Why the fuck didn't Arthur just leave the gang and start a happy life with this beautiful woman?
Why was he a fucking idiot?
Other urls found in this thread:
>used goods
death by tuberculosis is a preferable alternative
Arthur was in love with the idea of being in love. In reality, love is a prison. Arthur liked being free more than anything else.
She actually did care and love Arthur. She even visited his grave. Arthur staying in the gang when everything was going to shit was fucking retarded.
leaving your bros behind for some widow thot who uses you for her own gain is a terrible idea user
PC port when, lads? I wanna play it so bad.
What bros?
The gang was falling apart and pulling each other down.
>happy life
>Dumb bitch keeps sending mixed signals because her entire redneck family is crazy
Didn't expect this part to actually get to me but it did, Arthur didn't deserve this shit Yea Forumsros
In real life, even if a gang/crime family is falling apart, leaving the gang is an act of treason that is punishable by death.
Dutch was a manipulative and (ironically) manipulated dumbass, bill was always following the leader, javier was a dumbass spic and micah was an assclown and the real villain. The rest were salvageable people though.
Mary was old news. Arthur needed Mary Beth
Arthur was brainwashed and controlled by a psychopathic father figure (Dutch). It took everything going to hell for him to turn in another direction and even then he was appealing to Dutch for love in his dying moments.
Same with John. Even when he's hunting Dutch he has an admiration for the man. He seems to mourn his death to some extent.
So did Hershlag get any money from this since they obviously copied her face?
When the next gen versions come out, retard. So in time for Christmas 2020. Unless they release the PC version this Christmas, and the next gen versions next year. Either way, soonish
>Arthur's final plea to Dutch, screaming his name, to go back and get Abigail in Red Dead Redemption
Say what you will, but those VO's fucking sold some of those moments.
> Mixed signals
I don't know what about "stop doing crime and we'll run away" you think is mixed, but you sound bitter.
The gang was his life and his family. Too many people don't get that Dutch basically raised Arthur, which is why he stuck with him for so long.
Anyone else get annoyed at how she constantly said his name all the time?
The gang was also fucked and people were getting killed left and right plus there was disloyalty. Arthur should've got out when Mary told him to run away with her. Hell, if it wasn't for the gang, Arthur would have never got sick
Oh Arthur
He's a fool like he says
I don't know why people give John so much shit for being an idiot in RDR 2 even though he was way younger in his early-mid 20s but gives Arthur a pass for being dumb (sometimes even more dumb that John) and he was in his mid 30s
Arthur should have just gotten with the widow up there and hung out with her and the veteran.
it's crazy how well the first one holds up.
>Arthur do what I say or I leave you
Wow, it's just actually just like reallife
John was abrasive in 2, Arthur was much more charming.
Once you spend some time in the epilogue, John starts to feel more like the character we all played as in RDR1.
>Arthur should have just gotten with the widow
Fucking this. Her and Arthur would have been the perfect couple . She clearly wanted his dick
Any news of when this is coming to PC? At least until they see how the wind is blowing with MTX legal and get their version of shark cards sorted, I figure.
John just had no goal or anything to strive for. It made him seem kinda dumb, plus we know that Arthur was playing up his stupidity and he probably intimidated a lot of the other members if they pissed him off too much. John becomes better when he has his goals to strive for in the epilogue.
She is so much better, and prettier than Mary was. Damn your oneitis Arthur!
She was trying to get Arthur to leave because she knew Arthur would end up getting himself killed or in jail if he continued to live the life he lived. In the end, she was right
still second fiddle to the one true RDR waifu
Too late at that point he already passes out in her house before he can finish the meal she cooked, it's dangerous for him to be close to anyone when he's coughing up a lung.
This but with the widow who lives in the woods instead.
One thing I completely missed on my first playthrough was John's relationship with Jack. In the first few chapters, John is a deadbeat dad and doesn't want to spend any time with Jack at all (like Jack wanting to play sword fight with John but John tells him he doesn't want to). Once Jack got kidnapped, John started to actually care about him and turned his whole life around. (later on you see John and Jack play sword fighting) It made me appreciate the game even more on a second playthrough. This game is filled with so many little details I love it. In the early chapters, John only called Jack "kid" but after Jack's kidnapping he calls him son
>tfw finally got to play it through this month.
It's so good, I can't believe the same people who wrote the clusterfuck of GTA V's story managed to pull this off
He spent all his life with Dutch and Hosea. Leaving them behind for a woman he knew for a fraction of the time was just not possible. He couldn't fight his nature.
Arthur didn't deserve a happy ending, he knew that and you should have too
That always blows my mind. The difference in writing between RDR 2 and GTA V is literally night and day. It's clear Dan Houser is passionate about Red Dead Redemption series and he sees Grand Theft Auto as a low effort paycheck
just started chapter 5, have i missed this quest?
No. It should be starting soon. Just head up into the north east corner of the map and she and the veteran should pop up. You better fucking get on Buell though.
It's chapter 6 exclusive
>You better fucking get on Buell though.
Is it worth raising and bonding Buell?
Let's be honest, Arthur and Sadie were a match made in Heaven. I think I read somewhere that even Rockstar were going to have Arthur and Sadie hook up but they scrapped it last minute
Yes. He is your golden boy and the best looking horse in the game.
Sadie only cares about her dead husband she becomes a crazy hermit bounty hunter that talks to herself
His health and stamina are really high but he gets spooked worse than arabians do and there's statistically better horses
She's nice but i like Mary-Beth
If you do the mission where Sadie gets her last revenge in the O’driscolls and you have high honor she tells Arthur he’s the only man as good as her husband. There is romantic undertones there but Rockstar scrapped it last minute
What the fuck was his problem?
Outlaw with a messiah complex
He's a big fat downgrade to the horses available to you by that point in the game. Stable his ass and get the gold Turkoman.
>being a cuck
fuck naw death is preferable
>the cutest girl in the gang becomes a successful author
I'm so glad best girl made it
Thanks, man i wish the romance options and doing free roam friend activities with any of the outlaws were still in the game
Not to mention her voice makes me hard.
