Final Fantasy xiv

People on the OF already crying about GNB having too many buttons or too fast.

So breaker chads in 6.0 when the job gets fucked I want you to remember that the blame lie with these losers

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off to /vg/ with this general spam bullshit

Are gnbs squishy? Does scholar healing suck ass? I can’t do big pulls (2-3 packs) without getting destroyed in the 71 dungeon. I spread and use all of my mitigation

the smash thread is over there

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don't do big pulls in leveling dungeons

shut the fuck up

>stop posting video games on Yea Forums reeeeee

PLD main here, if I see a single healer dpsing, I shirk them and scream respect the content

relax before you have a stroke little boy

GNB has the worst mitigation of any tank right now.

Name Race sterotypes
Midlander - Boring
Highlander - Boomer
Male Miqote - Gay
Female Miqote - Slut and most likely gay
Male lalafell - Shitposter
Female Lalafell - omg subscribe to my twitch, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter!! ^^ /hug
Male elezen - don't exist
Female elezen - let me speak to your manager
Male Roe - Top gay
Female roe - let me speak to the head of the company
Male Au'ra - Broomstick so far up their asshole it creates extra horns.
Female Au'ra - Mentally Ill
Haven't played enough with Viera and that lionrace to get a read on them.

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SCH and AST just blow asshole in those early 70 dungeons, WHMchads can handle big pulls with ease.

I play male elezen. :)

One of the rare fews. What's your take on your race?

>Decide to help a tit ex clear
>PF says "Adds to clear"
>Never make it past adds
Why do I waste my time

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I need help picking a job that fits me, ask me anything and tell me what to play.

>listening to ff14 tracks
>suddenly remember how good heavensward ost was

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Viera are the new female Au Ra
Hrothgar are furry Male Roes

Do you suck dicks?

Thancred would look cooler as a Samurai

not him, but they're either austitically quiet but fairly competent, or edgy and shit

What do you want to play? Play that.

What do you like?
Do you like physical, magic, ranged?
Like short and simple or complex and long?

Hrothgar are about as gay as male Roe

I haven't noticed them being mentally ill. I only went through one bad run with a Viera Healer because she was bitching about dying in LoTA.

HW was pretty kino

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How squishy is GNB compared to DRK? TBN is so fucking good in dungeons.

It's more about ast / sch having a harder time at those levels, also don't forget Arm's length is a strong mitigation cooldown to use now, in trash pull anyways.


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Guys, where can I buy a katana?


Not anymore squishy than WAR or PLD, Camouflage is actually useful in dungeons compared to Thrill and especially fucking Cover.
But yes, TBN is just busted in dungeon.

Gun blades have too many buttons? What? I mean I guess the full combo for Continuation is long but otherwise it’s pretty fucking simple. I find it a lot easier to understand than Dark Knight.

Also GNB best tank the others aren’t fun to play

No but 2D guys are ok but that shit never exists in 3D.
Wish I knew.
I honestly enjoy everything and that's kind of the problem. I don't have a specific preference. Like for past experience In RO I enjoyed Blacksmith, Creator and Sage. In WoW I enjoyed Warlock, Rogue, Mage and prot Paladin..


You need to call Elidibus about that.


So, my AoE rotation for BLM is:
>Thunder IV
>Fire III
>(FLARE if Manafont is up)
right? unless I have 2 or more umbral heart, so I use fire II until I have 1

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Why do people keep calling Male Miqo'te gay? They're far from it, all women want one

Viera have always been the first to start bitching about minor mistakes people make from my experience so far.
Maybe that's their stereotype. Cunty "I want to speak to your manager" types.

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>2D guys are ok
Whoa, an actual faggot. Play RDM.

Don't even think about it.

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he’s not telling you stop discussing games, he’s telling you to discuss it on the board made for recurring threads like these

also ffxiv is erp hookups, not video games

>based and redpilled tier
melee DPS

>alright guy tier

>shed tier

>fag tier
ranged/magic DPS

Don't bother with Fire 2 the moment you can double flare.

So is camouflage supposed to be used with other defensive CDs or is this GNB just a retard stacking CDs without a point?

Tell that to the hourly recurring smash and fire emblem threads that don't get moved

>Midlander - Boring
Midlanders at higher tiers are generally the best players though since they dont give a shit about playing dress up and only care about clearing shit

Ok, but only if you promise to stop making these threads on the wrong board

I play femroe.
I don't get it.

I am sure there are 2D guys that can fit everyones fancy. I don't like shit like Astolfo or other awful traps like him.

*Why are they so perfect!?


Outside of the ammo consuming combo GNB feels so slow and boring. I don't get how people can play it

That's wrong actually. I remember seeing someone making a chart on who cleared savage.
Midlanders were the lowest. Lalafells were the highest.

Lorewise - yeah sure.
Meta - hell no. Most faggots play this race and are the most obnoxious weaboo pieces of shit.

This is what happened to warrior. Dps shitters need to stay on their shit role

yeah it stacks, but if he gets fucked later on because he doesnt have a cd since he poped them all on a single tank buster then he is a tard

>he remains blissfully unaware

10% less damage taken is pretty pitiful, especially when the mobs do magic damage, which renders the increased parry rate useless. Usually I can pop it on it’s own and be fine but there are usually 1 or 2 tough pulls in a given dungeon where I’ll stack camo + rampart

>stop making these threads on the wrong board
In that case you can also send that message to the 5 Pokemon threads up outside of /vp/.
And then you can ask the mods to delete Yea Forums because all the threads that will be left are hardly video game related.

I find female roes bitch less than female elezen but when they bitch....THEY BITCH HARD.

Try black mage. They're really fun. Terrible for prog imo though so level a red mage on the side.

Pixies are genderless. Though feo ul refers to herself sometimes with female pronouns.

i'm glad that the xiv community is pure enough to not draw porn of their characters fucking the crystal exarch

how far can I get into stormbringers before not completing the Crystal Tower questline effects me
I'm queued up for one of the raids but nobody wants to do it

I dont think I specified quantity but quality.

Every job feels slow right now because it's the very beginning of the expansion and there are 3 full tiers of skill speed increases on raid gear still to come


I think all the bots and throwaway characters make midlanders look worse than they are in reality

Retarded greylet BLM here. Got 4 kills. I still fucking up tethers in second phase where aoe lines on the floor . Finding good party probably matters a lot.
>funny party of memers
>oof yikes jojo etc
>they ended up shitting at each other because "bad healer DPS we're not gonna make it"
>4 people leaves
just why?

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Wall pulled every dungeon while leveling pld in ShB. Is gnb really that frail?

Lalafell are normally at the top of grand company rankings as well.

My character was made for my dick, not some filthy catboi.

