What game have you spent the most hours playing? Do you regret it?
>Civ V
>430 hours
What game have you spent the most hours playing? Do you regret it?
Let's see.....
1. Social life of great friends and huge opportunities.... ummm kay.
>Fake people who will talk about you behind your back.
>"Bro's" that'll bang your chick first chance they get.
>Female "friends" that will gossip about you to their close inner circle.
>People (when you're young) you think you'll know for the rest of your life - only to never see or hear from them again once they marry off, head off to college or move to a new city for a job.
>Implying having lots of "friends" helps you succeed in life.
2. Computer Gaming
>Helps to sharpen cognitive functions.
>Helps to sharpen or develop problem solving skills.
The computer itself can be used to
>Learn everything you would have in college (plus some) for free.
>Help you find a job.
>Allows you to be socially active with people from around the world with a literal click, even Aussies.
>Doesn't judge you when you jerk it to 2D anime.
Hmmmm… tough one.
Even the lesser friends I've made on here are 10x better people towards me than my own rotten shitty family. I've made a handful of wonderful HQ friends that outclass them entirely.
I'd rather have a happy life here than a miserable shitty life out there. I know what its like to be on top and then lose it all, and I can tell you safely that the top just wasn't that great. Traded in my suits and ties for casual clothing and my $80,000 year commission recruiter job for a $50,000 a year government union job and let me tell you, the difference in quality of life is astounding.
I'll take cherry picking for $200 Alex
This. A truly good friend is very hard to come by, and even then they'll never be perfect. I'd say compared to most people I know I have a very solid circle of friends and even then there's no one I'd follow into hell or vice versa. Life just isn't fiction, and this extends to the whole "awesome friends" fantasy as well.
Obviously a balance of both is ideal
>Not having a balanced life with both
It's entirely possible if you quit Yea Forums
fucking bullshit. I didn't even come to this site all day and just read manga, didn't even eat shit
>890 hours in tf2
I regret it, not because it's a waste of time but because the game went to shit after 2010 so I get a bitter taste everytime I open my steam page
I have about 200 hours in endless space 2 and another 300 hours in warframe.
I have no regrets
>>Implying having lots of "friends" helps you succeed in life.
they kinda do, but for reasons you might not expect
I have played Maplestory for over 30,000 hours.
I think there isn't a thing in my life that I can't trace back to a friend...my masters degree was an indication, my job was an indication, most of my side jobs are indications, my house came from a friend's uncle who retired...even the only gf I had in the past was a friend's friend
I have 1000+ hours in CK2.
Don't regret a single minute. That game has infinite possibilities.
Dofus, over 3000 at this point
Factorio, over 2000
Freelancer, probably between 500 and 1000
I don't regret any second. I'm still playing dofus and factorio, and the spiritual sequel to freelancer comes out this very year.
this but with runescape
Zoomers thread detected
>7k hours
2150 hours in TF2, no.
>at least 5k hours in eve online
>double or triple that if you count looking at outside information and videos for the game
i don't regret any of it, it helped me get through some of the worst times in my life and it's still one of my favorite games even if it's finally on its way out
Their only hope is a wipe desu. But only after they dramatically shake the game up and make it so people aren't gonna just dog pile 15000 alts into one region again.
pic related or WoW
and not really. I enjoyed it at the time.
Older than you kiddo
1556 hours in Hoi Darkest Hour
4500 hours in tf2. No regrets.
networking I'm assuming as it's the key to getting a good job
> Runescape
> Something like 200 days played
Not really. most of it was when in middle and high school school back in 2010-2014.
Even if you're older than him you're still a zoomer
Same, I had a summer with no wifi, and instead i played with every civilization. CIV5 was so fresh once i started playing, i fucking hate civ6
You win. Check out Civ 3 if you get the chance, it's my favorite in the series
I'll take the box. Reality is boring.
World of Warcraft. ~20k hours. A little bit.