That's because Dutch truly is a controversial figure. Say what you want about him but be directly saved John's life and indirectly saved Arthur's. He took them in and raised them when their parents and society failed them. That's why they were as loyal as they were.
Honestly I think John and Arthur should have been more loyal to Dutch, not less.
I actually don't have any problems with Sadie's character, but come on, just because you like them both it doesn't mean it could work, it feels much more natural for them to be just friends and partners
as others said, the widow would have been perfect but it was just too late at that point
Damn straight she was beacon of hope for me during chapter 6 Until she left but i am happy she got off the crazy ride before some terrible happen to her i love her
People couldn't understand his SIMPLE plan. Step 1) Make a lot of noise Step 2) Make a lot of money Step 3) Get away
Gotta make sure to kill Arthur off like he never existed since he's never mentioned or referenced in RD1. Like most of the gang.
>John's fucking lack of ability to draw anything
Was pretty cute.
Imagine getting RDR1 remastered in the form of story DLC for RDR2 and people do remember Arthur and Hosea.
Now that would be cool.
They would have to completely remake it, there are plenty of soft continuity breaks in RDR and the narrative in RDR2 bends to try and patch them.
Riddle me this Yea Forums if Dutch was the bad guy then why didn't he kill John? Dutch was not a bad person he was just fucked up by Hosea's death on top of having to deal with a rat in the gang and having major trust issues. Given the circumstances, you would go insane too. Dutch was dealt a shitty hand time and time again but he somehow managed to make the best out of the situation.
I stumbled into a convo with as John with Abigail and Jack, John doesn't like talking about Arthur nor does he like his family bringing up Arthur when he is in earshot. Probably feels guilty or depressed about leaving Arthur on that mountain
Also some of the old VAs dying in between 1 and 2
who died?
Probably felt he owed Arthur or something, I'm might reading into this a bit much but during the standoff Dutch takes his eyes of John and stares at Micah for a bit when Micah mentions Arthur.
The dude who voiced Landon Ricketts
Bill is an underrated character, even with the main story of rdr2 neglecting him and javier he still manages to have a lot of depth and you can actually sympathise with him before he well and truly loses it in 1
Uncle and Landon Ricketts
>why didn't dutch just kill john
Because that would defeat the illusion he's trying to upkeep. His ego rivals the size of the observable universe; killing John would've made him look impulsive or weak. He would've killed John easily if he wasn't worried about looking good.
However that's not to discount how massively fucked he is in the head. There are signs of it long before anyone dies on screen.
Dutch was a complicated man. Yeah the general opinion that he's a sociopathic villain is retarded. He cared about John and Arthur.
Dutch loved Arthur and is irritated when Micah shit talks him. He arguably was planning on killing Micah the entire time, but he definitely was going to after Micah said that.
Used goods by Arthur.
He had her first you dope
>Dutch why are you here?!
>Same as you I suppose
Dutch had all intentions of killing Micah. He actually came back to his senses and wanted to make things right. It's also why he left the money with John. Something happened between 1907 - 1911 to make Dutch go off the deep end
He really liked mangoes.
plz don't be bait cause I wanna be wrong. Source?
Look at all these mental gymnastics to try and desperately maintain the image of Dutch as the sociopathic villain instead of just simply accepting that Dutch felt legitimately betrayed by John and Arthur which explains all of his actions.
I don't particularly mind Sadie becoming some one-woman army, but I just wish the character development was a bit more gradual and drawn out.
I understand she had to hunt and what not, but her development into a psycho asskicker just seemed a bit stuttered and blunt. Nice ass though.
>ride through the 2nd camp site as John around sunset
>hear the faint laughter and singing from when Sean was rescued
We're all forgetting that Arthur did find a woman, loved her enough to have a child with her, and they were both murdered.
Ether we're forgetting this or Rains Fall needed some fucking ginseng.
>Something happened between 1907 - 1911 to make Dutch go off the deep end
Nothing "happened", Dutch just had nothing to live for anymore but just kept fighting because it was all he knew how to do. He was a dead man walking. His speech at the very end implies all of this, how he tells John that fighting is useless but its in his nature to fight.
Arthur died. You can see Ditch realizing his mistake the moment he realizes Arthur is really dying. When he says his last words to Dutch you know he just crushed that last bit of spirit in him.
One more job...
Porque no los dos?
He absolutely betrayed them. It was just made worse by him losing his goddamn mind.
Nevermind. Realized your talking about RDR2 John.
I think people forget about it, as, expected, it isn't shoved in your face, Arthur doesn't keep whining about it, as he probably doesn't want to think about it.
IIRC, it's brought up in some side dialogue with someone once, or at least, that how i came across it.
Thing I liked about the epilogue is how it kind of shows how John seems to really purposely look for trouble. He had plenty of opportunities to stay hidden and not blow his cover but still couldn’t help himself. Wish they went a little more into that to kind of paint a different picture of him and see a side of him we didn’t see in the previous red dead
I blame the game.
They didn't have to hid so much of the characters backstories under camp interactions.
Probably 90% of the people don't know why Dutch is an anarchist or just how long Arthur has been with Dutch.
He has a photo of his first wife among his memorabilia at his bed in camp.
>I expect you'll betray me in the end Arthur, you're the type
He says this in chapter 2 when there's no reason to doubt Arthur's loyalty whatsoever, there's something wrong with him from the outset.
If John doesn't like bringing up Arthur probably doesn't to hear much about him either. Even when you meet Mary Beth again, he says he doesn't talk about him much but he does think about him a lot.
That's exactly how it's brought up. That's what the second line in my post is about ya big silly.
The rest of the dialogue shines a little light on his personality though. IIRC he decided he wouldn't allow himself to feel that level of loss again.
Dutch believed that John and Arthur had both betrayed him and that Abigail had manipulated John into turning on him. If by "losing his mind" you mean that Dutch broke under the pressure then yes I agree, but he didn't actually become insane. He started acting erratically because he felt that he was alone, all of his friends had died or turned on him and there was no one he could trust. That's why he turns to Micah who is the only one actually supporting him.