>The majority of the First gets engulfed by the Flood of Light
>Norvrandt is the only continent that survives
>Norvrandt is just the First's version of Eorzea
>This means that the Far East in the First didn't survive
>This means that no Samurais and Katanas exist in the First

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Yea Forums is where you go to discuss a game
/vg/ is where you go to discuss the people who play a game.

err shadowbringers

the xiv community only draws porn of futa ocs fucking other futa ocs

You guys actually finished all the role quest? There's a hidden final quest if you do all 4 just in case you guys don't know.

Did they nerf the size of gunblades before release?

Look at that absolute unit of a weapon compared to the shortswords we ended up getting.

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Ryne is CUTE

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the best shit

Miqote or stay Xaela?

Shadowbringers is when it becomes plot relevant, still do it for alliance raid roulette so you can get XP easier.

Yes women, as in if women could be incels they would be the kind of women who make male Miqo'te very few actual fags play them.

Is GNB really that fun? I've never leveled a Tank or Healer because I never want to play one. I've leveled all the DPS jobs though.

It looks like that on Elezen. Every other races always have relatively smaller sized compared to their body.

>th-that’s him! That’s Janny!

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my complaint is that all the gunblades have super hard to reach triggers. I mean they're designed for hrothgar hands but for all other races the big ass triggers way off in the crossguard is weird

Are crafting autists the worst people to listen to?

>funny party of memers
>oof yikes jojo etc
This is the entire FFXIV community, honestly. Everyone I meet speaks in Twitter memes and ebonics.
I just want to find an FC full of wholesome boomers or something.

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day 2 at the absolute latest is the only time you can join a learn/clear party in PF. after that it's an absolute shitshow

Not even considering skill speed, just the amount of buttons to press and ogcd skills to use makes GNB such a bore. I'm leveling DRK at the same time and it feels so much more fun with the things to weave between aoe combos

Gunblades increase in size when you unsheathe them

I assumed that chart was based on how much people cleared vs percentage of race people cleared. I wish I saved it. Maybe someone has it?
I guess it's still a bit skewed because midlanders are starting to be pretty rare.

This is most online communities, not just XIV.

>It ends this day. One way or another, it ends.
Ok, I clapped.

clink, clink, clinkclink
*sparkly noise*

I usually give it a week or two tops. After that its a clusterfuck

>Not picking "I challenge you, Emet-Selch"

>Smash and WoWfags are an integral part of Yea Forums society, but they must be fed shit. My shit.

Smash roster threads will always be more video game than XIV threads.

I already am accepting this fact. I didn't clear anything so I will either never find a group as a ranged DPS or the groups will be so bad they will never get to adds, lead alone clear.

is WAR still good? are they still the highest dps tank?

>very few actual fags play them
Gay catboy cliques are second only to gay Roe cliques. How new are you?

Sorry FFlads, this isn't for you, so just ignore this.

Hey sneed, DMC is better, and fuck you.

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Just play Dancer. I'm sure there will always be that one parse autist who's willing to take you as long as you suck their cock.

Reminds me of how i did syrcus tower pug and some guy spent the entire raid discussing the plot of Dante,s peak and twister.

Boomers are even worse imo.
DAE remember Warhammer xD
Although the Reddit community is sometimes getting a bit on my nerve. I mention this a lot but
"Oh no he's hot!”

Also the stupid thing where they repeat each other but change wording in the sentence.
"Sickness must be purged!"
"Illness must be eradicated xD"

Male elezen exist to cuck the male miqote.

Join random group
>discord remotes
>twitch remotes
I hate it all.

Is it random when your fairy casts the super shield? Or is there a way to trigger it?

>queue for expert roulette as DNC
>get DRG partner
>make him my dance partner
>he's doing less dps than the tank
>make the healer my dance partner because he was dpsing
>he suddenly stops dpsing and goes full healbot
>make the tank my dance partner
>he says "It's that bad huh"
>I just offer up a nod

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i actually like the clanging and shit, it's not offensive to the ears and makes the area feel a bit more lively

Yet they're recurring so by the logic of the person I was replying to, they belong in /vg/

Well I mean they'll go on and on in chat about shit nobody cares about.
Like it could be patch day of brand new content and they'll still be going on about it

The pliers noise is terrible. Otherwise yeah, they aren't so bad.

they're slightly behind the other three but not enough to really matter
all the tanks are fine, pick whichever one you like playing

ShB is really full of foreshadowing without asspulls.

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That's all the communities now you dumb old nigger.

It is, but the devs already said that particular scene was just him flipping out in fear as he died, it wasn't supposed to foreshadow anything.

The second line is more fitting. Arbert uses the same line against you back in HW.

It just felt like the perfect thing to say at that moment, makes me wish we had our own voice

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There was actually a 6th member of Ardbert's party? I've never seen that person in any trailer or whatever.

Dancer is even harder to get into a party with, with so many FoTM fags around or I would play DNC.

But female midlanders are also very cute.

>Running WoD
>First boss, tanks keep fighting for agro.
>Keep spinning the boss in the process, causing it to repeatedly cleave the raid.
>We wipe to the first boss
>Nearly wipe to the second boss
>Tank from my alliance tries tanking CoD
>Doesn't use any mitigation at all
>Uses both rampart and dark wall about 5 seconds into the cloud sucking phase

It wasn't a great run

>trial roulette
>it's dancing plague normal
>oh this should be easy I 1shotted this shit last week
>6 wipes before a vote abandon because we didn't have the dps to get past the dps check

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You can thank this faggot in 6.0 when gnb turns into a 1 2 3 blasting zone job

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that "sword"(?) does not look practical at all.

>mentally ill au ra trying to throw shade on the new race of cuties

lol get fucked scale face


Because of her theme. Seriously, show me a song that better invokes images of a mischievous faerie. Protip: You can't.

t. ranny

>That's all the communities now
t. Retard whose only interactions with people are through Discord and online games
There are plenty of online communities without Twitter parroters, just because you're not a part of them doesn't mean they don't exist you dumb fucking zoomer

Nah Vierra players are bros fuck off mentally ill tranny.

This is a shit primal theme.

Where did you get that idea?

i took it easy on the story this time around and innocence was already a clusterfuck this weekend

just went halves on the pizza deal with my roommate so I could get the full edition of the game for 30 dollarydoos. total savings of 60 bucks compared to the steam edition, not bad plus we got pizza

I swear so many people have retarded takes on GNB's kit
>hurr too man buttuns
Literally same amount (or close to) PLD's
>hurr so fast
About as fast as DRK
>Camouflage should be 20% (or even more retarded 25%) all damage mitigation
Fucking Christ.


Brainlet scene skipper shit tasted faggot

Case in point.

Ok,I'm putting ethers in it's place
t. Power tripping DRG
Just don't cry when you get nerfed

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Ascians are fucking scary what the fuck.

Who /Living Memory/?

The female elezen?

Do the bonus rolequest. She's not from the First.

Viera literally have the worst man-face of any females in the game outside of Roegadyn.
>y-you're probably just a female au ra!
Keep grasping bunniggers.

