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Konoha Village...home
damn this takes me back
>Naruto thread
No borruto trash.
>ever liking Naruto
I love anime but holy shit
Even when i was a kid I thought it was was
Some fight scenes are pure fucking fantastic tho
*thought it was ass
>I don't like Naruto but I like Naruto
It's ok to admit that Naruto was one of the GOATS now. It's been long enough.
Naruto was a legitimately solid show until after the Zabuza arc. After that it fell into the usual shounen tropes to extend the series for money. You know a shounen manga has run out of ideas when they do a tournament arc.
this is literally what all the basedboys say to make themselves look cool
you thoght Naruto was cool, but now that you're older and you're seeing the boomer vs zoomer memes, you want to be that guy who says the popular thing sucked
I just aint into ninjas and the whole "believe it!" thing killed it for me
The bone dude was sick tho. I loved the tone of the show. But naruto himself ruined any chance of me enjoying the show.
Why do people hate on Naruto? Is it just for the sake of being contrarians?
the hidden leaf village was so fucking fun to roam around in this game
Its the orange jumpsuit while being a ninja thing
Every one of my friends loved it, but as i said in I dont like ninjas and Naruto should have been a side character, i hated him
Boomer zoomer shit is dumb
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
It was the closest thing we got to an open world Naruto game, well, not really open world but being able to explore the city, run up the walls, jump on rooftops and do cool shit was fun. I don't recall any other Naruto game letting you do as much as you could in Rise of a Ninja. I wish we could have gotten a legit Naruto open world game, but I guess Naruto games were just better as saga fighter games like Ultimate Ninja Storm series.
For those that don't know this is an old copypasta.
in japanese, naruto never says "believe it". it's supposed to be a mannerism he has, where after a lot of sentences he says "だってばよ" which would be like if someone said "y'know" at the end of all his sentences. that part's just bad localization
this pasta takes me back
I used to agree with this copypasta, but the gateway anime of today make Naruto look like HxH, I actually respect Naruto now.
Bleach was always the superior series
Bleach had good style and I did enjoy it a lot as a kid but looking back on it, it was pretty terrible. I think I only liked the show because I was around 13 when I watched it and it had a kind of edgy feel to it.
Naruto's pretty good if you realize Naruto's the shittiest character and you stop caring about him.
>gateway anime of today
Boruto is pretty bad, that’s for sure.
I do like me some Bleach as well.
I don't think I really had a favorite character in Naruto, which seems odd to me. I actually preferred Sasuke and Itachi over Naruto. Not even for the edgelord appeal, but they just seemed like better characters.
>there will never be a Xenoverse style Naruto game where you create your own Ninja, explore the world, interact with characters, and plays like Storm again
>instead we got Shinobi Strikers instead which was the worst fucking Naruto game in years
It's not fair.
Yeah, but normalfags of today don't watch Boruto, Boruto is just watched by the normalfags of yesterday that grew up with Naruto.
The new king of gateway anime is Hero Academia.
Naruto was pretty good up until the ninja war arc
Ultimate Ninja 3 is the best in the series.
Interesting. Maybe ill go and watch it. I loved the edgy sasuke itachi stuff, but im a sucker for edgy.
How much of the show is focused on Naruto tho? And is it worth the time to watch it?
For reference i thought one piece was shit till i gave it a chance. Now its in my top 3 easily
Xenoverse is shit too, user. Shinobi Strikers is basically Xenoverse.
>they will never make the X360 games backward compatible
Fucking hurts man, I never played the first game. I bet the licensed music is to blame here.
I dont know if ill ever feel what i felt when pic related
Normals don't really watch anime anymore. The things that get some mainstream appeal nowadays are mostly still appealing to nerds. Most normals spend all their free time on social media (Twitter, YouTube, facebook) and free to play games (fortnite, pokemon go, etc.) nowadays.
I like Naruto Uzumaki because he can turn into a hot slut.
If you're gonna watch Naruto just make absolutely sure you drop it when the timeskip happens. It's completely irredeemable after that point.
Who else playing Blazing?
>one piece
>fairy tale
>dragon ball z
How the fuck do people enjoy this trash? The action has more asspulls than Jojo, the comedy is always toilet humor that appeals to children, and the story is always just a horrible excuse for the action.
Thats shippuden right?
>are mostly still appealing to nerds
Nerds and normalfags are the same thing these days.
Acting childish and liking childish things is mainstream now, think of how many times you see people get shit on for being "edgy" when they try to be even the least bit serious.
>Xenoverse is shit too
Lol no
>Shinobi Strikers is basically Xenoverse
Only on a concept level, everything else about it is so far from it.
Bleach was way more badly mismanaged than Naruto. It was like watching a race where one car picks the most bumpy road but the other decides to go backwards.
>Series suffered after the second arc and never recovered and fizzled out in popularity before dying after a rushed ending.
I disagree, senpai.
Do not include one piece in that list you fucking trash pile degenerate sausage wanna be tit fucker
He doesn't need to turn into a girl to be a hot slut.
I once dropped spaggethi next to what was possibly the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life. Showed her Madara on my desktop and she laughed. I still don't know why I did that, fucking retarded.
She had a boyfriend anyway not like I had a chance with her
Fuck you, even if one piece has good animation and manages to capture the sense of adventure perfectly, it still has a retarded plot with humor designed to appeal to stoners and children.
The bad guys are such jokes that they're literally the shit you'd so in bobobo bo bo-bobo.
You can enjoy a shit show and that's fine but don't act like it isn't trash
Bleach was comfy up until the Fake Karakura town arc, but Hueco Mundo and everything before it was comfy. Some of the fights were nice to watch though, but it lost it's comfiness after Hueco Mundo.
I love edgy everything, but putting seriousness where its out of place is awkward for people. Thats not why they watch whatever it is.
However, if youre invested and serious shit happens, especially in that kind of media, its all the more impactfull
Yes. The Shippuden anime is completely unwatchable dub or sub because of the filler. Half of the anime is filler, that's not even an exaggeration. Switch to the manga if you really want to continue after the first part.
it gets better after episode 542 bro trust me
the whole naruto is really odd because it has a lot really fun characters, really cool powers, and really interesting lore, but the stories it tells in the present are so uninteresting and lackluster
fuck kishimoto for making 2/3.5 of kisames fights against his only hard counter
reply to this post with two characters youd be interested to see fight and how you think itd turn out
One Piece stopped being good after Alabasta. I don't know why people still read that crap.
I only watched up until the chunin exams. episode 50 or so as a kid.
That shit was so kino. I glad i never got past that when it did what every other endless anime does and give the characters retarded powers. Ninjas running around in the woods was pure kino
tfw actually naruto ran in gym class once
Retarded plot? Like what?
>wants to be best pirate
>government doesnt want that
>elite pirates doesnt want that
Get off your fucking high horse, thats the plot
And the animation is terrible, no one watches it for that.