Jesus Christ man it was a joke, pull yourself together, sadsack
>Dota 2
>5000 hours
This, without irony. People are worthless, including myself, so escaping literally all of it is the one true path.
right, please
>Fallout: New Vegas
>innumerable amount of hours, literally played for several summers straight and every available weekend, legitimately without sleeping until I would physically pass out, also during and after school ofc
>got it in middle school for X360, played that as previously mentioned until Junior year
>Sophomore year built a PC
>played it even more
>only have one steam game for several years
>only have 2 X360 games for several years
>Sophomore year of college finally put it down
Kind of a ramble, but I honestly have no idea how much I played that. I guess you could multiply anything between 4-16 hours a day by 9-10 years, with consideration to outliers like Summer vacation and breaks.
No. No regrets. Except it would have been nice to play some other games, I guess.
You can have both.
If anyone is interested, there were rare occurances between F:NV that I played other stuff, but it was mainly just that for at least 10 years.
I went through several 360s. Probably 15-20.
being older isnt seen as a good thing
I don't regret any of my most played games, I love them. I do, however, regret pic related. I don't know why I played such an imbalanced, shitty game for so long.
>be incel
>make friends online here and there
>eventually everyone around you dies
>you die as you lived, alone and sad
>be chad mcthunderfuck
>bang all the stacies and have a righteous social network
>settle down and marry a nice girl
>you're happy for a while until she dies
>at this point everyone around you has died
>you die as the incel lived, alone and sad
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. At least my computer is repairable and won't fuck my friends.
My only regret is not killing myself when I turned 25
347 days of playtime on my main in wow. I think with all my alts combined would rise to 400,that's the moment I quit wow and never looked back (was in the middle of pandaria) regardless quality, I already spent a whole year in a single game, I wanted more variety to my life... Got my first real job soon after
1. Have sex
2. Dilate
i could have fucking sharpened my game making skills so i wouldn't be cucked over the moment i finally decide i want to game make shit in roblox studio, yet i only kept playing and playing like a retard
please kill me.
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>350 hours not counting DLC
>pic related
Meet me in Vanilla come August, senpai.
I used to have a social life but I prefer the neet life by far
theres just so much to do on the internet you never get bored, and its cheap compared to going out with friends
I have nearly two solid years of play time on world of warcraft (one on a permanently banned account i no longer have access to though) and i just passed 1000 hours on ffxiv
men usually die before their wives though
Have you considered becoming a farmer or homesteading?
An active mod community is a powerful force.
>Dota 2, 2774 hrs
>R6 Siege, 2117 hrs
Basically I've wasted my life.
God, I hope that's true.
where my warframe bois at?
almost at 1k, gets boring after that desu
dont regret playing tho, fun times
probly will pick it up again when my umbra statue gets in the mail/new content drops whichever first
fuck grinding all that shit for wisp too
I'll pic a social life in a heart beat. I have no friends and stick to playing my PC because there's no point in going out. I'm bored of video games and I just want someone to talk to.
>idk probably like a thousand
>aw hell naw nigga those organs aint gunna farm themselves i got a bsns to run here dawg hell u cool 25% off on livers mane come on by the front door by the killbox
>5000 hours
(The worst part is that I belive you user)
I have a "friend" who changes his Steam name to misc. trade identifiers and sits in Dota 2 and CS:GO for hours a day.
I probably play as much as he does, but I'm very rarely ever just sitting in a trade.casual server for 8-10 hours a day.
1kish hours in Payday 2, I really just love the idea of bank heisting and stylish action movies and the game does alright at those despite some of its questionable aspects
Not really. I'm pretty introverted and I have a pretty decent social life all things considering, whilst I wouldn't mind a romantic relationship and I'm in a pretty decent place for it, I'm honestly not too fussed about it.
He also got ~$20.000 per semestre in Financial Aid and spent ~$17.000 of it on pizza, weed, and cosmetics to trade.
what did you do to get banned?
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
Nearing 600 hours.
Time well spent.
tekken7 550 hours
worth it I guess
I had ~3000 hours on Runescape after it first came out. My friend's older brother enlisted in the Marine Corps (post-9/11 lol) and gave me his account since his brother preferred the outernet.