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>twining run
>tank uses 0 cooldowns and pulls wall to wall
>he gets bitched out by healer
>"enjoy waiting 1 hour for a new tank"
>leaves the party
>literally 5 seconds later a new tank joins
Never laughed so hard in my life

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I\m not quite sure what I'm doing wrong, these new Stone Sky Sea dummies seem pretty brutal compared to in the past

There's an female elezen gladiator in some of the role quest. She doesn't show up in encyclopedia Eorzea.

I ain't reading all that shit

It is a primal though

There's five role quests but the fifth only unlocks after completing the other four.
>Magic DPS
>Physical DPS
I guess it's incentive to max multiple jobs.

Not all Ancients are ascians.

Viera are horndogs. Hrothgar are male Roe: furry edition.

Finish all 4 role quest. The barmaid who introduces you to the people you start the role quest with is the 6th member of Ardbert's party.

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What did it taste like for you? I hear it tastes different depending on your race? Or is it just random?

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delete this

Yeah her. She even knows Unulkahai.

Will you remember Emet?

I had a dream where I was hearing that ascian language and seeing the mystery niggas

shit was wild

Apparently originally the Black Mage from the trailer was supposed to be her, not the male Elezen. They changed that at some point between the end of Legacy and the WoD storyline.

Really? I'm leveling a DRK now and it feels boring compared to GNB

Please tell me you guys beat the dungeon before his 30 minute quitter cooldown finished

Yeah. As a BITCH.

yeah we cleared it in 20 mins

What a baby. How did he even make it to the Twinning doing bighuge pulls without mitigation?

>mystery niggas
>fat old man with mind control powers
Anything else?


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he's correct about camouflage and aurora tho

Reminder 1 stack every 30s is better than 3 stacks every 60s.

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can confirm, i'm boring.

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most male miqote players are fujoshi, not actual gays

Onions Green



>press button when it lights up
>easiest tank rotation has the highest dps
>has a better version of hallowed ground and old anticipation and gets a heal over time
Gunbreaker is the new warrior and it's pretty obvious if you look at those who main the job.

Its burst-damage with AoE is nonexistent (it doesn't get an AoE cartridge expender until lv. 72 and 'til then it's Demon Slice/Slaughter) so it can't contribute as heavily to huge pulls, which makes it a bit harder. It's no more frail than WAR or DRK would be taking the same hits and using the same cooldowns, though; it depends largely on your healer, as well as if the GNB is aware that Arm's Length serves as one of the best tanking cooldowns on their hotbars.

did you whisper him afterwards to tell him about it

>has a better version of hallowed ground

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I've been noticing a trend of DRKs using Flood of Shadow on single target (usually in EX primals)
Why is that? Is there something I'm missing here?

DRK right now has a big problem in early levels, since TBN is unlock really late into the class level. And it makes the class way more fun to play.

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i keep forgetting about arms length and when i do remember it everything gets stunned by holy and it only applies to like half the mobs
which i can't really get mad about, but it still feels bad

I picked that since it was the most Kain-like response and it completely went over my head Arbert says the same thing to you way back in post-Heavensward.


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I wanted to try GNB because I heard it had actual buttons still while DRK was lobtomized, PLD had half its shit ripped out relegating it to the spellcaster tank and WAR is now not only braindead but not even capable of the DPS WAR mains jerked themselves off about.

>better version of hallowed ground
Are you braindead?

leave it to Yea Forums to love gamers rise up: the villain

In Titania Ex how many tethers can I take as DRK? I've only MT the fight so I don't wanna fuck up going into clear or farm parties and get forced to OT roles.

I was thinking 4-5 if I can shadow wall then Rampart + TBN then living dead. Can anyone confirm?

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soon i will be free

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Literally the only upside superbolide has over hallowed ground is it's cooldown is a minute faster.

Superbolide seems like the worst invuln right now.

You're not missing anything, they're just stupid.

Kinda wish Arbert said the line we picked. Feels a bit awkward with the silent mouth moving.

there were people who thought that we'd be using darkness to fight the light

yeah, that's dumb. No reason to not use edge of shadow on single targets.

WoL feels like proper character right now and not just player avatar. Ready for anime adaptation.


I'm about to buy Shadowbringers + level boost, which job should I try as someone who meme'd WAR in Heavensward? I'm thinking DRK this time around.

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Superbolide's not shabby, really. You're not going to get a tanking invuln cooldown that even compares to HG, lord knows Holmgang and Living Dead don't. It's kind of like Hallowed Ground's effect except you pop it when a DRK would probably be using Living Dead.

Will what I said above work?

sucking it in and poisoning ourselves ended up better anyway.

Uhh... Kupo?

Wanna meme? play astrologian

>Got Titania as well in trial roulette
>Joined as a DNC
>Had a head to head damage race with my Dance partner a DRG for who does the most damage in the entire group
>The BRD and SAM didn't even came close to us
How are people that bad?
Even with a LB2 we barely managed the DPS check.

i thought we would have to give up the blessing, honestly
but nope we just got even more light

Even the launch trailer showed that WoL used light to fight light (I even shitposted about it) so I don't know what people were expecting

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As an offmain WAR, it feels really fucking bad not being able to sustain yourself anymore.

Should I level DRK or GNB as my main tank job?

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Took them 6 years to start watching over us for real then.

>that one fag that only uses FC chat to bitch about his dungeon group
You aren't that guy, right Yea Forums?

>level boost
you have to go back

I’ve spent $50 on race changes because I can’t decide on what to play.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t particularly like any of the races in this game.

I’ve only played as males so far. Maybe playing as a cute hyur will satisfy me?

Did you call GrahamCrackers by his name?


>first week of ex primals
>Get stuck at enrage for the longest time
>Got to 0.7%
>Wait a minute, my hotbar doesn't look right.
I haven't been using salted earth like a dumbass. We could've cleared if I wasn't so dumb! AHHHHHHHH.

Tit ex is ez, I literally did it I’m 2 pulls in a learning party while I was drunk

you should kys and stream it

Boosters that don't know their rotation since it's the first trial and other people are just really bad at games in general. I see some people on my FC struggle with some dungeons that I had 0 problems with.


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Why do I need THREE damage reduction buffs?

>that one guy that only uses FC chat to bitch about his life
Hope you aren't that guy.


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>too many buttons
>too fast
. . .

>GNB is button bloat
Have they not played SB PLD?

Wish I can filter FC parses on fflogs.

I carry them with no problem, haven't left any dungeon so far aside one infested with bots.

I’ve spent $60 on race changes because I can’t decide on what to play.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t actually like any of the races in this game, however I’ve only played as a male as I do in most games. So perhaps playing as a cute cat girl or human girl is what will finally satisfy me.

I didn't realize Consolation was an actual button until 2 days ago after I finished farming ex primals :^)


I use my FC chat to do food reviews of local restaurants.
It started as a joke but a couple people got genuinely interested in the nice restaurants in my town so I keep doing it.

