console war faggots will often defend whichever corporate overlord they have selected based on the exclusives they offer. however, they fail to realize that the very act of making a game exclusive to one single system only benefits the company, not the player
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I’ve played more video games than old people have shit hot dinners, kid. And I’m not lookin’ to stop makin’ them today of all days.
Happy birthday and sayonara, freak.
Didnt Read lol
you forgot your trip, gladium.
I'm cool with Nintendo making games for their own systems, but not doing shit like buying third parties who could just release on any platform
PC fag here; exclusives benefit the consumer because they are one of the only remaining incentives for quality games in today's environment. Do you really think Breath of the Wild or Metroid Mrime 4 would get greenlighted over Animal Crossing and Kirby games that can be made in a weekend and make a billion dollars off of normalfags if they didn't have the incentive to push quality titles to in turn push their hardware?
Thing is... exclusives aren't really a thing anymore with the exception of Nintendo. Both MS and Sony off theke own streaming services for PC. So, rather than paying $500 for a PS4 +Game+Online Fee, you just sign up for Playstation Now for a month ($20), play the "exclusive" you want, cancel the subscription and call it a day.
>back then most games were made for 1 platform (ported by other developers later after release if ported at all)
>working on 1 platform gave then more time and resources to make a polish game and refine content
>with a smaller budget it gave them a lot of creative freedom to make wacky weird games
>7th gen more and more developers going multiplatform
>working on multiple platforms meant requiring a lot more money and developers
>a lot more money meant less creative risk and developers pushing DLC and microtransactions to recoup the costs
>making a game for a larger audience went you had to dumb down and streamline mechanics for a majority of people to understand
Multiplatform development killed gaming, name one other advantage of multiplatform games except MUH EVERYONE GETS TO PLAY IT DURR
aah aah froggy threAD MAKE ME WANT CIGA.... I WANT BIG CIGA BUT THEY MADE IT ILEGAL!!!! I Jus want Big Big Cigaa..... Froffgy froggy give me a puff. FROGGY FROGGY GIVE ME A PUFF..!!!
>playing with input delay
Ok retard
Here you go dumbass
I mean, just look how utter unplayable that is Keep seething consolefag.
>thinks he can judge input delay from a video
Braindead retard
And don't support Epic trying to bring that model to PC.
You're not very smart are you? First Nintendo shits all over you... then Sony shits all over you by giving PC access to your exclusives. I can see why you're so mad.
lol stupid Nincel, your games are all emulatable
You mean Steam retard
I don't own any Nintendo products. You shouldn't be so mad. You have to learn to let it go and be happy.
Even if exclusives didn't exist I'd STILL play consoles over PC.