Redpill me on Wind Waker, Yea Forums. Is it a good Zelda game? Did you like its overworld?
Redpill me on Wind Waker, Yea Forums. Is it a good Zelda game? Did you like its overworld?
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It’s a masterpiece & the second best Zelda behind OOT. The only consistent complaint is the Triforce Shard quest
I don't understand why people hate the Triforce quest. Wind Waker is at its best when it embraces its open, adventuristic thesis, and the Triforce hunt (alongside other things you can do out of sequence like finding Cyclos, getting to Mother and Child island way before you need to go there, and obtaining the Iron Boots and Power Bracelets) is when it really hits its stride and encourages the player to explore all of its nooks and crannies. It's arguably the strongest part of the entire game.
It was fine. I don't love it but I don't hate it, either.
Good game, but unfinished.
Because the story & characters were the best part of the game. And it should have remained a Pirate game instead of removing Zelda right after the beginning
I think it's a bit of a step back from the N64 Zeldas, but it's still great overall.
It largely depends on whether you play this series for its dungeons or its overworld exploration. The dungeons aren't great, but they do a good enough job of introducing first time players.
But you get enough story and characterization elsewhere in the game. The Triforce quest is great because it's just Link in solitude, out on the open sea, driven by a singular goal to go save Zelda.
i really enjoyed it the first time, especially filling out the map and wondering what i'd find on the new islands.
now that i know its a bunch of pointless reef islands and triforce chart one-off puzzles/dungeons, the thought of replaying the game really doesn't appeal to me. but i'll always have the memories.
also maybe it's just me, but i vaguely remember tower of the gods being an extremely tedious level and the thought of having to play it again turns me off. i remember really liking the feel of forest haven dungeon tho.
combat is easily the best out of any zelda game, everything else is garbage.
fighting darknuts in this game is AIDS
>but i vaguely remember tower of the gods being an extremely tedious level
I remembered it being extremely long until I recently replayed the game, turns out it was a cakewalk. Pretty cool atmosphere though.
It's a pretty big blue baller when a quest that big comes out of nowhere to block the finale
Botw > oot >mm ww > ss > tp
It's a fun game and is charming as fuck. Probably more so than any other Zelda game. However, a lot of content was cut and it could have been so much more. It's definitely one of my most enjoyed Zelda games but there are still others I prefer.
Switch TP and SS and you literally have my ranking.
Alright. Moreso than any other Zelda it coasts on aesthetics as its rushed development neutered the potential of the sea exploration and just left the poor thing as a third rate OoT clone. The redpill is that Wind Waker simply isn't the game it should've been, though it does show hints of it at times.
Aesthetically, it's brilliant. The visuals are charming, the music is memorable, the story is one of the best standalones in a Zelda, and the ambience of sailing across the sea does capture a sense of adventure (albeit on a superficial level). There are a few other little things it gets right like rewarding usage of items in combat and having above average grottos. WW's not without its pleasant qualities and honestly, despite any misgivings I have about it at its core it IS worth at least one playthrough.
But the problems. I'm gonna try to speed through this because I'll be typing this for an hour if I don't but:
>Weak dungeons
None of the dungeons here impress. At best you get the back end of Tower of the Gods and Wind Temple, but even those have drawbacks like the former's first half and having to drag Makar's lame ass around in the latter. From mediocre mirror shield dungeons to rehash gauntlets to slightly above tutorial tier dungeons, it kinda feels like all of them are on par with OoT's child dungeons.
>Bad pacing
This game never hits a good groove. The game takes away your sword mere minutes after you get it for a stealth section, the first proper dungeon takes about as long to get to as TP's, parts like the third pearl and the fire/ice islands CLEARLY got the short end of the stick, you have to do Earth Temple before Wind Temple for no good reason whatsoever, and the Triforce quest has you do what this game should've been doing from the very beginning but in the most contrived and tedious way possible, which brings me to my most regrettable point (tbc).
>Superficial exploration
WW looks the part but it's nothing like actually exploring an open sea, or at least it isn't for 90% of the game. Only one island per square feels unnatural, you're basically on rails for the first half of the game, and exploring an island too soon can lead to frustrating item gating. Only once it gets to the Triforce quest, when you have every major item in the game, does it feel as open as it should have from the start but it's such an unnatural change of pace at that point that it feels incredibly off, like you're suddenly playing a different game altogether. To that end, WW's main claim to innovation with the open sea exploration doesn't properly pan out. It should've worked like BotW's exploration. Instead, it's just OoT with more tedious overworld traversal.
its the worst zelda ever made
even TP and BotW are better than that filth
I never had a Wii U so it's a damn shame the HD remake hasn't been ported to the Switch. I'm surprised DK Freeze got ported before this or Twilight Princess.