It had almost everything you'd ever need, even up to modern standards in OSRS.
When I went into the 2nd/3rd grade I found out what pornography was and that it was free, but I was not aware anybody else knew that, so I just spammed the link to PornHub for several hours while I farmed stats and was banned for "Adult Content" and "Spam Botting".
I'd be lying if I said to this day I don't still send the occasional email asking for my account to be reactivated.
during a machinima raid in wotlk that was crashing the server i went to the spot they were streaming and started /yelling "satan will rape you niggers"
i was 13
>>Fake people who will talk about you behind your back.
Real men don't care what other people say behind their backs, they're cowards to do so you're probably imagining those things anyway
>>"Bro's" that'll bang your chick first chance they get.
They're doing you a favor, women are cheap, they're all like that, the sooner you realize that the sooner you'll realize not to go all in emotionally with things that will legitimately flirt with the next stud they see in front of them. I was at a catering hall and this woman with her husband and kid was flirting with me hard core, women are not worth it in this day and age, but a bro who's willing to tell you "bro she's not as serious with you as you think she is, I can prove that" is worth infinitely more.
>>Female "friends" that will gossip about you to their close inner circle.
Again, their opinions don't matter, you are teh king here, not them, and your first mistake was making "friends" with women, they aren't your friends, you are an orbiter or a potential fallback man when they hit the wall. Don't fall for it.
>>People (when you're young) you think you'll know for the rest of your life - only to never see or hear from them again once they marry off, head off to college or move to a new city for a job.
Sometimes on you, sometimes on them, the most successful people I know have friends all over they keep in contact with, ya got abandonment issues bud.
>>Implying having lots of "friends" helps you succeed in life.
It doesn't always but it gives you more lottery tickets in a sense.
This 100%.
>Deep Rock Galactic
>206 hours
Absolutely not. I’ve had a hatred of socializing since I was very little. There’s just something about talking to other people that makes me want to pull out my hair or punch them. In online games, I get to have fun with other people, with none of the socializing involved. And yes, before you ask, I actually do have autism.
>206 hours
>a lot
yeah you DO have autism, but not for the reason you think
yeah but how much of that was spent in jita altering sell order prices by 2 cents?
How do you keep yourself occupied for 4k hours of factorio?
How do you keep yourself occupied for 4k hours of factorio 2?
I play lots of other games too. That’s just the one I have the most time on. Most games I play are SNES and Genesis titles on emulator, X-COM and the throwback shooters (DUSK, Amid Evil, Project Warlock etc.) For most of those games, my time comes close, almost always above 100 hours. X-COM is something I’v splayed for much longer than any of those, but I don’t count it because all I play are mods for it.
How do you keep yourself occupied for 2k hours of factorio 4?
100 hours into a game isnt autistic. lemme know when you put 400+ hours into persona 5 just to have arguments on why its a bad game for Yea Forums arguments
also play an mmo
you dont have autism
>lame graphic that assumes people have no experience with friends
Yeah. Been there, done that. Been a recluse since I graduated high school. Life is much better with my 'weird looking box'.
But I was diagnosed with it.
At first I'm like "jesus christ."
Then I'm like "I'm so happy WoW only kept time on a character-by-character basis (at least by the time I quit in 2009).
>Team Fortress 2
>2500 hours
>I'd go back and do it all over again, if I could.
well then how have the kind of autism that isnt cool
>when you put 400+ hours into persona 5 just to have arguments on why its a bad game
In-depth analysis of why a game is shit mechanically and how could it be improved is one of the most human, White things that a person can do.
>Witcher 3
Also no
Have Sex weeabo
Fight me.
What in God’s green ass-crack
try telling that to 90% of the people that buy *insert any triple a franchise here* consistently just because it has *company logo* on the fucking box
blizzard pokemon and persona fans are some of the most brain dead fucks i've ever met
I don't regret it, even though the game is Warframe.
Choice 3, some weird box that lets me play with friends. Would gladly go back and do it all over again.
