How can one man be this fucking retarded
How can one man be this fucking retarded
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You expect much from a fat fuck who let a man bust a nut on his face?
He's better than he used to be.
He's not a man he's british
have you ever looked in a mirror?
Hi Ubisoft, fuck off Ubisoft
what is even this gu appeal
excuse me
im really tired of seeing him bash lootboxes and AAA companies for using them, especially when he uses anecdotal evidence about gambling addicts
How can one man be so fucking fat?
That's not saying much.
I dunno hes better then the shitposters here on Yea Forums
He's actually gotten worse:
No, but his Destructoid days were peak cringe. I actually enjoy his Jimpressions. The Jimquisition shit is pretty much just the trendy "complain about capitalism" shit though.
I can't listen to his annoying fucking voice, especially when he puts on that mocking tone. I wish he'd fucking off himself
Lootboxes are objectively shit though
I dont agree with his method of attack against them, but they ruin every game theyre in
iirc it's from some tweet he sent to devolver digital because he wanted to prove how fag he was or something.
Sounds exactly like the guy from MoreConsole
Fuck Konami. Worship Me.
Fuck Konami is a completely agreeable stance to hold though.
Shut the fuck up cunt.
Jims based
can Yea Forums stop being contrarian and stop sucking off the same companies they claim are run by "ZA JOOZ"?
No since at the end of the day Yea Forums is full of 16 year old retards that breathe through gills to keep taking that big company cock.
I don't like Jim sterling but his autistic sperging against lootboxes is justified
He's one of the only "game journalists" I've seen who points out that when games add lootboxes, the actively make their games more of a grindfest to "force" players to use the lootboxes. It seems like every other "journalist" just rides the lootbox cock and says "but they're optional, so they're ok!"
Sterling at least realizes that microtransactions actively ruin game design by forcing tedious repetitive bullshit into games to justify the lootboxes.
has this man ever had a controversial opinion
it seems to me he's just kicking in open doors
His duels with Randy Pitchford are pretty kino
Hating on Jim fatass sterling cuck isn't contrarian.
It's literally just being old enough to no longer find some fatass retard being a smug condescending prick entertaining.
That's not even remotely contrarian. Most people no matter where they're from or what they believe in find smug fatass cuckolded faggots to be annoying.
That doesn't stop him from demanding more games be made politically correct, which right now if loot boxes are cancer then political correctness in games is full blown aids.
he's not retarded, just loathsome
He's a mouthpiece for whatever the standard accepted opinion is he's incapable of forming his own opinions
>Liking the galactic Empire in Star Wars makes you an ACTUAL NAZI
I think the fat made him retarded.
Would his circle of LW friends start having lootboxes in their indie games, he would be among the first to defend them.
fuck off shill
tendies mad
its a character and its used to convey how retarded this industry has become, thats good in my book.
I mean just look at this guy i replied to, there are plenty more people who are riding the industry's cock and making the situation worse.
He dresses like a fucking Nazi
>full blown aids
And it touches maybe less than 1 game in 100 so your analogy is rather accurate. Usually AAA trash too.
> it's a character
Yeah sure. So is Alex Jones you deluded fucking child.
At least from all the YouTube pond scum regurgitating Kotaku and Reeetera news (yongyea, echelon and the trillion others) he puts in a little effort in every tenth video or so.
Lootboxes ARE shit. Problem is Jim is a broken record saying the same shit over and over again, playing to his crowd and not really having much of worthwhile take.
Also he tends to sperg out at minor things like when he trashed ACO for being a lootbox filled grindfest when it's nothing more than your standard Ubisoft fare and the microtransactions are a pretty negligible issue.
it's not a persona, hes the exact same everywhere. Quit bullshitting.
why did he shotted load of seaman onto his face and upload the picture to social media?
>makes lootbox shills mad
>makes DRM shills mad
>makes day-1 DLC shills mad
>makes Yea Forums mad
>makes /pol/ mad
based AF in my book. literally don't care about his private/sexual life because I'm older than 13.
