>Come up with a character name or alias for a game
>Look it up on google
>It's always some actual female name
It's not even anything blatant. What's the deal here? Why do I always come up with feminine names?
Come up with a character name or alias for a game
nigga u gay
Goddammit why is this coon so lickable.
licky licky got me stiffy uh.
Seen the Seiyuu? She is the embodiment of soft.
do not lewd the friends
>Kemono Friends died a premature and unfair death
Worst fucking timeline.
Sorry, but this one exists to be molested. Ask Fennec.
I want to have sex with a racoon's voice
Kadokawa is too stupid to have nice things.
>Lost their Touhou killer out of stupid decisions with the Anime and Doujinshi.
>Lost Their PreCure killer out of IP control autism firing the man that made it good.
>Make up female name
>Use it on virtually all characters i've played
>Friends already recognize me in any game with the same name
>Heard it once in a series, but character wasn't really important and died out
>New show comes up, Fem MC has name
>Now it's always "You chose that name because you liked her from XXX right?"
>She isn't even the best girl in there
Fuck me.
I keep using it though, i always liked the name. If i ever have a second daughter i'll name her like that.
I literally just choose Satania now regardless of gender because it's one of the best names I've ever heard of.
araisan is too pure for that nanoda
>Make up effeminate name
>Look it up
>It's from some anime already
>Don't want to use that name now
Stop coming up with soft/tinny names and lean more towards hard/woody names.
But I want a soft sounding name.
Lets not forget that abortion that masqueraded as """""""""season 2""""""""" earlier this year.
Kadokawa CEO stole the franchise and NTR'd the entire fanbase
fuck why is this so funny to me
are all this dude's strips like this
Well, with a soft ass sounding name, you better like playing the hard ass pounding game
Yea, pretty much.
>Has gay moeshit like this saved to his PC
>Why am I a queer?
Based devil worshipper!
im in need of friends reaction images
can anyone help an user out?
you want to do what to our feet, user?
Who are you quoting chang?
Take this one.
Here you go, very good reaction image.
There was something beautiful here and Kadokawa murdered it.
Geoff a cute
>come up with character name
>google it
>get some old guys obituary
>come up with character name
>get some weird wiki page for final fantasy
>3 sentences about one specific item with same name as character
You heard me, till I cum
I've got more than one question about that image.
I remember back when this was a Yakuza money laundering scheme.
It was the best Yakuza money laundering scheme I ever took part of.
Why is a Fennec larger than a Raccoon?
People really despise Love Live fans. Think what would happen if furries, bronies and wotas were merged together to create the ultimate reprobate.
It helps her with certain things.
Arai is fuckin adorable
Fennec has good taste
What's a wota?
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
You see how otaku is demeaning? Well wota is what an otaku guys who are extremely creepy, engage in stalking, if their favorite voice actress dares to get a boyfriend, they send death threats. If the character in a game/manga/anime is even HINTED to have a previous relationship, they burn the materials and send death threats. They are the ones who buy thousands of idol CDs so they get to shake the hand of some fad of the month idol. The list goes on.
You can safely assume that all Love Live fans are wotas. They are just that bad.
was it this anime or some other anime where someone made a picture look-a-like like they did with this
but it was with someone using a blow dryer on a cat's ass, or in case of the picture i'm thinking of and anime grill
I found it but thanky anyways u pretty boi
i thought love live was just an anime. what's so weird about it to amass such creeps?
i cant find the pic but there is a picture of 2 dudes hogging a love live arcade cabinet while some little girls are in line trying to play it but never get to
love live fans are just kinda lame, i feel like it is unironically comparable to bronies. love live fans are still objectively better, but its still the same shade of autism
It is not simply an anime. It started as yet another idol mobage gachashit, then grew into to a full cancerous width on various type of media, actual idols and the like. It is the type of thing that attracts the obsessive creeps like a corpse attracts carrion eaters.
How can her small body contain so much smug?
Who would you rather be?
I guess the real problem is that it actually took off. Maybe that's why they wanted to kill it so badly with S2?
What happened to S2 anyway?
I stopped watching after that very episode.
I heard the producer for season 2 went to war on twitter and then got fired not soon after
Is the guy in suit carrying a katana?
What is he doing? Baptize the weeb?
>game asked for me to give a city a name
>terrible with names, make up something nip sounding a put it in
>turns out it's actually a nip word and somewhat relevant thematically at that
Thanks subconscious.
Tatsuki was working with toasters, and it shows, but S2, while having better models, has an animation that is below even MMD's porn videos. This was amateurish as hell.
Then it became a real yakuza money laundering scheme. Seriously, the Nip conspiracy theorists were linking the KF committee members to yakuza and stuff.