Playing it on Dolphin with the HD patch For the second time in a month,
Easily my favorite in the series.
BotW is better than everything though. Not a fair comparison, user.
cute bird loli
Everything else
What was wrong with it?
Best Zelda game. Don't play HD. It runs worse and the lighting fucks up the style. Everyone looks like funko pop dolls. Also has casual BS added that takes some of the soul out.
Its bad
Pretty much this, don't really like replaying it often because exploring the sea was tedious
god awful art style
What was bad about it?
HD is the definitive version simply for streamlining the sailing bits to such a degree that, when all the QoL touches add up, it's about 3 to 4 times faster than it was on the original release.
I wanted to like it. I really did. The art style appealed to me the most of any Zelda game. But after playing it, I came to realize that 3D Zelda fans are just cucks that like having as much of their time wasted as possible and then brag about it using words like "soul," "comfy," or "atmosphere." They care more about being able to see that island and sail there than they do about playing an actual video game. Open world games have always been trash and 3D Zelda has been making it clear for decades.
WW and BotW work that way. The other 3D Zeldas are varying degrees of more respectful of your time if you just want to get to the nitty gritty, though it doesn't change the fact that all of them are still very easy if you have ever completed a 3D action adventure in your life before.
TP and SS both have real shitty portions of the game that don't respect your time as well. Every other Zelda has pretty good pacing though.
>The other 3D Zeldas are varying degrees of more respectful of your time if you just want to get to the nitty gritty
Nonsense. OoT, TP, SS and even MM have travelling segments with nothing to do except move from point A to point B. BotW has some pockets of emptiness but a lot of its regions are quite dense with things to do.
OoT and MM have small enough overworlds that traveling is never an issue. Plus you obtain fast travel pretty quick in those games.
Zeldafags hate exploration. They just want handholding
Hence varying degrees. TP's first third is meandering but after rescuing Midna it locks into a pretty tight rhythm for about 80% of the remaining main quest. SS should've been the most straightforward in theory but some of its dumber decisions do hamper what should've been a very solid, straightforward progression. The pieces are there but it takes some very stupid detours. OoT and MM are the most consistent in practice but even OoT's child section is a bit grating while MM's intro can drag on replays. I would still say all of them are less about meandering off into the distance for the sake of it than WW or BotW are.
Size has nothing to do with whether travel is an issue -- density does. Travel is an issue in those games because there's nothing to do when you move to other locations from the oversized hub.
Conversely, BotW is the biggest overworld to date and practically throws enemies, chests, shrines, koroks, and animals at you EVERY square yard. You can't catch a break.
They ruined anchoring. The Great Sea is now the Great Puddle
Pure, unadulterated KINO and SOUL
My favorite Zelda
>Is it a good Zelda game?
>Did you like its overworld?
Why are WWfags so afraid of MM?
BotW's Hyrule > MM's Termina > OoT's Hyrule > WW's Great Sea > TP's Hyrule >>>>> my dog's wet stool >>>> SS's Sky
Despite its shortcomings, Wind Waker had a nice open world with very little if no loading times on the sea. Yes, it needed more but sailing was fun and relaxing at night. The visuals aged well and it also introduced us to the best design of Zelda and led to two more sequels leading up to the best take on Zelda to date. It had the best combat and controls too.
because ironically enough, the zelda game that looks the most like ocarina plays the least like it, and is the most original, whereas the one that looks the least like it, wind waker, borrows so much from ocarina.
MM is hated by a lot of zeldafags on Yea Forums
>it's another "Ganon inhabits Ganondorfs body" headcanon fanfiction faggot
>OoT's overworld above anything except SS's sky
>Ganon inhabits Ganondorfs body
What the fuck are you even talking about?
It was great, but it spawned two of the worst Zelda games in the franchise, PH and TP. Which made the DS never get a proper TLoZ game.
Agreed. I think most of the complaints about WW's open world are colored by people holding it to modern standards. At the time, the Great Sea was fucking mindblowing.