It may be shit, i may like it, but youre opinion is garbage
Yeah, Naruto is great in the first arc (zabuza). After that you have the chuunin arc which slows down a lot but has a few really good fights. Finally before the timeskip there is a major event which is actually fantastic. However, after the time skip it becomes another lame DBZ clone. Everyone's powerlevel keeps massively expanding, tons of new villains with nonsensical goals pop up one after the other and they engage in giant magic battles where they are not even pretending to be ninjas any more.
Sakura Haruno with the Bakugou Seal vs Orochimaru-infused Kabuto.
I wanted them to fight in the war, fyi.
And yea the bad guys are goofy. So is everything else. Theres a talking, perverted musical skeleton as a main character. Theres a talking raccoon
What the fuck were you expecting?
>thats the plot
That's the over arching plot, which is shit. And the per-arc plots are just as shit. So the plot is entirely shit.
If even you agree the animation and plot is terrible, then what does that shit show have going for it? Nothing.
It's shit, and belongs in the same trash can that DBZ goes in.
>one piece has good animation
what the fuck am I reading
Konoha Crush was the peak of Naruto. Not a single arc after it was able to reach the same height or above.
Well, not that user, but I heard the Wano arc is being done by a different company or something and the animation really got kicked up a notch.
I like One Piece, but it seems terrified to kill off characters outside that one instance everyone talks about.
Characters not even important to main plot get brutally fucked up to the show the main villain of each arc "means business", but magically survive pretty much every single time, sometimes after having a dramatic heroic sacrifice scene.
At the same time, this allows the villains to get away with all their evil deeds, because they just go off onto some other adventure unless they get imprisoned or join the protags.
>What the fuck were you expecting?
Considering one piece fags are so adamant their anime isn't as trash as Naruto, I expected something a little better.
Meant to say design, everytime I've talked to someone who supports the show they mention how great the artstyle and expressions are. And by artstyle and expressions, they mean silly faces that appeal to children. God One Piece sucks
i wanted orochimaru v madara, could you imagine the guy whos done nothing but learn every jutsu he could go all out on a regenerating punching bag?
How long would Naruto last on Mars?
Literally the only good part of the show.
If rock lee was the main character this show and it ended when it needed it would have been timeless kino
Why is no one in this thread talking about the actual game? Has no one played it?
Must play Naruto games
>Naruto the Broken Bond
>Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3
>Naruto Path of the Ninja
>Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy
If rock lee were the protagonist it would still be a generic powerlevel shonen with training montages and power levels.
Still would have been better than what we got
>Series is called NARUTO
>How much of the show is focused on Naruto tho?
I hate it when Kishi did the asspull that was Pain's arc
It was fun before, I dropped it completely after that arc
How is that over arcing plot shit? You could even reduce it to
>i wanna be king of the pirates
And that's not even bad
The subplots are fine. Theyre simple.
>fuck up whoever cause friends or innocents in danger
Thats literally it, but because the charaxters are good they expand a bit and create interesting situations
Youre expecting true Detective s1 out of a shonen. Its fun and sometimes you get surprised, but still delivers on what the viewer wants
I'm willing to listen, but you gotta be specific or give a decent argument
Fuck Naruto and Fuck Shonenshit
>series is called dead rising
>almost never see the dead rise, all of them have already risen
Based and redpilled hunterchad
what makes 3 better than 4 or any of the latter ultimate ninja games? genuinely curious.
It peaked at Water 7 though?
You have expecations of the show that its not trying to meet. Like anything, take it for what it is, Not what you want
It's simple, and it's shit, yes. Everytime they change arcs they practically wipe the world building slate clean by travelling to a new island with its own entirely made up ecosystem and rules. Islands sprout up from the middle of nowhere and the 'world' itself is empty until the protagonists reach it.
The other shonens at least tried to make a believable world. You can say you enjoy this and that's fine, but don't argue that it isn't shit. Because One Piece is shit.
>series is called bleach
>no clean white clothes
>Series is called Silent Hill.
>The game isn't silent nor are you on a hill.
Yes, my first mistake was given the fags who scream
>one piece isn't like other shonens!
a chance. One Piece is like the others and belongs to be grouped with the likes of DBZ and Naruto.
3 is pre timeskip, the most enjoyable part of the series. Also the Ultimate Contest mode is pretty fun.
Stop with the "LOL ITS SHIT" its getting nowhere
Yes, every world has its own thing but id argue that adds to it. Every arc feels fresh from the last, while not taking away from the world as a whole. Theyre traveling the world and its different, but none of it feels out of place
If a story went to Ny city then rural china youd give the same argument you just gave, and itd be wrong
You aight frogboi
>one piece is just as bad as the other shonens, but that doesn't mean it's as shit as the other shonens, stop grouping them together!
What the fuck is wrong with you, why are one piece stoners in so much denial?
Naruto Rise of the Ninja was the first game I can remember 100%ing.
Bait successful, well played.
I just hope you arent projecting what you really think
Please explain what makes One Piece not worth being categorized with the likes of Naruto and DBZ.
Literally every person who says One Piece is better is some stoner who thinks the half-assed joke writing is deep, or thinks the half-assed toilet humor is glorious.
>muh sense of adventure
If you enjoy episodic bullshit then by all means
Naruto was decent up until the end of the pain arc and downright good in part one depending on your tolerance of naruto as a character. Yea Forums never had a problem with the "quality" of naruto but rather the type of poster it attracted and how they would shit up the board
Lots of things are good in part one. It's easy to make an interesting pitch, it's another thing to follow through
I thought Akatsuki was cool
Get the fuck out of here Hunterfag
fuck pictures too
First off not a stoner.
Second its more than just get mad fight harder
Third it doesnt try to be superficial cool
Fourth its funny
Fifth it has emotion impact, not only in the famous death scene
Sixth the characters are different from each othet and not based on stereotypes
Seventh the places they go are interesting and different
Eighth they have to solve things in interesting ways
Ninth the style of drawing is meant to be a different tone
Tenth its fucking comfy as fuck
You want more?
Naruto and Jiraya moments are some of my favourite in all anime/manga
>Second its more than just get mad fight harder
Same as the others. Although, power level bullshit is much less prevalent in One Piece than the others, it is still there and the same low quality.
>Third it doesnt try to be superficial cool
This doesn't really make it not worth grouping with the other shonens though, because instead of superficial cool you get weekly cartoon tier lack of seriousness. Even then, it still has its superficial cool moments.
It's the same as the others in these regards. The places they go to are usually more unique than other shonens tend to be but that comes at the cost of world building, it's weekly cartoon tier.
>Ninth the style of drawing is meant to be a different tone
It has the artstyle that naruto has when it's trying to be funny, which means it's shit and blown out of proportion to make children and stoners laugh.
This is the only point that's true and sets it apart from the rest. One Piece is a comfy adventure anime. This isn't enough to not bunch it up with Naruto and Fairy Tale.
Konoha village?
Pick a language retard
I appreciate our discussion, but i feel it's hit our limit. I did what you asked, which was seperate one piece from shonens, and i did, but you werent ready to accept it. "Cartoon" and "low quality" mean nothing. Every single anime is cartoon and the VAST majority are low quality.
I will say im glad I had this conversation, and id bet your taste aint bad.
Good luck in life friend, and truly wish you the best.