When Arthur dies Dutch either realizes that Arthur legitimately loved him or he didn't expect him dying to be so difficult or both, which explains his reaction.
"Look. You can fish, or you can go drinking all day, rob someone, and BUY some fish" - Arthur Morgan
Are there any good horses that don't shit the bed when you're going 10mph past a snake hidden in long grass? Sick of near getting bucked off because they're scared shitless of things I can't even see, I've heard people saying they've had horse breeds that can circle cougars for half a minute without their horse freaking out. Do they actually exist? I don't care for speed, I just want a good hunting companion. I tried that white arabian horse someone mentioned too but it's more skittish than the one I was using before even at max level bonding
That's his mother you fucking retard. Also he and Eliza were never married.
He has the photo, but he doesn't really talk much about what happened to her, rather than reminding himself of her.
I mean that my take, remembering the only woman he truly loved, but also a sour reminder as to why he shuns other relationships.
All those previous posters are wrong. Get the White Arabian in the snowy hills nearly legendary bison. Best horse in game, and it’s free
I don't think Arthur loved her exactly, he just knocked up a 19 year old waitress and visited her to give money for the kid and stuff instead of being a deadbeat
All of those interactions where he's just reading outside his tent are fucking weird.
Can anyone confirm whether or not Dutch drops any F-bombs anywhere else in the game? Because if you ignore him while he's sat under a tree at Horseshoe Overlook, he shouts "yeah, well, fuck you then!" and it took me by surprise.
Dutch played the long game and got Arthur to remain loyal all the way through by telling him that he thinks he's gonna turn on him
Dutch could not have said this to someone who would actually turn against him because then they'd do it but it worked on Arthur because he didn't wanna turn on him so he stuck around even longer
Without someone to reign him in, he was always moments from flying off the handle if things didn't go perfectly.
>Arthur was in love with the idea of being in love. In reality, love is a prison. Arthur liked being free more than anything else.
This sounds like a zoomer who's trying into something deep (where there is not depth BTW).
Name ONE thing Dutch actually did wrong ? Just one. And before you say, he left Arthur and John to die, they were plotting on betraying Dutch in the first place so that’s not wrong .
I thought it was a one night stand or a fling that resulted in a kid and Arthur took responsibility for her and the kid.
I felt that epilogue John didn't change and rather than looking for trouble, he's still the same gang member that just escalates the situation. Throwing in the Laramie gang to make some sort of 'be a man or be a gunslinger' issue for John failed I feel, there was no way to deescalate or resolve that peacefully
Have Sex
Arthur was already showing a shit load of doubt by that time which was noticeably making Dutch nervous. This is clear as early as Chapter 1 where Dutch point-blank asks Arthur if he's lost faith in him. In the conversation between Dutch and Arthur when you're walking up to ambush the O'Driscolls as well you can feel the tension.
>Maybe I should take the lead on this one, Dutch. They'll be gunning for ya.
>They haven't got me yet.
>Still, maybe I should-
Then later
>Should I go first on this one?
>You want to take point? Then do it. Just make the call.
The underlying tones of Arthur doubting Dutch even slightly and Dutch defensively reacting to that doubt are already present.
If you read between the lines in their interactions, the entire game is Dutch trying to make sure that Arthur is secure in his commitment to him and the gang and Arthur is constantly shit-testing Dutch, probing for weak points, because his faith in him was wavering from even before the game opened.
I have a question that maybe Yea Forums can answer.
How'd the Pinkertons catch the gang in the Saint Denis bank robbery? Seemed a bit too perfectly timed for it to be anything other than a rat, but Milton later reveals that they didn't get Micah until they get back from Guarma, which is just after the bank robbery goes wrong.
its realistic then, people make retarded decisions all the time
Probably because Dutch and the gang weren't being very subtle in their actions in Lemoyne.
He really is.
Bill was probably the character I got the most camp interactions with and you can see so many shades of a broken, desperate man looking for approval it really made me sad.
Molly did that one. Micah did the rest.
Milton also says Molly didn't say a word even though they sweated her, and he's such a ruthless motherfucker I can't believe he'd lie to protect her.
Probably the Pinkertons we're well underestimated by the gang. Sketches, eyewitnesses, the fact that Saint Denis was the closest place for them to flee to and that Tram 'robbery' would have created a lot of noise for the Pinketons to investigate. Plus they would have had a good idea how they operate and would have anticipated the heist.
stuck around sandy knees to kill bronte and then robbing the bank right after like he hadn't just broadcasted his gang being in the area to anyone that was after them
They were his family. Also Arthur wasn't exactly a theoretical physicist.
He's just generally an idiot. He continuously draws attention to the gang throughout the entirety of the game and he thinks blowing up a bridge will "distract" the Pinkertons like Milton and Ross are the entire agency.
It's because everyone calls him an idiot and he loves Dutch more than Dutch loves him. Bill and Javier take the falling apart of the gang the hardest and even they leave Dutch eventually.
All horses are somewhat skittish. Turkoman is the least skittish top tier horse iirc, they avoid crocodiles and shit but never actually buck you off
Even Trelawny calls out the gang during the Rhodes segment. He mentions to Arthur that he warned Hosea that they're in a small town people will gossip and talk but Hosea just brushed off the warnings.
He didn't kick out Micah. There. Bet you feel like a retard now, huh?
Watching Bill's heart break in chapter 6 is really sad. Javier too, but somehow with Javier it doesn't come off as loyalty but as him not paying attention.
It's ambigous but I personally think that Micah was always informing on the gang, but post-Guarma is the first time that they "picked him up". Milton is explaining how they knew where they were for the attack immediately after Guarma, but he isn't implying that there had been no contact with Micah prior to that event. Why would they even single out Micah for "pick up" in the first place and no one else? Because they knew that he would be cooperative.
