he's right you know
He's right you know
Other urls found in this thread:
>normie Twitter
Smash would be way less cringe without all these sad eceleb faggots talking about it
fr tho if she's backed by some global conspiracy they would have sprung for a drama class
Okay but all the Fire Emblem characters get to stay because FEchads are more powerful than smashniggers could ever comprehend.
leffen and op would be less whiny about a big roster if they halved themselves with a sword
Can thanos snap half the ledge invincibility instead
>a twitter post about smash rosterfaggatory and capeshit
end your life
>cutfags still seething over "everyone is here"
It's been over a year now, fucking give it up already
i hate you op. actually hate you
white women shouldn't be allowed in government, she is white btw.
>controversially says snake is bottom tier at the beginning of this game's life
>slowly puts snake higher and higher in his future tier lists but still doesn't consider him that high
>posts on twitter how he thinks snake is overrated and that he'll eventually go down
>now just casually says snake is a broken top 3 character and complains when he doesnt get nerfed in updates
What a loser.
no one cares
I don't know why Leffen continues to try and shoehorn himself as a prominent figure in the Ultimate community when its painfully clear he doesn't give a shit about the game. Not to mention he barely participates and yet his followers like to perpetuate him as a "top player". What was his best showing? Getting top 9 in a europe only major during the first month of the game's lifecycle? I would say its for the money but its not like his viewcount will ever hit the high of when the game first launched.
Torn from my utter dislike of that person and my proclivity to say this about Ultimate in the past.
What he's really saying is ultimate would be twice as easy for him to compete in if it had half the roster.
Money is always the answer, also leffen just wants to try new games. Shame we're in a shit era of fighting games. And before some monkey brain nigger says Tekken, Tekken literally could have farted out 7 in any shape and people would have fellatiated themselves with it. It's the first new MAIN Tekken game 10 fucking years. Any legacy series that hasn't shown up to the part post 09 gets this treatment.
Hoes mad
>cutting half
Fuck off maybe only 7-10 characters are shit and actually need to go. Everyone else can stay.
>twitter screencap
0/10 thread
>less content would be better
Literally no sane consumer says this.
>Snap half the cast
So... get rid of 25% of them? Since only half is getting snapped as opposed to the whole thing?
Fighting games are actually doing quite well recently. Capcom has hit a rough patch for fighting games, but if their next street fighter is the same quality as their other recent games (DMCV, MHW, RE2, etc), then we'll have a good one.
But yeah, arcsys is doing very well, snk is doing very well, I don't play 3d fighters but we've had new Tekken and soul Calibur games. There are many popular games for slow paced, fast paced, tagteam, 2D, 3D, anime, realistic.
I feel like the only people complaining are street fighter players (and sfv isn't even that bad).
>I can't deal with learning multiple characters and learning counterpicks :'(
>This cast should be bigger
>WTF, cut characters?! MAKE IT BIGGER
>This game would be better if the cast was smaller
He's still butthurt that he can't win a tournament with Pokemon Trainer while Puppeh has been dumpstering T1 players with the same character at the age of 17. Faggot even picked up P*chu before it got nerfed, and then got mad and dropped Ultimate altogether.
The game is entirely about its huge roster, impossible 3rd party characters and tributes to other games via spirits. Cutfags just need to wait until the sequel when they'll probably focus on a story mode and side content.
xrd is basically dead in the water despite being an excellent game. Marvel is dead dead, Lots of games providing variety even if you don't care for them (KI, MK, Samsho aside from EVO entrants which I think there was an incentive for right?) basically have noncompetitive numbers. The POINT is the game with the healthiest numbers isn't getting pushed to do better. All the other titles atrophy and Tekken is just the least damaged. Fighting games need a real developer to put a jolt in them. Like Riot, Blizzard, etc. Will the game be shit? Probably, will it eat every other fighting games numbers for breakfast? Yes
Le marvel reference
This site is dead
>Tourneyfag missing the point of Ultimate
Sure the next game could use some compression if the mechanics get shuffled up enough, but come on
It'd be twice as good if the buffering was half as generous. Getting real tired of forced air dodges out of ledge trumps.
I can't say he's wrong, the large amount of characters makes it difficult to make playstyles that don't overlap or invalidate others. DLC characters are already using the same moves as some of the base characters.
Dman she really hit the wall.
Yeah it COULD have done that, but instead they went and made the best fucking game in the franchise so far and the best fighting game currently on the market.
>need to go
Why? Just don’t play them if you don’t like them retard.
Triggered poltard
let's be honest here, SNK fighters die after a year outside of south america and japan. Samsho is doing well but I highly doubt it'll be at EVO next year. Tekken fans have been extremely cocky as of late and have been shitting on literally every other fighting game, and for good reason since Tekken 7 has been both good and popular, something that is almost unheard of in a fighting game in 2019.
>"Urg, New Smash bad. Have more characters than Fox and Marth, cannot understand. Too much variety. Bad. Takes up too much time, cannot shower. Melee flawless"
Melee players are shitstains and their opinions hold as much value as shitstains.