>Retarded image was posted by a retard
No surprise
What's great about the combat. It's easy as fuck and mindless.
>BOTWniggers hate Zelda games
Imagine my shock!
No, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about, retard? How can you possibly look at that pic and think it says Ganon is something that inhabits Ganondorf's body and not just a form Ganondorf uses?
PH is actually good and aged surprisingly well though. Its music was shitty but everything else in the game is surprisingly solid and plays with some neat ideas.
Who are you quoting?
It's undoubtedly a technical achievement but it was also too ahead of its time. More powerful hardware to render denser worlds that facilitate more open exploration is what the Great Sea really needed to live up to its potential. It's goddamn amazing that WW did what it did without loading screens but the compromises are pretty clear given the scarcity of content for the size and lack of world detail. And that's the issue, the seafaring concept just felt compromised regardless.
Why would BOTW fans hate WW you fucking retard. It carries the same aspect, overworld exploration.
Because BOTWniggers hate Zelda games, duh.
Right, but I just don't see what you could do to make a massive ocean feel "dense". Like, it's an ocean, it's not gonna be filled to the brim with content every square foot.
Relaxing on a boat while watching islands in the distance come closer was part of the charm for a lot of people, I think. We'll probably never get that again.
>I think most of the complaints about WW's open world are colored by people holding it to modern standards.
>Why would BOTW fans hate WW
The first playthrough was great, finding the Ghost Ship blindly was cool as shit and again, the combat was smooth, fluid and innovative. Every weapon gave you a different result.
>Bombs causes enemies to run away
>Stabbing mobilins in the ass
>Smashing certain enemies with the hammer flattens them or turns them into mush
>The Bokoblins on the platforms will desperately try to hold on to the edge if they lost their footing
>Chuchus can be burnt, frozen or blown off balance
>Wizzrobes have a unique variant if you find them on the sea
>Stalfos will use their arms as a weapon if you take their clubs. Smashing their heads with the hammer or using a bomb when they break apart nets an instant kill
>Floormasters will throw bombs back at you
>Darknuts will use any weapon at their disposal and better than their original owners
A lot of neat details kept every fight interesting and fresh.
I'm a BotW fan and I'm pretty disappointed by WW. Its exploration was half-baked and its map was pretty barren.
More than one island to explore per square, for starters. Also, the game could actually let you explore properly much sooner than it does.
see You used each item multiple times and each item depending on the enemy could trigger a unique animation or reaction.
Too bad that's all useless because you can just mash B and win.
>More than one island to explore per square, for starters
Ehhh, debatable. Having too many islands would have made the sea too cluttered to feel like a sea. I would have preferred if they changed the lousy reefs to actual islands instead (and also have a proper Greatfish Isle that didn't feel like cut content).
>Also, the game could actually let you explore properly much sooner than it does.
I agree with that. The game never gives you complete freedom until arguably the Triforce quest, and by then you're just an hour or two away from the final climax.
>finding the Ghost Ship blindly was cool as shit
Leave it to WWcucks to spin one of the biggest disappointments in WW as a good thing.
Not that user but the one thing I'll really defend WW on, and it's something that carries over into BotW and is greatly expanded upon there, is how often the game made the sword not be the optimal tool for combat. It got the job done but a good chunk of the time it actually wasn't the BEST answer.
The tower was fucking bullshit and you know it.
...or you could not.
Wow the game even gives you options, either you value interesting combat and explore to its full potential, or you can just slash if you want.
Also I really liked how the music lined up with the hits
>best OST in any zelda game
>best art style and character design
>Fun theme and use of music (again) as a power
>Satisfying yet simple combat system
>large world with a satisfying loop
>travel to uncharted square of map
>direct wind the way you want to go
>search for land mass
>find fish dude, feed him for map
>explore small but unique islands for treasure
only complaints are
>limited items, small pool of items in the game
>tingle tuner not very useful
>linear easy dungeons
>easy combat system
t. thinks BoTW combat is "challenging"
There’s no satisfaction in QTE combat.
All these pros and you don't even image that it has the best story and most vibrant character personalities?
You cocksuckers are incapable of having any kind of fun or meaningful discussion about this series anymore beyond shitposting so just post some cool art
Doing flashy stuff doesn't change the fact that it's impossible to die in addition to enemies in WW dying to simple mindless sword attacks and being able to bypass most of them anyway.