Them just being "easy to predict" is a horseshit theory because the Pinkertons knew the exact days, times, and locations of all their heists. You don't get that information without an informant, and they can't watch every likely heist point 24/7.
The Pinkertons started being a step ahead of the game at the boat robbery which is right when Micah joins the gang, and Micah also pushed for the robbery.
The next gen version of GTA V made sense because that shit on PS3 was borderline unplayable.
The current gen version of RDR2 is as good as it can get. It looks stunningly beautiful and had on release almost no bugs or glitches (I played it on day 1 and it was the most polished open world game I've ever played), so what does a next gen version profit? More NPC? Makes no sense since this is 1890 and this area probably had no more than 500.000 people total.
Dutch was right not to bring the whole gang in on breaking John out, but he had the wrong reasons.
It wasn't to distract the Pinkertons, it was to cause the Army to send a supply train to repair the bridge so they could rob it.
This... Makes a lot of sense. I forgot the ferry job in Blackwater was his idea. I've also heard a theory that Sean was an informant but that doesn't hold up too well.
RDR is just one of those games that looks better because is a lesser gen. The muddier effects and lack of sheen make the world seem even more dirty and grimey. Compare that with how perfect and colorful is in RDR2 and it feels like a completely different world. At least to me.
At that point John was actively sowing dissension and lowering morale in the gang. Arthur and John should have just left if they hated the gang so much. Either shit or get off the pot.
He went with robbing a ferry because some literally who that joined the gang less than a year prior said it was a good idea. See
He just wanted some mango sticky rice, perhaps some mango salsa, a mango smoothie?
You sound like a zoomer that can't understand a very basic concept that no one implied was deep.
Dan Houser gave a fuck in GTA IV, MP3 and RDR 1 and 2 and now guess which games got shit on by autists, mostly GTA IV and MP3, so he stopped giving a fuck for the next GTA and did low effort writing and got praised for the shit he pooped out in a day.
Sean is probably the worst candidate to be an informant outside of John/Arthur/Bill/Javier.
>first playthrough i couldn't take buell because the game glitched out and i fell through the map and he despawned
>someone lead me to believe he's a unique missouri foxtrotter
>play entire game again
>he's a shit horse with shit stats
Milton and Ross approached anyone they could in the gang with Arthur being the first on the list, they had no clue anyone would be cooperative and Micah is a wildcard.
I dont like how it ended and if anyone wants to read it I've thought about an ending more suited for Dutch at the epilogue.
It's pretty much safe to assume micah was trying to get the gang killed the whole time working with anyone he could.
He had the wanted poster for dutch in his little camp outside strawberry, he was in a cell with the o'driscoll he shoots right after arthur breaks him out, he pushes for the meeting with colm that just happens to get arthur kidnapped, he's not there in shady belle when the o'driscolls find them and kill kieran [i think]
>does anyone wanna read my fanfic?
The writers don't give a fuck about GTAs story anymore since most people casuals don't care about it either. Also it being stuck in the same 2 cities over and over and over again doesn't exactly give most people alot of inspiration. They need to either go back to Vice City or go somewhere completely new. Do Louisiana or something.
Yes, but they didn't go around picking people up. Why would you pick someone up (which implies taking them to a secure location, or at least taking them with you for a short time) if you don't anticipate them being cooperative? I think that if Arthur indicated to Milton and Ross that he would cooperate with them when he was met early in the game, they would have done the same to him.
Rolling up on a gang member and asking them if they're willing to cooperate is an incredibly low risk strategy. It's basically a poke. Picking someone up as described early is medium risk. All of this implies to me that Micah was the informant the entire time.
I think ideally Milton wanted more of Dutch's people to turn on him though, so they probably poked quite a few. Arthur, Micah, and Molly are all confirmed.
The colour contrast is a little too high in RDR2. Some scenes look like they could almost be from Fortnite or something with an equally cartoonish style.
It's comically small for Arthur though
>the many miles we walked
>the many things we learned
>the building of a shrine
>only just to burn
>that's the way it is... that's the way it is....
fuck this game bros
Yep, you're right on all counts. He also pushes for the whole plot with the Southern families and acts as those Sean's death was unavoidable, defending Bill when Arthur was rightfully accusing him of stupidity. He's also always talking about "dead weight" and implying that some gang members had to go, but never saying which ones.
it's pretty, but it looks stupid with that burly motherfucker on its back
get it just to have a horse that's not trash in the early game, but get the gold turkoman asap, unless you're lucky enough to get the splashed white american paint to spawn somewhere, grab that and yeah its stats are mid tier but it's reasonably brave and it's gorgeous
The white arabian isn't even the best arabian, it's just free and has a special snowflake color scheme. Just wait for the grey one.
Arthur isn't the kind of guy who can be "picked up" without someone being shot, they had a chat all the same. Maybe Micah just buckled under pressure to save his own ass.
Yeah sure, post it
can you find dark bay turkoman horses in the wild?
A lot of people dislike the Arabian because it's so easily spooked. It's a pain in the ass getting bucked off every time you encounter a snake or other wild animal.
No one in a dangerous gang of killers is the kind of person to be "picked up" without there being risk. That's why the whole strategy is medium risk. It's logical to try a low risk strategy first to see if there's a reasonable expectation of reward. Notice
>Poke Arthur
>Arthur tells them to fuck off
>They fuck off and never talk to him again
Now imagine it for Micah
>Poke Micah
>He implies he's willing to cooperate for rewards
>Come back and pick Micah up after Guarma
Not anymore. A few patches ago, there was a sort of exploit you could do to get literally any horse in the entire game (not including unique named horses) if you were patient enough, but it was patched out because... Uh... I dunno. It couldn't be done in the online mode and it certainly wasn't doing anything to Rockstar's income.
No one in a dangerous gang of killers is the kind of person to be "picked up" without there being risk. That's why the whole strategy is medium risk. It's logical to try a low risk strategy first to see if there's a reasonable expectation of reward. Notice
>Poke Arthur
>Arthur tells them to fuck off
>They fuck off and never talk to him again
Now imagine it for Micah
>Poke Micah
>He implies he's willing to cooperate for rewards
>They start regularly meeting with him
>Come back and pick Micah up after Guarma to get a briefing on what happened in Guarma, where the gang is now, what state they're in, etc. etc. Milton then uses all this information to plan his big attack which was intended to finish them for good.