I want to save this, but I don't want it stuck in my head when I play the game.
Literally one of the top 5 melee players of all time and one of the biggest Ultimate streamers?
Whats wrong with lots of characters
just dont use them you dumb swedcuck
>This game would be better if the cast was smaller
IIRC the complaint is that too much of the roster is able to be played on a competitive level, instead of having six or seven characters being head and heels above everyone else
Fag needs to take a shower and fuck off
>less content = better game
This is NEVER true and is part of the reason why games have less content now. Because faggots like you let them get away with it.
And that's a stupid fucking complaint
at least half of the characters are worse versions of another character. Like why in the fuck would you play somebody like dhd over snake. That still isn't a big issue though because balance means fuckall in the grand scheme of things as long as there's no absurdly busted character
wow, the asshurt in this thread. Yea Forums and ultimate players proving once again that they cannot take a joke in any circumstances.
My question is why the fuck do smash players follow pro's opinions like gospel.
Also why is it when a pro loses to an off meta, or generally slept on character everyone jumps on bored the "yeah but xx is OP" when its usually just the matchup or experience.
the ultimate roster is very bloated. roy, chrom, lucina, and marth are way too similar and only have minor changes between them.
The whole concept of echo fighters is fine on paper but seriously I'd rather have completely unique characters instead. I'd rather have those echos just be skins instead of completely separate characters.
In an ideal world he's not off the mark (it wouldn't be enough to make a game twice as good), if you have a small bunch of character they're easier to balance AND the playbase can more evenly distribute themselves across those characters resulting in more representation and more character meta development. But that's only an ideal world, Smash balance is still pretty jank.
>make ultimate celebration of Nintendo & video games in general on Nintendo Switch
>break sales records, tourney entry records, and get overall positive acclaim & hype like never seen before
>make some washed-up Swedish Meleefag has-been seethe & shit-talk about the game on Twitter literally every single day, living rent-free in his mind
How did Sakurai-san do it with Ultimate, lads?
Eeeh, it's sometimes true.
You probably weren't there in the early 90s, when everyone made platformers that went on for fucking ever.
>The whole concept of echo fighters is fine on paper but seriously I'd rather have completely unique characters instead.
You say that, but we tried that with Brawl, and everyone went fucking APESHIT.
And this was at least a year before the game came out and we got TripGate
>washed up
Leffen was never good, theres a reason he's always on the receiving end of Westballz combo vids.
>game would be better if it was less
We are people this irrational?
Don't forget he started using Joker because of MKLeo and once he gets his ass beaten in tournament he'll go back to Melee.
>naming /pol/
You do know that's what he wants, right?
literally nobody cared about the brawl cuts except mewtwo
>Whines about x character not returning
>Sakurai brings everyone back
>Whines about there being too many characters
Make up your mind, Smashfags. Jesus fucking christ.
How many times has this fag switched characters because of being bodied?
Oh please he's an objectively good player.
Yeah, but niggers should, right?
And Doctor Mario
At Ultimate? LOL hes a crybaby bitch who suicides if hes doing badly
I guess this is a thread I'll have to swipe left. Useless.
>Cuckedffen having any opinions about Ultimate when Pokemon CHADster got into top 4 of a major.
>Meanwhile he got fucked hard in both Melee and Ultimate, and he couldn't even fly at DBFz.
So much for a god-killer, right guys?
Not like they would get the dev time back.
T. Leffen
Imagine having a losing record against "the choke king" ESAM.
nobody gave a fuck about doc and they still don't give a fuck about doc. People didn't like falco because they made him lame compared to his melee version. Ganondorf was missing hitboxes and shit which made him terrible
>waaaahhh I can't compete against half of the cast because its too hard please get rid of them
he still beat HBox at summit after HBox eliminated him on mafia night 1, so he's still running off the high that gave him.
>You know what this game needs?
>im really angry that my character(s) suck/i cant find a character/im actually bad at the game and rely on gimmicks
>i know if i post a vague REFERENCIAL tweet that will vent my frustrations as well make me look cool in front of all my 12yo fans! this will completely absolve me from actually having to defend myself and use real words for once in my life, because some hopeless orbiting faggot on Yea Forums will just endlessly repost it in a twitter screencap thread for me!
low iq smash players and fans
not even once
Samsho and unist literally just broke 1000 entrants
I ain't giving ya a (You), Leffucked-fag.
Also see ya at the Melee tournament at EV-oh right!
i miss President Obama
So just Twitter?
only if it meant that the other half got completely unique movesets and that those movesets actually make sense for that character. More than 5 fucking new maps would be nice too
>Mafia shit being actually relevant to the damn point about Melee and Ultimate
L M F A O, my nigga.
>puppeh gets top 8 at CEO
>b-b-but it was best of 3!!
>this was the first time PT has ever gotten top 8 at a major!
>PT is still barely high tier I swear!!
>ivysaur is low tier!! charizard is bottom 2!!
>horse face commie
>Ultimate would be twice as good of a game if thanos snapped the entire Smash competitive scene.
>he doesn't know about black twitter
Yeah, all the fire emblem characters and pokemon.