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wish fflogs didnt exist

what a punchable face

he needs to go back to his old man body

why did they have to make her so fat?

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You should play PLD, kill yourself and stream it.

No, it's not. I've wall pulled every dungeon as every tank except WAR since I haven't leveled it yet.

just play female lalafell and start using lots of emotes. You will become so addicted that there will be no going back.

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The problem with Superbolide is that it's basically worse than Living Dead in every way. You don't have the flexibility LD has (LD lasts 10 seconds before you have to hit zero health), and doesn't even last as long as Living Dead's effect does. And the cooldown is longer.

The only benefit Superbolide has over Living dead is the whole "Have to be healed back to max" thing, but in a properly prepared party, that shouldn't be an issue.

>no garlean subrace for hyur
I wanna be a Roman dot head

I want to DRINK femlala feet juices!!

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It was already aids trying to run old content to finish the MQ when everyone was busy jerking off the new expansion, plus I lost my old character account. I'm not going to repeat that + 2 expansions.

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>that gnome that comments about our neck muscles show a life time of nodding

fucking yelling

I tried mitigating the tethers before LD, but that didn't seem to work. You can take 3 with 1 clean hit and 2 while LD is up at least, but you basically need to be bene'd right after you swap

I usually hate fat people but I think Dulia is cute

So what I said above wouldn't work?

Nothing wrong with having a place where all the shitters can upload their logs so you can see how much better you are. Though if you're in the first party then I can see why it would sound awful.

>Everyone hating on GNB now


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>make red mage my dance partner
>he still gets shredded by the SAM dps
I thought red mages got a buff

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Garleans aren't viable for lots of reasons, user, first and foremost being you'd only be able to be a Machinist since literally every other job freely manipulates aether in some way

But logs are good for self improvement or at least personnel dps meter. Especially when you can record fight and look where you fucked up

I think that's the safe method. I guess I'll join a clear party tomorrow to get all the bugs worked out.

>It's no more frail than WAR or DRK would be taking the same hits and using the same cooldowns
GNB has no absurdly strong mitigation like DRK has in TBN.

what's the best unsynced tank right now?

>got an FC invite from someone whose first name is Princess

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Tank or Ranged DPS? I enjoy DRK, PLD, MCH and DNC but I am having a hard time stocking to something.

Doesn't even MCH require aether in some way?

It's still middle of the road DPS wise. Wouldn't make sense for the class that has party utility to out dps the class that's pure dps.

Imagine NOT being able to weave Gunbreaker actions. Everyone laugh at this guy.

What's currently the most reliable DPS class?

Behold the first steps into trannydom

You are the ugliest character I have seen


You're a shitter dancer. Though to be honest that might be pleonasm.

they aren't hyur. they're their own separate race

yeah you infuse aether into your bullets and attacks.

everyone does 3
just do 3

Probably PLD because it has a nice heal.

Do you think Arenvald would pick us to be the best man to his wedding?

The price of being a utility class is always going to be mediocre damage
RDM should be treated more like a support class than a DPS


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Anyone know any good XIV YouTubers? The only ones I find good are people making music arrangements.

probably because they wanted a good fatty to balance the bad one

BLM, always.

If I'm remembering right MCH's aetherotransformer (the fanny-pack) does all the heavy lifting in regards to the job, from powering all of the gadgets to creating the ammo your guns use through matter-energy and energy-energy conversion of your body's own aether

Level boost doesn't skip the MSQ my guy, gotta pay extra for that goyim.

No. For how popular the game is there’s very few content creators.
Larryzaur I guess but he’s an autistic fag

she killed a lot of "artists"

Anyone thinks if the moogle tomestone event will return in the future? Didn't manage to get the amount needed when the event ended

Isn't dancing with caster bad idea?
>big casts vs non stop hits

>SMN barely does more damage then RDM now
Welp time to RDM main unless they fix this shit for Eden, reminds me of 4.0 WAR. Ain't no power my putting up with that clunky ass rotation for minimal gains.

Do it, stir some shit up or wait till someone does, take screenshots and post them. Then you can leave their FC.

WAR has no Inner Beast self-heal anymore so they lost a lot of survivability and tank damage overall is pretty competitive. PLD is the best unsyncing tank now because of Clemency and shield blocks

Bruh why am I (rdm) doing 3k more DPS than a blm in a lvl73 dungeon

MTQ does pretty good video guides. They aren't always perfect, but they are better than Mr. Happy who rushes videos out as soon as he can with sub-optimal strats that are over explained.


at least use a parser

I did it because the red mage was cuter

>shouts four times killing anyone that isn't getting spam healed
>charges the bard and resets at 10% health

nothin personal hunter

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Dance with the melee mong, they make better use of it with autos and constant DPS

can't you use nascent flash on yourself, or does that need to be targeted?

To make my pp hard

join the club

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It's way too early to completely write off any classes based on DPS. They'll rework all the numbers anyway.

You might be into something. Dulia is there to serve as a contrast to vaulthry, she's there to show that despite some people living in luxury, not everyone was a bad person.
The songbird patron was another good person despite being rich.

She didn't, her husband didn't like the artist work so he fired him. Then vaulthry gave him the option to jump off the balcony since his city did not tolerate freeloaders.

I thought Meoni was decent for content and news until he started shutting down comment sections because of "negativity" like a faggot.
MTQ is fine for guides, Mr Happy is fucking garbage, and I hate using the word cringe nowadays but it's honestly the only thing I can use to describe any of the "comedy" channels like Larryzaur.

Pick one.

bluairjgR is decent, no fluff just good info about jobs.

pld has the least amount of personal mitigation in dungeon. sheltron is dogshit, especially after block nerf.

Oh shit that's pretty cool. Rewatching XIV 1.0 stuff and the first cutscene you get if you start in Ul'dah is the gobbue rioting through the streets and killing Minfilis's dad.

I really want a 1.23 just to experience the story. I wonder what was the last MSQ people had before the nuke hit.

Is difference really big? Post numbers or something

To show that miqotes are the worst race since they can go morbidly fat canonically, just like they are in real life.

I hope we get to hang out more with people on the First in the 5.X stuff and beyond. Chai-Nuzz ended up being pretty cool despite having that one guy thrown off Eulmore

Hey guys guess how many new skills rdm gets for its single target rotation from lvl56 to 80.

That's right, none. Anything they get for their single target rotation after lvl56 is just an upgrade to other skills. Thanks square..

NEST, WoTT, Goldentot, Larry I suppose. Ethys if you're into theory crafting of lore.


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Play a real job kid

I hope our best and cutest writer will bring back fantasy in Eorzea.

I've forgotten a lot of HW, but if I remember correctly, thats not an Ascian. Its us. Its the WoL.

