Things you can say about a video game but not your mother

Things you can say about a video game but not your mother

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I'm good at it

I beat it 5 times already

I like to play as a girl!

man, this thing aged like shit

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I love you

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"They played an important part of my life and were always there for me"

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I wonder if there's any Rule 34

This game is consistently good and has no bugs or glitches

I just love sitting here and spending time with you.

Why are there so many blacks inside?

I love it.

"This makes my dick hard."

My dick influenced my decision to get involved with it.

I'm happy I can spend time together with you.

It's still alive

"It never laughed at my hopes and dreams."

"I found it in the preowned sectioned."

I like to speedrun this one

are you winning son

"I'm glad it's part of my life."

It's an exclusive

"I don't know what I'd do without this."