If online is dead and the AI is retarded, then what's even the point in playing fighting games?

If online is dead and the AI is retarded, then what's even the point in playing fighting games?

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In that case, the storyline and music.

That game was the biggest buyers remorse I've ever experienced. Literally a button masher

> Story
> Fighting Games

>button masher
>literally everyone is a puppet character
I can tell you aren't very good at the game.

I hate this stupid meme.

I don't know why you''d think that. CTB is focused super heavily on degenerate setups and pressure. Mashing doesn't get you much of anything.

Is Skullgirls any good?

>ruins your game

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CTB definitely has an active online lobby...filled with pros and try-hards. Trying to character swap out of 20 hit combos becomes tiresome.

Gordeau and FUCKING Ruby ruined boobertag way before yuzu/mitsuru came along

The Buyer's Remorse I felt was spending a lot of time finding a team, then finding out that the online lobbies are literally empty every time I boot up the game

for when your friends want to play haha

For that rythmic pounding noise.

t.didnt actually play the game

This shit had SO much missed potential when it comes to character interactions
the pre match dialogues left a bad taste in my mouth, I only ever enjoyed them if Carmine was there, since he had the most personality and brought the most of it out of other people

Am I not supposed to try when I play online?

>less than one month away from EVO
The big day is almost upon us.

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Its her turn lads

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What's it gonna be?

An announcement for the November release date

Watch it be 1 more character

I really wish they would add every character they have, just make mvc 2

I'm not even into Senran Kagura, but after the original datamine with Yumi and Asuka, then the second "announcer datamine" with a whole slew of names, I'm hoping you guys get something. That said, is Cyan an important colour in SK?

Realistically it'll probably be Chaos Code, or P4AU for extra judaism.

Lol this is truly what'll happen though. Just the protag of the new fate, their theme song, and a stage, plus other miscellaneous bits.

How I wish. Having a fuckhuge roster of characters from all these fun series would be spectacular.

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>add the announcer naming literally everyone in the last patch to hide their real reveals
>the twist is they are literally adding everyone

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And remember, not a single new line of dialogue for interactions.

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Game needed to cost half as much on release and put out DLC characters 3x as fast.
It had a lot of hype when it came out and there's actually a lot of depth in the systems despite how simplified the characters are, but that means that most of the playerbase isn't going to be good enough to really get the value out of the interesting interactions. I know I wasn't. Putting out new characters and arcade modes and shit keeps the bottom 70% of the playerbase happy, which keeps the game alive so the top 30% sticks with it instead. The big advantage of pruning the characters' movesets so hard was supposed to be that they could churn them out with little effort, and so have a huge character list full of wacky fun shit for people to fuck around with. That's the point of a spritedump game. Instead of forcing it into Evo and trying to act like it was this balanced competitive environment, make a dumb fun game with a ton of shit in it and then no one will really care if Ruby+Gord is completely busted. Embrace the kusoge.

>That said, is Cyan an important colour in SK?
Not necessarily Senran Kagura has a lot of color themes going on it, unless the cyan is in reference to the light blues Yumi wears or her ice powers, it would make sense if they just put her in considering she's the most popular character(much to my and many others dismay) in Japan

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Reminder that If you play:
Naoto S.
or Yang
You should kill yourself ASAP

inb4 the 7th fate gets teased and the 6th fate is some literally who franchise and the next pack is all faggot shit characters

The only other fates I'd ever want are Guilty Gear and Skullgirls, which are both Never Evers

>hear the Sk girls being named off
>its the usual suspects, so I wasn't holding my breath
>suddenly Renka

Please Mori, you glorious waifufag

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I personally wanted a Souji


But why

I'd probably go total fag and shed a tear or something, that'd be phenomenal. Honestly, it would be one of the gaming highlights of the year for me. Maybe even of all time. Also thanks for a typed list!