Yep, the sidequests with F'lhaminn has a lot of callbacks to that whole incident

Sheltron is better now than it was in ShB, what're you on?

>can't purchase riding maps for any Norvrandt areas until you more than likely already unlocked flying in said areas
great game design you stupid nip gook fucks

I use FC chat for banter

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Sheltron is better than ever with adjustment and it's still 20% mitigation at cap.
Though you're right about PLD having least personal mitigation in dungeon because in place of shits like Thrill on Camouflage, it has fucking Cover and Passage of Arms, both almost completely useless in dungeons.

I'm gonna say the K word.

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Fuck, I think I'm dumber for having read that. People like this are the ones that ruin my dungeon DF runs by being utter shit.

>Goldentot, Larry

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>Thancred vs Ranjit for custody of Ryne
pure kino

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God this is the only game in which I feel 0 shame playing dress up with my cute bunny girl
Males are so autistic thanks to Japanese sushi bois not knowing what masculinity is

How do you manage that when it seems that everyone who plays this game gets overly offended at every little thing

I said cute, not an abomination.

>melees only get dancer buff
Is this a fucking thing now? Melee need to be fucking nerfed if that's what shit has come to now. Dancer was a fucking mistake.

1.0 had some fancy cutscenes, but most of the game wasn't because the full motion capture was kinda expensive.

And there was almost no voice acting. Nael never even got a voice actor which led to confusion about what her gender was supposed to be. The english team thought she was supposed to be a man because in Japanese she had a gender neutral pronoun used, and so her theme was commissioned with a man in mind.

They made the lore in 2.0 that she was impersonating her brother of course, but yeah.

Bros it should be illegal for a job to be as perfect as ShB BLM, I honestly have no goddamn idea where this job could even go from here it flows so perfectly and just shits damage.

Tate's fine, Larry's a coin flip on content

>140 people in instance turn hunts into joke
>or lagfest when mob doesn't appear on you screen
They should scale like in Eureka but in real time

Yeah I did the 60-70 ALC quest. I wasn't expecting it to be the first cutscene you see on Ul'dah however. I thought it would be after you unlock traveling.

Was XIV 1.23b that bad? Could it still be fixed with QoL changes?

>finally started ShB
>first thing I do is to change my haircut and glamour my scaevan shit
No regrets.

Am I dumb or is there something I'm missing? Why the FUCK am I seeing a bunch of DNC doing their Steps PRE-pull as a damage buff instead of an opening hit? They know that thing does some nice AoE damage, right?

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How do I find a banter-friendly FC?

>Sheltron is dog shit
Glad you outed yourself as a shitter

Does DNC have any fans as weapons?

Small FC, only 13 players. 5 always online at a given time, so we've gotten super close.

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I don't understand why they even have riding maps for areas with flying. You have to go pretty out of the way to get them before flying.

Then why am I out-DPSing BLM's as a red mage faggot

>The guy who was convinced that the Exarch wasn't G'raha even though of course he was
Nah, 1.0 was fucked from the ground up.

They literally threw the other painter to his death

Kind of, their secondary mechanic is Fourfold, they use some fan attacks.

Not every mount can fly smart guy :^^^^)

enjoy shadowbringers while you still can because yoshi's team is jumping full speed into that new game and next expac will be stormblood 2 electric boogaloo

here's hoping we have something good in 4 years

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Because BLM is also one of the harder jobs to play optimally if you can't stand still for extended periods of time.

Also maybe the people you are playing with just suck. I've seen plenty of bad BLMs who didn't begin to do their rotation correctly.

if you don't care to finish all four role quests:

she's someone from the 13th shard who got sent to the first by the ascians to usher in the flood of light by manipulating ardbert, he spares her and she spends the next century on the first hanging out until recruiting you to put her former companions to rest

Just hope your DRG or SAM is a shitter cause 80% of the time my MCH gets partnered in ex trial groups. Having crazy uptime probably helps desu.

What other jobs could possibly be added?
I mean I think we got pretty much every FF class possible at this point

Because you're playing with shitty BLMs, surely you're not suggesting on average a RDM will outdamage a BLM are you? Because I'd have to call you an absolute retard if you were.

Vaulthry did, the couple only fired the artist.

I was thinking physical weapons instead of chakrams.

who did he think it was? like the only other one that's even remotely likely was future alphinaud or something and even that's a stretch

>Was XIV 1.23b that bad
You can find gameplay videos yourself, it was basically everything awful about FFXI with none of the things that made XI good.
That said, I wish they built ARR on the same engine instead of dumbing the game down for consoles.
The city-states not being cut in half by loading zones and character animations actually having momentum are dearly missed.

>Because BLM is also one of the harder jobs to play optimally if you can't stand still for extended periods

Go spam fire4 some more kiddo

Vauthry had him thrown to his death. The couple had nothing to do with it aside from firing him. That was cruel of them, but they probably assumed he could get another job.

Her intro in ARR as well has her attacked by a goobbue, and you helping her fix the cats eye earring that was made out of the cat's eyestone little Ascilia had made for her, before she found out about that whole, F'lhaminn-helped-get-my-dad-killed thing
Truly a hell of a dumpster fire the start of their relationship was

As long as Soken and the same writer do the next expansion I think we are going to be just fine.

I dunno anymore. I met these guys while doing FATE trains back in 2.0, we started our own FC and we've been playing since.

Probably depends how bursty their partner's opener is?

No, only Chakrams, as I said, fans are only skills.

stopped reading there. I really hope they dont fuck the job in 5.1 but I know 6.0 it will be fucked.

>sheltron is dogshit
Bro you just posted cringe

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Are you telling me you do more than 14.8k?

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Buffs still tend to line up a few GCDs into the pull though. Your opening attacks aren't THAT strong.

Any time I'm with other GNB I always pull hate even if I'm just trying to support, even if I shirked after 2-3 combos.

I began to realize they are never using the 30 second DPS combo. They don't touch it, that or they never weave continuation into it. I'm talking like 50% of gunbreakers are playing like this. I'd say 1/4 dont ever even apply a dot or use no mercy. They just 123 and cd forever, maybe a blasting zone, and that's it.

Shitters gonna shit.

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>someone was paid money to design the dwarven level 78 gear
I want to spit in their fucking face, whoever it was

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>Male Roe - Top gay
>Female roe
Sounds about right. It's how I play my WoL.

Shouldn't GNB have the highest damage since they have such shitty mitigation? Why ever play them?

YoshiP said that maybe in the next expansion a healer job is overdue for an addition. He also heard people want Chemist or Beastmaster.


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i don't like gnb

Anyone got any guides/tips for playing BLM? I boosted one after maxing out my DRK and WHM, but I'm honestly fucking lost. Anything like rotations or whatever would be appreciated

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>Was XIV 1.23b that bad?
Yes, anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian.
>Could it still be fixed with QoL changes?
Absolutely not. They did the right thing. The only mistep was not preserving the quest information for people to look up. So people could get all the backstory instead of just the cliff notes.