>League of Legends
>Roughly 2500+ hours over the course of 6 years, quit about 2 years ago because I realized it was toxic and not fun
>Yes, definitely regret
HOWEVER, my second most is Arma 3 with just over 1550 hours played and its by far been my favorite experience in gaming. I only play with friends, and I almost always have a great time.
truly based
I argued with dorf fortress fags so I know how it feels.
>im gonna stop playing when i find another player
line up the numbers if you're gonna shop, bro
>Helps to sharpen cognitive functions.
>Helps to sharpen or develop problem solving skills.
It could be, but let's be honest, you're not using you're computer to do that, you're playing Overwatch, browsing Yea Forums for epic YLYL thread memes, and jerking it to giantess futa femdom.
Cop to your sins, or go outside and make a friend, but don't lie to yourself, don't treat future you like a bitch.
Rs/osrs -2k hours easy
Wow- 168 /played
Yes I regret both and think it damaged my social abilities greatly
It would be less sad if I wasn't still 3k mmr
had gf's, still have a decent social life, etc but definitely could have put the time to better use
I haven't played CoH2 in about 2 months, yes I know it says June 30th but that's because I accidentally started it. I was playing it almost every single day for multiple years, at least 1 match a day, sometimes more, and each match can last up to or over an hour depending on the skill of your opponent, longer for some team games.
>Garry's mod 8-10
>litterally countless, easily 10k hours
only thing I regret is that everyone moved on. Only ones left are jaded cunts like me and kids that saw their favorite youtuber make a darkRP troll series.
>they kinda do
Learned that the different way. "friends" will make sure to ruin your succcess as best as they can. They will feel jealous of you having something they wanted, but didnt get. Start to call you arrogant for no reason, group together, pointing their finger on you and blaming you for shit you never did just so they can feel better about their horrible personality. Normalfags need someone to blame to make themselve feel better, the moment you do anything different from the hiveshit it will be you.
The only thing having friends will help you with is teaching you that having a social life is wasted time, and focusing on yourself and your goals instead brings you a lot further.
Humans are fucking trash, my pc aint.
come to d2g on /vg/
Either warcraft 3 or gw1, cant check how long though since xfire doesnt exist anymore.
No i dont
I have the most hours in TF2, about 1400+ and alot of that time was spent on one idle server because it was just a shit show and rly fun and not idle at all for some reason
tf2 2k hours
No i dont regret it because I played it with my friends, a lot. It was great.
Now THIS is pathetic
>be on top
>$80,000 year commission recruiter job
This is not "the top". Not even fucking close.
The most genuine friends I have are online
This. Gamers rise up. We don't need no friends or sex.
Why would you regret it? If you enjoyed yourself then you spent your time well. You’re going to die eventually. May as well have fun while you’re alive.
WoW by far, I have over 150 days /played on my vanilla chars alone.
All my later characters combined should add another 150 days at least.
So at least 7000 hours.
>Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
>300 hours
>Fucking no lol
I love F:NV, would consider it one of my favourite games, but.. why? The game isn't really designed for more than 3/4 playthroughs imo
Bad news, the whole "games improve function" thing had a recent setback. Apparently a bunch of studies failed to replicate.
so basically you are a nepotism cuck. gotcha
>Even Aussies
I unironically have an australian bro, he's probably the one I do the most with. Sure ping isn't great most of the time since one's european and the other australian and they mostly hang out on american servers, but we tend to manage.
Quest 64. Considering 50+ playthroughs, uh...300/400+ hours?
I don't. At least it's not Aidyn Chronicles lmao
A thumbs-up to anyone into it, though. It's horrible but it had some interesting shit going for it despite that.
On the other side, not sure I can trace ANYTHING in my life back to a friend, except maybe this one girl I was friends with through kinder garden and school maybe, but then that just drifted off in to nothing. Most people I have to thank are normally twice my age, who cared enough and liked me enough to help. I suppose you could call them friends, but I don't hang out with them, we talk like, once a year if even that much. The pc on the other hand feels like something that's helped me immensly through life, especially in working on my personality and morality, helping me ask my self questions and in keeping my mind active. Not everyone's gonna have the same life experiences.