His Videos are alright....hit or miss his idea of free games is retarded though... good white noise honestly
>shits on a easy target
shit nigga, anyone can pick on the brain-damaged tard guess your brain is fucked heh
cause he is? his content is the same shit, his production value hasnt budged for years. Useless fuck.
don't forget
he makes nintendo babies mad by encouraging everyone to pirate nintendo games and that it's morally justified
he's so fucking BASED
So did Jim ever manage to score with Laura Kate Dale?
Because we all know big boy has the hots for that beautiful, voluptuous geek goddess.
>it's nothing more than your standard Ubisoft fare
so it's obnoxious, restrictive, exploitative, degenerate and literally evil? thanks for clearing that up.
>the microtransactions are a pretty negligible issue
$0.02 shillbux have been added to your account
I just looked at this fat fuck and decided his opinions weren't worth shit. Why do peoole listen to him? Because he plays dress up and children find that fun? Is that why people like Angry Joe too?
He has this weird hate boner for steam which I never understood, like he actively hunts down these games with 0 reviews and dedicates whole videos to them. Dumb fuck.
Why can't he lose weight? Just because he used to work for Destructoid doesn't mean he can't be humble and accept his flaws.
You tell me OP, you seem to be managing quite well
Alex Jones may be legitimately mentally ill, but he DEFINITELY plays things up a lot to try and sell more brain pills
Where did he say it?
Ah, I see you made me Google. It worked just so you can know.
>game """"""""""journalist""""""""""
I hate him cause he attacked loli and double downed on it on twitter, pretty sure hes a pedo no doubt.
because he justifiably bashes the corporations while every other journo keeps sucking their dick.
>Implying Jim is the limit of human stupidity.
I see you are unfamiliar with movie blob.
Nah, Jim is based.
I mean, the Lucas was pretty explicit about the empire being space Nazis.
he dedicated a whole video to it
Downplay the first part of that post a little less and you've got my exact point.
Jim sterling is not a character or a persona or a facade. It's just who he's too cowardly to be when people are capable of punching his fat cuckolded cocksucking face.
Alright, that's actually pretty fucking uncucked and dietpilled
All I know is the dude didn't care when the last game had them and then suddenly denounced them as evil in ACO. He's an outrage merchant with consistently shitty opinions and an annoying gimmick. Why he's so popular is beyond me.
I don't like him cause of his face, his body and his voice
>Shadow of War has loot boxes, microtransactions, always online requirement, denuvo REEEEEEE REEEEEEE REEEEEEEE
>1.5 years later devs patch out all the microtransactions, loot boxes, remove always online requirement, remove denuvo, rebalanced the entire game as how it should've been at launch, all for free
>.... ITS TOO LATE, FUCK EM (moves on to next outrage for clicks/money)
really makes you think fampai
Hes a fat fuck that is rabidly bias, he even gloats how he wont report on ''anti-sjw'' stuff cause he doesnt want to give them a win. He is also in a clique of journo friends who he never goes against, keep telling yourself hes anything else but a slimey fuck.
i reckon his older videos probably contradict the new ones. this is a common thing with these retarded youtubers.
When I was a young boy, my mother would always get on my case whenever I swore, she said it make me look like a dirty, classless pissant. Looks like she was right.
Now imagine them making love.
It's funny how he really blasted Nintendo when they did retarded things but I don't think he's done any video about Sony's censorship policies.
>slag burns coal
>hits the wall
>I no longer do those bad things, I just want to be loved now
Why would you ever trust someone who fucks up this much?
They can get another chance on next game, but they have to do it right from the start. Except maybe balance, that takes some experimentation.
He’s right you know
atleast those guys give the news I can put the on in the background while playing vidya sterling just rants about the shame shit
How many times this nigga gonna say EA is bad and complain about capitalism. It's like this autismo is stuck on repeat. Doesn't he have anything else to say
Because he blanks any topic regarding things that would put his own side in bad light.