I'm right
mmm i love playing fox vs marth: rise of jigglypuff
I hate content, take it away!
nah, just Jigglypuff
fuck Jigglypuff
wait whats the point of removing any characters anyways?
>i like quantity over quality!
>i also like eating shit as long as it's from nintendo!
Uh dude, I hate to intrude in your echo chamber of a safe space but Smash Bros has been officially recognized by the majority of the mainstream as a celebration of all things gaming wether you agree with it or not. Sakurai and Nintendo are highly aware of this, if they truly didn't give a damn why would they have bothered made Ultimate as we know it in the first place?
Also why are you taking this literal who's opinion on a video game as gospel? Really not a healthy lifestyle to just blindly obey some random e-celeb, consider actually playing Smash Bros Ultimate thoroughly and make up your own genuine opinion on the game. I know you're smart enough to be better than this.
does anyone actually like this goblin faced fuck
Too many obstacles to Fox dominating the meta again
>fuck Jigglypuff
>quality quantity fallacy
It's literally less content vs more content, the other stuff isn't going to improve if you remove echoes. More content is better.
>top 5
Pssh I see no god here. Hes behind Wizzy who is juggling THREE smash titles, but I dont hear based GX man complaining.
as someone who randoms a lot, getting some samey sword character every other match is pretty annoying. Robin is cool though
I mean, yeah.
That would kill the smash off topic drama and the retardness of fanboys sperging over muh 5gods/leffen and muh new game.
>I want Smash Bros. to keep being relevant and/or to play new stuff
>wtf why are you making the sequels for the series not be like Melee in the roster/glitching stupidity/insane tier differences?
Very based.
I didn't even say anything about Melee, holy shit. Does Melee really live in your head rent-free?
Remember when Leffen literally bombed out of playing PT so badly that he tantrumed and killed himself and everyone at Summit had to pussyfoot around him because of how tilted he was?
But the game has less content because of the size of the roster.
Less collectibles, less game modes, the only thing that's increased are the roster size, the number of stages and the music.
Everything else was dumbed down.
That's exactly why you're so adamant about quality over quantity ESPECIALLY when Ultimate has more long time quality over what other Smash games ever will, right?
Or why then you immediately get up your horse so much attacking Nintendo, right battered wife-boi?
Who the fuck cares? How does that impact the game negatively?
it would also be good if thanos snapped half the player base
>the only things that increased are the only things people give a shit about
user the fuck are you talking about
You guys can just go back to Mel- oh right, Melee is dead lol
that's the best part
Seriously is all Smash good for is the roster? I tried this over at a friends house and majority of the characters are clones and the gameplay is a cluster fuck with multiple people and in general just feels shallow and boring
Copypasting info from a wikipedia article doesn't count as playing a game.
>Less collectibles
Spirits's quantity far surpasses the quantity of trophies and are far more useful than what trophies would be in both addition and usefulness outside being seen.
>Less modes
Technically speaking, the game is way less barebones than both Melee and 64, an while Sm4sh had more single player modes (but the game was way worse than all of the previous entries) Brawl had the most content in any Smash game.
So yeah, your argument pretty much fell from there, huh?
Well, that's what the user in the second post should clarify, is he even here to talk about the games or just to shitpost?
god i wish we had a fighting game with all blizz characters
>brawl has the most content in any smash game
>while still not having a nearly as bloated character roster
you played yourself dumb fuck
What's the point of a big roster if there's nothing to do with it? The online is worse, all the minigames besides Multimen fight is gone, only Classic remains, no Smash Boss run.
The game is still not as good mechanic wise as Melee, and still less content than Brawl, Melee or Smash For. Ultimate is only objectively superior to Smash 64.
reminder leffen:
is the greatest melee player of all time
is a highly respected ultimate player that could beat anyone playing the game right now if he wanted to
destroys fgcucks at their own games, doesn't play more traditional fighting games to spare top pros their egos
has exquisite taste in anime
i can see why people hate him......lmao
So Twitter?
Are Smashies still upset a little girl playing a cute character dumpstered some tryhard Stinky Day veteran?
>Not enjoying all the Smash titles competitively besides 4
Wasssa matter baby, too deep for you?
What the fuck are you on about? I'm asking a legit question, what is the appeal other than the roster size?
straight men are physically incapable of participating in a photoshoot like this
fucking chokers nigga? r u srs?
don't forget he height mogs literally everyone
What do you gain by deleting half the roster in a game where matchup knowlege barely matters lmao
You play the actual game, niggerhuman.
>what am I supposed to do without master orders and angry birds, ohhhh noooooo
>Spirits's quantity far surpasses the quantity of trophies and are far more useful than what trophies would be in both addition and usefulness outside being seen.
Spirits are too easy to unlock, compared to the other games' trophies. Also trophies added interesting information about the characters. Spirits are just PNG.
>Technically speaking, the game is way less barebones than both Melee and 64, an while Sm4sh had more single player modes (but the game was way worse than all of the previous entries) Brawl had the most content in any Smash game.