That was really, really disappointing. I mean, no Naoto with BB protags, no Heart with the other series protags. Pretty lame. All we can really hope for is that they'll be added in with the rest of Season 2, if there even is a second season.

Why does Japan tend to love the one thing the rest of the world loathes, it's really weird. Considering what happened with Arcana Heart, maybe it wouldn't be all that farfetched for them to just add Yumi.

Yeah I can see it happening lol, the Seventh Fate for sure. The next pack will probably be a four-piece, featuring the protag of the joining series, and a BB/P4A/UNiB.

Has Skullgirls been deconfirmed? I know Mori himself has said that there is no chances of GG and Melty Blood, but what disqualifies Skullgirls?

Mostly because I wanted to reply to everyone who did to me, but the thread was about to archive. Also I just really like talking about BBTAG in whatever little way I can, I love the game. :0

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>The next pack will probably be a four-piece, featuring the protag of the joining series, and a BB/P4A/UNiB.
It's unfortunate, but that's most likely going to be the case. If it were me, I would do P4A/UNI/AH/new character instead.

That would be a much better idea, I'd be on-board with it. Generally speaking though, way back at EVO Japan of this year when Arcana Heart was revealed for BBTAG, I was always sort of under the impression that each additional Fate would add at least four characters from it, much like RWBY. Obviously it's not a lot, and it can't compare to the number of BB, P4A, and UNiB reps, but it would be much more than we currently have, and I believe a lot of fans would be happier with that. And that way, you're sort of getting "the essentials" of a new Fate:
>four fighters
>at least six tracks (four individual theme songs, a same series match theme, and a Crossing Fate remix done in the style of the fate's composer)
>a new stage
>interactions amongst one another and other series
>a four-character same-universe interaction
Something like that.

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>there are still people that play this cash grab
Mori was a mistake

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>the storyline
Nice joke
Just download a rip you retard

shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

>I was always sort of under the impression that each additional Fate would add at least four characters from it, much like RWBY.
I thought the same thing, and then it turned out we were only getting Heart from AH (Saki and Weiss being sub character icons in the in game shop didn't help) and now it feels like we got the bare minimum after 9 months of waiting. I like your ideal of what the essentials for a new fate should be, but I feel like arc wouldn't be able to shit them out every 9 months, considering they've probably put their focus on other games now. Personally I just hope the next DLC pack is something like Elizabeth/Hilda/Saki/new fate and that we don't have to wait nine months for this one.

>sells like shit
>they still support it
>cash grab


Never again will I buy an anime fighting game, they always die so quickly, so unless they do something like an arcsys proper 1v1 fighting game with shonen jump and other manga/anime characters all together anime fightan will never attract the western audience that will eat any shit crapcom serves them.

Anything guilty gear would be nice. Even Rev2 is old now

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Are there any beginners and scrubs left in this game on ps4?
I liked the bit I played of it, I just never got around to playing much in the time it was active and it fell off my radar in favor of my backlog.


Seeing Saki and Weiss over in the sub characters section of the profile pictures was pretty crushing, because I'm pretty sure the both of them are major characters in their series. Saki's like Heart's Jin (except they actually get along), and Weiss I believe is a major character AH3. Essentially both of them were prime candidates to join the battle.
Like you said, another part of developmental problems for the game is how ArcSys is treating it more like a side project at this point. Less manpower, less negotiations, slower processes and releases overall. We'll probably get our eighth pack sooner than later, maybe even right at EVO, but I doubt it'll be anything exciting:
>new fighter from new fate
>popular/story-relevant/important BB
>popular/requested UNiB

Yeah not to be a downer, but you should expect more of the same...

Kill yourself.

The story is bad and all the music is recycled besides Ragna v. Jin's theme.

> I'm pretty sure the both of them are major characters in their series.
You'd be right. Saki is Heart's best friend and the token charge character of the series, and Weiss was the protag of AH3's story.
>We'll probably get our eighth pack sooner than later, maybe even right at EVO, but I doubt it'll be anything exciting:
you mean the sixth pack? I wouldn't expect the 8th pack until 2020/2021 at this rate.