Jim Sterling acts like edgy based fat man who gives no fucks about anything but on the other hand everything he says and does is completely hypocritical to that persona. He can make a good argument, but they are always about the beaten with a dead horse topics like corrupt publishers, lootboxes, how women are represented in vidya and the like and really has never done a unique opinion piece. That's what I find so boring about these guys, there really is no unique thoughts along with the 500th video on why Activision or EA is BLOODY SHIT
you can get him worked up about false copyright claims real, real easy. it's fucking great.
Guess he wants communism so he can lose weight
I can't believe I have this saved
he posted this on his Twitter btw
yo he's legit my fav member of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Sterling is a champagne socialist who lives in one of the lowest taxed states in the US. Hopefully he convinces retards to unionize US video game workers so the whole industry collapses.
>It's just who he's too cowardly to be when people are capable of punching his fat cuckolded cocksucking face
this is literally the way the whole of Yea Forums always has and always will behave though
Jim Sterling is an unironic communist who is morbidly obese and lives in a mansion making videos where he whines. I don't know what he thinks his life would be like after the revolution but I assure you, he wouldn't be fat anymore, and would probably be dead.
he is just following the money
I thought his recent video about how destructive lootboxes are to people with gambling addictions was insightful, but I lost my shit and couldn't stop laughing at the second testimonial with the obvious irish tranny trying and failing miserably to shift the pitch of their voice to sound feminine.
Alex is, it's been rumored that after shows he asks people about the latest marvel shit
Where the fuck is this gif from?
hahaha wtf
rofl yeah it was fucking sweet. the sad piano playing and all.
pretty sure it's Your Highness, one of the few actually entertaining stoner flicks
He’s basically Yea Forums incarnate. Most of the things he complains about are legitimate problems in the industry but they’re obvious to fucking everyone. It’s also clear that he is way too invested in video games because he has literally nothing else of value in his life. His points are fine, but his whiny self righteous manchild routine gets old really fast and his jokes aren’t funny.
What the fuck is a stoner flick?
That would be Angry Joe.
A flick for stoners. It's kind of a shitty and dead genre.
shitty movies made for DUDEs
>literally begging for his own fat bourgeois ass to get roasted like the pig that he is
The man is an idiot plain and simple.
I actually thought the best video he ever did was the first one I saw - “dynasty warriors is the citizen cane of gaming”, because it was a fairly unique take at the time. Every video I watched afterwards was downhill from there.
I don't understand why he wants game development to become socialist. Does he think communist countries make better video games? Where the fuck did he get this retarded idea?
He exists in this weird state where he has some good points to make, but he's too wrapped up in the games journalism bubble to make them.
That, and his video format is completely out of it's era. Nobody fucking wants a "character" to give them their games news.
Gmanlives, Raycevick etc... are basically the only gaming YT people I watch.
Bad movies that are supposedly good if you smoke ganja.
He's one of those 105-115 IQ morons who thinks under communism he'd never have to work again and the world would basically be a peaceful utopia where everyone just does what they want and labour is divided SO evenly that you only have to work an hour every other day. He doesn't realise people like him are the first on the chopping block for when society needs to remove people it no longer has any use for.
He's better than most out there. Especially that faggot razorfist.
>I don't understand why he wants game development to become socialist
Because work conditions in game development are genuinely fucking atrocious, but despite him being right about that, he doesn't have any better suggestions than "DUDE SOCIALISM LMAO".
>communism can only be the kind of mess that russians made
I think if he does more pieces like that it would be a lot more unique and entertaining. There is just only so much you can do with lootboxes.
>Communism literally always turns out the same way
At least useful idiots like you are always the first to be fucking murdered in any Commie regime.
or the mess the chinks made. or the mess cubans made. or the mess cambodians made. or the mess congo niggers made.
But this time will be different!
>countries attempt some communism, then immediately back out and end up with something else
Okay. Here's a (you) to keep you sated until the next breadline.
Can't you get another outlet for your bitterness than killing millions of your own people though?