OK, so you admit that both Brawl and Sm4sh had more content?
>So yeah, your argument pretty much fell from there, huh?
You literally agreed with me.
Maybe the soundtrack, but that's it.
There's nothing to do in that game once you completed WoL which is 6 hours long max.
Brawl had a longer story mode, more gamemodes, truly unique events and many minigames while still having a pretty decent roster (39 characters). Also the stage builder had more mechanisms.
take out
>mii fighters
game is now 10x better
somebody got his ass beat by a lucas
Not him but if there is nothing to do in the game how do you play it?
What's the actual game if there is no game modes, brainlet?
imagine having myopia so bad you think subtracting from a product is a good thing
I don't know, maybe playing it against other people? It is fun as long as time battle doesn't get chosen for some reason. God I want time battle to be gone so bad.
Thank God this guy isn't in charge of the game then lol
play vs your friends dumbass thats the entire fucking point, its a party game. do you also bitch about tf2 not having single player content?
>game cuts filler content that adds less than 30 minutes to total play time to focus on actual important things like stages and fighters
less characters ideally means you can make a better balanced game but that generally never pans out so really leffen just wants to be lazy and learn less match ups.
Yes. Scientists, schools, politicians, and socialists are all in agreement that trans women are women. I shouldn't have to say that.
tf2 has literally endless singleplayer content ranging from bots to jumpmaps to tennis. Not the best of examples
>game is getting MORE characters
Leffen is gonna have to cope...or, more likely, just keep choking.
Day of the Soap when?
He did the same exact thing with Olimar.
i mean, smash will have endless content too when switch modding starts happening
>start smash tour when game first comes out
>5 minutes in my friends still don't understand what is going on or how it works, asks if we can just go to normal mode
thank god they cut this kind of shit out. Smash Run was way better, but still pretty useless.
>MCU reference
Is Leffen a zoomer or something?
>twitter screencap of a literal who
>smash bros
It's definitely Yea Forums alright.
I really hope Smash Run comes back in an update. We know Home Run Contest is coming thru datamines.
Hopefully, Zero Suit Samus is part of the list that gets snapped out of existence, shouldn't have never been added in the first place.
If you cut 6 echos, you would still not have enough dev resources to make 1 unique fighter in their place. You don't understand why they did echos.
Did goku get announced yet
sorry I was memeing because it was obvious bait, but barring that:
>brags "hurr guys did I just bring back the isabelle meta" like a retard
>5 people tell 'her' to shut up because it was dumb
>ends up not quitting
*yawn* tranny plays victim for attention, isn't it getting old? I gotta give them credit, this is proof that trans women really are women.
Hes right when you consider balance
but the game isnt designed with competitive balance in mind. It's designed for casual fans who like things like "EVERYONE IS HERE"
>Spirits's quantity far surpasses the quantity of trophies and are far more useful than what trophies would be in both addition and usefulness outside being seen.
Not even close to being true
The only based post in this entire thread. Reskins aren't content, they take time AWAY from actual content because the reskin has to have a victory animation, and voice data, and different Kirby hats, etc. Imagine having actual GAME MODES or FEATURES instead of Marth with long hair.
Smash Run is the most single-player fun since Melee and the only positive of Smash 4.
Oh yeah because smash 64 is so balanced.
Everything this dumbass has said about the game has been aggressively wrong
Do people unironically play bot matches? I remember thinking bot matches were cringe when I played unreal tournament when I was 13.
Jump maps are infinitely more fun when done with others. like imagine playing something like Jenga by yourself. Yeah you could do it, but you lose the fun.
wow, you would have a whole zero additional modes if you cut lucina!!!!
So they ended up cutting all modes for 4 new stages, 6 new fighters and 5 new clones?
Pretty shitty trade. For rosterfags, I guess it's cool but for normal people it sucks.
less characters for balance is just top players crying when a mid/low tier character comes out of the woodwork and stomps. Notice how only the top players want less characters, they want to learn less MUs and get paid for an easier game
that ugly nigger squid is essential to you? lmfao
False equivalency.
When they made smash 64 they did not give a single fuck about balance, it was purely a meme game. My point about a smaller roster being easier to balance stands.
people that care about filler modes are not normal
>i want my game to sell zero copies and this is how
I disagree about ice climbers. Other than that it's pretty sound.
You're totally right user. We don't have Subspace 2 cause Dark Pit is in the game.
Fucking retard. The characters are the only thing people care about smash for.
the most balanced game in the series where the entire roster is tourny viable
Fuck off retard. Brawl has fewer characters than Ultimate, is it better balanced?
>yoshi and marth are borderline but fucking SIMON is essential
imagine having such a terrible, out of touch opinion
>removing Zero Suit Samus
You're a fucking savior, user.
Top players care about the competitive balance of a game because its literally their job to care about the competitive balance. Obviously the top players and casuals will have different priorities in what they think is important.
Your idea that they just want an "easier game" is fucking absurd. Characters dont even win games for anyone in smash. Top players have been consistently top players, the only characters in smash history that have carried bad players are metaknight and bayonetta.