Temple of the Ocean King was fucking great you double nigger. It forced you to think about how to navigate more quickly through the dungeon via the shortcuts on each revisit and was a cool concept in itself.
WW’s story was ass compared to LA and OoT.
>Press the button to parry/dodge at the right time
WW would be dramatically improved without removing the autismal "soul" if it allowed you to skip cutscenes.
Stuff like when you use the wand, or get an item, or teleport somewhere else, or a door opens, etc.
There is so much time where the control is out of your hands and it adds up especially during the sailing triforce sections.
First there is a cut scene to teleport nearby after the cutscene plays when you complete the song. Then there's another cutscene when drop the anchor, and then another when it catches something, then ANOTHER when you open the chest and another when you actually get the item.
I mean sure, there needs to be space for the creatures, treasure and smaller structures you do find throughout the sea and whatnot. And yeah, some of the more throwaway/underdeveloped islands being turned into a real thing would help tremendously as is. But I don't think having 2 or 3 islands a square, especially for how much content the average island did possess, isn't much of a stretch. Plus, it means a shitton more stuff to see off in the horizon which is arguably WW's most comfy quality.
>acting like the parry/dodge means life and death
This isn’t Dark Souls user.
This but WW is still better because fuck weapon durability. Just make combat far more challenging or literally anything else to circumvent having to use such a lame mechanic.
Not him, but I liked the Ghost Ship. Sure the interior was a bit bland, but hearing rumors from NPCs and then actually stumbling upon it for the first time with the haunting pirate music was a cool ass experience.
You can still pull off the attack and still get damaged by another enemy if you weren't careful.
Sorry user it’s true. Sealing everyone’s fate by completing your quest > KoRL suddenly getting a character arc and sinking Hyrule. Again.
I mean, if using the boomerang/deku leaf on a Deku Baba, knocking weapons out of an enemy's hand and using it against them, or using the bow on a Bubble constitutes as flashy then I guess. I'd say the "flashiest" it gets is the grappling hook, and even then stealing items has plenty of practical utility for completing the item grind quests.
You have to go out of your way to fuck up badly in WW.
wrong. the only problem is the fact that the third temple is literally just a single bomb wall. if it had the scrapped temples it would be the greatest of all time
BotW bakes weapon durability fairly into combat with weapon breaks resulting in staggering critical hits. The problem is that the game is so scared of you having nothing that you're ALWAYS swimming in weapons after like the 10 hour mark. I'd much rather they increase the durability of weapons but also their scarcity, then the mechanic might be worth a damn.
it has the best girl in all video games. however she is my wife so don't think you can touch her.
Not gonna lie, I died to a couple of the bosses as a teenager.
That's funny, her beak touched me in my happy place just yesterday.
I mean, at least you can die in BOTW.
I actually didn't act or imply that, I was pointing out you can hardly call that a "QTE"
Maybe next time focus on what was actually said instead of imagining some retarded argument so you can do your meme arrows
Then you would end up actually pulling off staggering critical hits even less. Just remove the mechanic entirely and provide rare limited items or difficult to pull of actual combat techniques in order to achieve that.
Agreed, but I never felt like throwing a billion weapons at you was a solution to the retarded durability, more like a band-aid fix.
First of all the whole system is so whacky it breaks your suspension of disbelief. Real weapons don't break after 10 hits, people can't carry dozens of swords around with them, and even the "oh my weapon broke let me pause the game and switch to another" thing feels silly mid-combat.
Not to mention it makes everything feel unrewarding, the game throws a dozen Flameblades at you as "rewards" like anyone gives a shit about getting a fucking Flameblade. The Champions weapons are a joke and unironically weaker than random monster weapons (what the fuck) but even if they WERE stronger, the durability systems problem would immediately return because now you have a superior weapon you don't want to actually use because you know it will break and isn't easily replacable (no, the reforging mechanic isn't a feasible solution)
Point still stands, there’s no satisfaction in it.
people who like this have got some issues
The frequency of crits is irrelevant. What matters more is that SOMETHING happens that keeps you from being a sitting duck when your weapon just breaks mid-combat. And if you remove the mechanic then everyone's just gonna beeline to the most practical weapon in the game and spam it the entire time.
>Real weapons don't break after 10 hits,
Maybe not 10 but swords against bone very much chip and break.