She's so obnoxious but
I'd suck her toes anyway
what a handsome guy
Sorry about the double post while editing the post, not sure how that happened.
They patched the gold bar and new austin glitches too, rockstar is autistic about not getting a headstart with bugs even if it isn't harming anything.
Why was Abigail such a bitch in the epilogue?
>The farm they are staying at gets attacked
>the literal owner asks John to kill the gang stealing the cattle
>3 bounty hunters attack John and John defends himself
>loosen up shooting
>reduce shooting galleries but make enemies tougher, gives way to more reliance on cover
>actual multitudes to approaching a level
>scrap the tacked on sim stuff or go full sim
I want to replay this game but everything above, he camp bullshittery and nothingness and the massive expositional dialogue horse rides makes it all so tiring.
Wish we could have got a LONE SLINGER game, that's what the 'West' should evoke, yet I feel tied down by all the activities you're forced; it works for Arthur I understand, I just didn't like it.
I genuinely think it's because they don't want people to have TOO much fun, and I can't think of a way to frame that without sounding like I'm joking, I really do think they feel some weird need to control how people experience the game.
you can 100% ignore the camp funds and necessities and it affects fuck all in the entire game, it's just another way to boost your honor
Also, at the end of the game they give your the opportunity to have a comfy ranch sim but they give you no longevity or activity to it, you can't even make a profit off it.
I know, but it feels like an obligation more than anything, like I'm doing wrong by ignoring it. I would have rather had a solo experience like RDR. You always feel trapped as Arthur, even when you explore Dutch sends someone after you, which I understand is ENTIRELY the point. You are his right hand man after all.
We need an old West game done in the style of Boiling Point. Open world, several factions, totally open-ended, and you just play a lone gunslinger who works for whomever he wants. Silent protagonist type.
Could join the Texas Rangers
Or be an outlaw
Work for the Union Army (focused on Indians)
Confederate remnant (outlaws but ideologically driven)
Not really a fanfic, it's just the ending:
Micah is dead on the floor.
Dutch holsters his revolvers, he's carrying a saddlebag with the loot.
He looks at John and Sadie "You both betrayed ME".
He walks a few steps outside carrying the saddlebag, looks back at them and says "I left what you deserve inside", Dutch walks away.
John and Sadie find half the loot and take it away.
Cut to the credits, Dutch is sitting on a bridge, saddlebag on his side, gold bar in his hand, he looks to the horizon, the sun is setting and he lowers his head in defeat before letting the gold bar go, we fade away as the gold bar falls.
I mean she has a point even if the situation is more complex than that. Being a big hero when you're a wanted outlaw is, and turned out to be, a bad idea. Though John defending himself from bounty hunters was forgivable, she was just being a bitch about that.
As soon as someone out there figures out how to make an open world game that is actually compelling to play, sure, but all of those games are chock full of nothing to do, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
Just what was the flower Arthur kept on his desk?
Do we ever get an explanation of where it comes from?
I think it's an unsatisfying compromise between having Arthur operate solo while being part of a group.
You don't have the freedom of being solo but you never actually feel like you belong in the group and all their talk about being a family rings hollow.
>Boiling Point
As long as it's the Beat Takeshi version, i'm with you
I thought it was just a touch that the women add whilst setting up his quarters for him.
I'm willing to believe he was just enough of a dork to keep one. Look through his journal.
GTA V was like some buddy crime flick from the 80s that required less effort then the RDR2 story
It's more of an RP thing, it takes about $2000 to upgrade the camp I just go after some easy gold bars early and get it done. You can leave it all in the red and people will just be more bitchy.
>people will just be more bitchy
Like, BARELY. It's hardly noticeable at all. I'm rolling a bottomed-out honor playthrough for a change and all I've noticed is people say "don't start" instead of "what do you mean" when you antagonize.
It was from his mom and has some sentimental value.
Had Rockstar given me the choice to go with her and have that be the end of the game I would have taken it. Honestly did want Arthur to have a good ending but we all knew where it was heading by the first time they had to flee dodge.
Because Rockstar favored 'muh drama' over giving Arthur any sort of backbone. From the camp donations to Dutch's constant bitching, I was sick of the crew about the time you get to that abandoned plantation house near saint denis. I headcanoned like a loser that arthur left and had a grand time, and uninstalled just because of how retarded the story was. Who the fuck lets two cops walk into camp, threaten everyone, and just leave, and not gun the fuckers down, especially as badass outlaws? The gang easily takes on foes in the dozens, but no, a pinkerton and his pal they just act like wussies around.
i have a question
why is it that in this COWBOY game, the revolvers suck ass?
Because Arthur had a wife and son back then who was brutally murdered for 5 dollars
Calloway's Schofield is powerful it takes 2 shots to the chest max with express ammo
Arthur being loyal to the gang =/= a lack of backbone. And even if he did leave, they'd have hunted him down and killed him.
>camp donations
You can ignore those and the story moves along just the same. It's a videogame thing, not a story thing.
>who the fuck lets two cops walk into camp without killing them
Fella, these were PINKERTONS. The original FBI. Had they walked in and not come back out, the gang's problems would've been much worse much faster.
Not killing milton and his butt buddy when they walked into camp and tried to intimidate them. Would have saved so much trouble, and they had no reason not to waste 'em.
>but dey had an entire army hidden in da trees hurr
Yeah, and after five seconds of dead eye, they detectives would all be dead, and the gang would have much more freedom, having killed a significant chunk of the pinkertons, as well as the only ones with any clue of where they were.
This guy thinks video game mechanics and plot are the same thing. LOL
Aim for the chest or head you nimrod.