>Cutfags still slitting their wrists 3/4 of a year later
>Be Leffen
>Get smacked by some rando in a Ultimate tournament
>Goes on to say that Ultimate isn't fun and returns to Melee
What a coincidence, Leffen doesn't win games in Ultimate.
I find it really funny that Leffen thought he could enter the Ultimate scene, grind tech skill for a bit, and dominate because Smash 4 players """don't grind""".
yeah, except it's supposed to be a local wireless multiplayer mode. Would have been GOAT online but no we had to have 3 minute time battles instead.
IIRC you don't get to know what the game that decides the winner is going to be, basically leaves it up to RNG sucks to be you if the "jump the highest" game comes up and you didn't focus on jump upgrades.
I thought master core was awesome and having a final boss with different stages, I tried really hard to win on 9 but never got to see the Master Maze form.
Leffen is quite literally a lazy ass bitch. He complains and whines about every single character in ultimate AND melee. The only characters he has never complained about are the spacies in melee. He's a biased pissant that wants the easy way out of everything. He's lucky he's talented.
Says a guy who's used to a game with less than 8 viable characters.
>Characters aren't content
Look at this retard
>anyone from brawl being cut besides maybe snake
why do you keep thinking that they ever cared about balance?
Do you actually think the number of characters in a game doesn't affect balance, or the ability to do so?
Sure you can look at other fighting games and pick out example of bad balance, but thats also because game developers have no idea what high level meta gameplay looks like when they make the characters. When you increase the number of characters, you increase the chances of a few characters being retarded.
>metakinght and bayo
yeah, the characters who broke the two previous entries and made everyone except extreme autists hate the competitive play for them.
no one should think more players being competitive is a bad thing, it's completely backwards and spits in the face of the idea that fighting games should be balanced.
Based Salemposter.
Tourney players who think like this might as well go play brawlhalla or something. They wouldn’t care if the whole game was fighting polygon team instead of actual characters. Mechanics and tiers lists with none of the fun, no thanks, glad im a rosterfag who loves video games and not a smelly tourneyfag
Does "top players" mean tournament winners to you? are you retarded? Are you actually trying to imply that leffen is bad because he isnt a top ten player?
For the record when I say top players I personally mean anyone who travels to compete playing the game. Maybe the top 1000 players.
Leffen is a bad Ultimate player, yes.
That makes it even worse
At least a girl would be right in the head
Leffen doesn't even do that though. When was the last time he competed in anything Ultimate related? Summit? He's a glorified streamer a la Zero.
unironically cringe.
I used to chill playing perfect dark with bots, mainly because the alternative is playing with some screenlooking asshole who shoots you in the back every time.
you have to have a some form of tism to be that good at a video game
Is this what being a sociopath is like? You would rather do something boring than deal with human interaction?
Only a retard would want less options. Ultimate would be better if the gameplay was fast and had more confirms.
user top players means, the top of the competitive scene for the game. The top level would be around the top 50 best players, while high-level would be around 100-51. Mid-level players are players who aren't ranked in the top 100, but are still ranked locally. Low-level players aren't ranked at all. Currently Leffen would certainly not be ranked at the top 50, since he has lost to complete nobodies in the game and hasn't competed seriously in the last few majors.
He can't even beat a greasy hairy mexican
Yeah Leffen is unironically cringe. Remember his tard rage last Summit?
Definitely hoping we see Smash Run make it to Ultimate down the line via an update. Its a great mode, clearly based on City Trial from Kirby Air Ride, but on the 3DS you cut out so much of what made City Trial so great: 4 player split screen on the same TV, and the ability to interact with the other 3 players in the overworld before time runs out and you do the final fight. Seems like this could so easily be fixed in Ultimate and possibly be given the addition of playing it online, which truly would be fantastic. Smash Run could be one of the game's greatest modes if they handle it right and implement it properly. So I'm really hoping we've not seen the last of that mode.
Half of shit is still shit
Master Core was a fun fight but it got old quick while grinding for trophies. Smash Run's final was random but it was truly a case of the journey far exceeding thr destination. I loved building different special loadouts. I would kill for a Melee-esque Adventure mode with all the new universes in Smash and a local/online Smash Run where you could interact with other players prior to the finale. Would be worth sacrificing 10-15 fighters for, and I'd sacrifice another 10 for 64/Melee Target Smash.
Nah, she's just a retard. The other politicians love her since she distracts from all the shit they're up to.
quick rundown?
n64 didn't have online otherwise yes I would have played with others, also it was just to kill time. It's not like your friends can come over every single day.
Maybe you'd get that stuff with 20 characters in the game.
Got wrecked so hard he suicided his last stock. Then he stomped away and pouted on the couch while tweeting about how low tier PT was and how bad Ultimate was.
>game's gimmick is that it's a huge crossover of various games and companies
>let's cut characters durr
Next time don't pick a party game as your main competitive game.