>like anyone gives a shit about getting a fucking Flameblade
Flameblades are useful for the heat effect.
That wasn't your point though, your point was calling it a QTE which it isn't
I had like 2 Flameblades in my inventory both with Durability +, and the game still threw Flameblades at me. I'm talking about shrine rewards here.
It's like a fucking placeholder reward they never got around to fill
I absolutely love this game one of my favorite games
Even the original's anchoring wasn't nearly long enough to make it feel like an actual sea, so I don't see the problem with WWHD shortening the time to make it less of a slog.
>nighttime Yea Forums for the most part loves windwaker
>daytime Yea Forums hates it
Parries were A on prompt my man. QTE
speedruns for the game literally beeline to the best weapons already
Nighttime Yea Forums is always right.
Wind Waker is overrated to begin with.
>Real weapons don't break after 10 hits
Increasing durability would fix this.
>people can't carry dozens of swords around with them
I'd like to think Link's superpower at this point is being a walking bag of holding but sure.
>and even the "oh my weapon broke let me pause the game and switch to another" thing feels silly mid-combat.
I agree and that is another rant for me entirely. Please don't get me started on cooking.
>Not to mention it makes everything feel unrewarding, the game throws a dozen Flameblades at you as "rewards" like anyone gives a shit about getting a fucking Flameblade.
Increasing weapon scarcity would fix this.
>The Champions weapons are a joke and unironically weaker than random monster weapons (what the fuck)
Champion weapons aren't as hard to earn as other weapons despite their semi-story/sentimental relevance. I'd say the real reward from them is their powers which are typically more impactful to gameplay than any one weapon.
>no, the reforging mechanic isn't a feasible solution
Why not? That's a great fix for BotW weapons, especially if you can carry items that do partial repairs until you can take it to a town in the interim.
Well fuck me I guess Zelda's riddled with QTE's every time you walk up to a sign and it tells you to press A to read it.
They're speedruns. There's a difference between trying to beat the game in under an hour and exploring the world for well over a hundred.
Maybe because the final boss is there so you can kill him.
Ah yes, more Yea Forums buzzwords. I'm sorry that a quick visual cue that occasionally pops up during a fight ruins your enjoyment of a game, I can't imagine what it's like to be that miserable.
Ordinarily gameplay would obviously take priority over visuals, but Wind Waker's artstyle is one of its defining and most beloved features. The original's cel-shading and simple, clean color scheme made it look like a 2D cartoon, which is still a very unique artstyle for a 3D game and has the added effect of making the visuals hold up perfectly today, in contrast to OoT or TP which took a more realistic approach that aged horribly.
The HD remake got rid of the iconic cel-shading and coated the sky in an absurd level of bloom, ruining the original aesthetic presumably for the sake of looking more "impressive" and "modern". It definitely improved the gameplay, but at the expense of the game's unique style. It's a perfect example of soul vs soulless.
If you can stand missing out on a few quality of life improvements, play the original. It's the definitive experience.
QTEs are typically cutscenes though. The parries in Wind Waker just involve pressing the A button at the right time.
>I'm sorry that a quick visual cue that occasionally pops up during a fight ruins your enjoyment of a game
That would be true if it was sparse and spread out but it’s not.
The gameplay improves more than the artstyle suffers.
No and no. The world is both too big and hasn't got anywhere enough content. The dungeons themselves are pretty easy and there also isn't very many of them. People who were worried about this game being kiddyshit before release because of the artstyle were unironically 100% right. The only reason you don't hear that very much anymore is because the kids who played WW when it was new have grown up and have nostalgia for it.
Nah, the original still gives it enough length. HD version is too fast. The only reason to play the HD version is hero mode.
I was 12 when WW came out and it remains a bottom 5 Zelda in my eyes. I wasn't quite coherent enough back then to put my finger on why but I had already played OoT, MM and the Oracles by then and while the game was okay at the time I already knew it wasn't a scratch on any of those.
You don’t even have to time it, the lock on system does it for you.
i havent plaid WW, but my complaint is always that its probably not varied in the atmosphere its presenting? thats probably true isnt it?