Im out tho, need to focus on nuGoW. Replaying fresh on hardest difficulty and its a bitch, unlike you.
Live long and prosper
Realizing Madara and by extension Obito and Akatsuki is in the right really made me enjoy the series more
stop it
>Trannyrama poster also has shit taste
I work at a grocery store and there's this regular customer that's a mid-40s (his beard is like 20% grey) father of two. We talk about anime every time we see each other now and recommend shows. He said he didn't even start watching until he was like 36, and he watches it with his daughters.
I'm going to be watching Fire Force just so we can discuss it when I see him next. I recommended him Dr. Stone.
>recon later in the game series vastly improves it
Funny how this trio featured in the games, I recall Shikamaru and Choji being on the Uzumaki Chronicles yet no ino
Lucky star should set him straight
The Ninja Sex industry must be bonkers when you really think about it.
>olympics literally ran out of condoms due to vast amounts of fucking
>not thinking all physically active folks are like this
You aint wrong
Squad 7 are the worst characters in the series to build around, barring Kakashi who is based. I want to say that the show should've been about Rock Lee, but he works so well as a side character that I'd keep him as-is and just give him more chances to shine. If Naruto and Sasuke are to be kept in their general roles, I would put Hinata on their team to give her more development and bring Guy's team into the story more due to her story with Neji, and by extension have Lee show up more. Shikamaru should also be around more, but my only thought there would be to replace Tenten with him.
He's definitely more of an action kind of guy. The first series he recommended to me was Desert Punk, after I asked him if he'd seen Watanabe's work (Bebop, Champloo, Dandy).
I mean just with all the different jutsus' alone.
Why is new shounen so SOULLESS compared to old 90-00s shounen?
Though when you think about it, brothels are the perfect place for assassinations.
>Transformation jutsu is so easy that literal children can learn it.
>Clones are a little harder but not too high level.
The potential is limitless
naruto was fine when he wasn't with the rest of squad 7. They just had absolutely no chemistry together no matter how hard kishi tried to force it
Naruto had it's moments desu
Part 2 Naruto's revenge arc was good how it was never too edgy but it wasn't too cardboard like
>That Part where Naruto tells Pain he's holding himself back from just killing him right then and there and tells him how much he wants him dead
Maybe, but also realize that Sexy Jutsu and Harem Jutsu were apparently things that Naruto innovated. Imagine being a ninja for decades and only realizing just then that transformation jutsus can turn you and others into hot girls.
>Take this! My spinning Dildo Jutsu!
Solid suggestions my good guy
Recommend s1 of one punch man. Itll blow his mind
Cowboy bepop will ruin his expectations of all other shows tho, its just too good. be careful
Its not the only good part, Naruto is pretty good all the way from chuunin exams through sasuke retrieval
you cant touch clones though, only shadow clones and that jutsu is hard to learn/forbidden
Well that sounds legit. Is there an episode guide?
>minor characters have more depth than the major ones
I wouldn't be surprised if there is strict legal repercussions in the Naruto universe when you use someone's apperance using the transformation jutsu for porn.
basically skip all fillers except Jiraiya Gaiden and Kakashi's backstory
Action shonen is starting to get overly derivative. The torch of which series is the "template" got handed from DBZ to Naruto, and that lead to a host of issues.
The real shit is shonen without as much of an action focus that keeps the shonen structure.
Being gay and closeted gay = depth
He'd already seen all three of those shows actually, he recommended Desert Punk because it reminded him of them in some ways. I was impressed, I expected him to say Bebop & Champloo at best. Dandy is my favorite, personally.
I'd recommend Black Lagoon if he didn't watch anime with his kids.
look up animefillerlist and search naruto
Naruto was good until the war arc even it's bump parts it never dipped past irredeemable which is crazy for a long running shounen but given how Naruto was their cash cow they had to milk it with the War arc and later Boruto
Who are some "villains" who got away with LITERALLY everything?
But Haku was a boy who was a girl who thought she was a boy.
Hey you get what you paid for.
UN3 was the best game of the ps2 series. the explorable area was small, but every character had unlockable events.
Sorry, user, but Orochimaru is a mother now and cam do no wrong!
So...did they?
>no clean white clothes
If it is then how are Jiraiya's novels popular? Who needs steamy romance sex novels when filmed porn would be fucking booming? Doesn't Naruto's setting only barely have 90s tech, as in VCRs? Maybe VHS tapes aren't widespread?
Is it true that in Boruto they just straight up have Naruto invent the internet?
The problem is the way that Shonen Jump handles cancellation. If a series tries something new a lot of the time the jap audience can't find the hook, so it stays near the bottom of the rankings. After it stays like that for a couple of months or so it gets canceled. This leaves you with the tried and tested, same old shit series's as before as the only stuff that gets left. Hence the 1000 DBZ clones
Man you made the right decision. The pain arc is where it should have ended anyway. The next arc (hokage summit) is good but then it leads into the war arc which comprises like a third of the fucking series and is absolutely atrocious in every conceivable way. If the series just ended after Pain and they didn’t pull the Rinne Tensei reviving bullshit then Naruto would be a top tier shounen battle series for me.
Keep in mind I only watched the Kai senpai edit of the series though. I imagine the original was a bit worse with all the filler scenes and flashbacks.
Absolutely. And really, who wouldn't?
they do and they have giant Machine guns
Jiraiya's books are just that good desu
Due to peace time, technology rapidly improves.
If you had the powers of one Ninja from Naruto which one would you chose
Me personally, Gaara. Being able to control and sence things with sand would be pretty dope. Also he can fly with the sand, i would skip the traffic to reach work on time this way.
Part 1 of naruto is like 150 episodes long so being good for that long is not a bad achievement IMHO.
Probably the third
>party healer is useless
That's the way it's been forever. It was HnK clones, then DB clones, then DBZ clones, and now we're in the Naruto clone era. I get the feeling the next series that gets that spot won't be as action-oriented as those 3-4 series, given that in recent years we've seen Haikyuu, Food Wars, Promised Neverland, and Dr. Stone do well (although Food Wars is getting something of a rushed ending).
Tell me shounentards, how does it feel to get consistently BTFO by SnK each month?
Hyuga bitches are the best
Monthly shonen is not the same as weekly shonen.
God damn, Yea Forums has had some good taste today!
shikamaru always had the best fights in Naruto, it's a shame he wasn't the main character. He made a better one than naruto
>Kai senpai edit
there is a version of the naruto anime without all the filler bullshit?
If she started doing a combination of Tsunade's super strength shit with Kabuto's precision "medical ninjutsu" chakra blades, she might've been cool. All she got was like 1 and a half good fights where she was just doing Tsunade shit but worse because she's shorter and flatter.
I remember all the pre-timeskip games that needed to give her a super just had her inner angry voice punch people.
>useless and has an attitude
quite possibly the worst written heroine in shounen
Yeah, same thing with LN as well, it used to be magic high schools and now it's isekai. Japs just tend to stick to a single idea and then run into the ground for a decade.