Ok thanks. I can only hope something gets added later.

Oh wait it's this faggot. Holy shit he's still here.

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>it's cruel to fire someone

Dude not even him, take this from another RDM player it is. No amount of shitposting or spamming shit against a training dummy makes this any easier BLM is fucking hard. Just because it's easy to throw shit against a training dummy doesn't mean it's easy in content.

your taste is fucking abysmal my dude
>oh no how dare we not have STRAIGHT SWORD or ROCK SWORD

i like gnb

The numbers just need tweaking.

Next expansion is the conclusion to this Ascian/Garlean plotline. Its not going to be a shitty setup expansion like Stormblood. If anything, 6.0 is where SE will go balls to the walls.

Weaving ogcd in 123 combo is "boring" and "bad game desgin", but when said ogcd has 3 unique animations and their own damage instead of being a potency increase it's suddenly the best thing ever?
Rip DRK and unironically rip Dark Arts.

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I can't wait for XIV-2!

Geomancer (unlikely with WHM having geomancer abilities)
Mime (likely to be a limited job like BLU)
Chemist (unlikely with ALC already being a crafter)
Time Mage (probably not going to happen with AST already using time magic)
Thief (Yoshi said it's probably never going to happen - Rogue is the closest we'll have)

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they mentioned during one of the fanfests that they wanted dancer to use throwing weapons in general, so they didn't get stuck designing a bunch of chakrams
and then they made a bunch of chakrams anyway so who the fuck knows what's going on

I hope the patch content is as good as the base expansion.

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you paid for a level skip didn't you? If you start at level 1 you east into those skills and its incredibly easy to figure out.

that new game isn't even related to xiv
yoshi's a consultant on it but none of the xiv team is touching it

No, I mean, long before any pull, on downtime between pulls, no mobs, just dancing on nothing, even at the start of dungeons I've seen some doing it.

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Is there any other games dev team with so much soul that it has the producer and lead localizer singing a song together?

Meanwhile nobody that works on wow even plays wow anymore.

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They don't have "shitty mitigation", all of the tanks are pretty much in line with one another both in damage and mitigation with minor fluctuations based on party comp and individual fights. Tanks are literally perfectly balanced right now

>Ethys if you're into theory crafting of lore.
He who thought Unukalhai was Gaius secret son. Or Yda being an Ala Mhigan princess. Believed that G'raha was not the crystal exarc

We should nuke Garlemald, and let Cid pull the trigger
Or Nero if he pussies out

It’s simple.
Apply lightning
Dance between ice and fire while spamming enochian level spells for single target or aoe spells for multi

Im a firm believer in that tomorrow and tomorrow is about the wol and the scions and i think all of them but the twins will stay on the first by the end of the expansion.

>play xiv
>Don't skip cutscenes
>"Uh huh, that makes sense. Okay. Yeah."
>A week later
>"Wait wtf I don't remember this? How does these shards thing work again?"
Can I blame my sleep deprived self on this or am I just braindead retarded?

As much as I like Ishikawa, I do want to see a different spin to XIV every expansion.

dont worry it wont be

>Geomancer (unlikely with WHM having geomancer abilities)
AST 60-70 establishes that Geomancers are basically just japanese ASTs.

I haven't seen this in MSQ, where is it? They both apologized for what they did to him. I figured they know what they done.

So we have:

Nomura of the Eden raid. Or is he just the designer? And then Yoko Taro and Keiichi Okabe for the Nier raid. Pray tell why did they have to get Nomura?

I hope they shut it down after that I just want it to to end on a high note and not the death of a thousand cuts with feces constantly being rubbed into them that WoW suffered.

Sleep deprivation dude. Your memory takes a big hit.

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I can't wait to see Koji and the Primals sing the Twinning theme.

1 patch msq will be dedicated to that little faggot in Ahm Areng

>but when said ogcd has 3 unique animations and their own damage instead of being a potency increase it's suddenly the best thing ever?
yes, unironically
weaving is fun when it actually gets visible results

I kind of wonder if either the Ascians or the Garleans will even make it all the way to 6.0.

Varis is dead and Zenos made it clear he has no interest in ruling the empire. He just wants to find and kill the WoL. I guess I could see Elidibus possessing Varis's corpse next, but that doesn't seem to be his plan.

I almost feel like 6.0 is gonna go straight into either the conflict between Hydaelyn and Zodiark or else into whatever it was that freaked the Ascians out and caused the end of the world to start.

Jesus Sherlock, how'd you suss that one out?

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>don't know how to play a class because you decided to just boost it, rather than leveling it step by step
What a shocker

It's why I said "theory crafting" not "lore accuracy".
Still, I also had a laugh that he basically ate crow.

I want to buy this and tank, do I play Paladin or Warrior?

A-are you me? I did the exact same.

Play one as well, running and dance animations are terrible but you feel somewhat unique and story-relevant what with all the Elezen scions, Ishgard and shit. Body type/animations are fitting for basically anything except Warrior or Monk

It was when he explained what happened to him right after you found him on the beach. You don't see it happen, just hear about it

>I thought red mages got a buff
RDM is near the very bottom, only saved by the fact that it's not a total support cuck like NIN and DNC.

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Faggot. I bet you can't even enter dwarf house

He does dumb theorycrafting but he also does (or used to before Youtube nuked his channel) in depth analysis of the lore in game as well, his content is still pretty good even if he does talk about dumb pet theories too much.

Try both and play the one you prefer user, fuck anybody else, you can just change classes on the fly.
If you mean which is best, then probably PLD.

The artist says it when you meet him, that his patrons fired him for not liking his art and since unpatronized people can't live inside eulmore he was cast out.

you cheated your way ahead so use your fucking brain to figure it out or kill yourself. Not like there are not a million guides on this anyway.

lala here, was my favorite fruit for me. i think it's random.
the feet, however, are inevitable.

>If you start at level 1
And GNB/DNC unlock at 60. It's not unreasonable for someone to want tips beyond tool tips.

haha imagine if shes dancing because shes full of pee

>bought the ability to skip leveling and learning a class
>"wtf I'm lost"

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I kind of agree. YoshiP has said they have ideas of where to take the game after 6.0.

But man, I'd rather they just make a new MMO. One, better than letting XIV go through a slow decline in quality. Two, make a game without the dogshit spaghetti code from 1.0 thats preventing them from doing simple shit like expanded inventory.

Did he acknowledge that he was wrong?
Both are fine. PLD is probably in a better place at this moment but that's subject to change with any balance patch.

Do you complain about the Mario Maker generals too because both games released on the same day and both have regular threads.

Why is it that Kanne seems to be the head of the alliance?
I swear every time there's a big political decision she's leading the charge, and not afraid to toss rocks at faggots if need be

Can you mod her with bigger tits?