I mean, PH was like that. A "volcano legion" would not feel threatening. Unlike the other artstyles
it was a cute story. zelda being the pirate and the king being the boat, and the OOT being underwater. yeah ur right. i omitted that but most faggots don't play zelda games for the story. if you want the story. you can go youtube the cut scenes
im pretty sure the teleport cut scenes are to high load times
It's a mediocre Zelda game. Because the islands are so isolated from each other, it makes it so "exploring" and finding secrets amounts to just going grid by grid to each island, finding its secret, and moving on. Dungeon design is mediocre, and at times makes it way too obvious what you're supposed to do (anybody who has the torch webm feel free to post it)
It's enjoyable most of the time, but it's not special
it's my personal favorite 3d zelda, has the best sound design/ost and atmosphere in the entire series
even then I can recognize it has some faults, the overworld can feel a bit bland and tedious and the dungeons are a bit limited
other upsides, it has the second best side content behind majora's mask
Pretty much. I replayed the game a month ago from the start after many years and honestly, I was kinda pissed I simply couldn't explore as I wanted and I pretty much had to wait until I beat the wind dungeon in order to explore freely. The Triforce quest was a boon, as it literally doesn't hold your hand and pushes you to explore as much as possible. The problem is the layout of the map where every island is sure to hold interesting stuff, and also the fact that the game DOESN'T WARN YOU about the Big Octo until you feed some fishes, and even makes you cross an area where a big octo is present BEFORE you can acquire a way of defending yourself.
That's not Twilight Princess.
TPfag here. It has better swordplay than WW for sure but WW wins in the item usage department. TP has some viable uses like scooping up Keese with the Gale Boomerang (fucking great in the Cave or Ordeals btw) or shattering ice enemies with the Ball and Chain, but WW definitely takes it farther than TP does.
>Flameblades are useful for the heat effect.
I keep one around since it's a convenient fire-starter for wood bundles or random pots in the overworld. Unless it's a particularly high-up tower or mountain, it's not warm enough to get through frigid areas like Tabantha Snowfields or the Gerudo Mountains.
It balances out when you really think about it.
Ball and Chain are also great at taking out ReDeads from a distance without triggering the scream, and just swinging it above your head protects you somewhat from divebombing enemies.
More or less, though I do think BotW takes every interesting combat idea WW had and builds upon it.
Yeah, the real problem is that you can't actually explore the ocean until after the Forest Haven at the earliest, so to a lot of people the ocean is just a barrier to getting to the next dungeon. If you embrace the open exploration side of the game, you'll enjoy the Triforce hunt, since it totally encourages you to explore the ocean. But I can see why people wouldn't like it if they've been playing it as a linear adventure for several hours already.
Now, the Chozo artifacts from Metroid Prime are just an objectively good part of the game. Anyone who dislikes these is an idiot.
Now we wait for the game that builds on TP’s swordplay.
The only people who dislike the Chozo artifacts waited until the last minute to scoop them all up. To be fair, that's a fair mistake to make on first playthrough but after that? Nah, you should know better by then.
I have been waiting for 12 years now. I shall continue to wait.
One of my favorite zeldas. Wish the dungeons didn't get cut. The HD version should have added that cut content lazy fucking nintendo
You do know that the cut dungeons were used in Twilight Princess, right?
If getting good sword combat means having to stomach through a decade of open world, I’ll do it.
>but WW wins in the item usage department.
I don't know, I'd say TP makes pretty much every item more interesting.
>bomb arrows
>double clawshots
>dominion rod (vs the command melody)
>using iron boots for pic related
It's because the enemies were overall more vulnerable, while enemies in TP were more scripted. Because there were a lot of ways to kill enemies too and the fact that the bomb arrows existed makes it better desu
The only that couldn't be used was the staff.
A lot of TWW's fighting system was about the parry, let's be honest.
Love/Hate. Love the exploring and how open it is, hate how there's only like 3 big islands (Ironically the one you start out on is bigger than anything you encoutner alter on) and the little ones vary from kind of neat to completely piddly (Crescent Moon island I'm looking at you)
They should’ve pulled a Batman Arkham City on WW and removed the QTE prompt on NG+ so players time it themselves.
>Crescent Island
It's not even the worst offender. Have you seen the archipelagos in the north east and south east of the map? LITERALLY not a single spot to stand on. Those places are ENTIRELY useless.
In terms of dungeon navigation, sure. TP's dungeon gimmicks are FAR more memorable than WW's. For combat though, the sword was the primary weapon of choice for most of the game. I'd say Snowpeak Ruins is the one glaring exception to that with the ball & chain, though the bow acts as a close second to the sword overall and can absolutely carry its weight in a fight. Stuff like the dominion rod, spinner and clawshots just weren't useful in combat, though.
