Is Zelda 1 worth playing?

Is Zelda 1 worth playing?

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Yes retard. No googling

yes, its cool to play it blind to se how far you can go, and when you're lost, instead of taking a walkthrough, take a map that shows you were all the items are, so even if you know where you're going, you're still exploring by your own

Fuck no.
It's cryptic as fuck and the shitty gameplay doesn't make the exploration any fun.
Do yourself a favor and skip this and BotW.
At least this is better than BotW.

Yes but only if you don't use a guide. Being lost and figuring out where to go is part of the fun.

What’s your favorite Zelda game?

Zoomers need to be castrated.

skyward sword

False you idiotic zoomer. Google back then was called the manual and Nintendo power

There's a lot of dumb shit like putting random bushes ln fire and bombing random walls until you find the right stuff for progression.

It's worth playing but using a guide that doesn't spoil much and just gives you basic directions in case you truly get stuck is ideal.

Majora's Mask.

Yes. Game is based.

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i know this is a joke post but what are the chances that that's actually the faggot's favorite zelda game? I'd say pretty high

You do fucking realize the initial game released with a full map that outlined at least major land marks.

Yes. Best Zelda and one of all time best games.

No because he's a zoomie and didn't grow up with it.

>29 is zoomer
Go blow yourself, child and suck off the shitty Zeldas some more.

Yes, play it and don't use a guide.
Use a map instead..

>reading magazines instead of taking 3 days off work and just playing the game
You’re a gay guy. Mr. zoom zoom

No, I'm 29. I think you meant to post a "1" instead of "2".

Yes, it is probably the best zelda game
3 things to know though
There is a dungeon where you need to bomb a random wall, a screen with a lake where you need to play a whistle to open a dungeon, and you need to bomb this rock to open a dungeon. Other than that you can find everything else tthrough normal gameplay

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>zoomers literally making shit up
Look I know you want to pretend to be old but everything knows you are a zoomer since no one beat this game without a map

Nice argument.
Continue defending shitty Zeldas because they're old, you jaded contrarian.

Its fun if you make your own journal while playing to mark down routes and secrets

One of the best Zelda games. For me it is better than minish cap but a little weaker than links Awakening and link to the past

No, it's horrible and doesn't age well at ALL. In fact an argument can be made it was horrible at the time it came out even given the tech limitations at that time.


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yes, but if you get even remotely stuck use a guide. there is so much horseshit in this game where you have to bomb random spaces to get stuff, it's ridiculous.

anyone trying to tell you not to play with a guide is trolling you, bombing every fucking tile of the map to find stuff is not fun at all and is another classic example of old games making stuff intentionally hard/obtuse just to pad out playtime

Very much so. The overworld is great but the dungeons are also very well-designed, and the game ultimately revolves around the dungeons. There are some odd arcane moments here and there, but the game isn't as absurdly cryptic as people make it out to be.

>a full map that outlined at least major land marks
Yeah, and I STILL had no fucking idea what to do in a bunch of areas up until Nintendo Power showcased where you could burn shit with the lamp

It was fun* back then because it was absolutely alien and had a lot of unknown to it, but this doesn't change the fact that you need to use Sierra adventure logic in a bunch of places

Not him but the map only shows you the first 3 labyrinths. The rest you have to figure out from shit that people in the game say, other areas of the map marked with a translucent [?] and burning and bombing suspicious looking trees/rocks.

Continue your desperate attempts of attacking a perfectly good Zelda because you were too much of a filthy casual to play it.

It's some of the most fun I've had playing a Zelda game.
I'd just read the manual and jump in. Don't forget tenth enemy has the bomb

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It's the 2nd best Zelda after Breath of the Wild. And it's also the least flawed. Every other Zelda has SOMETHING wrong with it. 1 is basically flawless.

There is NOTHING in that game that is hard to figure out. Literally preschoolers played it back in the 80s.

There's a manual.

With a guide? Sure.

No guide? Fuck that.

And I played it when it came out.

What random walls and bushes are needed to progress?
The bush you need to burn is one stuck right in the middle of a path, and spectacle rock is a unique landmark (and hinted at by an old man if I remember).
There are some obscure bomb walls/bushes, but they're optional secrets.

>It's cryptic as fuck

Literally 4 year olds played it AND BEAT IT back in the 80s and that was before the internet.

You are LITERALLY retarded if ANYTHING in the game gave you trouble.

Yes. It's a fantastic game
t. 28 year old who's first Zelda game was Skyward Sword

Daily reminder the game came with a walkthrough for the first three dungeons and it was created in mind because Miyamoto wanted players to share secrets with eachother

Don't ruin the experience for yourselves but don't be completely autistic "NO HANDHOLDING" faggots

Most of the NPCs in the game had their translated text botched to the point of being ridiculous, in Japan they pretty much tell you what to do

>a bunch of places

one place, and it's on a screen with nothing else on it.