>1200 hrs
nope ive had some good times
You say that, as if it's a bad thing, personally I wouldn't scoff at help if areas where I don't have much experience.
Final Fantasy 12 at 168 hours. No regrets
Vanilla, and no. However, the 2nd is probably Dota, and I regret every single minute spent in that trash.
I realized people were fake since middle school. I've pumped and dumped a few girls and stole from stupid friends. Normalfags are literally worthless for entertainment, stick to being a shut-in with likewise personalities since we're the most entertaining people on the planet.
i like that animes astethic. what is it from?
you would probably suck a dick if it meant you got a promotion. cuck who can't help themselves and gets everything handed to them.
gmod 1943 hrs
>430 hours
>most time spent
Get out Normalfag
Nope, but that doesn't mean it's not appreciated when something is given to me out of kindness/love.
how the fuck do you have that many hours on freddi fish games, are you a pedo?
On steam? DOTA 2, like 1500 hours or something like that.
Otherwise it might be San Andreas, I played that shit all the time in high school.
like minded people tend to gravitate toward each other. If you're noticing that you're constantly surrounded by cunts, you may wanna think about looking inwards.
7k~ hours
????? hours
>tribes ascend
2k~ hours
700~ hours
>aoe 2
500~ hours
take the rts pill
Dota 2 - 3250h
League - around 3000h
Lineage 2 - 2000h or more
Atlantica online - 2000h or more
Aion - 1000h
FF XIV - 500h
Medieval total war- 480h
>like minded people tend to gravitate toward each other.
I'm a shut in, am i doomed?
there are other shut-ins out there that want to be your friend. You'll find them
But how`? they dont leave their room, me neither.
Grim dawn
1.5k hours
Sort of because i mean its 1.5k hours of my life invested in a videogame
5500 hours in NeverWinter
5000 hours world of tanks
800 csgo
A few months ago when the new update to neverwinter came out i gave my acc away i had a 100% maxed toon with there being nothing to do and enough currency to max out a 2ed i soloed 90% of the content that alot of ppl could not do with even a full party and then they fucked me and turned warlocks from dps into healers
It's a game to me at this point.
I always lose my patience with that program, the tween-based model movement is so different from what I'm used to
about 12000 hours in wow.
don't regret it.
Can confirm this as a PC gamer who spent a couple years trying to get into the social life. It’s really soul crushing. I’d prefer to hang out with my close friends and family.
It's a giant pain in the ass. But I'm dumb and I got the hang of it fairly fast. No need to know every little thing it does. Just what you have use for.
>>People (when you're young) you think you'll know for the rest of your life - only to never see or hear from them again once they marry off, head off to college or move to a new city for a job.
This is too close it hurts. Really why are people like this?
All my friends just vanished in eternity after they moved from city/went to college.
>one guy really close friend for 4 years leaves the city stop messaging me in 3 months
>my roommate with whom we lived like brothers and shared everything for 2,5 years leaves the city and stops messaging me in 4 months
>close friend of 14 years eventually stops messaging me because he has new friends now
I will never get close to people again. It will only hurt me.
I kinda wanna help you, but im having trouble thinking of practical advice; everything i come up with is so vague.
Maybe start by pushing yourself into interactions with people. Not like rudely, but i mean if you're spending multiple days, or weeks, or long periods of time without talking to anybody AND you really want to see something different, then you've gotta come up with something that's gonna mix things up a bit.
start thinking about how approachable you are
you're speaking voice
how you react when someone is trying to tell you something...
so vague...
Uh well, what i mean is if you wanna start seeing a difference in the world, you have to be the difference in the world.
You'll make it
>easily over 1.5k hours including modded playthroughs, but I can't see my total playtime because steam doesn't track modded play
if you don't have at least 1k hours on your most played game are you even trying
Its literally impossible to make friends after uni/school
But which RTS?
Singleplayer or multiplayer?