A lot of WW's swordplay was about the parry. Not so much the grappling hook, deku leaf, boomerang, bombs, bow, etc. WW was better at using those tools than it was with the sword.
If you think the Great Sea is empty, wait till you get a load of THIS.
What wasted potential. You can almost count the legitimate points of interest on a single hand.
>Lumpy Pumpkin
>bug island
>song island
>bamboo minigame
>Beedle Island
>diving minigame
And I think that's it.
It was alright
Which ones?
I don't think that much was confirmed but Aonuma has gone on record saying that he used them in TP. I'd like to think it's Lakebed Temple and Temple of Time, the former because clearly the last pearl was cut and the latter because not only would it fit in underwater Hyrule but it's also basically a command melody dungeon.
Imo, it's tied with MM as the best Zelda ever. I loved the music, the lore and the characters. It resonated with me in so many ways, but I also I'm not blind to its short comings. Let me just suggest that you go in with an open mind and to form your own opinion. The whole point is to have fun, and I promise you that you won't be disappointed.
>dungeons are too easy
>overworld is pretty empty and any side island is just "come back here later with the right item for a piece of heart or some rupees"
Its atmosphere/setting is really good though, and it's a fun, comfy adventure. Fuck the Triforce Shard quest though, but I heard they fixed it in the Wii U remaster
It's not "fixed" but it is heavily nerfed. You only need 3 charts instead of 8, the other pieces can just be found normally.
>Fuck the Triforce Shard quest though
Nigger, it's the best part of the game after going on a killing spree on the motherfucking Big Octos that you can stumble upon by accident at the Fire Mountain when leaving Dragon Roost and you don't even have the boomerang. Nintendo, wtf?
>just an objectively good part of the game.
They're way too backloaded, and most of them are surprisingly simple to acquire once you have solved the puzzle. The last 2 powerups are used exclusively, in very simple ways, for over half of the artifacts, and only a few of them feel like they are combining your entire arsenal of abilities.
...Which means an important money sink has been removed from the game, making rupees even less valuable and less rewarding to find.
Seriously, no one ever talks about this, but money is next to useless most of the time in 3D Zelda. Skyward Sword was actually the first one to fix the Zelda economy.
To be honest, the money sink that is the Triforce quest can be annoying, especially considering you also need a lot of money for the Special Shop. But it's indeed part of the difficulty, and good thing you can fish some nice rupees in the circles at sea. The challenge cavern also gives you a lot of them.
HD changed it so the magic armor uses rupees (ala Twilight Princess) instead of magic.
I donlt think they moved the location of the armor either so you still get it from...I forget I think giving feathers or joy pendants to someone.
The Magic Armor in TWW is obtained from the merchant that start the decoration exchange quest on Windmill Island.
at least wind waker sort of had a use with that 1,000 ruppee heart piece.
So about halfway through the game. Still plenty reason to use the wallet in Hero Mode.
The money sink was objectively bad and a terribly way to force importance of rupees. I'd rather they not do it at all than do it badly.
I always liked that the third pearl was a comfy trip to windfall island to trick the pirates for their bombs and then back to outset island for the pearl before the pirates could get there
wasn't a dungeon but it was really interesting for the story
>comfy trip
Shame that and Forsaken Fortress 2 are where the game peaks. Second half is just a big slog of filler.
You sound like a complacent faggot. The wojak and babbies first passive philosophy solidifies the claim.
>most expressive and soulful Link
>undisputed GOAT Zelda
>best boy Ganondorf
Where did everything go so right?
>undisputed GOAT Zelda
She was great as Tetra, and became your average damsel in distress once she turned into Zelda.
>undisputed GOAT Zelda
You mean Tetra's great-great granddaughter
She was a literal support NPC shooting arrows at Ganon
>The HD remake got rid of the iconic cel-shading
It might look like so in your screenshot, but it did not.