>Forced diversity is worse than intentionally bad gameplay meant to prey on addicts and steal money from children
What an intelligent opinion you have
You're right user, clearly true communism has never been tried. We just need to establish such regime for the 53rd time and then we'll get it right!
>literally a cuck
>cringiest persona on youtube
The only recommended vids i ignored faster are asmonbald
Communism was a nice idea that is ultimately incompatible with human nature. It can't function unless you change either communism or humanity to the point where they no longer resemble the original.
>muh human nature buzzword
Everybody follows that gay videogame video essay format, having a character makes you stand out. As much as people love to shit on Angry Joe, his character and personality really works in his favor.
>human nature
You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you?
You literal, actual retard
You are using terms that you don't define. Those are called buzzwords. Buzzwords can be whole phrases, check the dictionary.
Communism is based around the absense of a centralized power which is a de facto power vacuum. You need to be a starved jew to ever believe it would be viable.
>you are using terms that you don't define
You didn't define dictionary. Is dictionary a buzzword?
>his Destructoid days were peak cringe
>That one article where he vehemently defended Sonic 4’s busted physics
then it literally was never actually tried, every "communist" country has a very strong centralized government.
Literally none of the attempts made it that far and had disastrous results. That's enough to call it non-obtainable and non-functional.
I'm not a huge fan of the man's personal beliefs, but I can agree that either lootboxs need to be banned, OR their needs to be warnings on the box and any lootboxes will automatically make the game rated M, or some other equivalent.
It's pretty bullshit that a game with gambling mechanics using real-world money can be rated ok for 3 year olds.
>then it literally was never actually tried
No, it means that it was never successfully implemented, tried and failed still means that it was tried.
Yeah but if everyone has everything they want or need nobody would ever want anything ever again!
>What if some people want power and control?
Lol just like they won't.
Communism has the exact same issue hardcore libertarianism/AnCap does. If there is a power vacuum, people WILL fill it and you basically just revert to feudalism.
What they really should be saying is Communism has only been tried by sub humans. Think about it.
That's because you can't have a stable, secure nation that won't get reamed in the ass by dominant superpowers if it's being run like a fucking hippie commune.
You can't beat major corporations by banning their methods of stealing money from retards. All they will do is add layers of obfuscation to loot boxes like the new CoD games. Instead of just buying a loot box, you buy a Battle Pass, which you then spend money to level up. What do you get for each level? A loot box + something dinky like a skin, but what you really want is the former. It's just gonna be loot boxes with obfuscation.
At which point, they get the same label/rating as just using plain old lootboxes. There was a time when I was in college where a gas station was trying to sell off its Camel Turkish Gold 100s, and was taping lighters to each pack. Do you think that if cigarette companies rebranded themselves as lighter companies (that just so happened to include cigarettes with their lighters), that the cigarettes wouldn't have the warning?
Maybe it's not a coincidence. You must be a subhuman to try it.
So you realize that it wasn't communism then?
Digital services are a lot more nebulous than that. It's a lot easier to say "haha the loot box is just a bonus :)))" when it doesn't actually exist than it is to justify having an actual pack of cigarettes in someone's hand.
The real cure to the greedy cunt publisher issue is for human beings to actually act as humans, and think about what they consume and purchase. However, this is VERY VERY VERY hard and makes my brain hurty hurty, so I NEED the government to step in and spank my bum and the bums of the publishers for being naughty.
The problem with Sterling is that he doesn't actually analyze situations he's complaining about. He just makes a shallow take on an issue and spends half-an-hour to find new ways to say "I don't like [external consequence X]." It's like complaining about constant coughing until you die of lung cancer. Everything that he rants about is no more than an end result of a complex system of underlying problems and poorly implemented solutions. He's not smart enough to see them, but he's vocal enough to shout so loud everyone hears him.
It was what communism inevitably becomes when the attempt is made to translate it from theory to reality. Our lack of faith in communism's practicality has a woeful abundance of precedence; your confidence that it'll be fine if they can just "do it right" has absolutely none.
