Played this on release when I was just 12

>played this on release when I was just 12
>new dlc came out now
>still hasn't lost its fun

What other games have aged like wine?

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>He was 12 when borderlands 2 released

Go back to rêddit, zoom zoom

BL2 is sort of in a class all it's own when it comes to video games. It's my favorite of all time and I can't even think of a game that comes close to it. Not to mention it's fun as eff alone, fun as eff with friends, combat that's the perfect difficulty, cooky characters, unlimited gun variety, it just can't be beat.

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LMAO borderlands 2 aged like milk, zoomer. gtfo

>2012 was 7 years ago

but the latest DLC was godawful
>no skill rebalancing, Cloud Kill is still obscenely strong while stuff like Helios and Blight Phoenix still suck
>increase the level cap AGAIN, in spite of the already fucked lategame scaling, also invalidating everyone's OP8 gear
>new bosses are boring, raidboss is a joke with Conference Call
>most new guns are just reskins/elements of other pre-existing guns
i've got over 1k hours in BL2 but i can't come back to it after this DLC. shit's fucked.

Why do people hate the pre-sequel again?

>tfw people who were literal kids in 2012 have grown into stupid ass zoomers from playing their tumble meme games and are now shitting up my board with those shitty games

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>played this on release when I was just 12

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horrible pacing. introducing The Grinder was brilliant, but then that doesn't mean anything when the game doesn't ever give you a chance to use it during mission arcs. all the main story missions take place in a fucklong instance with no convenient fast travels back to Concordia.
also no content. shame because the numbers were not fucked this time around

1 is far better

can't play these games cause of the sjw shit shoved in em

Have kids

Kill kids. Ftfy

The matchmaking on 2 now is god awful.

Give examples

listen dude
its my favorite game too but the way you display it is cringe. just say "fuck", we wont report you bro

though i also cant tell if you are randy or not

dlc is cool. the more levels makes some characters like krieg and gaige more viable end game, the max op level is now 10 so the power gap is no longer as huge

the raid boss is just fun if you have the toothpick build but i will say it does suck that the game tries to force one build on you.
Also what boss isn't boring besides the final bosses of the story/dlc? That is kinda an issue with borderlands 2 in general. willhelm sucks, bloodwing sucks, herl-e sucks, saturn sucks, and so on

one of the only well designed fights in the entire game comes from the wedding day dlc and is the married goliaths fight

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great characters, awful campaign.
skip to 3:40

I bought this on sale and couldn't stomach more than 40 minutes. Maybe it's okay with friends, dunno, but I found it a chore to play solo.

I'll tell you what didn't grow up: Your sense of humor.

It's fun with friends early on, but having friends actually fucks you later on, due the scaling, making the already bullet sponges worse on the higher difficulties.

You have to play more. It gets even better the more you play. At least get to Roland. That’s where it picks up.

the intro is a slog
the first playthrough is a bit boring too since you wont get all of your skills going till a good few hours into it. It is also a game designed around friends so typically it is better to play with them

>you have to play more than 1 hour to enjoy the game

It's part RPG dude, it gets better overtime

>what boss isn't boring
Badassasaurus, unironically
aside from the bullet reflection, it's probably the best boss in the game i always use the Hail against it so I might be biased

he is right though. the game starts with a slow introduction. you dont even get your first skill up to like lvl 8 i think?

typically how games are now a days, its sad
borderlands 1 is pretty much immediately fun but the game never really tries anything new so its the same shit for the 5 hour campaign and its get super tedious and boring. The mid section of that game just slogs on and on. Borderlands 2 handles the mid section far better.

if fun was a graph, borderlands 1 would start high and gradually sink over time and middle out by the 2 hour and 30 minute mark

borderlands 2 starts low and raises a lot when you get to sanctuary then consistantly stays high until you have to do some of the last few missions, in which case the game over stays its welcome.

I sound autistic I know

Then it is a failed game design. Nobody should have to 'wait' for a game to get good. The fun should be obvious in the first few minutes at most, some people have things to do.

>Yea Forums has started making nostalgia threads about borderlands 2
>they liked it

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I think you are biased, badassasaurus rex is typically regarded as one of the worst designed bosses in the game, especially in higher difficulties

But landing those hail shots is satisfying so I can understand

if you have things to do dont play vidja
be productive baby

the game is still fun in the beginning, you will just have way more fun after the introduction area. Getting into sanctuary is when the game opens up and you get to do tons of shit and lots of side quests are available to do.

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>someone grew up playing memelands
what the FUCK

I hope 3 has an option to skip straight to max level or UVHM at some point, I'd like to see each of the characters at their strongest without having to grind through the game 12 times. At the very least there needs to be a way to test out each vault hunter at their strongest before you spend time leveling them to max.

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>borderlands 1 would start high
it's the polar opposite for me
b1's early game is repetitive garbage or stupid shit like Skagzilla, but then it gets AMAZING after you kill Krom. but after that it's over in like an hour and a half.
2 starts somewhat slow but once you get out of Liar's Berg it picks up a hell of a lot better
typically regarded, but i'm still saying that's because of bullet reflection. i farmed the fuck out of it for Slow Hands and honestly it's just a lot of fun
>attacks that are fairly well telegraphed and straightforward to play around, even the flamethrower attacks, it pretty much just beelines for you so you should know to run
>multiple destructible weakpoints that mean you can't just crit it forever, but also disable certain attacks if you destroy specific points
most of the other bosses are "shoot until it dies" anyway, at least Badassasaurus makes that a little more interesting

ok, but look at it like this:
If you play with friends through voice-chat (which is what I consider "intended", for a coop/loot shooter, your time is well invested. It's invested in bonding with your friends.

your time is over grandpa
you are old enough for people to be nostalgic over FNAF and barrel era pewdiepie

might have to replay borderlands 1 but i remember having a blast early game

i also got a blue rarity vladof havoc rifle to drop on the way to nine toes so I was shredding like a mf for a few levels so maybe that influenced my love for the early game. I fucking destroyed moe and marley


>aged like wine
>implying Borderlands was ever good in the first place
fuck off redditor

Hi Randy

>when I was just twelve

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Just download the max level save files

Why compare it to wine when you are no old enough to even drink wine and have little to no understand of wine at all

I hated Borderlands 2 the first time but after playing through recently after starting a save file at level 30 I enjoy it much more. It's fun playing around with builds but the grind to get to that point was not. Writing is still a big drawback though

>literally go there and kill that guy/pack of guys for the entirety of the game
the only thing that makes that game more acceptable is Jack and maybe Brick

The oxygen mechanic from Lost Planet

You've described most games when you think about it

at least most of them try to break the sameness by making you lift some boxes or solve some ancient mayan puzzle. Borderlands 2 does nothing of the sort and even playing siren, which is the class with the most varied gameplay gets old too fast

>tfw every sale another friend of mine buys it and wants to play it with me
I've played through it 5 times at this point. Goddamnit.

game's a shooter
i wouldnt want puzzles in it
the main draw of the game is working with what you get from rng and finding the synergies with it. It is partially one reason why I like that guns get cycled out so quickly. you are FORCED to keep changing up how you play and making it so you cannot rely on the same tactic for so long. Too bad the game is not balanced so well

>stopping at just 5

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Too much empty open space where fuckall happens.