This is so far from the truth and it's always hilarious when someone who knows nothing about 64's meta game says its because they heard that in 2012
>got old quick while grinding for trophies
There's a reason why it's called grinding, dumbass. If you don't want to deal with a grind, just don't.
he's not
*picks pikachu*
gg bro
quite literally every character has won tournaments in 64. There was a period where Isai was just going through the roster winning tournaments with random characters
kill yourself leffen
Mate we got almost 40 with bloated fucking SSE in Brawl (albeit with delays). We got it in Melee in a year of hell development; imagine what the development team could do with a proper time frame.
This is why you don't have friends in real life, user. You know he meant 50% of the whole roster. Stop being a pedantic faggot.
thoughts on the latest official tier list?
dude even non 3D fighter players are picking up Tekken because of its pro scene and the absolute fucking state of modern 2D fighters.
sounds like a typical meeting at Gamefreak.
you mean the period where isai was light years ahead of everyone except alvin and alvin barely travelled?
rate my opinion as someone who hasn't played a smash title since 64 until ultimate
>she is white btw
dios mio...
>the roster is the only content that smash has
This is only true in Ultimate and maybe 64.
palu is better than peach, joker and inkling should be lower, marth should be lower
I like trophies. Master Core was just way too long of a fight. I love playing Classic Mode in 64, Melee, and Brawl.
>Good addition
>into the trash
he still proved it could be done, even if it's not the easiest route or optimal. Never at one point in brawl's lifespan was anybody winning tournaments with puff, doc (no customs) in 4, or bj in ult
Ultimate still has more content than Melee and 4.
>Zero Suit Samus
>good edition
>not into the trash
Kill yourself, don't even know why ZSS is in Smash when she's barely in Metroid.
>any of the original 12 except MAYBE Jigglypuff not essential
>not a single FE character in essential
>K Rool more essential than Diddy
>Simon more essential than half the characters in borderline
>Zelda, DK, and Metroid get to keep their villains but Kirby doesn't
I hope this is bait.
I how love much she triggers the boomers on Yea Forums
yea it could be done because he was that uch stronger than the rest of the scene and to this day hes the only one to have done it and he cant do it anymore. other smash games had a much more even level of competition so tiers actually mattered, a different meta than only having 1 or 2 good players at any 64 tourney
The biggest problem with ZSS is how much had to be invented for her to have a moveset.
>ever being right
They should cut Ridley though so memers will freak out.
comparing 64s meta back then its like throwing mkleo into the middle of a bumfuck nowhere local scene where most players are missing their thumbs, having him slap everybody with the entire cast, and then claiming this means ultimate is super duper balanced
he's absolutely right
here, i made a proper roster
Only 3 Fire Emblem characters in Ultimate can stay. Who do you pick?
My pick:
I don't, this bitch is fucking everywhere and I'm god damned sick of it. If it's not liberals stroking her off for sticking it to those old fart republicans, it's conservatives throwing a hissyfit about how she's disrespecting yada yada who gives a shit? I've had fucking enough.
>new characters instead of more porting
In your dreams sweetie
Marth for being the patriarch. Robin for being the renaissance. Ike.. Ike is cool.
i like him but he kinda bloats the roster
if it were up to me we'd get golisopod or buzzwole or even pheromosa as a gen 7 rep
Too late honey
>marth again
Hes wrong
>being this mad that roy's popular
>For rosterfags, I guess it's cool but for normal people it sucks.
Back in High School my friends and I played Smash 4 for hours every few days after school, and that added up to probably around 1,000 hours, possibly more.
We literally never touched anything other than the basic Smash mode.
Nobody cares about other gamemodes.
>palu is better than peach
Didn't Sakurai literally say that this is the last time they're bringing the whole cast back and the next game is gonna cut a bunch of them out?
Leffen's a bitch who just can't compete in Ultimate and wants all his opponents characters to be erased because he thinks that will make him better.
Incineroar is the best pokemon add since PT.
>Smash 4
>High School
Should have known these are the rosterfags
fine he can stay
i don't see any way to improve this any further
OK Masuda
Leffen is a faggot who can't play newer Smash games to any degree and needs to shit talk them to cope.
Reminder that he's also never been the best at melee, which is why he'll never be regarded as a god.
she is, and more braindead
even if the next game is a cut festival itll never be anywhere near 50%, 15% at best and the game will still have echos
Leffen will spend the rest of his life bouncing around between games to find one he can be the best at.
That game doesn't exist, Leffen's ass is property of Hbox.
>not understanding the basic fucking idea of Smash Ultimate and "everyone is here"
There are no bad additions unless you start pulling in meme shit like Sans or Steve. Add whoever else the fuck you want, it's a game that celebrates it's large roster. Just because you're too much of a retard to adapt doesn't mean we need 6 fucking viable characters so you can memorize matchups.
palu doesnt get 60% off dtilt
>There are no bad additions
>Yeah, let's just add this character from the newest game in the franchise, even though they'll never be relevant again
agreed, get rid of all the cereal box mascots and pokemon nobody plays.
His DBFZ "career" was all hype around a Smash player finally transitioning over to a traditional fighter but the second the real grind to get good started he pussied out. He always goes back to melee because he has advantages in that game he can't abuse in anything else that came from a decade of playing.