Nah. It's not like they had computers or anything. If they were to drop the two most experienced agents chasing after them, it would have been a severe blow as the Pinkertons take a while to catch on, and then proceed to struggle because the guys who know the most have just disappeared, leaving them with piss-all. Maybe a few notes but let's be honest, the effectiveness of Pinkertons is greatly overrated. They were less of sherlock holmes and more of hired thugs.
I dunno about the revolver talk but the lancaster repeater is the best gun in the game bar fucking none
Where did you get that Milton and Ross are the most experienced? Why are we assuming they were 100% alone and didn't have someone scoping them out in the woods?
Yes it is.
Rifles don't have anything special desu.
Also, Otis Miller's revolver is a beast. Favorite revolver so far.
Okay, fine. Forget deadeye. The fact still stands that the gang engages in much deadlier shootouts, against much worse odds, and comes out on top repeatedly. The gang th Pinkertons bring shouldn't mean squat, and if the Pinkertons really are so much better and smarter, they wouldn't need Dutch to help them do shit in the first place. It's a forced moment that destroys all immersion, because the writers are absolute shit.
>Honestly I think John and Arthur should have been more loyal to Dutch, not less.
Dutch's decisions over the course of the game gives no reason to keep trusting him. They both realised Dutch just loved the chaos and he would've led them to an early grave with pointless deaths.
Is this the perfect example of a scene women will never understand? Who was in the wrong here?
>want to replay it
>really dont want to play on ps4
gibe pc port already
>>Rifles don't have anything special desu.
The Springfield is fun and aesthetic
Because they fucking shot up the tram station and killed half the police force the day before, Dutch and Hosea are both idiots
I know that feel, user:
>Build strong gaming PC
>Hate being forced to play console ports of this and Judgment
It doesn't help that the game is too annoying to play from a TV distance for me.
The bolt-action rifle is satisfying to use sometimes, but my default loadout is a revolver, a sawed-off, the lancaster, and the pump shotgun. Versatile and looks awesome.
Milton and Ross tracked them down. If you're insisting that some sherlock genius who is never named is actually doing all the work and can instantly tell when the two are killed, you're just overly rwlying on 'muh invincible pinkertons' to try and force it to work. Besides, having a gun on them doesn't matter. Like I said, these guys are experienced, dangerous outlaws. A couple dozen of thugs shouldn't be worth a shit compared to arthur and co.
The gang gets into big shootouts but repeatedly lose bodies of their own which is a huge hit to morale and loyalty. There's no worth in instigating a "decider" battle when Dutch's gang is likely to lose at least several of their chief enforcers which are the glue to their gang.
Man, having a loadout you stick with is a bitch to deal with when the game auto-equips you certain guns for missions. My next playthrough, i'm not picking up anything so I can at least have some familiarity with what I'm carrying rather than scroll through an entire gallery.
As stupid as Dutch is, he wouldn't endanger the women and Jack by having a shootout at camp.
The Pinkertons were an entire agency not a gaggle of geeks. They have probably hundreds of expendables, including Milton and Ross. Dutch doesn't have that.
>muh invincible pinkertons would have killed dutch and co. so hard man you have to believe me they had ninja assassin snipers man
Yeah, nah. Milton and Ross get by via plot armor from the writers, and it's forced as all hell.
>because his faith in him was wavering from even before the game opened.
Because the game starts with the result of Dutch's last planned heist gone wrong and everyone says it's because Dutch rushed the plan
They have govt backing at that point they can be replaced quite easily, all the files they have on the gang wouldn't go anywhere. Their enemy is the state not a couple guys.
Oh don't worry you still get to deal with guns they just kinda stick into your inventory for good. I didn't even know "worn" weapons could be permanent, nor do I know how I got a worn cattleman revolver, but I can't get rid of it.
Why is there no option to sell guns? Why not make BANK with the unique weapons from the Calloway questline?
Ahh yes I forgot the Pinkertons has teleporting spawners to bring the entire wrath of their agency down on one gang instantly instead of doing their usual job of busting unions and worker rights movements which was far more profitable than the detective part
>have enough money to pay off the bounty of everyone in the gang and buy a private island
>dutch keeps doing scores
fuck this game, there should have been an alternate ending if you donated enough money
Sure. Doesn't really relate to the point I was making but yeah that's a true statement.
>what is beating the shit out of sone pinkerton patsy to find the office and then burn it all
No wait hold on the pinkertons were so fucking cool they had quantum back ups in fort knox all for this one fucking gang
See now you're putting words in my mouth. No one said it'd be instantaneous. The fact is Dutch's gang had a MASSIVE bounty on their heads. Arthur alone was $5,000. The Pinkertons wouldn't forget is what we're saying - they would've suffered some losses but a small gang losing just one member is a much bigger loss.
Because it'd be an unguarded wooden building wouldn't it
Arthur knew no matter how much of a person he grows to be, he knew his lifestyle would have never changed, and as such, made sure the people he knew had a higher life than he did keep that higher life, rather than stoop down to the level he was in. The moment his heart changed (determined by the player) was when he knew his time was short due to TB, where he realized things in his life for his own gain means nothing, so he tries to right the wrongs he did, not because he is a "good man." But rather because he wants people to not follow in his footsteps.
Damn... that's deep.
But that's the entire deal with Dutch
He WANTS to be on the run
The Blackwater ferry job was nationwide news the president and everyone in the govt would've heard about it, Dutch's gang is far too notorious to be forgotten about.
This. He has literally nothing to live for without being an outlaw. Having a purpose was huge to him.
its called red dead redemption not red dead run away from your problems and abandon everyone
red dead red deadmption
Right, which is why around the 19th-20th century years where the game took place they were giving up detective work and going into private security and union-busting, right? Pinkertons had plenty of fuck-ups, and with plenty of hate brewing towards their way. Don't make them out to be some angel supercops who always catch the bad guy.
GTA is always written in a satirical point of view, making fun of modern day trends and annoyances with mayhem.
RDR is written in a down to earth perspective, where the world around the player is modernizing, and how you are the last remaining of your kind, where one by one, you are eliminated due to the growing world.
