Fire Emblem: Three Houses Thead

How can other houses even compete?

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>doesn't have Mercedes
>sand nigger

>Golden queers

Worst boys and girls. Even their bara is ugly compared to Lion chads.

It doesn't have my waifu so Red Eagles > Blue Lions/Yellow Queer

Attached: petra.png (1200x1200, 837K)

what a shit tier waifu, get off my board nigger. Redd1t is that way ==>


left to right, top to bottom:
>bland, forgettable and boring
>tranny faggot
>decent but still uninspired
>also decent but basically the same face as top right
>gay ass deer
>bitch that makes Charlie Brown look like my buddy Uriah (he's really happy and cheerful all the time)
>boring, so undistinguished if it weren't for the tits you wouldn't be sure if she was a guy or a girl
>so ugly you actually can't tell if it's a guy or a girl (the chest is flat but this is Japan so you never know)
>big and muscular but friendly and affable character. We've seen this trope dozens of times before

Blue Lion chads wya

Where is the other houses pictures?

There's something wrong with that picture

>bland, forgettable and boring

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Baste, they better not change Leonie's hair in the timeskip.

when the fuck are they gonna show new post-timeskip designs?

fixed it for you

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When you buy the game and get further into the game. Or do you want to have absolutely everything spoiled for you?

>Worst girls
You couldn't be more wrong.

>youngest girl
>lovable ugly bastard
>non of the female students matter because I'll marry sothis anyways
Okay, they win I guess

Have Friendships

of all the characters you could have argued about you picked that one?

Attached: allahuakbar.png (299x500, 163K)

Edelgard Edelgard
Every morning you greet me

Attached: edelgard 1.png (800x800, 534K)

Hair of white, smile so bright
You look happy to meet me

Attached: edelgard 2.jpg (758x1000, 234K)

Axe-wielding lord who will be adored
Be adored forever

Attached: edelgard 3.jpg (850x1214, 197K)

I'm Blue Lion Chad, but I can't decide which girl to steal from the sand nigger clan. I think it's either going to be the blue or pink-haired QT. I might have to flip a coin.

Fuck off edgelord

Edelgard Edelgard
Rule all Fódlan forever

Attached: edelgard 4.jpg (1000x1127, 120K)

Blue Lion Chad here. Golden Deers are better than fucking Black Eagle scum. Your route will be the one I play second.

Blue Chad here, I appreciate Golden Deers for having my wife so I can poach her and impregnate her.
Nigger Eagles can fuck off.

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Based Blue Lion Bro, the feeling's mutual.

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