I feel like if I'm gonna boot up SC2 again I wouldn't be able to play without spamming my keys like an autist
>play RTS's for a long time
>wrists are fucked now and i can't play them at a decent level without great pain
i wanna fucking die lads
860 hrs in R6 Siege and yes
And no, I don't recommend a single second of it (outside of calamity playthroughs, god that mod sucks)
Overwatch 1600 hours.
Real life isn't really that great when you're dumb and ugly.
Probably 400 hours on xbox.
I don't even want to check on pc, the sex mods legit almost ruined my life. I'm still not sure what the life long effects will be.
>I don't even want to check on pc, the sex mods legit almost ruined my life. I'm still not sure what the life long effects will be.
storytime, user
I wonder this too, I mean, to be fair, I've watched and been aroused by things I'd never touch or want to do, but I can't really say it ruined my life. Maybe he got caught watching/playing it.
explain please
Skyrim with porn mods.
looking back at it i guess Todd's games is the ones i have spent most of my play time on just the base game it self and then adding 100s of hours with mods.
i am sorry i pirated all of them though Todd.
league of faggots
5k-7k i dunno
no, it was alright
dropped the game a year ago
Ur are right And devoting urself to more than 5 persona outside of ur family its a total waste of time
fallout 76 ...400 hours
I regret the community....my friends who betrayed me and i regret everything. I literally crashed my $2000 pc with my bare fists
I fuckin can still hear the screaching of scorchbeasts at night
I was going to refute each point but then I realized you were trolling.
>I genuinely hope you're trolling.
>Otherwise, this is akin to thinking that masturbation is better than sex in any other category than ease or potentially time efficiency.
6/10 gg wp
You don't have to quit. It's just easier because you have more time to fill.
Some of these numbers are wrong though, Civ 4 and TF2 should have way way more hours in them.
>Approx. 3,000 hours
>only when I can’t sleep
>430 hours on your most played game
Fucking amateur numbers, those.
Since you mention civ I played 1500 hours of civ4 and it's far from my most played
I have to have at least 4000 hours in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 and Morrowind. It was all I ever did after school for years. I don't regret a minute.
+3000 hours of TF2. No regrets I had fun all that time then I just burned out.
War Thunder: 1100 hours or so, it's free so I dont monetary regrets. I dont give a damn about top-tier vehicles so I dont have reason to just grind.
Europa Map-painter 4, plenty to do and try with lots of interesting achievements to go for.
3500 hours in Wildstar and I only played it for a year too. Was fun, no regrets.
The based levels are off the charts!
Janny! Ban this man!
I bet you don't have nearly as many hours as you think you do. Time passes slower when you're a kid.
Warframe 1,2K
Arma 3 1,1K
>660 hours in rocket league
>still not good at it
nah I don't regret it
Damn man, it's a brutal world out there.
Literally how the fuck
Every time I play New Vegas my game always gets fucked up one way or another, whether it’s corrupted saves, broken essential quests for no fucking reason, getting caught up in console commands and fucking my game up that way, or one playthrough where I played Dead Money before finishing the main campaign and I got stuck in the vault of gold and that was the ending I got because I was a stupid stupid kid and I didn’t read any of the dialogue or text on the terminals thoroughly enough to understand that I was about to get fucked and I would have to restart my entire game because my saves were ALSO corrupted right before then. Fuck.
tfw already played mm2 for 100+ hours
Lol same
6956 hrs in Dota 2
how to expose state of Yea Forums with one post
>1046 hours in Heroes and Generals
It was cool. Might start playing it again some time.
>have friends
>constantly get pulled into their drama
>comfort them, give them advice(if asked), always offer them a warm place to stay
>go through a bad time myself for the first time in decades
>ask some of them if they could give me some of their time
>"Sorry man, I got no time"
No but 80 grand a year is doing pretty good for yourself.
Once you hit 6 figures there's really nothing left to spend money on except rich person shit like cocaine and fancy branded cars designed to take money away from rich people.
80k/year is enough for any normal person to have anything they want, barring dumb shit they'll never ever use and only buy because they can.