Not as much as we hate you.

The cyan color is associated with Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax. It's going to be a bunch of Dengeki characters.

Ah, perfect! I suppose I'm finally learning my Arcana Heart. I should probably play the story mode, look up the older games on YouTube if they're there. As for the next pack, snide aside lol, aren't we technically waiting for the eighth pack, whenever that'll come out? I believe seventh was Heart's, no?

Huh, you know, I used to discredit Dengeki Bunko for being a sort of crossover fighting game in and of itself. But when you phrase it like that, with Dengeki Bunko itself serving as the overarching umbrella, I can now actually see it happening. It would certainly attract a much larger crowd than say, Chaos Code or Akatsuki Blitzkampf, especially if they included characters like Kazuto and Asuna. In fact, those two, or at least Kazuto at this rate would probably end up being the leading pair/character to represent it.

Heart was the 5th fate. the one we're waiting for now is the 6th fate.

Oh, no, I know that. I'm just talking about the way ArcSys counts each pack.
>First Fate: BlazBlue
>Second Fate: Persona 4 Arena
>Third Fate: Under Night in-Birth
>Fourth Fate: RWBY
>Fifth Fate: Arcana Heart
>Sixth Fate: TBA
And then Character Packs:
>Vol. 1: Platinum/Kanji/Orie
>Vol. 2: Jubei/Aigis/Carmine
>Vol. 3: Hakumen/Naoto Shirogane/Vatista
>Vol. 4: Tsubaki (Izayoi)/Mitsuru/Merkava
>Vol. 5: Mai/Akihiko/Yuzuriha
>Vol. 6: Konoe/Labrys/Mika
>Vol. 7: Naoto Kurogane/Teddie/Seth/Heart
>Vol. 8: TBA

oh shit, I got fates and dlc packs mixed up. my mistake.

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I'd hate to see GG in CTB. I'd rather just have a new GG, which I'm confident will be announced this year anyway.

GG shouldn't be allowed to hang with the big boys anyways.

So who do you guys play in BBTAG?

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I've been meaning to ask a question, albeit a pretty minor one, when the next BBTAG thread showed up. Hypothetically speaking, and all gameplay purposes aside, if they were to add Mu-12 and Tsubaki here, considering that Noel and Izayoi are already playable, how would you want them implemented, personality wise? Would you want:
>"Godslayer Mu" (hollow, quiet, soulless machine Mu from Continuum Shift) >"Zealot Tsubaki" (black uniform, red eyes all over, absolutely devout to the Imperator, Ruby: Mind Eater Tsubaki from Chrono Phantasma)
Or would you be alright with an overlap of personalities, and let them retain their current incarnations?

Haha it's alright user, no worries! Besides, it felt nice to type that all up. :)

Way too many characters, that's for sure. My favourite teams currently are:
>Team Justice (Tsubaki/Orie)
I'd love to find a partner for Heart, but no such luck just yet. Oh, and I also like Weiss/Vatista. I'm pretty casual, if the surplus of teams wasn't an indicator lol.

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I messed up my greentext. Jesus Christ wtf I never do that. What I meant to put was:
>"Godslayer Mu" (hollow, quiet, soulless machine Mu from Continuum Shift)
>"Zealot Tsubaki" (black uniform, red eyes all over, absolutely devout to the Imperator, Ruby: Mind Eater Tsubaki from Chrono Phantasma)

that's an interesting question. Maybe have Godslayer Mu and have her snap out of it during her win quotes? Not sure about Tsubaki, although I feel like they should've put her in instead of Izayoi.
Also if you're looking for good Heart partners, I think Merkava and Vatista work well with her.