Bleach was a bigger mess but for some reason I enjoyed it more than Naruto
I dropped this after Season 1 of the show was a horribly-paced slog, but I keep hearing people who stuck with it (both the show and manga) sing its praises. The mangaka calling his shot by releasing the last panel of the series was ballsy enough to get my attention. Maybe I'll go back. Should I watch S2&3 or just read the manga?
Is probably choose one of the bullshit characters like Naruto or Sasuke whose power is to have as many powers as they want.
But if I had to choose a real character I’d probably go with Kakashi so that I could copy talents like playing the piano/tennis etc easily and become a world class talent in them.
this scene whether manga or anime gets me rock hard. God bless Yu Yu Hakusho
Good thing Kishimoto didn't let that happen
>Big tits
>Magic powers
>Fucking PURPLE eyes
>Extremely specific about who they let marry into the family
Like, why wouldn't you try to get a hyuga chick?
>her super move is cutting her hair and crying
Way more useful than Hinothing.
>You will never experience Ultimate Ninja Storm 2~4 for the first time again
CC2 are fucking gods.
Anime censors out some of the gore in scenes (and I think some from S1 too) and cuts some dialogue out to save time at points, but also has a pretty solid OST and voice acting. I'd recommend manga, but either is good.
S1 was the worst-paced of them all with 5 straight horse-riding episodes. It gets much better afterwards, minus a somewhat boring arc at beginning of S3
>Dead thread
>Dead series
Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura drag down their series by being among the worst characters in it. At the very least, Ichigo, Orihime, Rukia, and the rest of the main cast are pretty likable.
Also Naruto has never and WILL never even in Boruto have a song as good as Ichigo's theme from the anime.
Yes. Sorry I misspelled the word “fan” and it got word filtered. There’s a really excellent fan edit called Naruto Kai where they have removed as much filler as possible, and edited the series down to 70 movie length episodes. Only 50 or so are worth watching though because the rest is the war arc.
Yusuke v. Toguro. Good luck finding a version online that isn't clipped to hell.
but hinothing wasn't a main character and better yet, didn't actively make the series worse
CC2 haven't stopped making the same game for almost a decade and the gameplay either stagnates or gets worse. They're almost unparalleled at flashy super animations but you're much better off watching compilations of them than playing the shit.
You know the shoulders should've tipped me off.
Kohona Theme park when? I want to ride the Spiral.
Because seeing Kubo just wing it in regards to the plot is pretty amusing
>i love Naruto but 4chin told me to hate it so i have to
kys faggot
But they're fun to play too.
Plus, I experienced the Naruto storyline through the Ultimate Ninja Storm games so it was even better.
meant for
As someone who watched both of these shows for the first time as an adult, Naruto is much, much better. I watched all of Naruto but I couldn’t even make it to the end of soul society in bleach because the show is barely animated and every shot lingers or gets dragged out much longer than it should. They only have like three music tracks which just repeat endlessly. I actually really liked the concept for the Soul Society arc but the execution just proved to be extremely boring for me. All of the characters are a bit too one dimensional, even by shounen standards.
Nigger, Naruto and Sasuke are Greta characters and only contrarians think otherwise. I mean, forget about how Kishimoto just transplanted Sasuke from Shirato's manga into his own, he's still a good character rewritten into a new universe. Naruto as an MC works extremely well too.
It's the series with Rock Lee, Gai and Jiraya so it's good
One of the most kino battles in all of anime.
>You got into the Storm games after stumbling upon a video of Jiraiya vs. Pain from Storm 2.
Seriously, that shit blew my mind. I just had to have it after seeing that.
I want Boruto: Naruto Next Generations: Ultimate Ninja Storm.
Don't make me rant on Sakura.
>Broke a friendship with someone who genuinely cared about her for muh sauce even when the attraction was just empty attraction and nothing serious
>Being fucking useless when things had to get done
>Tried to catfish Naruto into a relationship when even he full well she was addicted to the sauce out of desperation from not being able to do anything
>Being awful and shit for longer than she was ever decent or good
It's saying something when Karin was better than her and you're not supposed to like her at all. Ino deserved better.
It's saying a lot more when the spin-off was more entertaining. The Sasuke spin-off didn't even last halfway as long as Rock Lee's series.
Just a satisfying punch. Better than any punch on OnePunch Man, ironically.
>asspull powerup to suddenly be able to beat the unbeatable villain
at least finish reading or watching the story user.
I love the series dude, but Sasuke and Sakura are fucking atrociously written characters. Sasuke flips his allegiance on a dime for the pettiest of reasons. His actions make so little sense that they needed to retcon in “uchiha autism” as an excuse for his actions. Sakura being in love with Sasuke makes literally no sense and gets extremely tiresome after he tries to murder her multiple times and commits several violent terrorist acts. Naruto caring so much about Sasuke is endearing at first but gets old after the hundredth time the characters yell about saving Sasuke, and his dedication to rescuing Sasuke makes much less sense as the series goes on and Naruto actively tries to kill much less evil people than Sasuke.
>Kishimoto just transplanted Sasuke
friendly reminder Sasuke wasn't even originally supposed to exist
Kishi's editors stepped in and constantly said Naruto needed a rival or it wouldn't get the green light
Read all the posts you subhuman gangrenous shit brained limatoad
I explain my position farely well, and it has nothing to do with the hive mind
Ninjas are dumb and the main characters suck
>Zabuza was right
>Neji was right
>Pain was right
>Danzo was right
Has naruto literally ever been right?
>tfw you're getting jumped then you hear someone yell "I'LL START WITH 80%!"
I think people liked the idea of Naruto and then the show itself grew on them and even when it went to shit it was hard to stop. I dropped the anime quite early but kept reading the manga until the end.
The whole
>each country has a hidden village of ninjas
>ninjas do ninjamagic and fight the other villages in the shadows
was great but it quickly got turned into ninjas being just the police organisation of each country. Also the powercreep starting with Shippuuden was terrible.
Wasn't the Zabuza arc over in like 20 episodes?
No that's why in Boruto you see him so tired and jaded, He gave Shikmaru the green light to Danzo the other kages into submission
No way shippuden is great and had a fantastic end. Watch it
Fuck that would be pretty dope especially if you could keep the skills.
After he gained enough strength to make his words law. Moral of the story in naruto is might makes right and get those good genes
The whole seasons worth of dialogue with genkai leading to that showdown pretty much sets the whole thing up. Character, not just muscle is what Genkai was trying to train.
>The first half of Naruto(pre-timeskip) is how envious Naruto is of Sasuke's talents, but overcomes or "learns" from several of his failings due to BS chakra reserves or demon fox chakra saving him in a pinch
>all of this results via Sasuke's observations that Sasuke in turn is now envious of Naruto's "talents". So much to the point that he takes up an offer from Orochimaru's vessel posse to get stronger shortly after his butthurt
>meanwhile Sakura is useless the entire first half of the series and only exists as a plot point for both Naruto and by proxy Sasuke
>the second half is Naruto becoming more bearable as a person, but growing more and more of a BS character than any other shounen protag, Sasuke is still the same aloof and reasonably understandable douchebag that can't makeup his mind what he wants, and Sakura goes from being a total badass at the beginning of the timeskip to a useless sack of flesh for the remainder of the series
I enjoyed OPM for the animation, but I think it’s by far the single most overrated series in recent memory.