>seething about optional characters that do nothing but widen your set of choices
why? in what fucking world do you do this and reasonably claim you arent an autist?
Robin and Corrin are both interesting characters mechanically, anyone who bitches about them or calls them "generic anime swordsmen" is a double nigger. Fucking Link has more in common with Marth/Lucina than Robin does.
Hiding behind the excuse of improving the game and the roster/franchise representation and still keeping
>Young Link
>Mr G&W
I always knew cutfags were retarded but this shows that they just want to cut stuff because their tiny brains can't handle multiple matchups and just wanna keep their own favorites in forever
Leffen is a shitty whiny bitch and the only people that take his opinion seriously are his smug teenage weeb fans that seem him as a fully realized version of themselves.
That quote is literally about sm4sh
at this point he has already gone back on his word, if this is what you are using as proof he won't bring back the whole cast next time.
Ultimate would be a lot better if the Zoner Archetype didnt exist
Just trim plant, echoes, FE and 3rd party jrpg fat and its fine.
ah, my mistake
>shitters bitching about getting zoned
Literally never gets old
more than 20 years later this is STILL hilarious
To be fair, Salem is a huge faggot too. He was just itching to start shit with melee players and Leffen is the biggest windbag so of course they'd go at it. I'm glad they made each other look like idiots.
well then that means sakurai succeeded in making the perfect smash game.
>also leffen just wants to try new games
You mean he wants to complain about new games.
There are no true zoners faggot, if you're getting B button spammed out by a Belmont or something then unironically get good, even low level tourney scrubs figured out how to make them worthless a while ago.
but she also doesn't struggle to kill as much as peach does, palu can kill extremely early
Just play Fox retard
>ANOTHER fucking cutfag thread
I sentence all Leffenfags and Cutfags to play budokai tenkaichi 3 for a whole month.
They should have stayed at home, because it's too cold.
Whether or not tourneyfags like it, that's the actual Smash audience. Ultimate is most sold fighting game of all time.
>struggle to kill
lemme introduce you to my nigga Forward Aerial
Unironically git gud
>K. Rool
My sides cutfags are great.
Put Leffen in the delete column.
what do trophies do? oh you can look at re-used 3d models from other games and read some flavour text.
what do spirits do? you actually play certain event matches to get them, the battles themselves are specific to the character it's based on, give you boosts in power in actual matches, and since they're easier to make, there's a lot to choose from.
you were saying?
He did say this was probably the last time but the cuts are likely less severe than you might think
There's only a few characters at real risk of cuts
>Cloud and Hero if Squeenix goes full jew (Cloud is almost certainly gone if they decide to cut stuff)
> Snake and Belmonts if Konami goes retarded (their IPs aren't as strong as they used to be but they might still ask for more)
>Certain Pokemon (TPCI are pants on head retarded and while they can't actually forbid a Pokemon from showing up if Sakurai/Nintendo really wanted it, it apparently involves a fuckton of paperwork and phonecalls)
If they REALLY wanted to cut characters for no reason (which would be stupid because Smash lives and dies by its roster) watch out for semi clones like Young Link, Falco and one or two of the Lucina/Chrom/Roy combo getting the pink slip
Sega is a bro most of the time so Bayo and Sonic are safe, Joker would get rotated with another SMT protagonist (but again, only if they REALLY wanted cuts)
Capcom doesn't really like Nintendo much these days, but their incompetence with money in general means they will never say no to free Smashbucks so their guys are pretty much in forever
Cloud should get replaced with Warrior of Light or some shit. DQ really put FF to shame.
How manly is it to wet the bed and piss on your girlfriend? (Hypothetical question, I don't have a girlfriend)
>not zidane
>brawl players get treated like absolute shit by melee players
>game would be better with half the content
I just want job-swapping, don't really care about the vessel.
how is she a "retard"?
>this bitch is fucking everywhere
and 99% of it is the right losing their shit
Why are Meleefags so angry about the Ultimate roster? Why do they whine about "too many characters"? Are their four favorites from Melee in jeopardy?
autistic people get scared literally -thinking- about unfamiliar situations.
pretty much get an extension of that,
>how is she a "retard"?
Oh it's a real mystery.
I'm 100% certain this is out of context with a lot of info deliberately left out, just like everything else the right does about everything she says.
>brawl is shit
>new game comes out
>can you believe that we played that shitfest brawl?
You know it's on video, right? Listen to it yourself.
>"When someone says that it’s ‘too hard’ to do a green space that grows yuca instead of, I dunno, cauliflower or something, what you’re doing is you’re taking a colonial approach to environmentalism. And that is why a lot of communities of color get resistant to certain environmentalist movements — because they come with a colonial lens on them."
Some people just enjoy a game like Melee where there's a smaller pool of viable characters to worry about. It has to do with being a tournament threat level player and having to juggle secondaries and such for rare matchups at events that cost a lot of money to attend. I doubt Leffen is even being very serious here besides saying that he prefers a more stable competitive environment.