Carmine is fucking based, too bad his goofy english VA is stuck in bbtag

That would be an excellent idea for Mu! A perfect middle-ground between Noel's true self and her CS incarnation. As for Tsubaki, I'm actually happy that they went with Izayoi since I prefer her playstyle more, and everyone still interacting with her "as Tsubaki" is a huge bonus. However, it's absolutely criminal that Jin and Tsubaki didn't get 'Cry Camellia' (Childish Killer? I think it's the same song) as their pair up theme, and yet Jubei/Konoe got 'Reincarnation', even though that's technically Kokonoe or Celica Vs. Konoe. I'll also keep your advice about Merkava of Vatista + Heart in mind, thank you!

I feel like they did an excellent job with the English dub of UNiB. Though, I am a little upset with Seth, I expected his voice to be smoother. Think there's any chance of the dub coming to UNiCLR?

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>Think there's any chance of the dub coming to UNiCLR?
I sure fucking hope not. They got better things to spend money on

I loved this game
too bad I have the attention span of a goldfish

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I'm dying on the Linne hill, idgaf she's cool as hell

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Yeah I guess that's fair. They're not exactly the most funded at French Bread. Hopefully in the future. :T

Whose pure ears did Ragna sully with his constant swearing. Was it Vatista, Ruby, or Heart?

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Jin and Noel.
I love the trash and garbage man duo.


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Play a game that ain't dead, like jive.

I've been mixing Yang with every goddamn team and having a blast.


I know nothing about RWBY but she's pretty fucking rad and she's fun to play.

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I know nothing about RWBY as well (and I don't want to know anything about RWBY, it's fanbase and CG anime sucks), but I really like Ruby's design and look in BBTag. She's really cool.

I don't agree with most of the voices so there's that too. Chunni things should remain in japanese, the english tongue doesn't do well with it

Agreed, a new GG would be better than it's inclusion in CTB

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Pretty nuts to see no Ikaruga and Katsuragi among the names.

Everyone here is terrible at fighting games so don't expect anyone to agree with you.

The game was in desperate need of a Punch Girl, and Yang's great in this.

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>tfw know things about RWBY and wish i didn't
The actual plot and lore I could care less about, at this point I'm just watching to see whatever glimpses I can of my favourites. At the very least, I won't knock Rooster Teeth for the character designs, and their weapons/powers. More relevantly, even though there's absolutely zero chance of RWBY seeing any more content in BBTAG, I still silently pray that there will be, like some of my favourites in pic related, Neopolitan and Roman Torchwick.

That's understandable as well, fair enough.

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Blade Strangers has a bigger playerbase then this game.

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i think people over react to how bad they think the story is

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The series had a better future as a poor man's battle school light novel parody than an actual quest for mcguffin save the world rpg they're trying right now

Plays Jam for the upskirts

>The series had a better future as a poor man's battle school light novel parody
when was it ever this where we watching the same thing

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What the hell was Seasons 1-3 for you. They're at a school


>not a rwby thread

Yeah, the designs and weapons are great for all four of them. I just can't stand the animation and CG Anime, but that's me. To each their own.


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They hardly did anything in the school you idiot if you want that shit go watch more trash harem anime

>hardly did anything
>when they're literally in class
>having mock battles
>doing team exercises
>fucking food fights
>school dances
>literal inter-school tourneys

I've honestly paid attention to how good Jam's ass and thighs look

>ever being an option
Just go to your local and play offline. That way you don't have to deal with 4 to 8 frames of delay, on top of potential stuttering, with the 2 to 10 frames of delay from whatever controller you're using, on top of the inherent 3 to 6 frame delay in most fight games.


that too

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Now compare that to everything more they did fool you don't need a school to do shit all the time why do you want them in school so bad pedo

i usually play rwby/aigis i have fun with playing them and there interaction is just to dam adorable.

Give me Hilda Arcsys you faggots
And the velvet siblings for a velvet room theme

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Millia's too

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the deep compelling story bro :^)