Nah, just don't make it totally unlike what Marx predicted.
Let capitalism run its course, for one.
If you read up on what communism is, you wouldn't write shit like this.
>bourgeois pigs crawl out of the woodwork to defend communism
This thread is no longer video games.
The real problem with him is he whines 24/7 about capitalism, but he never offers any solutions. He just cries all fucking day and milks it over and over.
>If you read up on what communism is, you wouldn't write shit like this
Except I would, because I have read up on it and still write "shit like this", because the repeated failure to make the concept a reality is a far better touchstone for its incompatibility with reality than strictly theoretical writings that observed the failings of Marx's contemporary society and presented an entirely untested solution.
I just find it amazing that someone intelligent enough to notice and care about the problems with the video game industry (and the tech industry generally) isn't smart to realize it isn't muh capitalism but is actually just the laws not being enforced because lawmakers are either too stupid to understand the industry or don't want to regulate in fears of "stifling innovation"
Surely he is smart enough to know that you can have shades of capitalism right?
thank you for this picture it's great
>The real cure to the greedy cunt publisher issue is for human beings to actually act as humans, and think about what they consume and purchase.
With adults? I agree. But not for literal 3 year olds, which FIFA is supposedly appropriate for. And Jim is right: while we are familiar with the concept of lootboxes, many parents wouldn't be. Which means the presence of lootboxes either needs to be made known via a warning label, the rating system needs to take them into account, or both.
I'm very libertarian, but I'm always in favor of "informed consent." If you inform the customer of lootboxes before they purchase, then that's on them.
Parents should be aware of what is in the games they buy for kids, but they won't be, so we need the state to hold our hands and guide us to our prison cells.
>human beings to actually act as humans, and think about what they consume and purchase
This was never a thing in human history and never will be.
What prison cell? The "prison cell" of disclosure of relevant information?
There is systems in place, they just aren't doing theur jobs. Absolutely no reason for any game with gambling mechanics like lootboxes to not be rated adults only by the ESRB.
>Milk as much money as you're probably gonna get out of the microtransactions
>Remove them
>Except to be treated like the good guy
He's only smart enough to read comments off of Yea Forums, Reddit, and gaming forums.
I think he's aware of it, which is why he, and other people, tend to describe what's happening today as closer to unchecked capitalism, exactly how you mention it, lawmakers and government simply not stepping in despite issues arising from the digital age, with lobbyist "convincing" the government that they should be left alone or in stuff like Disney, change the law just so their IP is protected for even longer.
he didn't give you permission to save it
Agreed. But there's another problem: devs added lootboxes a week or two after release, after the ESRB has rated it and the critics have reviewed it.
East Germans also had communism, and while it was probably the best communist country on the planet, it was still pretty shit compared to any Western country.
bad childhood
health issues
jew pill
It's like a roller coaster - once it starts it almost never ends
>Acts like a cunt
>Expects congratulations after having betrayed consumer trust
Dude once we overthrow the government in our workers revolution we'll install a hierarchy free world where everyone is equal. Once there is no incentive to innovate, surely game development will take precedence and everyone will just benevolently contribute. People love to work for hundreds of hours and get nothing for it.
got much much worse.
perfect pasta sauce is the only relevant thing he's done.
How does it make you feel knowing this fat fuck with no demonstrable talent makes money playing video games and whining(correct or not) on the internet?
Discount TB
They're both equally bad. Compromise the gameplay, or story, or both. Chill
Sterling's biggest issue is his persona. If he were to drop the weird sketch like intros and characters and overall just behave like a normal person, it'd be easier to take him seriously. Why would someone like Andrew Wilson ever take anything of what he says seriously when all he needs is to show Sterling's money shot to dismiss anything, even valid criticism, hell, specially with valid criticism. Why would anyone outside of his fanbase take him seriously and as a reputable source of gaming info and discussion.
It's not really a persona lmao, also retard he's a fucking communist cuck sjw, he can parrot against loot boxes all he wants that's the only good thing that ever comes out of his cloaca
>then political correctness in games is full blown aids.
