Half an a-press

>half an a-press
>when an a-press has three states
daily reminder that TJ henry yoshi was right all this time

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based autist never making another commentated video is the greatest tragedy of our time. it's a really fun listen despite being such a trivial pursuit

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you only use 1.5 of the parts tho in the level bro

The hold state goes for multiple frames, so you can split the hold state into two halves

the two halves of an A press are:
>press, hold
>hold, release
Pancake is still correct

Wrong. The A button has *four* states, but only three matter for the sake of this video.

>Cringe retards still don't know what .5x A presses means

>4 states
lol no

If you can't see me press A, can you truly say that i pressed A?
Do you even see me right now?
Can you visualize me typing this?
Have i ever presed A a single time in my entire life?
You can say that i did, maybe, but can you really and truly prove that?
How can you prove that i pressed A if you can't even prove that i exist?

Maybe the truth is that you were the one to press A.

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Just like 'hold' is a persistent state for while the button is held down, 'idle' is a persistent state for while the button is not being held down. Release is just a single frame, the same way Press is a single frame

>"I'll be using this specific notation for simplicity, so let me explain exactly what I mean by half press"
>How dare you pretend there's such a thing as non-integer presses!

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Are you being retarded on purpose?
You'd better not be.

would you?

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anyone have his reaction to this screenshotted?

Only half the tip.


I remember him getting upset about it

I'll give her half a mating press

this universe traversal shit is stupid wild
literally the peak of autism preformance

It’s still a press

To this day I still don't understand what level of retardation pannenkoek was on.

>prompted with boy or girl paradox
>TJ: 1/2
>PK: 1/3


You mean genius. You are not fooling anyone here, mister TJ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Yoshi.

The bad kind.

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The three states are 0, 0.5, and 1.

Oh fuck I forgot about the pencils.

oh my god, he actually is autistic.

he cute

I don't want to hear shit from someone who does Mister pannencock2012

Really? You really needed some shit with pencils to confirm that?

He's only correct because he was taking the phrase "half an a-press" literally. All it is is a phrase to distinguish between the number of A-presses in a full run vs a level run.

Ex: in single level run it would count as 1 A press to get the star, but in a full run it would count as zero A presses for that particular part.

t. TJ """"""""""Henry""""""""" yoshi

It only has 2 states: The Game is receiving an input or it isn’t. I don’t know why you’re so self conscious that you have to invent speedrunning categories for yourself.

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Retarded frogposter

What is it about nintendo games that always attract the most autism?

The goal of the ABC is not only to beat the game with minimal/no A presses, but also to route it in such a way that it is done as fast as possible. About 3/4 of his ABC content is level redone with less presses or introducing new tech, but about 1/4 is just faster strats while retaining the same number of presses.

Press and release are not single frame actions when you bring pause buffering into the equation. With pause buffering you can have a new A press every frame the game is active.

>Crémula bit me once, When I initially found her she had been abused and had trust issues.

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idle is not a press, you tadpole-brained motherfucker.

Colorful characters, simplistic storylines, eternal nostalgia, no real world reminders.

It's heaven for autists.

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I want to suck on his toes

I know you are dumb but the game actually handles the input in more than 2 ways
>key down
>key hold
>key release
That's some basic programming shit mr. dumb frogposter

If you ever make a webpage you will know there are 4 states.
>doing nothing
>hovering over the button
>pressing the button
>release a pressed button
So its 1/4 since you are only doing the last one.

how do you handle hover event on a controller you genius?

take your (You) and go