At the point you unlock GNB/DNC you already have a pretty good grasp on how the game works, at that point you just go up to the training dummies and use the skills a few times and you already understand how shit works.

I tried to replay the ending scenes in the inn and it is just not the same. Can't believe it is going to take years until something as hype as that happens again.

Mfw the new MMO is XIV-2 and you can carry over your character.

No console version would also be nice since they just hold the game back in the end

You just consume to much information in short time

I thought NIN was at the top.

I can but i wont. Small is cuter.

anyone got the mystery niggas ff14 edit? because that shit came true

I want to stay on the first with my girlfriend Minfilia. The source sucks.

Not the boosting user, but sorry to interfere with your overwhelming IQ, genius.

I'm of two minds.

On one hand, more adventures with the current characters would be great. On the other hand, a new MMO with better engine and graphics would be amazing. And if they did make a new MMO, it would probably be an entirely new setting, since it sounds like Hydaelyn's mysteries are all about to be solved.

I'd play it, but how the hell would that work, yet another 5 year timeskip with Garlemald somehow suddenly recovering and stomping on everyone, while we see Alisaie and Alphinaud as full grown giraffes

wjhat do boobs feel like

Roe here. I don't remember a line about the void, and I didn't think too hard on it my first reading. But the feet I do remember.

only 2 years

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What cutscenes have you been watching? Ever since the bloody banquet it's been the potato princess leading the charge on politics most of the time.

>just finished the Indiana Jones level
based SE

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>Drg over Sam
>DRK over anything
How old is this log?

Based and redpilled.
Cringe and bluepilled and creepy.

Blizzard III -> Blizzard IV -> Thunder III -> Foul/Xenoglossy if you can -> Fire III -> Fire IV x3 -> Fire -> Fire IV x3 -> Despair -> Repeat
That's your basic single target rotation. You will need to use Enochian to keep it up, but you should only need to use it once so long as you keep Astral Fire/Umbral Ice up at all times. Transpose is good for this when you can't attack. Umbral Soul when you get it will be even better. Swiftcast and Triplecast have places in your opener, but otherwise they're great for managing your single target rotation when you need to move.

For AoE, it's hilariously simple.

Freeze -> Foul if you have it -> Thunder IV -> Fire III -> Flare x2 -> Repeat
Use any proc'd Thunder IV's when you get em, you'll be getting a lot of them in large groups. AoE is fucking nuts when you get it going and if you carry ethers you can do quad Flares.

>our soul is one of the ancients
>had the power of creation

hold up

I would feel betrayed by all my time spent in XIV if they made a XIV-2 (or even any new mainline FF MMO), but if they let my character carry over I'd be happy.

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Just a one off thing, pls. Just for ole' user.

>the boulders part

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The date appears to be in the filename

>Healer job is overdue for an addition

Good, how about they just remove AST and put something else in.

> Male elezen - don't exist
Alright then.

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Our soul is the fragmented soul of a specific ancient.

All souls are the souls of the ancients. We just happen to be the reincarnation of Emet's close friend.

>MNK 3rd place
wasn't MNK players complaining they got a huge nerf or something? What happened?

What’s up with Kanne? Why are some of these Gridanians little kids with horns?
Why cant I be a little girl with horns like kanne e sena

You get imprisoned somewhere in another universe. You escape while losing all your memory 100-200 years later. Eorzea no longer exists, you have no idea where you are. All you a land filled with snow.

Legacy characters will have cutscenes reminiscing about the past. New characters will be a literal who.

It's literally on the most recent EX trials you fuck

The only way this has a logical conclusion is 1)dealing with Hydaelyn/Zodiark, 2)killing all the Ascians because they're tempered and will never stop if even just one survives, 3)the Garleans have to learn the truth and give up on their expansion.

I feel like thats bit much for the ShB patches to fully deal with.

>Fire IV x3 -> Fire -> Fire IV x3
Wouldn't it be better to do 4 x F4 now since you have 15 sec AF so you have more leeway during second portion?

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Probably set in the far-flung future with our character reincarnating due to their nature as an Ascian soul

Do they balance the game such that a group with four dancers or four red mages could theoretically defeat current content?

It's almost like they knew how cheesy that shit was gonna be, I loved it

>tank pulls wall to wall
>wonder why I suddenly have aggro as DPS
>tank ded

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>Nier rade
>all those miqote and now vierra in 2b outfit
>all the ass
God I love Yoshida

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A new MMO is inevitable. They won't be able to continue XIV forever.

I do kinda like the idea of XIV-2 with brand new engine. Only issue I can think of is they'd have to have all of XIV's races available at launch. If just Hrothgar and Viera gave them trouble with ShB, I can imagine that having them plus every other race would be a nightmare.

Is this game fun if I would be playing by myself? I just want a game to roleplay a traveling Paladin . Should I just do another modded Skyrim install instead

>He is not a DRKchad
I'm so sorry, let me pop a TBN for you.

I just got out of a party that cleared innocence EX with two ninjas and two dancers.

MNK is good but they have to do 2x the work of a DRG to do 1.1x the damage.


Fine here.

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I'm a level 72 DRk and I still dont know how to use Living Dead, help.

You'd miss out on thundercloud procs in that first portion if you did, but you could.

It's a single player game with (eventually optional) multiplayer dungeons.

I'd be down for that, to be honest. Just skip forward 100-200 years. New lore, new conflict away from the Ascian stuff.

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it's less fun to actually play

but that doesnt make sense, when i started playing dancer the first thing i do is remove all the skils in the bar and try them 1 by 1 as you get them leveling.

>The two strongest melee with buffs did it
No shit

>FFXIV girls
>Having anything more than a manbutt
Only the Viera on heels have a decent female butt.

>2b outfit

Bigger. Make her face more mature too.

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Mootkins please

8v8v8 borderland ruins is the worst shit in the game. Why the fuck does this even exist.

Hrothgar are gay furries
I could see the Garlean empire simply collapsing unless Gaius takes control. Then I suppose they would continue to be a threat as he definitely supports the current Garlean ideals, chemical weapons aside.

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They had so much trouble implementing those new races due to having to play catchup on making them backwards compatible with all of the old gearsets, if they built the base game with them in mind it may not be nearly as much of a hassle.

ty user, you're a good soul

Seems lalas get something about a fruit and feet.

>Bigger. Make her face more mature too.
Here you go bro

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Place it on your hotbar where you won't accidently hit it, or just remove it entirely. That's the best way to use it.

You press it when you're close to death, if you end up hitting 0HP instead of dying you stay alive for a while, if a healer is able to get you to 100% health before your timer hits 0 you stay alive, if they don't manage to heal you before your timer hits 0 you die.

>Strongest Melees

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>I boosted one after maxing out my DRK and WHM
>you paid for a level skip didn't you?
are you legitimately retarded? lmao


It's the same. The back riding up makes it looks shapely.

