What killed the MMORPG genre?

What killed the MMORPG genre?

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Advancements in technology made it relatively easy for basically any game to offer instanced multiplayer content and in-game 'social-lobbies' essentially making every fucking game functionally an MMO now if it wants to be.

WoW eating up the mmo playerbase and then becoming shit and everyone is displaced and has a job now


MMORPG developers trying to appeal to everyone and ultimately appealing to virtually nobody outside of the stockholm fags that are still paying $15 a month for games with content that is now 99% obsolete.


Blizzard thinking that Cataclysm was a good idea in any way, shape, or form. I played all the way to Legion, gave BFA a shot, got to around 375 item level, then quit.

You’re all wrong. Destiny and every online shooter afterward proved people never wanted an MMO, they wanted a basic online Skinner box thing with shooter gameplay they already are familiar with

Shitty writing from even shittier SJW writers and planner swearing to an uninterested corporate entity their take on the narrative and games direction will increase sales
>When did Blizzard start hiring outside of the Metzen circle to appease the SJW wave of stuffing slots with coloreds and queers?
>Right in the middle of WotlK

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i dunno man early cataclysm was fun before they dropped raid finder in there and nerfed 5 man content cuz the wrath babbies didn't want difficulty in their game. if anything killed and is haunting wow, it's wrath.

Battle Royale games offer a better "MMO" experience compared to mmorpg games today where all player interaction is done through group finders and lobbies instead of organically.

discord trannies


MMOs were an incredibly niche game before late 2004. The mainstream popularity of WoW is the only reason people believe MMOs were always this dominate genre in the industry; they weren't. The fanbase for this type of gaming is simply falling back down to what it used to be now that WoW is in its twilight years.

What makes you think that the destiny and mmo demographic overlap so much?

Decline in subscriptions around the time Destiny and other games started releasing

it's still doing alright, it's just not the big dog anymore

linearity, monetization

wow clones took a while to make, retards mistook wrath for an upgrade, just a more modern version, and what used to be a genre devolved into being a single game copied time and time again at its worst.

i'll never understand why more mmo's didn't adopt the more linear progression of games like FFXI. putting out an expansion with the +5-10 levels model makes old content almost completely obsolete.

had they kept the same level and just added new classes/new class questlines/new attunements, new zones and content, not only would they have the massive original world, but every expansion would build on the last rather than being an isolated experience. the reason mmo's are stale is because they all adopted this treadmill model where you get the 10 new levels, make the old content obsolete and so only have new content to do, new content is gated behind large spread out content patches and 100% about gear, so people subscribe for a month, do everything, get bored, and log on to the next game. shit design. older mmo's did this much better.


matchmaking/group finders

we don't use that word here

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