what went wrong?
What went wrong?
The UI just needs some updating, it's still unique and fun
Nothing, it lived a long life.
people grew up
Your favorite private server shut down and most of the playerbase above 300 people play one of two servers
Good private servers?
There need to be a good server with about 300 people. Enough to where there's one main town with people talking. But one not worth botting.
The farming was way to slow and collecting rare items took way to long. Seriously 0.02% drop rate. Fuck you.
Private servers divided the community into too many slices.
I'm pretty cool with it. Made it so you always had stuff to do since the grind for certain items was long.
Helping random people and punishing people who doesn't know how to express gratitude is fun
Exorcist build is unironically fun too
I said Brazil!
Star Gladiator because spats. Too bad renewal happened.
Nothing went wrong, it was perfect for what it was
People just got used to the extremely streamlined content from "modern" mmos like WoW
First class I ever played was Priest. I liked socializing and helping people, so it was the perfect role. It was great always being needed in parties.
The most memorable jobs I had were Hunter, Sin, Sader & Bard.
Yeah, the grind on official servers were too much. It could take 1 full day of grinding to get like, fucking 1% at level 95+. Fuck that shit.
And grinding for cards was just terrible. Who the fuck wants to kill 10k of the same enemy all day.
First character was a knight.
Then mostly stuck to hunter because to stupid to play a more skillfull class.
You already fully functional and can do all the content at 90 though
It's not like all the modern MMOs where the game only start after you maxed
spamming double strafe and repel is indeed brainlet tier
>pneuma myself
>start holy lighting you
what are you going to do about it?
if it took you an entire day to get 1% then you didn't know how to play
I knew what I was doing. There just wasn't any good dungeons back then that made leveling fast, especially without a party.
It definitely took that long on a 1/1/1 server.
Assassin Cross because I was 12
Old RO was definitely cancer when it came to leveling, although I'm not sure how much of it was due to lack of knowledge.
For example I know literally no one grimtoothed to 99, they just clubbed individual monsters with their shitty crit Sins.
Even when trans came out, lex oneshotting turtles (sharing half your exp, yikes) with soul breaker was what people did.
Lay 2-3 SP traps and arrow shower it
It was
The only servers worth playing on are lowrate/vanilla servers and adults in their 30's dont have time to grind at Seals/GH/Nifl lv90+.
The only servers with any sort of population are the same half a dozen private servers since 10 years ago. They're pretty heavy p2w too which combined with min-maxxers who've been playing 10 years already makes it impossible for newbros or returning players to get into.
It's resulted in most of the playerbase just reinstalling on some bumfuck server once every 2 years and spending 2 weeks killing shit in random zones until they've gotten their fix, they then uninstall it. Cycle repeats every few years.
Project ro and mob ro were fun, used to be a blacksmith, never got past lvl 65, I'd rather explore and just be cozy
Good times
holy shit MobRo was my first private server. didn't think anyone remembered that.
Rogue because I cared more about looking cool than being good.
Shame it died so quickly back then, was that 2005? Cool system they had with the forum
Western official servers if you blame renewal it's because you don't know shit.