Post ONE (1) videogame character that can defeat Gold Experience Requiem.
Post ONE (1) videogame character that can defeat Gold Experience Requiem
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She wait for Giorno to die from aging
pucci with stairway to heaven
because thats what actually happens
read the manga
>From a video game
>Read the manga
What did he mean by this
Heaven Ascension Dio.
>>From a video game
jojo all star battle
Actually, don't Rohan and Giorno survive it?
no, only emporio survives
It wouldn’t be hard.
That’s like fan theory people keep pushing, because we haven’t seen their counterparts, but that could be said for a lot of characters
>don't Rohan and Giorno survive it?
Everyone survives it, the reset doesn't kill people, only those killed by Pucci during the reset don't get their souls carried over. This was also negated by Emporio, so the defeated heroes still come back. Rohan simply didn't notice Made in Heaven and kept meeting manga deadlines, that's all.
Why do people keep saying that Made in Heaven killed everyone?
Cause they didn't read the manga
>Implying speedreaders pay attention
DIO from jojo allstar battle. He makes GER look like a little bitch with his world over heaven stand
>Implying speedreaders pay attention
>all those faggy memes about "Pucci, why do you want to reset the universe?" that miss the whole point of the second universe loop being the same as the first
>allstar battle
>world over heaven
I totally forgot that all star battle and eyes over heaven were even different games, wew.
>speedreaders still think the Ireneverse is the SBRverse
Dio and the world over heaven and Jotaro and star platinum over heaven
>Jotaro and star platinum over heaven
This was so fucking retarded. "Muh same type of stand" for the millionth time, fuck off. Why couldn't they let Jonathan be the final blow, doesn't DIO Over Heaven still have Jonathan's body? But no, gotta have another Part 3 wankfest.
Anyone that can tank GER punch rush. He need to kill you to send you to the death loop after all and everyone in jojo is just human tier in the defense department. So you just need to tank him until the arrow just come off and we have a good number of defensive characters in the videogames
is part 3 the KANTOOOOOOOOOO of jojo?
>Tfw Jonathan is probably fucking confused the whole time since he can't see Stands
They did my boy wrong
Part 3's popular, so it'll always be jacked off the hardest.
Just like how Pokemon's been doing the dumb
shit ever since gen 6.
Unironically kys
I hate how star platinum over heaven isnt called star over heaven or even an actual song because the wordplay of the world over heaven is totally lost.
rohan and giorno surviving is from the jorge joestar novel (which isn't written by araki)
Fucking this. It's really easy to beat him if his best offensive is just punching hard. GER is more a gimmick defensive stand than an offensive one
my headcanon is he interfered in the pucci fight in some way or form, he shows too many animals
How does GERs negate work?
If it's time manipulation then Soma Cruz could beat him up.
Isn't Dio's hermit purple Jonathan's stand? If they bring him to a time where Dio has The World he should at least be able to see them
Rohan is mentioned during Made in Heaven.
Because it did. Being replaced by a new version of you that lived a different life and has different memories is essentially killing the old you.
>Jonathan will never have [GET BACK] as his stand
they really did
didn't araki originally wanted the world's ability to copy other stand abilities but later on he changed to just being time stop?
>Being replaced by a new version of you that lived a different life and has different memories is essentially killing the old you
The whole point of Heaven is so that people are aware of their fate, so the second universe has to be the same as the first - this means that everyone has already lived out their lives through Made in Heaven's acceleration and know what happens. This doesn't apply to people killed during the reset, so we see fake soulless Jotaro and Jolyne until Emporio dabs on Pucci. Only after that the protagonists return with the same souls, but have lived through different lives due to Pucci not being there anymore. Every other person in the world is still the same.
He can sense their presence via Hamon or some Bs in eoh. Best boy could wreck GER if he had to. How? Jonathan was a mad man
I think the world was original going to have all of the original Arcan stands' powers, but I'm probably just remembering some fan theory. It's never confirmed one way or the other IIRC
That's not far off even if Araki dropped it, it fixes Star Platinum being able to stop time with The World stealing its ability before Jotaro knew he had it.
I wish we had any version of the manga with Araki talking about everything he planned and dropped, there's so much stuff.
>he hasn't realized
Jotaro's stand power isn't the same as DIO's, it is literally contingent upon DIO's.
The power of Star Platinum is to defeat DIO, and gaining The World and Over Heaven is just a consequence of that.
No it is straight up directly stated that the hermit purple thing he uses is Jonathan's body's Stand.
So basically it "killed" anyone whos life was meaningfully changed by Pucci at some point by removing him?