Oh please, the real cancer is streaming as a future.
Bleh, we have plenty of milquetoast journos, at least Jim is fun to laugh at.
There's no I in team but there is a U in gulag
I don't mind him, honestly. I don't really laugh at the skits or anything, but I'm also not paying for anything, and I doubt I ever would. He needs to cater to the people who are giving him money, as they are the only real audience that matters. Despite my personal distaste of the man's personality and beliefs, I do believe that he's often right in regards to video games.
>Haha Boglins
Very random jim, very funny.
and yet they have no problem selling merchandise based off of said nazis
really gets the noggin joggin
I'm the same, I just skip whatever jokes he makes to the actual matter at hand and obviously he has his audience, does really well on Patreon, but it wouldn't go amiss to improve his image if he actually wants any sort of acknowledgement from the industry.
I think part of the issue is that he started out with a joke concept, with the podium, flag behind him, his black and red tie outfit, thank god for me, very much a joke on a sort of dictator holier than thou character. Then he forgot it was meant to be a joke and took this character seriously, as part of his own self.
Did he say he saved it, fag?
>bourgeois pigs
>defending capitalism
Is there something I've missed in history class? Didn't commies hate bourgeois pigs?
>gman"there's nothing wrong with fallout 76"shill
yikes and oof
It's 2019. Now well educated upper middle class kids are the communists.
Based ChadYea
Link pls? I don't want to sort through that garbage.
sometimes he's really positive towards new games and ignores problems nearly everyone else talks about but it is a mystery as to why he does this
He's a degenerate commie faggot, death is the only option.
>Implying movie blob is the limit of human stupidity.
I see you unfamiliar with Dobson. Allow me to inflate your horizons.
Tragic Tranny is at 10:09, but despite how fucking hysterical that is, the video is actually pretty informative otherwise.
you have to be joking. podtoid was actually funny when it was him, holmes and hamza or whoever. he turned into an annoying faggot once holmes left and his narcissistic tendencies were let loose.
He's uuuuuusually correct in his opinions, except he's just really annoying while explaining them.
Jim is currently being absorbed into the breadtube cartel.
The only good thing he ever did was Fistshark Marketing.
Thank you.
>incompatible with human nature
not really, communism was essentially what hunter gatherers were all about. Issues arise when there's so many people the feeling of a community/tribe/family gets replaced with anonymity
nigger capitalism is survival of the fittest
it's literally nature itself
Trying to inform normalfags about obvious industry bullshit they don't know about is bullshit? Explain yourself OP or I'm going to assume you're a shill as well as a faggot.
capitalism has nothing to do with nature, since it heavily relies on an established cultural and societal rule set.
Wealth was something people back then had no idea about. Everyone pooled their ressources into one place (the tribe) and withdrew from it what he or she needed.
>d-dude lootboxes are bad for the 100th time
really informative and not him milking the same topic for $$
1.5 years later being the keywords here you tard.
He's right. You shouldn't be able to boast about record revenue but fire over 800 employees in the same week.
As long as lootboxes are still commonly used, and the fact that the publishers keep finding ways to dig themselves further in trying to explain themselves, he's just going to keep talking about it.
Communism doesn't work. But it's fucking dumb that everyone who dares to point out the current system of Capitalism is also not working gets called Communist scum.
Watch Upper Echelon Gaming instead.
That depends on your definition, Commies see the classes as two forces people who work, and those who profit from those who work, pretty outdated stuff since it means it doesn't really acknowledge the middle class
probably cause thats literally the only thing thats ever shilled besides that
When it stops being a problem and getting worse maybe the topic will stop being relevant.
There was a massive commie movement in slav upper strata of society before Bolshevik invasion.
You had sons of factory owners literally robbing their own houses and executing shop owners on streets "for the Revolution".
History repeats itself but changes outfits all the time.
Trickle down economics can work. Just stop rich people from getting a bigger glass with tax loopholes and havens.