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I wish I can delete AST when I have to run nocturnal in a group setting.

>strong melee

I have news for you there bud...

Do you not know how strong DRG is right now? They're keeping up with SAM with half the brainpower.

i think they still need to manipulate aether to put it into the aetherotransformer, all it does is change your aether into lightning-aspected energy to power your gadgets

Can someone how anyone can prefer the First's Minfilia over the Source's?

>alliance roulette
>syrcus tower
fucking why

>he's not modded

What are you talking about? We have more healers now than what we had in SB.

On SB we had half a dps on SCH, half a healer on WHM and the only one that could be called a full healer was AST.
On ShB SCH is a full healer, WHM is a full healer and AST is 0.75 healer. They just need to mess a bit with AST and we'll have 3 healers instead of 2.


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Ryne is cute.

Yoshi P will answer for these crimes.

>Two dancers and two Ninja's
Yeah where are the dragoons buddy?

I see people saying we’re reincarnated Emet-Selch’s friend, but is there specific evidence to support that? I didn’t get that impression at all and I think his friend is a separate character. I think it’s more likely we’re the member of the convocation that left.

Well sure. But that guy didn't have any dragoons. He had 2 ninjas and 2 dancers, both of whom are bottom tier as far as raw damage goes.

People actually doing CT story.

Why does it have to still be Garlemald as the enemy?

Jump ahead far enough that new enemies, relationships, and threats have emerged. Our WoL is a myth of legend, blah blah blah. With some cameos from the long lived characters. It writes itself.

Same world, but different enough to be a new world to fuck around in.

Thanks, now I know that no female girls in FFXIV have a good butt.
It's just sad to see something like that.

because I don't have anything else unlocked

It's the second quickest.

I can't remember, but I think it may have been during the conversation with the sentient phantom. I think he said something about you being Emet's friend.

Emet certainly had a pretty strong reaction to seeing you briefly look like your ancestor to just be one of the council members who left.

>mfw all this sound too hard for me
Guess I'll level up a DPS for Ex trials or something.

Yet other people will still see you flat butt, lmao, I feel sorry for the ingame girls everytime I see those pathetic butts.

I honestly prefer syrcus tower if I can't get an ivalice raid because syrcus tower is so God damn short.

there's too many legati to kill.

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When you fuse with Ardbert, Emet mistakes you for his friend. Just before you drop your one-liner.

>one of the shards is WoW
>another is Diablo
>yoshida really wants to work with blizzard badly

plenty of people are modded these days, user
considering it has zero performance overhead there's really no reason not to be unless you're a consoleshitter

They like younger girls?
I prefer Tittyfilia though

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>other people will still see you flat butt
Not if you post it online :^)

>oh no he's hot
Is this a reddit meme? Because almost every fucking innocence group I've joined has one faggot saying this and I'm so fucking confused

No, they were complaining that the class is boring as fuck to play now because it had so many abilities removed.

is it even possible to make a good looking male midlander

Tanking the EXs is super easy. I haven't touched an EX before outside of doing Garuda EX a bit into 4.0 and unsyncing the rest of the ARR ones, but it's not difficult to grasp at all.

Three. 1 to the face and either LD right before the second one and into the third one or I THINK you can take the second one to the face and then LD the third.

>Emet certainly had a pretty strong reaction to seeing you briefly look like your ancestor
>the hurt when it's not the you he wants you to be
It's not fair for anyone.

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Basically Ascians. Or at least part of their problems in "termination"

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So they're pedophiles.

It's a SpongeBob joke

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It's just glamour user, your butt is still flat as fuck. Even if people are modded, almost 85-90% of people are not, and the only thing they see is a flat butt on the girls.
It's just bandaid for what could be a great feature in the game.

Level boost does not skip MSQ. Only Story skip skips MSQ, which you'll need to level your character any ways.

>Is this a reddit meme
Fuck off underage

imagine being so fucking underage you don't know spongebob
how does that even happen?

Good man.

I only said that because he said that you fucking faggot don't respond to me again

I bet you grew up watching Naruto instead of Spongebob. kys weebcel.

I don't keep up with 90s kid/zoomer cartoon memes like a fucking man child

For you

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Sup guys? I heard there aren't any katanas on the First... mind if I shack up here?

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*asspulls his way to the first*

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>not talking to all the named npcs even if they dont have a quest to give
do you just not appreciate worldbuilding, aspergers-kun?

It must be nice being a RDM, you get to be both a mediocre healslut, a mediocre DPS and have the ability to throw out Dualcasts every other spell before doing your 7k damage thrust you get to have a melee combo with.
Us BLM players have to actually think about the mechanics and how to not trip over ourselves when they inevitably involve us because we have actual timers to manage. It's a lot of pressure but I take comfort in knowing faggots like you with superiority complexes will act like hot shit without knowing what you're talking about.

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I'm OK with that. FFXIV had a good run for fucking the company.

someone in another thread said he's going to cut a portal into the first with pure katana autism and i badly want that to happen

t. gen z kid too young to have watched that Spongebob episode and is using hip Yea Forums memes

You guys do realize that you can't die to the hp reduction effect because it makes you invuln right? Living Dead can kill you if your healers can't help it. It's literally hallowed ground but up one minute faster making it that much easier to use in raids.
Oh wait you're all casuals that don't do savage.

Ahhhh. Okay. Makes sense.

this is true

>I just got hit on out of nowhere as a brand new player

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Crystal DC?

And invulnerability ends and then what? PLD doesn't need to be healed when they use their invulnerability.

Yeah but I'm not even wearing anything remotely slutty or doing anything weird, I was just jumping around and then I got called out.

It's gonna be hard to sell us this guy as the big baddy of the ascians after what we got with Emet which was amazing as a character.

If you are doing savage then your healers should be ready to heal you to full.

It's not like invulns are supposed to be "Oh shit" buttons in savage. Generally they are used in specific moments. Living Dead is more flexible than Superbolide, and has a faster CD to boot. In random pugs, yeah the healing factor may be a problem but if your healers aren't shitters, it shouldn't matter.


you arent one of those fags that uses gnashing fang/ continuation outside of no mercy right?

cope femroe tranny

what race/gender is your character, cutie

Will probably give it a try but I have to find a patient party.

Happens on every DC.

We technically know nothing about him. Maybe once we do we'll like him more.

He's classy.

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So what do you unlock by capping the new FATE ranks in the SHB zones?

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Every time we've seen him it's been him trying to be a sneaky fuck and then running off to his moonbase like a bitch at the slightest bit of danger

Dancer barding and other mats sold buy Eulmore/Crystarium gem traders

I haven't played GNB much but aren't you supposed to use it once outside of no mercy since the CD on it is 30s compared to no mercy's 60s?

I've also done lewd things and I was somehow way more nervous and embarrassed being called out like that. I couldn't even humor well I wasn't ready.
Just a hyur middlelander female.
I see.

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