Old guy here.

We didn't "share secrets" about Zelda back then. We didn't need to. It was one of the easiest games on the NES and I never met a single person back then that had any trouble with it whatsoever.

I cannot possibly emphasize this enough, but if Zelda 1 gives you any difficulty at all then it's because you have an actual, non-memeing mental handicap. The fact that Yea Forums thinks Zelda 1 is "cryptic" is proof that half this board has actual autism.

>Literally 4 year olds played it AND BEAT IT back in the 80s and that was before the internet.
No they didn't. They had external tools by them.

>you need to use Sierra adventure logic in a bunch of places

You absolutely never do. It's a game that was played by literal children when it came out. Have you considered that the problem is with you and not with the game? That maybe you have literal autism?

Okay gramps

>We didn't "share secrets" about Zelda back then

Good for you, Miyamoto was creating it with Jap kids on the playground in mind. I never argued that the game was cryptic. Your experience doesn't change what his intent was

I'm old enough to remember. Yes, they did.

Zelda was also played adults and they needed Nintendo Power to even figure out to get into most of the dungeons.

No they didn't. Every kid on the block never got close to beating this without some sort of reference tool.

You can beat the game without using a guide. I did. But it did involve shit like burning every fucking bush and bombing every fucking wall in the game so it was unnecessarily time consuming.

you know that shit in hyrule warriors you do to reveal the adventure rewards and stuff? Zelda 1 is that as a full game

Autism would actually be a benefit for this game. I beat the first and second quest and by far the least fun part of the game was continuously burning every bush and pushing against the center of every wall in hopes that I'd walk through a secret passage way on the second quest

Exactly what I'm fucking talking about. After a while the tediousness defeats the fun and that's the last fucking thing you want in a game like this. This is why Zelda II is better overall, it's more straight up action.

>Zelda 1 isn't crypti-
It's not like the text in-game is any help.

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>29 is zoomer
it is to me, you obnoxious little shit.

>It's a "everyone pretends to be in their late 30's" episode

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That's a pretty noticeable landmark, though. The game does have some weird shit with the second quest, but that's the second quest. Coming to the original Zelda after having already played many of the other 2D games I was well-primed to bomb suspicious spots, but Zelda 1 itself affirms that from early on too. I agree with that Zelda II handles a lot of its clues better than the first game though.

i can guarantee you there's more zoomers playing zelda on an emulator now than boomers playing it back in the day

Why did you leave out dungeon 7's burning bush location?

I'd say it is unless you don't know what spectacles look like.

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No one ever seems to praise the dungeons or combat in this game. The three GBC games all feel like a better Zelda 1.

what's your point? people in this thread keep claiming they "played it when it first came out." I'm 36 years old an even I wasn't old enough to do that.

Can anyone explain how it's remotely possible they didn't remake this game yet?

Zelda 1 is not as cryptic as people say, but like it was mentioned earlier, the original Japanese version was a lot more direct in it's hints and the game was devised with the idea of players sharing secrets. Most people who play it now aren't aware that it came with a map and might get confused by some of the hints (although I think most of them in English are pretty straightforward). People on the internet today also have to pretend to be super hardcore at vidya to strangers they'll never meet so they won't acknowledge or consider any of that.

Unfortunately the game had limitations. They couldn't quite do everything they wanted. It's a fine game but due to the repetitive nature of the level design and secrets it just doesn't quite hit the same level of quality as some of th other games of that time. To me, Zelda II and ALttP are where the series started blowing most other games out of the water. Zelda II has more challenge than Zelda 1 without being as tedious and ALttP is just perfect all around. Would have benefited from a second quest probably or a hard mode toggle but all of these games could.

Hated Link's sword stab. Combine that with his taxi-cab movement and late game Darknut packs, and found the combat too painfully awkward to enjoy any of the exploration elements. Zelda I is a testament to video game pioneering, but Zelda III is where the series really started to produce masterpieces. In retrospect, horizontal sword slashes saved the entire franchise.

>unless you don't know what spectacles look like
It's not SPECTACLES rock, it's SPECTACLE rock. Spectacle means an elaborate or extravagant display, not a pair of glasses.

Why did they let Raimi design a level?

A pair of glasses?

I once talked to a guy who said ALttP is the worst Zelda game because it's impossible to hit anything.

Now, A Link to the Past isn't a complete pushover of a game but if you can't hit anything with the sword swings by mashing the fucking button, that person has to suck at video games


>the original Japanese version was a lot more direct in it's hints and the game was devised with the idea of players sharing secrets.
Is there a hack that retranslates the game?

These hints make sense in hindsight, but I doubt anyone found them helpful at the time.