You're an idiot. Did you play the game?
Put the gang in heated moments with bad odds and they are certain to take losses.
RISK, nigger. RISK is part of why Dutch didn't fuck with them too much.
She reminds me of a more aggressive Jesse from Toy Story... for some reason.
Well Sean was killed by a family feud that he wasn't a part of, but yeah the rest.
Yes, bad odds from the army of invisible ninja snipers in the trees. Dutch has never taken a risk before, so gotta bow down before them, right?
It's the hat
Because neither Joan Cusack nor Alex McKenna are very good at faking a southern accent?
I want Sadie to die
Are you ignoring the details that inconvenience your point? Dutch's gang was *nationally* notorious. They'd get fucking hunted down even if they won the fight with zero losses, and worse, the Pinkertons would recognize them as a bigger threat and would send a bigger outfit to confront them. And since you're a pedantic retard let me take a step ahead here and say no, it woudn't be instantaneous, it would be weeks, months, maybe even years later.
Realized that Micah has been talking nonsense and connected the dots why he was shooting John in the first place. Not to mention was still bitter when he last saw Arthur dying beneath Micah, with John's plea being the straw that broke the camels back. Not to mention, Bill and Javier went behind his back as they are not at his side at that time.
That's what I mean though, it doesn't have to be the Pinkertons. If they're knee deep in shit there's going to be losses.
I'm not arguing for that one scene your LARP bumfuckery can only comprehend.
I replied to this post originally:
It's a stupid point because they can't win every big gunfight, they survive by staying out of those - only getting the drop on people and hitting places and running away.
Lenny hit me hard when he died, I felt like Arthur and him had a strong bond, which in turn made me sympathize with him... made me real sad.
I know Yea Forums hates niggers but Lenny was a cool guy. Probably the only one not afraid to think differently from Dutch in the early chapters.
ngl, I replayed him getting hit a few times to see if I could get the drop on the agent.
Sean probably shocked me the most because it felt the most spontaneous for me, you could sense something was coming but I didn't sense a MC would get their skull blown clean off.
Not to mention that bar mission was probably one of the most entertaining things I have ever seen in any game. Better than any moment in GoW (... you can roast me for that. It's just my opinion.)
You've already been conclusively disproved by other anons. Please learn from this experience and stop being such a disingenuous retard.
As much as I fucking loved GoW start to finish and gladly take it as my personal game of 2018, I agree. Drinking with Lenny was the best single gaming experience of 2018, even though reddit is trying its damnedest to ruin it.
I implore them to add it back in.
Funnily enough, it's just Milton and Ross. The only other men referred to are the 50 Milton says he's coming back with, and judging by the campaign missions, it takes him a good long while. So really, it's the two pinkertons versus the entire gang. Good fucking luck.
>Muh invincible pinkertons always get their man
Come on now, we're just going in circles.
Proof that John is the bigger bitch than Arthur
Now you're just electing to be ignorant to seem, I dunno, confident in your point? You're just making yourself look stupid. Give it up now babe.
She should've blown him. Just once for old times sake.
Mate, I'm not contesting the standoff between Dutch's gang and Milton and Ross.
I'm arguing that the Van Der Line gang winning big gunfights is overall a loss when they lose core members of the group and therefore it isn't in their interest to get into large gunfights however skilled Dutch, John and Arthur are with a six gun.
>tfw you have to walk off into the sunset and leave your girl behind
This screen pisses me off so much.
He says at some point that he just wants to be faced west so he can face the sunset as he passes.
The sun is rising in this screen.
He's facing east.
Everyone and their mom shared this screenshot saying it's pOeTic but they can't pay attention to the tiny little itty bitty detail that the entire fight happens in the dead of night.
Charles buries him facing west.
Fact: If you rode anything but the very first horse you get in the game, who I named Coffee, you are heartless
Didn't everyone know it was rising here?
and when did he say that? no doubt, just do not recall.
I'd find it more comforting and appropriate to be buried facing a rising sun.
Charles is smarter than all of Reddit then. My point was people shared it all over the place citing that line of Arthur's
>mary was used goods
>turned john into a complete cuck in rdr1
>all women are literally breathing onaholes
Why even bother with women? Just buy an onahole.
Fuck coffee I got a gold Turkoman and named him........ Fuck I forgot.
It's one of the camp dialogues that just sorta happens, easy to miss. I think it comes up at nighttime in chapter 3.
Says the guy ignoring the very large historical failings of the Pinkerton Agency, and thinking that a large organization is somehow inescapable, especially in an era with limited technology and communication. Pinkertons were nowhere near as infallible as you think, and in fact, despite blackwater, Milton and Ross were only put on the case after corporate interests in the form of Leviticus Cornwall intervened. Given the shifting nature of the Pinkertons, as well as all the money the gang stole, disappearing would have been much easier to pull off than you'd think, after dropping Milton and Ross. Hell, think of all those fuckers on the FBI's most wanted. You'd be a fool to think that it's easier to escape a big organization now compared to back then, but by the way you try and talk about it, Pinkertons are somehow better than the CIA, FBI, and NSA combined.
The books hadnt invented em yet
I'm not even reading past "historical failings of the pinkerton agency" motherfucker dutch did not have that knowledge how could he possibly
he was smart not to engage because it was not worth the risk, he knew it was too much a risk because they'd already lost several people by then, the pinkertons were a large organization, dutch's gang was notorious already and had too much shit on their records to be left alone just because they killed two dudes
What did Dutch believe he was accomplishing by killing Cornwall?
Profits, idiot, that's what the next gen version upgrades.
Easy to traverse around if they weren't riding around in a goddamn caravan.
Dutch's gang being as infamous as it was was easy to conceptualise as SOON as I played RDR2, I just don't understand how they stayed ahead of people so long in that fucking circus convoy.
thats why i see why dutch is on about. if he was the bad person he would be far more reckless even if the "bad" started mid way the game. literally every man is criminal in the face of god and the crime is all the same for all of us. remember the mangos
I think you're forgetting that Micah was very very likely a rat from the beginning. Seriously, assuming - or whatever the right word is because the actual evidence is there - that Micah was a rat from the moment he joined the gang cleans this up. So they kill Milton and Ross, but the informant stays.