Cope incel
I fully beat seikiro so I could spit roast that piece of shit, you want to be thorough, and you went a tiny bit overboard. Considering it's persona, it wasn't much that game is fucking long to 100%.
He shares an account with his kids. It's funny that since we're on Yea Forums everyone assumes pedo
>social life
It's fucking pathetic when people in their late 30s are still like this.
>Garry's Mod
>The game is so retarded don't know how I played for so long, but I have alot of nice memories in multiplayer servers
9183 hours at yesterday, Ark: Survival Evolved.
I met some amazing people early on but never since, and have helped take down some years worth of peoples time and effort; but there are always stronger and larger tribes, and duplicating via crashing servers is still easy for those with plenty resources (which then get duplicated back). Issues from 2015 to prevent turrets from shooting still exist, downloading an old copy where less items exist lets you easily find out what exploits have never been changed.
I had a combination of both and have discerned from my experience that the most beneficial social groups are Western religious ones like Christianity and Mormonism, regardless of your beliefs. Raise your kids in these communities and they'll turn out Uber Chad's with Ivy League connections. Any other social life will turn you in to a faggot or a loser that's destined to marry a roastie.
>24 hour day
>8 hours social life
>10-12 hours gaming
>4-6 hours sleep
>>People (when you're young) you think you'll know for the rest of your life - only to never see or hear from them again once they marry off, head off to college or move to a new city for a job.
>Be just south of 40
>Have great social circle that has stood for 20 years
>Friends married off to other friends, had kids
>Kids means new found excuses to chill out with friends and do fun stuff
>Kids think I'm their cool uncle
>No one has the heart to tell them different
how do i make friends
h'ell YEA ride on bortha
living the dream
kids are disgusting creatures though
fuck that noise
This hellhole of post-memery crypto-fake fractal infinite dimensions of irony anime nazi imageboard is the most genuine and honest place I've ever seen.
Probably COD4 back when I was in high school. Would basically play all day every day for a couple years
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
892 hours
Those where dark times, had fun tho
My main on WoW has around 150 days played although I've had the character since Vanilla, haven't played much since Cata. Don't regret it though had a lot of good times playing it and met a lot of cool people over the years.
>so many hours accros so many characters and accounts i can't even count them
Meet so many people on this game. Many good memory. Bad ones too, but i've always learned from it.
Recorded time it's Civ V at 1260 hours. I worry about the collective hours across all pokemon games though. I also recently crossed the 400 hour mark in Civ VI but only because I can't get V to work anymore since that stupid launcher update.
WoW at 800 somethig hours, followed by either FFXIV or Warframe at somewhere close, not at all
Ive had more than year played on single char in wow, so considering alts, i think double it and you will have semi accurate number.
Do i regret it? Meh, it was fun while it lasted.
If your smart with your money and don't live in a shithole like Commiefornia where you need to spend 2-3k+ per month just on rent or a mortgage it's plenty. I make 50k+ a year just driving trucks and live in a rural area in the east. Not married and have no kids so I can pretty much live like a king here. Have a 2 car garage in a decent sized house that will be payed off within the next 5 years. I'm not an idiot who feels the need to spend 50-60k+ on an SUV or truck that will lose 50% of it's value before the warranty is out just to show off at the high school soccer games like all the brainless normalfags in this country do. Americans are terrible with money and most of us don't know how to save money or invest it. All people here care about is being able to meet their monthly payments and have no plans for making money in the long run. Most of my spare money goes to my investor and I get very solid returns every year (currently 8-10k but it just grows every year as my portfolio grows) with monthly dividend payouts.
Also making big money in the 100k+ range is overrated. You end up dedicating your entire life to working and the stress involved in high paying jobs is not worth it.
>tfw do live in a shithole like commiefornia
The lowest rent I've seen in my area is still $1500/month and I only make about 2k a month anyway. I want to move but I've only just landed a full time job for the first time and don't want to throw it away to move somewhere cheaper without guarantee I can find new employment.
Why do you give a fuck and why does that make him less friendworthy.