As a comedy series it’s very mediocre because there is literally only one joke that gets re-used over and over again.
As an actual Shounen action series it falls even flatter because most of the characters are just gags and none of the events have any weight or matter in the slightest when Saitama exists.
So what’s the appeal? It’s not the funny. It’s not that exciting. I don’t understand why the series is so popular. I actually read the manga and dropped it around the sea king arc before the show came out originally.
So, literally what Neji was saying the whole time
>Sasuke flips his allegiance on a dime
He was literally tortured as a child. As he grows up he becomes self centered then filled with hatred and an extreme sense of vindictiveness as a result of everyone close to him being brutally murdered for reasons he struggled to understand. Mainly because the reason was kept secret to him as part of a political struggle that you would actually see sometimes during feudalistic periods around the world.
Keep in mind that through the entire series up until his final battle with Naruto he's between the ages of 13 and 16, so yeah he's understandably impressionable and impulsive. He's actually pretty well written. Sakura on the other hand is just an extremely obsessive girl whose desperation becomes tied with said romantic interests. She is also only 13-16 through the 90% of the series.
That about sums it up.
Niggerfaggot zoomers and their shit anime
it's everything around it that makes it funny. You have this op fucker in a world full of monsters and amoral heroes. I guess it's hit or miss to some people
Naruto has been out for almost 18 years
you have 10 seconds to post your favorite naruto character before someone else does
claiming konan
yes neji was ultimately the most right, but naruto made himself right too
>shits on others for what they like
Truly the worst kind of autistic human
Itachi is the most powerful Uchiha, Madara and sauce were carried by their bullshit "lol I'm actually the reincarnation of a demigod", yet their eye hax was still garbage compared to his.
The bone dude. Idc to look him up but hot damn was his ability cool as fuck
>most of the characters are just gags and none of the events have any weight or matter in the slightest when Saitama exists
>I actually read the manga and dropped it around the sea king arc before the show came out originally
And there's your problem. You dropped the series before even seeing the significance of the other characters considering how little Saitama actually gets involved in most conflicts. And the reason the "reused joke" is funny not because it's used over and over, but because of the comedic timing or how it's utilized. He doesn't kill everything in one punch, heck he doesn't even defeat everyone with a punch. You'd know that if you kept reading it. But nobody's forcing you to keep forcing yoyrself to be entertained by OPM, just don't complain when you only saw a fraction of it.
Shusui and Fukagu were stronger
He wasn't included in the concept then Kishimoto was told that a shonen needs some kind of rivalry then made a decent character. Yeah , whatever.
>but overcomes or "learns" from several of his failings due to BS chakra reserves or demon fox chakra saving him in a pinch
More so because he found a mentor and step father to raise him so he wouldn't use his powers for evil and become overwhelmed to the point where a demonic entity of pure power would take his soul. He got a decent sense of morality through struggle then obtained true power through it, which is also the basis of, like, any coming of age story. It's also highlighted that being powerful in the universe doesn't just mean you're born with inherent power. A lot.
>Naruto becomes the most bs shonen protag
Not really
Yeah but that joke is just recycled every single chapter.
There’s this big nonsensical, melodramatic shounen story going on in the background but none of it holds weight because the main character can win any encounter in seconds. That’s literally the only joke. I think it works as a short story (40 chapters max), but as a long running series I think that the joke wears very thin. I suppose it all comes down to how much you like the character and your tolerance for hearing what is essentially the same joke told over and over again.
Again, I enjoyed it, but I would probably give it a 6/10. Maybe even a 7 at most just on the strength of the animation in season 1.
is this the comfy Naruto thread?
>Endure hardship and obtain power and you can change the world for the better if you so choose
I mean, he kind of nailed that
Rock Lee baby
Nah he's retarded.
I dropped the manga but I have seen both seasons of the anime. I enjoy it to an extent, although I wouldn’t be at all bothered if there was never a season 3. I agree that the comedic timing and implementation of the joke is good, but I just think that the same joke re-used in different ways isn’t enough to really carry the series. Especially now that the animation isn’t that good.
That's wrong.
>It's saying something when Karin was better
No, she wasn't, obvious Tentenfag aka Whofag.
>Naruto becomes a literal god by the end of the series, only being comparable to Sasuke
Sorry Boruto retcons this fact, but I guess I am wrong for making that claim when Goku continues to exist.
>tfw My Hero is giving me the wonder I got from Naruto
I want to read it so bad so I can catch up, but the voice acting and animation of the show is just too good.
Not sure why there's so many Zabuza arc dickriders, the first 20 episodes of Naruto were the worst. Zabuza arc was a huge boring cliche compared to the rest of Original Naruto and even most of Shippuden
The second season doesn't even begin to do OPM justice, so you have every reason to be disappointed by that notion.
You’re acting like being a reclusive nerd is being special, you dumb snowflake.
Anime is mainstream as fuck now, unless you want to count your retarded “moe” slice of life shit. Which nobody gives a fuck about unless you are an incel.
Neji ended up being right.
Naruto? He failed to change anything though. As we’re shown by boruto, war continues to exist. As a hokage, Naruto seems to be so overwhelmed with paperwork and beurocratic bullshit that he actually achieves less than he did as a teenager. What did naruto actually achieve?
Madara was a cool dude.
shisui was one crazy strong motherfucker, but itachi had time on his side to become a keikaku mastermind
when it comes to Naruto
a literal who is always better than Bitchra
Preserving the Shinobi alliance which isn't much but in their world is a big deal
I actually think that I laughed more during season 2 than season 1. As you said before, at the beginning the series hasn’t really hit is stride yet with the character interactions and mostly just involved saitama hitting things once. The animation and fight scenes were a hundred times better in the first season though. A combination of the season one animation and season 2 humour could be pretty enjoyable I guess.
so, Yea Forums, ever read Naruto fanfics?
Water Style Jutsu was the best.
I like Kabuto. His medical stuff was always cool.
I could never get into fanfics because they were pretty poor in quality to me
Did we ever see Fugaku's feats?
I did and I couldn't stop for a while. It's addicting.
>Boruto retcons his God like status
Not even a little, his only main fights have been with other god like figures , and to be more precise he's more like a demigod in that he's still technically being guided by the Sage of Six Paths (an Otsutski whose powers still aren't really revealed and who didn't actually create the universe just gave chakra to a medieval era mankind some centuries ago)
Demigods and etc mythical heroes get killed off in actual mythological works btw. Naruto is honestly a decently written "modern" version of an epic hero from a Japanese perspective.
I'd like to but i'm not reading fucking naruto of all shit.
You recommedin' or we just shootin' the shit?
you fucking got that right
The show doesn't respect its own message for one. 35:38 to TL;DW
It’s just epic contrarianism. With the exception of Episode 1 and the actual fight with Haku and Zabuza, the first 20 or so episodes of Naruto are extremely boring. Mostly he just messes around prancing people and learning very basic ninja techniques. Chuunin exams are where the series really hits its stride. The quality then goes up and down until the war arc begins and it just nosedives into the ground.