>No it is straight up directly stated that the hermit purple thing he uses is Jonathan's body's Stand.
Where? Haven't read Part 3 in 5-6 years so maybe it's just something I forgot
Stocke from Radiant Historia could probably stand a chance. His sword, the Historica, has the power to nullify time-altering abilities. He uses it in-game to stop one boss from res-ing himself every time they defeat him. And he's a very able swordsman in his own right.
Assuming that the Historica could stop GER from doing it's thing, then it comes down to whether or not Stocke could beat Golden Experience in a straight up fight, which I think is plausible.
Star Platinum being able to stop time doesn't need to be fixed. DIO didn't copy him, he copied DIO because his Stand can learn to do whatever DIO's Stand can do.
jojo a gogo art book page 23
>The power of Star Platinum is to defeat DIO, and gaining The World and Over Heaven is just a consequence of that.
That's my understanding of part 3 as a whole. Stars stand above the world no matter what.
>Star Platinum being able to stop time doesn't need to be fixed. DIO didn't copy him, he copied DIO because his Stand can learn to do whatever DIO's Stand can do.
Yeah but that's never stated, is it? That's why it needs fixing and either that or what you suggest do the trick way better than same type of stand.
Pucci was probably carried over too like Jolyne and the rest, but yeah he was essentially absent for all key events that led up to Stone Ocean. You can say that he partially "killed" even DIO as he never became his close friend in the new universe. Still, these characters whose lives have been impacted by Pucci are just a handful of people when compared to the entire world's population that remained exactly the same, so Joseph still fought the Pillar Men and Josuke still chased after Kira.
It's thematically what the entire part is about. Jotaro being destined by blood to defeat DIO, his stand being able to do the same thing is not a coincidence. It would be reasonable to conclude that he got the same type of stand as DIO BECAUSE DIO has Jonathan's body if the story ended there.
Eyes of Heaven is what brings that into the "His actual stand power is to defeat DIO" territory with the Over Heaven stuff.
A wobuffet with a focus sash.
Oof, this sounds weird. I think I prefer just the "same type of stand" bs, and having Jotaro beat DIO because he used time stop to stop DIO, something only he thought he could do.
The true hero of Stone Ocean
Easy. A simple touch of something that my Deadly Queen has already touched and you'll be done for. I won't have to stress over this at all. I never lose.
>Deadly Queen
Reminder Araki is a hack who can barely write a story let alone adequately conclude one.
>murderous matriarch
So yeah does Kira have two stands?
when is your book coming out user
Already had a book chapter published and a couple of journal articles.
Sheer Heart Attack is a sub-ability, it's basically his Star Finger lmao.
>Assassination Aristocracy
well are you gonna fucking post it
Year's secondary power of canceling cause only works on actions that aren't righteous, therefore anyone who could beat a powered up Giorno could defeat GER
Stupid anime only bitch
There's a word limit to posts here.
it's an ability similar to how hierophant can control bodies or how white album can gently weep
Don't mind me, just dumping my load.
there's no limit for links to published works
He may follow the rule of cool too much sometimes that he writes off abilities or previous contexts, but his stories and characters are so entertaining he's managed to continue writing and drawing them from the 80s up to present day. Calling him a hack is a great disservice to his work.
jojo fans are a fucking blight
>i've never heard of pastebin
[diamond] is [crash]
If made in heaven literally had no negative effect why the fuck do the protags want to stop him. I’m not gonna lie I speed read the fuck out of the ending so the whole time I thought he was he trying to kill them to reset the universe but if I was them I would be fine with this desu
he was trying to remove the joestars from history
*blocks your path*
Dio has a reality warping stand, so he was trying to warp reality in a way to stop the joestar family from being a thing without also causing himself to stop existing. Remember dio went to college so hes got them smart boy smarts.
The thing is, Pucci was acting out of his own hubris - he wanted his fuck up with the KKK to be an unavoidable act of fate, so he wouldn't have to accept his responsibility. This led him to believe that literally everyone in the world would be better off knowing what happens to them (I don't remember if it's ever stated that people clearly remember the previous universe or their souls' memories are more of an unconscious precognition of their fates). He wanted to impose his vision on the entire world, so it's kind of a big deal and makes sense why people would want to stop him, especially the Joestars that stand in direct opposition to Dio's will.
Part four had the most satisfying ending. Things were clear and concise. The stakes were low. The abilities were easy to understand. King Crimson, Made in Heaven and D4C / Lovetrain were miserable to read.