Yes i'm aware there's a manual but it doesn't tell you the location of all the labyrinths user. It only tells you the first 3 with the rest being vague hints.

being able to hear the boss roaring in the next couple rooms is still pretty clever even by today's standards.
Zelda 1 is primitive but that's part of what makes it tough to beat. LA is 100 times more polished but it's a babby game in comparison, aside from like one dungeon.

Yes, it's still arguably the best game in the series.

It's not Zoom to mention the US release of Zelda has cryptic parts, it's just the facts. It was a great game. It was improved on by its sequels for the most part.

Link's Awakening is the perfect 2d Zelda anyway.

Not being able to attack diagonal simply makes the controls feel off.

I beat it about a year ago on an actual NES so I didn't savescum. Shit was legitimately awesome and there's nothing you need to look up, except for maybe the location to the final dungeon which I found on complete accident.

yeah its worth replaying if youd like to try a scooter after youre tired of your lamborghini. pixle anything isnt worth the revisit. im a boomer and im telling you i like botw, metroid prime 3 ,rdr 2 gta v , beteer than the rest it isnt even a contest play old games for free not pay. nes,snes,n64,gc,wi, era games had small skill and or budgets. modern erea is the shizzle.

I mean, it's not a bad game per se but I wouldn't play it over all the shit nowdays.I'd give it an 8 out of 10 Pretty sure there are better games on your backlog OP. Just play it if you really like Zelda.

There's a few but I only ever played the NES and Wii versions of the original, no hacks. So I'm not sure how good they are.

That one is a dead end in the corner of the map.
I found it with no help.
Only figured this out after the fact.

He deserved a chance in this world too

What would you keep in a remake? Individual aspects have been reused in later games.

Same general overworld and the shapes of the dungeons, but heavily alter the inside rooms and themes of each. Second quest is more of a post-game that involves Link clearing out the Death Mountain range of leftover baddies. Keep it light on story and mainly just upgrade the utility of items and amount of enemy types/ways to fight them.

>Individual aspects have been reused in later games
Didn't stop them from remake OoT and WW

Everything in this post is wrong. It is the 2nd worst Zelda, only beating out Trash of the Wild. Even the CDi games are superior because they have brought enjoyment to people's lives from the memes. This has only brought bad gameplay and poorly-designed ideas.

Zoom zoom

As someone who isn't crazy about the 3D games, I still play LoZ every few years and absolutely love it. The sense of adventure and exploration is amazing.

>Learn moon
>Go back and play classic games
>Realize how bad all translations and localizations are
It gets even worse because I have friends who work in anime translation and I know how bad most "professionals" are. If you like Japanese games, yourself a favor and learn moon.

who /pure zelda classic/ here

When I bought it I got it used and didn't have the manual, nor a NP subscription. The game was great. There's real exploration there

yeah it's still pretty good, played it blind a couple of years ago for the first time and it's completely beatable without any guides or maps
there were a couple of times I had to grind for rupees but the game is pretty forgiving just restarting you with all your stuff if you die

Yes. This game is unironically one of my favorite games in the franchise and I only just played it for the first time a few years ago.
There's a legitimate sense of excitement in exploring and finding new items and dungeons. It's lack of handholding is a breath of fresh air and it's not too challenging to feel impossible. A true classic.

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bitch when i hear spectacle rock i don't think of eyeglasses, especially when i'm four fucking years old.

the fucking wizards are so bullshit with their unpredictable movement. Dropped the game cus of that

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42 years old here.

Been on 4hcan since 2003. That gives me the biggest dick of them all! I played this game when it first came out and got world first Ganon down. Then I sent a letter to the company that would later be known as AOL so that they could post about me being first 7 years later.

Just sit still you fucking spaz, they don't spawn on top of you.

i played this as a kid on release and i did not experience the magic. zelda was, for me, walking around a grid and eventually dying just because i have no clue where to go. scheherezade had better direction than zelda, and was the better game.

Its fun to explore the map and find secrets, its worth a play eventually you will have to use a guide.

Yes. It still holds up. However it was designed to be played with the manual. The manual is not exactly essential, just waiting on the start screen will give you a ton of information off the bat but the manual is really helpful. Also many releases came with a partially filled out map with the locations of the first 3 dungeons which also helped.

Really once you get the hang of it, it makes perfect sense. While there's the meme that you have to bomb every fucking pixel you'll soon realise that all cave entrances are facing up and you only need to randomly bomb those bits on every screen.

Not really. It's incredibly dated.

There are so many good NES games that still hold up to this day, and LoZ isn't one of them. I recommend Little Samson, Crystalis and Metalstorm

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>OG Kid Icarus
>holding up

With that platforming? lol, no.

fuck it gets me every time.

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>it gets me every time
Funny, the directors cut of Spiderman 1 has black neighbors saying the same about Ben everytime he drinks

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>BOTW out of nowhere