Say whatever the hell you want about Naruto, but damn I love the half-feudal half-semi-modern stylings of Konoha.
Dude, Boruto takes place in an era of peace after the apocalypse was prevented by none other than Naruto. He also somehow has preserved international peace, all we've seen so far are fucking coup attempts so weak that literal children stop them before they even have a chance to start an actual war.
I liked the fem!Naruto x Shino fic.
>character so OP that is unavailable from the beginning of the game
>DLC eyes no longer on the market
Yeah it's a huge mixed bag, you could get absolute shit or very, very rarely something god like
then you find out it hasn't been updated in several years
>what are ayy lmaos?
It was fucking bullshit they didn't delve into medical jutsu more. So much could have been.
As opposed to what? "Deep" shows like Evangelion that aren't actually deep, but are just filled with shitty characters and a horrible plot?
I've seen all of naruto and shippuden it wasn't worth it
ninjutsu is from aliens
mmm yes yes videogames
This hurts me more than it should.
Reminder that this guy has 3 backstories.
The manga never fully elaborated on him.
Remove Storm. Bring back OG Ultimate Ninja and Clash of Ninja.
Anyone who is a fan of Naruto tried to bite their thumbs at least once to make the summon jutsu.
Naruto is good.
Hunter X Hunter is good.
One Peace (manga) is good.
Yuyu Hakusho is good.
Jojo is good (after part 1).
Evangelion is good.
Tatami Galaxy is good.
Satoshi Kon is good.
GitS is good.
Why do you guys have to be so contrarian all the time. Can’t you just enjoy good things?
>"Here's that Dark Souls game you wanted, honey. Happy Birthday!"
Ever heard of Ninja Sex Party?
Yes, mini-jannies.
This thread BAD
>mention certain shonens are horrible
>"I bet you watch mature anime for mature people like yourself!"
Some anime are just shit designed for mass children appeal.
There's only one answer....
Look at all that boomer shit.
Why did you remind me this game exists, user?
I got your video games right here
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Chunin exams
Dude, I work as an EMT and have had to deal with pretty major shit like fast flowing arterial bleeds, collapsed lungs, heart attacks, gore from pretty epic car crashes, and I'm pretty used to dealing with that stuff at this point... but that entire sequence with Orochimaru is still disturbing to me on many different levels. Not even sure why.
Even the gore in mangas like Akira and Berserk don't bother me as much as that entire sequence when you're not sure if these 3 kids are going to be tortured to death. Maybe it's just because I first saw that as a kid but goddamn
SnK is a seinen
That time he tricked Kakashi with his necromancy bullshit before James Bonding through a window was rad as hell.
does anyone have the doujin where Naruto transforms into Sasuke and tricks Sakura
Thanks mom, juggling is my favorite.
That's not even war tho it's like 3 or 4 overpowered faggots trying to stir shit in an otherwise unified world
Who would win in a fight between Naruto and Ichigo?
I really liked the puzzle tile stuff in the uzimaki chronicles game. It wasn't as cool in the second game cause the shapes were mostly squares and you didn't have to put too much thought into it. Still fun
Mushishi is great actually. Shonen are just coming of age stories mostly, something that is extremely over-saturated in today's media.
There are a lot of other animes that are quality which don't come from that genre
Naruto can't see Ichigo so he loses.
the Gaara fight after the chuunin exams was the peak. It never even got close to that moment for years. and while there were a handful of good fights, it was so dragged out by then it was impossible to care. That shit was spread so thin it was impossible to like.
pretty sure ichigo falls under natural bullshit or limbo-tier so naruto could sense him
ninja info cards
yeah because he's a 4 breed mutt
>That time Kabuto tried to kill Sasuke.
Why exactly did he do that when it would completely ruin Orochimaru's plans despite being portrayed as Snakeman's fanboy?
You kinda answered your own question there
Kishimoto previewed from the start Sasuke would share the focus on naruto shippuden from the start.
That's the reason he added "shippuden" to the name of the story as it's resembled as NS (Naruto & Sasuke)
Can't Naruto characters see ghosts?
Idk man , Gaara vs Deidara was pretty sick too. Also, Hidan and Kakazu are underrated af.
My big issue with stuff like naruto (and bleach) aside from the boring storylines is that the fights just aren't that exciting. Something DBZ (manga), JoJo, Kengan, OP, etc get right is they manage to make the fights feel lively and frenetic. Nardo and the nardo-likes spend too much time explaining the action and the choreography is often awful.
Has anyone did this?
Man, forgetting an image, that's normal and happens all the time.
But forgetting a link, now that's a first for me.
The only way to ensure you are never defeated is to self-destruct before you can lose.
>boring storylines
>Is a JoJo fag
The absolute state
>I don't like these asspull animes
>Oh boy remember that time where that Stand user pulled that power effect out of their asses and completely turned the table?! Ebin
>Hidan and Kakazu
That entire conversation between shikamaru and his father after Asuma gets killed in front of him hits hard, dude
When'd I say asspull? I said the fights are boring because the characters spend too much time explaining what's happening.
This song.
could madara defeat GER?
>that kid in school who mastered that hand sign shit
The context of a fight is pretty vital in how interesting it's gonna be. Any famous boxing fight is so usually because of the context of the fighters and what they stand to gain/ lose, for example. Even in fiction.I mean, the entire Rocky movie is just explaining the context and meaning behind the fight itself while the actual fight lasts less than like 5 minutes in the film.
You said JoJo has live and frenetic fights. Power explaining is all the do in JoJo when they aren't pulling shit out of their asses and making shit up as they go, which isn't frenetic, its frantic, and its not the fight in itself that is frantic, but the writing.
>tfw that kid was you
>that kid who did the run
>Ninjas are dumb
ninja doesn't exist irl so they can be anything Kishimoto want it to be
>the main characters suck
have sex
I like Jojo but I don’t think it could ever be used as an example of good writing OR good fights. It’s basically just nonsense 95% of the time. The whole thing is dumb and doesn’t make any sense, but that’s what makes it entertaining.
I did the run because of Sonic.
>dragon ball z
This. Dragon Ball is kino but Z, GT and especially Super are all fucking trash
Your video is boring, if you want to rant at least do it in an entertaining way. I have seen less moronic shit from friends complaining about stuff.
Shitting on Naruto is EASY. Unbelievable that you fucked up even by doing that.
he got shafted bros
>mfw I was that kid
But canonically has a big dick. So there's that.
dragon ball isn't even that good, just a shitty gag manga about a monkey kid steamrolling all his opponents
Bleach was always cooler (seriously it feels like if the writer only did things because they were cool) but Naruto had the better kino moments
It's because his bugshit is potentially broken. There is a reason Kishimoto wrote him out of the Sasuke Retrieval Mission.
God fucking damn it, I saw that pic first time on Narutoforums. Probably when it was an OC. It's cursed.
I like that it’s just a nice lighthearted adventure
Which of Naruto's class had the most underused potential to become cool?