Change my mind
I appreciate it
I'm posting all the ones I got saved. Also gonna dump some original ones from a Jojo tabletop game I was in years ago too.
He only killed jostars, giorno isnt a true jostar so he is safe. He is Dio's son, probably completely unknown to pucci in terms of who he needs to replace in jostar lineage.
Madara Uchiha, and I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Madara Uchiha
I don't think Stocke could beat Gold Experience in a straight fight. He wouldn't even be able to see or harm Gold Experience so that he could counter it, and he would be outmatched in range because of it as well. His only hope would be to keep running away and going back in time before Giorno could kill him until he can eventually figure out that Giorno has some invisible power he can't interact with and find a way to work around it.
Could Young Joseph with Hermit Purple beat Josuke after someone talked shit about his hair?
That was just a joke about how fast he writes his manga though.
still the funniest
Speaking of Stone Ocean.
So is tsuguri the doctor?
No, because those healer support stands are fucking busted. Joseph is a good fighter but he would have to figure out stand battles and when your power is a weaker diluted version of spiderman you're not gunna win against a guy who can turn you into a pile of meat or a rock.
>your next line is "what did you just say about my hair??"
Young Joseph has 30 int and big clacking balls, he would have easily found away to turn crazy diamonds power against it. especially since he understands stands in this scenario.
Fair enough. GE is one of the faster protag Stands in the series. Stocke ingame does have better overall stats and a more diverse skillset compared to everyone else since he does have parts where he has to do things solo, but I don't think that he could match GE in terms of speed. He's got the power and survivability to take him on though. He took on Garland, the warrior king of Cygnus, single-handedly, and he's capable of 2-shotting Stocke. If he takes a hit he can still heal himself.
One thing to note is whether or not his ability to sense invisible objects could work to see GE. It's technically a power that's linked to a strong spirituality, but it's still debatable if that should allow him to see Stands.
>giving rusemaster Joseph infinite Hamon rope
The question is if he could beat Pocoloco.
I don't think he is the doctor, but there's surely some relation between him and the doctor.
chosen undead
No, he's the gyno
Okay, OG Stand gifs.
This thing is a slime blob that, if it injected itself into someone, it could either increase or decrease the weight of a body part. It also had an hallucinogenic effect if it manages to touch someone.
Wouldn't any decent sniper just be able to kill Giorno from distance, thus disabling the GER?
just have hol horse do it. Just have mista do it.
Next is this thing. I forget exactly what it does but I remember that it was literally Clockwerk from Sly Cooper. I think it had the power to instill insanity by looking directly into people's eyes.
The question was about videogame characters, though.
This one is simple, it uses its voice as a means to attack and support allies.
>Hol actually doing something
>Mista not ending up shooting himself
Depends on how fast GER is, considering most stands protect their users. I think it would just send the bullet back and you'd get shot in the head over and over and over and over(etc)
I remember having made in heaven play in my dreams, three times. It was getting obnoxious.
Last is this one, which was my character's Stand. It's basically a blob that can transform into anything. Imagine if a Slime from Dragon Quest fused itself with a Green Lantern ring and you got a good idea.
Hollow Knight has a sword that can cut through dimensions.
I didn't mean stardust and vento hol horse and mista, I meant from Fortnite's Bizarre Adventure: The Last Survivor
I'm not looking forward to Stone Ocean getting animated outside of Bohemian Rhapsody and all the dumb Weather Report bullshit. Also Toenail rip
My character was a perverted degenerate and a sex addict, and it carried over into the Stand's transformations.
shit taste
>he's not looking forward to Hermes and her pantsu
I'm not excited for it, but the whole second half of it has plenty of good moments. I'll be glad to watch it. I'm not looking forward to SBR either even though I love SBR, the only part I'm really excited for getting animated is JJL, seeing as it's both extremely good and it seems well suited to an anime.
I wish I could get into JJL more, but it just seems like it's meandering and I don't trust Araki to have a good payoff for basically anything that's been set up since the beginning of the story.
I don't get it pls explain.
>very first chapter is bare ass Joleyne
>very first scene is Jolyne masturbating
I like to believe that DIO has the stand abilities of all Joestars that are alive. That would explain Hermit Purple 2, The World, and the healing shit he did to Pucci's broken ankle.
That's likely true, or the Pucci shit is vampire shit
>Araki made this character so his daughter has someone to look up to
Vampire blood can heal niggas like vanilla ice and joseph
I don't think it's meandering, I just think it's slow, which I don't mind for the most part, sometimes its pace alongside it being published monthly drags it down a little, I felt that way during Blue Hawaii even though upon re-reading it I think it's a good arc, but at the time it had just followed up a part where so much important stuff had happened and then you just had this villain of the week to follow it, and while it was a good fight, it wasn't as easy to engage with it after the high of Vitamin C.