>the right deliberately misinterprets what she says in order to slander her
Remember when they claimed she wanted to ban cow farts and made it their talking point for nearly an entire year? Bunch of slack-jawed inbred retards.
So like I said, they're terrified of the Melee characters having competition form newer characters.
These people went to the same tournaments, ate in the same places, slept in the same hotels. Melee players have a massive god complex and treated Brawl players like walking garbage.
most old brawl players still like brawl, most of the people saying shit like that are either newfags that barely played it or melee tourists that barely played it. just because you like ultimate better doesnt mean you dont like another game
>Good characters who could be reworked closer to source material:
Dark Samus, Ganondorf
>Characters that could be taken care of with alternate costumes and custom moves tier:
Other echoes, Doc, Young Link, Roy, Toon Link
>Characters who only had one mainline appearance ~2 decades ago but their series need the reps tier:
Sheik, ZSS
>"Why can't you be more like your brother Dragon Quest?" tier:
>Interesting choice that doesn't fit tier:
Pirahna Plant
>Uninteresting choice that doesn't fit tier:
Corrin, Joker
I always thought it'd be cool too if they somehow made the Blue Falcon into a character.
Literally fucking who?
>she says a lot of stupid shit
>people respond
>>lol get mad boomers!
She's the Trump of the Left.
liking brawl means you have objectively terrible tastes. It's a trash game outside of ultra casual play
But Brawl is better than Tr4sh.
M2K will tell you that Brawl MK is the best and most fun character in all of Smash. You really think you know better than Jason?
The right thinks she's stupid because she actively challenges them and points out their stupidity and shit, and since they're not used to such direct attacks they flail and scream randomly. It's all they have.
haha, epic pop culture reference, internet idol!
Smash Bros. is a party game, I don't see how less characters would make it more enjoyable.
its statements like that which made the melee community universally hated. brawl was successful for a reason and your revisionism and vitriolic agenda doesnt change that it was a good game and fun to play
>Shame we're in a shit era of fighting games.
Kill yourself, tranny.
I rest my case.
Nintendo would be twice as good if they actually made games that arent party games for toddlers and zelda
I know you're just explaining, and indeed telling the truth, but that's a retarded thing to justify
>Oh No, how can I, a pro player, be expected to be prepared for COMPETITION in a COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT
That's why "Competitive" cutfags are the worst: They argue the cuts they want are for balance, but in reality they just want a controlled, predictable environment where they or their idols'/fans' never have to worry about adapting to new stuff
Why is she so cute bros?
Prepare to cope with 30 years of her dominating politics lmao
brawl was successful because it was a goddamn smash game and had insane hype following japan time and melee. That doesn't make it good and damn sure didn't make it fun to play outside of casuals, certainly not more than any other smash game
low quality bait
keep telling yourself that, it will never be true but you wont have to realize it
>conveniently ignores widespread use of corn, tomato, and potato crops
Why would a New World crop be colonizing?
The true cancer.
Literally who?
whats the matter? too much of a pussy to handle variety of matchups?
well people actually like those and cauliflower is just shitty broccoli
>30 years of her dominating politics lmao
It's gonna be 30 years of accomplishing nothing in her whole career.
thats true for most politicians, so youre probably right
Xrd still has a decent playerbase even if it's pretty clear ArcSys aren't going to do anymore with it, and GG will likely get a new game announced this year anyway, so I wouldn't say GG's doing so bad.
Funny thing, that actually does happen to at least 73/75 characters in the game (+ 6 more if DLC is counted.)
anyone ever notice Armada just looks like Mew2king's chad twin brother?
Why would an old world crop be colonizing.
>y'know what we need
>less content
fucking hate people
>cut half to trigger all rosterfaggots
>i'll want the world to explode if it BTFO all the people my autism causes to harm me!
la goblina...
Thats literally colonizing if youre talking about the Americas, and I mean that stripped of any political connotation.
>Shame we're in a shit era of fighting games
True to the core. Have you taken a look at the old SF players that used to still be consistent in SFIV? They're all orphans now. None of them care about SFV and basically play it for sponsorship money, they all wants SFVI already. Anyone worth a damn quit anything from Capcom already, but they got nowhere to go since Smash is very hard to get into if you have ZERO experience with it competitively and everything else is stacked as hell or very niche with small community and an even smaller prize pool. Hell, it's only NOW after Capcom took a backseat (finally) after the shitshow that is SFV that people started to get into anime fighters, and even then the crowd and funds for the competitive scene in those is still peanuts.
There's no home for older school players, and new school that wants something better also end up orphans. This is why many people that used to be "FGC figures" straight up vanished. Gootecks only recently came back and hosts a shitty podcast thing, but his channel is kind of dead. Any and all other prominent players from as early as five years ago are either streamers or are straight up gone, nowhere to be found. Makes me sad to just think about.
So, all competitive videogames?
>what is the appeal other than the roster size
The Sumo mechanics.
the roster is the appeal, otherwise rivals of aether and slap city would be just as popular
I bet he says this due to characters he personally doesn't care about, or so his matchups are easier.
Fuck him. He can't handle good/surprising players, so he needs an excuse for everything