>first scene is about a blonde dude on a giant frog fighting a giant fox
>next scene shows MC is a blonde kid with fox whiskers
>d-dude this series is about hardwork beating talent i tell you what
What a dumb nigger
pls explain
I need more if we are talking about canonical big bug dick
Give the series a chance, it seems to be shaping up a bit.
The sound village dudes. They died too soon and we never got to see any sound ninjas doing anything else in the manga.
>I have seen less moronic shit from friends complaining about stuff
>Expecting something of an almost 40 year old farmer
A guy calling himself Plague of Gripes doesn't exactly gain infamy by his highly comical value
While Naruto and others were taking a scrub to bathe and talking, Naruto peaked on Shino's groin and was surprised. Elephant noise and a thick worm for the innuendo.
I'm really curious about what kinds of fucked up bugs he has for special attacks.
>That episode where the hot hyuga bitch forced him to drink causing all of his bugs to explode out of his body and terrorize town.
I don't remember that filler. Is Shino a walking anti-ninja apocalypse?
Yeah, It's by far the highest point.
His body is filled with millions of ravenous chakra devouring parasites.
Lol non, he is drawfag who does shit for e celebs for attentions
>Sasuke is literally a free man
>Orochimaru is a free "man"
>The guy who stole the Kage Bunshin roll is probably rotting in a cell
That’s damn funny
sage. back to gaia you nigger
one piece and dbz are great faggot
retard should have helped with the ninja apocalypse
He was still OP as fuck with his bugs
Also he got a lot of filler time, which is good if you liked the character.
I knew Summoning Jutsu and Raikiri's hand signs by heart for a good 6 months. Every time I did Summoning Jutsu I would bite my thumb and press my hand against something to be accurate, but I never broke the skin because I'm a pussy.
Clash of Ninja 2 and 4 are fucking great
>game is called donkey kong
>you play as mario
Me on the right
Bleach going to shit annoys me less than the way Naruto went to shit because while it was a bigger mess it didn’t actively go against its own themes the way Naruto ended up doing. I guess it helped not really having any message to begin with.
who else likes Kakashi, he's badass
Kubo obviously never gave a fuck about the story and put all of his attention in style. It was a mess but boy was it a fun mess to follow.
I mean yeah, he got nerfed hard after the the 4th Great War but he is still top 3 of the best characters in the entire series
Who cares about hard work when you're the reincarnation of the Ninja-Jesus. Kishi really undermined all that he worked for in part 1 with that shit at the end.
He always did the coolest shit with his jutsus compared to the rest of the cast; Shikamaru did smarter stuff and Lee did the best hand-to-hand stuff but when it came to just having the coolest-looking big moves it was always Kakashi. His Ultimate Ninja supers where he fucking Raikiri's you back and forth across the sky before planting you into the dirt are the coolest shit.
Might Guy
This fight is kino
Who are your other top 3?
Mine as far as likeability goes Kakashi, Jiraiya, maybe Shippuden Sasuke until Kage Summit when he goes full retard. Hashirama is pretty based too though
rock lee is a little bitch, might guy is all that mattered
How did this fight in particular get so popular? It's basically a sensation among anime fans in general. Did it just happen to come out at the right time?
It's because they have chemistry unlike canon Team 7.
>Shino's ultimate technique turns the fight into that one doujin by Date.
I'll let everybody take their more obvious favorites like Kakashi, Lee, Shikamaru, and the like (all of whom are great) so I can grab the 4th Raikage. I dropped the series before he showed up but I played as him in one of the Storm games and knew he was my guy.
your have every right to call Fairy Take trash. It's a copycat of One Piece except it's Wizards and shit. But the rest you have no right to call it out because without it manga would not exist today.
It's pretty much the end of the tournament and both Garaa and Lee ended up being great additions to the series.
>whole "believe it!" thing killed it for me
>he watched dub and complains its bad
>village is fill with not!blacks and aryans
>Aryan genes are dominant
What did he mean by this?
I've never really had a consistent answer desu, but kakashi is always in there
Good animation that had months of hype behind it and lived up to every gram of that hype.
God I hate how irrelevant bushy brow becomes after he fights Kimimaro
Without it manga being made today might be less shit
For the longest time, I always said and read Shikamaru as Shikimaru. I don't know why.
Naruto really was pretty good at least until it got hodgepodge in the Shippuden arcs. But even that had some fantastic fights.
I can't get into a lot of modern shonen because the arcs just aren't as fun or iconic.
She was. Yes, she's trash but that's why she works: She's a bad character but she's likeable because she's so awful and a villain. You're supposed to make the main heroine likeable and she's not.
Also I'm an inofag
he didn't try to kill him
I've seen all of it and it was definitely worth it
[spoilers] you mean primordial, space faring demigods you fucking retarded [/spoiler]
>The action has more asspulls than Jojo
Literally impossible.
Jojo has way more dumb asspulls than even asspull cities like Hunter x Hunter
zoom zoom!
how does everyone feel about shino in boruto?
So it was a solid show for like 10 episodes? Fuck off Chuunin exams arc was great.
It's everything good about shounen condensed into one fight.
>Relatively high stakes as the loser is eliminated from the Exams
>Ideological divide is massive between the two fighters
>Both fighters' method of fighting reflects their personal ideology perfectly
>Underdog dynamic to an extreme; Jinchuriki whose ability is basically Auto-Guard on top of a very versatile weapon vs a guy who can only punch and kick
>THE [removes weighted clothing] moment, to this day, no contest
>Gaara starts to panic when he has to start actively participating in the fight while Lee is tearing his body apart with absolute confidence
>The concept of the Gates is an actually good addition to the series; it feels like an evolution of the Kaioken idea with more explanation on how it works
>Primary & Hidden Lotus are both fucking awesome
>Guy, Kankuro, and Temari provide good commentary and background on Lee & Gaara between major moments
>Anime put the fucking money into the fight; it's fantastic in motion the whole way through
>Lee both has a moral victory and a hollow one, with Guy regretting pushing him to this point
>Payoff to the character arc this fight sets Gaara on during the Kimimaro fight and throughout Shippuden whenever Gaara isn't an edgy douche like he was when he was introduced
God damn I still get excited when I think about Lee dropping the weights.
was gonna go with onoki but kurotsuchi is in pole position now
Naruto has surprisingly a big amount of attractive chararacters, few shonen compare i.m.o
>Not Sasuke
Ok retard
The Yellow Chad of Konoha
Naruto himself is pretty hot. Pretty glad he became a chick magnet after the war
Naruto came out in 1999, you dumb fuck.
Sasuke is pretty much officially banished from all villages and a wanderer now
Orochimaru is still probably a top class criminal but nobody wants to imprison him because he's still far too dangerous.
Is it me or Google has been preventing people from saving pics in their normal size lately?
nu-jojo isn't jojo
Yeah, zoom zoom out of this thread please.
>Hinata gets to wake up to this every night
It's all made by the same person you bungus
You're both retarded on so many levels I can't even...