I don't blame people for thinking the plot threads that have been set up will be concluded properly, but despite his past of having an issue with things like this, I think he'll actually give an explanation for all the things that have been set up, or most of them at least, I'm a little worried this thing won't be explained. He seems to have put more thought into the plot of JJL than he has previous parts and leaving so many unanswered questions this late in isn't that unusual considering JJL is partially a mystery story, and mysteries often have things for you to question almost the whole way through, and JJL doesn't feel unusual in that regard. The only thing that would make me feel like he won't give a good payoff to things that have been setup is that he's not been good with this kind of thing in the past, but looking at JJL on its own I see no reason to doubt that it will wrap up well, nor do I have a hard time imagining how a lot of questions that are left in the story could be answered in a natural way.
Anyone have a premium pass code for crunchyroll? I can't watch this episode. I would ask there but I don't want to get downvoted.
I don't think he's going to. A lot of JJL feels like filler content while he tries to work out the main plot.
Also it doesn't really feel like the plot really started until rather recently with everything before that seemed important just being a kinda side note now.
>I don't trust Araki to have a good payoff for basically anything that's been set up since the beginning of the story.
He literally brought the first enemy of the part back into the story just now, a character everybody forgot about after his fight was over. I know people like to meme about "Araki forgot", but this time he knows where he's going with the story.
Just download it from nyaa, why do you need fucking crunchyroll.
I dunno. I feel like a lot of things have just fallen to the wayside in JJL, like the majority of the Higashikata family and the walleyes with almost no sign of them being all that relevant again. Maybe it's just the pacing and release schedule of everything, but it just seems like it's trying to go everywhere until it gets something that sticks
Where can I read jojo in nihongo
You wouldn't download a car.
The state of this user.
Ultra Instinct Mastered Goku (nakama-boosted)
Try these links, if they're not dead yet.
The protagonist of any video game, the protagonist doesn't lose because that would immediately lead to a "game over" and canonically that never happens. The story must play out in full, which means the protagonist cannot lose.
This is an objectively true answer, albeit one you wouldn't want to hear because it's "no fun".
The $1000 plane ticket is a little expensive, is there a cheaper method?
just use kissanime or 9anime dumbass
I think tokyo is cheaper
The only thing about it that I can think of that felt like filler is the Milagro Man arc seeing as it had nothing to do with anything and was just there to give Joushuu some attention. Otherwise nothing has felt like filler, some of it has had a fight with no significant plot relevance be part of the focus, but that doesn't feel like filler or like it's biding for time to figure out where the plot is going, there's always plot or character-related progression in those fights so it never feels like a diversion from everything else.
>Also it doesn't really feel like the plot really started until rather recently
I know what you're talking about, but I disagree. The stuff that is the focus of the plot now was brought up back when the focus of the plot was Jousuke finding his identity. The Rokakaka, the Higashikata curse, the Rock Humans, Joubin being sketchy and things like that were all part of the plot all along, they just got brought to the forefront after Jousuke found out his identity, and the change itself feels natural too considering he's now just finishing what both parts of him started before he became whole he is now and lost his memory. I also think it's one of the more clear signs of the story having been a bit more planned out than other parts considering the part opens with the narration saying it's a story about a curse, which it was not about at all until after Vitamin C, where it has become more about the Higashikata curse, so this shift in the plot at least had to have been planned in advance.
There's not really that much reason for a lot of the Higashikata family to be that relevant right now I think, I'm sure they'll be brought into greater focus if and when Jousuke and Joubin confront one another, but right now there's not much reason for the likes of Daiya to be embroiled in the hunt for the fruit. I don't think the Wall Eyes are going to be much more relevant either, but I also don't see any reason for them to be, they've already provided their function in the plot by providing the soil that made Josefumi's and Kira's fusion possible, so unless Araki decides to make them the reason for people getting Stands or just wants to explain their supernatural properties for the sake of explaining them, I don't see any reason why they would be built upon more than they have been.
What if it's a "supposed to lose" fight?
It only is if the author or person making the answer says so, because it's fiction. Whatever I make happen in the story happens because it's not real. As I said before, it's a kind of lame cop out answer, but it's ultimately unbreakable because Gold Experience Requiem itself is fictional, and therefore at the whims of whoever writes, draws, or creates content with them.
I know my argument basically equates to "because I said so" but that's actually how all fiction works when you get down to the very core of things.