has anyone ever understood how the hacking minigame worked?
Has anyone ever understood how the hacking minigame worked?
...yes? Do you seriously not get it?
Haha *snorts* it says the thing.
what are you some sorta city slicker?
If you select matching brackets, like open and close round, square, or curly brackets, you can get extra tries or a wrong word removed.
understand how it's meant to work but you are actually meant to just scan the thing and clicking all the things in brackets to remove duds to leave you with only a few to find the actual answer
pick FELL. if that's not correct, and it is 2/4, then pick FEAT. however if FELL is 3/4 then pick FELT.
the fractions indicate how many characters are correct, and in the right position.
FEED is 2/4 correct and SEED is 1/4 correct.
because SEED has one less correct character, and the only different character is F, you can assume that the password must begin with F.
SEED does not begin with F but still has a correct character. that means only one of the characters in EED is correct.
you know you can ignore every password that doesn't begin with F.
so let's look at something like FEEL
FEEL is not the correct answer because two characters (EE) are shared with FEED yet FEED did not have three correct characters, only two.
by doing this in your head and ignoring passwords that don't work, you can avoid wasting tries.
Yes, but I have grown to fucking hate it, as well as the lockpicking minigame. These little busywork minigames are only fun the first few times you play them, and after several games they become mindnumbingly repetitive. I always use skeleton key and autohack mods.
brehs you are getting meme'd
Yeah you pick 3 random words and if none of them are right you exit and try again until it unlocks.
What are you dumb?
The whole process takes too long considering how many terminals there are in the game. A good idea would be a perk to show you which characters are in the right position.
No, they've actually redirected the thread from a meme to constructive discussion.
fucking dammit. this is the new The Game
Yeah. You hammer random words until you're at one try remaining, and then you slowly scan for matched brackets. Clicking [], (), or {} will either remove a dud or reset your tries. Repeat until you stumble upon the correct word. It's legitimately faster than actually trying to figure out the solution.
The virus just jumped! Find which terminal it went to!
it's the fastest way
only if you're a retard
I don't hate the lockpicking game. however I hate the pause after you break a lockpick.
They don't have to be right next to each other, there can be a string of characters inbetween. In the OP, seventh line down on the left, {!`_} would also reset your tries.
you pick the first one, the alst one, a nd try to guess which one it is based off these replies
if fail, repeat
>Clicking [], (), or {} will either remove a dud or reset your tries
ayo what the fuck
Pick 3 random words, find the reset tries code, pick 3 random words again. Higher success chance.
>first pick is 0 right letters
>next pick is 1 right letter
>next pick is 1 or 2 right letters
>still have 4 words left that it could be
you could fuck around with the brackets and shit for more tries, or just hit esc, e, spam three random, rinse repeat til you get it
when you get good at timing the animations, you unlock any terminal in under a minute
revolutionary minigame
Seriously, try it out. Just drag your cursor across the parts that aren't words until you highlight a section of valid text.
skyrim was funny about it
the minigame is so fucking easy that even with 10 pick lock skill you can easily unlock master safes
> under a minute
if you weren't an absolutely empty vessel you'd know that's nothing to brag about
i never find ones in brackets
gta5s hacking mini game was the best
its fell
it is when you have to sit there trying to find which are actual brackets and which are just random end/beginning brackets. or waste time clicking on duds.
3 randos and restarting is fastest
You literally just drag your cursor across the screen until it highlights a chunk of text. It takes seconds at most.
>he doesn't get the joke
Shit minigame though, you have click some word and then click another word that shares letters with it and hope you find it in right amount of tries or the computer locks, so everyone just save scummed and clicked random words
the sad thing is that this guy will go through life believing he is correct.
formerly sell
>everyone save scrums
No they dont. You just back out on your last attempt and try again.
only the mentally handicapped clicked random words
Well you have to start with picking a random word, and from there you have multiple possibilites and then you have to pick a random word again
>Clicking [], (), or {} will either remove a dud or reset your tries.
I was blown away when I found this out. I have played FO3 and NV dozens of time and only learned about this a few months ago.
I always downloaded a mod that removed these shitty minigames put hard skill checks on lockpick/hacking. Fuck busy work minigames I don't got time for that
No fuck you legionaire, why don't we settle it out in the arena
>pick a word
>make next pick based on how many letters were correct in first pick
>search brackets until supply replenished
>click two more
It's pretty much idiot proof due to the skill plateau requirements at 25, 50, 75 and 100.
I liked Oblivion lockpicking better.
Not this shit
I was so dissapointed when skyrim switched to the fallout one
you sound like the type of person who doesn't shower or brush their teeth
If that's the case they're pretty based for not wasting their time on game length padding minigames
depressingly underrated post
Doesn't seem that absurd. The minigames themselves are already locked behind skill checks. If it expands on the skill checks have more than just four levels it could actually be pretty decent.
I beat fallout 3 and Nv, all dlcs included, without knowing you could remove duds or reset your tries.
>Maybe you tell me who you with so we be friends.
>I with bear shoulders
I know this is supposed to be low int dialogue, but doesn’t it seem better if read in a stereotypical Chinese accent? Maybe low int courier is just a Chinese mong.