having a more twisted side.

>light having a twisted side
omg people are retarded, literally shadow aspect is evil as fuck
>undead priests of light that hate living
WoW was dumb from the start.

Made for Big Black Tentacle

I hope they don't kill off Azshara. Her and N'Zoth are now my WoW villain OTP.

>omg people are retarded, literally shadow aspect is evil as fuck
Shadow is utilization of void magic, not light magic. Think of it as akin to a cult leader.
>undead priests of light that hate living
Canonically Undead priests are almost exclusively shadow. Alonsus Faol and Leonid Bartholomew are pretty much the only named undead holy priests in WoW, unless you count Zeliek as well.

Weren't all the shadow aspect skills about tearing down bodies and shit instead of healing, where did the void come from?

Like even shadowdude form guy isn't a voidling he is literally a shadow of emotions or some shit

>just went and looked at modern shadow priest
>covered in void/corruption filth
what the fuck happened, bros?

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Shadow magic isn't any particular element or aspect in general, just supposed to inflict negative emotions like doubt, despair, and panic. The connection comes from the fact that WoW has always had void aspects mimicking Lovecraft shit, which naturally had the same times meant to inspire dread. It's not really something that's always been a part of the spec, but "dark cultist summoning void terrors" is more of a hook to make the spec stand out than just "a Priest that makes you feel like shit."

Yeah, i'm willing to say i'm the one in the wrong. Probably just don't like the way it's 'changed', hue.

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It's understandable to dislike some of the spec reworks they did in Legion, but it's undeniable that stuff like modern Survival at least have a more differentiating niche and fantasy than it used to. I've mailed Hunter since Mists and even I have no clue what the hell old Survival was aiming for.

Nice thread faggots. Why don't you ladies play a real mans game?

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Maiev's character is literally FUCK ILLIDAN REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, if shes not doing that then theres no point.

Like what?

>literally FUCK ILLIDAN
Just let have sex then.

No point of what? Maiev is a very powerful nelf and people like her are more than needed right now.

but user, the warhammer 40k mmofps destined to usher in the golden age of MMOs hasnt been released yet


Eternal Crusade? It is out

Or maybe they did not play your shitty Warcraft 3

>waaa why is Illidan different from wc3
>*actually he isn't*

>Kill and/or turn evil and then kill all your main characters
>nobody cares about the story anymore
I love how unsustainable Blizzard's shitty writing is. They killed off so many characters they had to asspull time travel just to kill off some characters they already killed.

I dont care about illidan, i just called your wc3 shit, retard

The guy was complaining about Illidan being retconned. Learn to follow a conversation retard.
Who the fuck cares about what you think of wc3?

>All accounts shall stay frozen!
What did he mean by it?

are we supposed to be scared of an old god? we killed like 3 of them already its like giving us another dragon raid or something at this point