I'll start
ITT: Game you have bought more than once
I've bought multiple copies of almost every FF game across different platforms and versions.
Got Fallout 3 and New Vegas on pc for me and xbox for my Dad
I have 3 copies of Demons Souls, and Dark Souls.
Forgive my autism but I’ve bought FFXIV (the MMO) on 3 or 4 different occasions. And I don’t mean subscriptions, I mean literally different accounts/games.
Whenever I felt I was getting too far into it I would close my account to stop myself from playing. But then I kept coming back.
Now I’m here to stay but fuck am I stupid. I wasted like $100.
never understood that image.
are you an autist if you can, or if you cant?
I never figured out how to do it
what is the point of buying a game more than once? why do you do that?
You are an autist if you try
Well, in my case, all these 3 versions of FF IV are different
It is absolutely, literally impossible no matter how hard you try. The trick is that anyone who keeps trying, hoping to find an answer and not realizing it's pointless, is without a doubt autistic.
If it gets remade.
Or if you buy it on one system but want to play it on another system later.
the answer to that is putting each element inside of a house and then link them
Ive done this with a couple games. FFT had a PSP port with some additional content so that was justified imo. Otherwise, I do it to have a game I enjoyed on the current platforms im playing on because I dont wanna get my older platforms out of storage (Dragons Dogma, Dragons Cown on Ps4); or maybe its a title I wanted to play on PC or something but couldnt initially but had to play it at the time it came out initially (Dark Souls). Idk, plenty of reasons. Yeah its sort of a waste of money but Im not a poorfag so whatever. You make it to spend it right?
I bought Dragon's Dogma 5 times.
I bought chocobo's dungeon 3 times. Once on the wii, imported physical version for the switch, and digitally on the switch.
>Buying both digitally and physically
Shit, i did that with Sunset Overdrive
A remake or remaster is effectively a different game in most cases.