I always thought the latter part of the game was lacking, then when I read they had to cut shit for rushed time constraints I realized that was the case
I think the original plan was for you to get the triforce charts then go there on the ocean and descend into Hyrule areas to obtain them, either thru dungeons or puzzles or what have you, but that idea was scrapped (and later re-used in Skyward sword with going below the clouds to the land)
It's a shame we will never get the true full experience that the game was meant to be. it's like shiggy once said, "a rushed game is shit forever but if you delay it maybe it'll be good"
The wind waker has glaring flaws that fake nostalgiafags refuse to acknowledge. The only reason it is recieved so well here is because it was probably many of the zoomers first zelda game. The overworld was empty and infuriating to sail across. No interesting dungeons. You have to bait that dumbass fish to map every little section of the overworld. Unnecessary triforce shard treasure hunt that was painfully boring. It wasn't a terrible game, but people that hold it up so high just show you how bad peoples taste can really be.
And before that? Average damsel in distress that wasn't relevant at all. Zelda in OOT was much better since she would turn up every now and then as Sheik, and still was useful during the final fight too.
Tetra was a strong-headed woman with a sense of commandment. Then "Oh btw, you're Princess Zelda" and suddenly "oh... wh-what?! Link..; I... I..." and she's locked away, and she gets kidnapped. Lulz.
OoT Zelda got kidnapped too.
>I think the original plan was for you to get the triforce charts then go there on the ocean and descend into Hyrule areas to obtain them, either thru dungeons or puzzles
That would have been awesome. Sadly, Hyrule with remain a small isolated reef at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by empty textures, invisible walls, and glitched ground.
>the virgin Tetra
>the Stacy Zelda IV
ST Zelda was a gigachad but she might as well be WW Zelda desu
How so? I mean in design sure, of course, but she wasn't like Tetra/Zelda in any other way
it's a bad game
the overworld isn't terrible but doesn't have much going for it
the dungeon design is crap and there aren't enough of them. too much filler, not enough substance, especially in the endgame. the rerelease should have added some actual content rather than just removing padding.
looks pretty tho
She was also the first Zelda who doesn't drive the plot by being either useless or trying to fix things herself. Something that never really got developed until Twilight Princess Zelda where she's well aware she can't fight on her own and keeps Hyrule from being slaughtered by Zant.
Sadly she's gone back to either being manipulative (Skyward Sword), naive (Durr I'm sure councellor Cole isn't actually satan better leave the castle withoyt a guard XD) or borderline selfishly hurting others (BotW).
>"Oh hey Link, listen to this poetry I wrote about friendship and the passage of time..."
>"...Anyway, here's your warp song."
Great character.
At least we can all agree BoTW is absolute worst girl
Useless fucking cunt
>literally oneshots Ganon once you free her, which you do using the bow she also gives you
Have sex
>the dungeon design is crap and there aren't enough of them
Sure, there are only 5 dungeons but you cannot tell me with a straight face that the earth and wind temple aren't nicely designed. They are probably the best dungeons.
Those are still some nice interventions, which retroactively makes you understand how much the character has been around for you during your long journey, risking everything for you because she was being actively researched. It helps forge a link (no pun intended) between her and you. If she's been around for you to guide you this much and warn you about dangers, then it only makes sense for you to go to Ganon's Castle for her, even beyond the dangers of the Triforce ending up in Ganondorf's hands.
they're bland as fuck aesthetically speaking and the design (layouts and puzzles) are incredibly simplistic
Wind is fine. Earth on the other hand
>That final mirror room """""""""""""""puzzle"""""""""""""""
Its known and agreed upon to be the worst Zelda next to SS, and it laid out many of the nonsense that BOTW doubled down on.
>only a couple of proper dungeons
>what little dungeon there is, feels like mobile game tier in how simple and brain-dead they're designed
>boring as fuck travelling is 50% of the game
>shitty forced stealth
>empty as fuck world with generic mechanics to advance it and map it out
>no proper progress and direction that Zelda games are known for, but instead just throws open world quests at you like "oh Link, now go into the world and find all the pieces please) repeating the same boring open world loop over and over again
>if you take away all the travelling and mundane encounters on the sea as well as mundane side things, the actual meat of the game amounts to maybe 1/4 of other, proper Zelda games
Some people like to act as if the artstyle is what made people dislike it, but its really the game itself.
the artstyle is what made people dislike it since it was disliked because of the art style long before anyone got to play it for even a second.
the people who hate WW's art style are retards, WW has no shortage of problems but the graphics are one of the only things that aged gracefully
>Its known and agreed upon
Zeldafags will never agree on anything.
>muh muh shipping means Zelda gud
Zoomer femoid, aka the average BOTWkek