I still stand by that engaging the Pinkertons violently would be a bad idea; the risk is too high. Dutch has more to worry about than himself, there are women and children in his gang, and all he knew is that they kept finding him, so they might find him again so it would be pretty bad if he killed a couple of their guys. Too high a risk.
Because killing the guys in charge of coming after them would indeed be a huge blow, you idiot. Your entire argument relies on Pinkertons being these infallible super detectives, but they were nowhere near that. You hamper the investigation, and use that time while they're reeling to get away. It's a tactic used even today, in a world where communication is even faster and information transfers practically instantaneously. Kill the main source of information, then use the chaos to get distance. Criminals have done it, world-class politicians have done it, and guess what? Enough people are getting with it that it's more than dependable. Be-fucking-sides, if they already have all this heat, what's two more corpses?
I thought it was really sweet
totally sweet
I honestly believe that RDR2 is easily the best game ever made.
>gameplay is perfect for my autism
>world is so fucking big that I'm still learning new things about it 8 months later
>so much content
>long as shit
>music is God tier
>game looks amazing in 4K
I honestly feel sorry for any dev that has the misfortunes of releasing a game the name year as a R* game.
>tfw I will never experience this game dke the first time again.
My entire argument is that DUTCH DID NOT WANT TO RISK CAUSING A BIGGER SHITSTORM. At least not at first. There was no reason to paint an even bigger target on the backs of everyone in his gang at that point. Maybe they could have won the fight that would've came later. Maybe they could've escaped. But as someone else said, Dutch's gang was a whole caravan of folk, they can't exactly weave through and not be seen eventually.
>gameplay is perfect
Let me stop you RIGHT fucking th-
>for my autism
Carry on.
>world is so fucking big that I'm still learning new things about it 8 months later
Like what?
I feel like I've seen everything worth seeing.
>tfw I will never experience this game dke the first time again.
This is how I felt after playing Red Dead Redemption. Good for your user.
The widow has a stalker and you can find Bonnie's husband.
With Cornwall dead there's no one to pay the Pinkertons which was the point. You could say that the dude who took over next would keep paying them but Cornwall had a personal grudge against the gang. I think the greater reason though was simply that Dutch hated Cornwall, to him Cornwall was a representation of everything he was against as well as the person who was trying to kill him and his gang.
Lastly, it would have created a lot of "noise" which was a facet of Dutch's plan at the time. Shittiest part is I honestly think without Micah in the mix, Dutch's plan might have worked. The heist was successful and all they had to do was leave with the money.
There's like 50 of those points of interest that arthur draws in his journal and on the main map those are worth checking out
I got the game on pre-order and I only just learned Marko Dragic's questline not continuing was intentional. I thought I broke it but you just walk into his lab and you see why it ends after just two.
Fun Fact:
The mocap actor for Mary in this particular scene was actually the guy who played Arthur. Behind the scenes, he is mourning at his own grave.
The writing in RDR2 really was soft, Dutch stabbing the women in Puerto Rico or wherever was about as dark and gritty as it got for a drama about a murderous gang being killed out.
Without Micah in the mix, the entire game wouldn't have happened and Arthur would be living happy as an outlaw with his bros, drinking with Lenny and fishing with Hosea out west where they wanted to be, but Dutch had to listen to this random fucker who just barely joined the gang and had the idea to rob that specific ferry on that specific day.
Rockstar voice acting is always stronger than the writing itself. Whoever they've got directing the VA are the best in the industry
>tfw I will never experience this game dke the first time again
>tfw amazed by the snow in the intro and then mind blown when you first step into the heartlands
And to think I now take it for granted. At least, until I try playing some other open world game and it always pales in comparison.
>forgetting Sean getting his head blown wide open or Kieran riding back into camp with his head on his lap
he knew what he signed up for
What bigger risk? Apparently they're such badboys Pinkerton would throw their entire organization against them, in which case they should by aiming for a full-on escape--two more dead pinkertons won't mean a thing, especially after it seems like they already killed some at Blackwater. If Dutch was trying to not cause a big shitstorm, he wouldn't let two enemies just walk away with the camp's location, and instead just shoot them and fucking run
>but muh carriage
Splitting the gang's simple enough. Hell, you can waltz Arthur all around town, and despite being this legendary outlaw, no one pays him any mind. The rest of the gang would be even easier to hide.
It's a game that has to cater to today's cultural (liberal) sensitivities and it shows in more ways than one. I'm surprised they even had Dutch kill a woman.
I wasn't talking about gore, I know limbs blow off and that there are deaths. I was talking about how the characters were written. Did you grow up watching game of thrones?
Think from Dutch's perspective.
>this gang is my family
>these guys wanna kill my family
>they have resources, i don't
>they're continuously finding me
>there must be a rat
>therefore killing these two serves little purpose and only gives the agency reason to come at us harder and smarter
>having a character get his eyes gouged out, decapitated and have his body sent back to his gang on horseback becauss you gave him mercy by not killing him or a fellow gang member getting assassinated because your boss got full of himself and tried to con a con artist aren't dark.
Nice try.
>Oh shit, these Pinkerton fucks are after me
>but there might be a rat
>so I should let these two valuable sources of information just walk away scottfree instead of setting a trap for the rat and saving my family
>no wait that's retarded
>let's shoot them and fucking book it considering the valentine back we robbed gave us enough money to equal about a quarter million based on the camp share alone
>or save one to torture until he gives up the rat or the rat reveals himself
No idea what this gay argument is about at this point but seeing as Arthur and John whimpered and cried whenever Dutch so much as unholstered his gun, I doubt they would stand for straight up torturing someone
I rejected a smol 10/10 qt with the tightest brappers and /fit/ thighs who was in love with me just because I felt chained being in a relationship. Some of us just want to die alone on a hill.