>Nagato: "Dude if we just kill everyone the world will be at peace finally, btw I'm a god because I was smart enough to get used by a guy whose real name I don't even know lol
>Obito gets used by the guy who murdered his childhood qt who convinced him that he was the savior mankind
>Madara gets manipulated by a deep space demon to enslave all mankind because he's too much of a retarded sperg to get over his brother dying after a century of having time to grieve
Naruto , on the other hand, actually gets his shit together instead of brooding over his miserable life into an early grave
Anko deserved a better storyline.
>Using Google
And it all progressively gets worse.
Literally perfect
Hinata getting a happy ending gives me hope for this world.
The fucking Bing rewards aren't avaliable in my country to make the change easier.
and I have all my stuff on Google. I buy using Google, log in using Google, have my email on Google. I'm sorry man but they got me by the balls.
You have zero taste.
>it seems to be shaping up a bit.
It's been great from the start.
Dude, he was such a horny fuck when he was a kid. Just imagine all the weird shit he made Hinata do because you just KNOW she was the ultimate sub.
Sasuke is like the leaf's CIA
Orochimaru still keep close contact the leaf under Naruto government
>zero taste
Get the fuck outta here blatant newfag
>blatant newfag
Screaming "newfag" at people doesn't make you right, nigger.
Dude, Boruto is nothing but shitty filler with no central plot besides >muh chakra aliums. It constantly lives in the shadow of the original series it was based off of and has done next to no new world building
It's weak af
How are you so dumb that you didn’t understand the motivation of a villain in a literal children’s cartoon. That wasn’t Nagato’s plan at all. He intended to use the 10 tailed beast as a weapon to deter war, not to “kill everyone”. Fucking dumb ass.
>pressure point release, x-ray anal, shadow clone gang bang/bukake, beastality
Naruto would do some crazy kinky stuff with Hinata.
People shit on Sakura for being useless when Kakashi is by far the most overrated and useless main character in the series. He BARELY won against Zabuza and would have straight up lost if Naruto and Sasuke didn't save his ass, and besides that never won a canon fight again for the rest of the show lol. He put himself in the hospital for two arcs after using his sharingan training wheel to job trying to kill Deidara.
>and has done next to no new world building
This alone shows you're just following the popular opinion, that statement becomes false with the first episode.
>I'm going to deter war and bring about peace by nuking half the world every century
How are you retarded enough to think that this would deter war or prevent conflict? You ever seen Mad Max? Nagato even admits he only thought this would work because he was blinded by hatred and fooled.
>It's meant for children
Dude, it's an epic. It's not more meant for children than Beowulf or the Epic of Gilgamesh.
>Inb4 brainlet sperging
Yeah, that's IT though. That's all we got. We got the eventual promise of
>New stuff is coming guys we swear
In about 3 minutes of footage that's implies Naruto dies and Boruto's eyes matter after the Leaf Village is destroyed again.
So far it's done nothing to actually progress us into that scenario.
Bleach has worse storyline, worldbuilding, less interesting powers/combat mechanics and animation (if we talking anime). The only potentially "good" thing is that the art style is "cooler" and "more mature".
Whats even weirder is that Kurama is watching ALL OF IT whether he wants to or not
he was a cool guy though. 80% of the reason why people shit on sakura was because she was a bitch and shallow
>the narrative has always been that Naruto was alone and miserable
>had no friends and parents kept their kids away from him
>suddenly retconned that he's best friends with Shikamaru and Choji
some retcons did improve the series, but this wasn't one of them
>80% of the reason why people shit on sakura was because she was a bitch and shallow
Yeah, because most people are afraid of female characters having personality.
Bleach literally only had two good arcs.
literally anyone in universe can do that
>anime is completely unwatchable because of the filler
good thing the entire anime is out now, so you can just, you know, skip the fucking filler?
You didn't even read the post you're replying to, you're a retard AND a tasteless fuck.
Why did she laugh though? Like what about Madara is so funny that you burst into laughter when you see him? I think he's pretty cool.
>he's best friends with Shikamaru and Choji
Not even, they're all just delinquents in the same class. Not really best friends , more just that they end up around each other somehow through bad behavior and that only happens a few times.
Now I'm not saying that Orochimaru is weak, but he wouldn't be able to do anything to Madara user.
>One Piece and DB fucking huge, even multitudes larger than Naruto
>Naruto has the best games, not only fighting games but adventure games like Rise of a Ninja
>Bleach doesn't even have a single 7/10 game
Rock Lee should have had that Might Guy moment. That Rock Lee didn't surpass Guy was such a shame.
But they are also shown to play and laugh together if I'm not mistaken.
What we think it's cool can be seen as childish to other people.
Manimefags are retarded
>implying Kurama doesn't take over Naruto to fuck Hinata from time to time
If it was up to him, Naruto and Hinata would have lots more kids.
I did read the post I replied to, you're just too much of a fucking moron to understand it. Idiot.
>Using Bleach in the same comparison as One Piece, Dragon Ball, and Naruto
Yeah a few times, but then Shikamaru's and Choji's parents show up and it's implied that they want to keep their kids away from Naruto as much as possible.
Iruka is still the first genuinely healthy personal relationship Naruto gets, even after all the retcons.
>One Piece
>multitudes larger than Naruto
In Japan, yeah, but every else...
The zabuza and chunin exam arcs were animekino, but the show went to shit after that. Also, naruto is unironically the shittiest naruto character
Bleach was a member of the Big 3. Lately people have been confusing Dragon Ball as part of it when it never was.
No, I dislike Sakura because she's bitch and shallow. Most of the reasons people don't is because they say she's useless, even though she did more than Kakashi ever did
>and would have straight up lost if Naruto and Sasuke didn't save his ass
He would've won if he didn't have three dumb kids and a civillian to protect.
>never won a canon fight again for the rest of the show
He was consistently put up against fucking Hokage+ tier opponents, that's why. He was also useful as fuck against Obito you retard.
Shadow jutsu is not hard to learn. And about forbidden jutsu, there is a great misconception about what forbidden means.
Because it doesn't mean that it's forbidden to learn, it means that it shouldn't be used because all forbidden jutsus inflict self harm unless you have special circumstances. Each shadow clone halves your chakra pool, that's why it's forbidden. But Naruto has such a ridiculous amount of chakra that there is no danger.
>"and has done next to no new world building"
>"that statement becomes false with the first episode."
>"We got the eventual promise of "New stuff is coming guys we swear"'
You did not read the post, you ignored it and continued on with your own version of reality.
Now you're getting mad and defending your retardation instead of just letting it be.
Kakashi's only purpose was to job to make the bad guy look better because Kakashi has this "cool" factor surrounding him and hyped as a genius and prodigy, even though those words have been used for multiple characters.
Why would someone as smart as Shikaku not want his kid to socialize with Naruto?
This game was quality, the sequel too.
... Okay how high are you right but or are you just normally that stupid where you can't sit logic so basic that it's on the level of grade school arithmetic?
Re-read what you just wrote. Christ.
Because Naruto's social stats were nearly zero because he was seen as the demon fox. Associating with Naruto would bring down his kid's reputation, along with his clan.
Bleach has ALWAYS been shit, though.
It was only considered a "member of the Big 3" because it was pushed so hard.
>Best Naruto game is stuck on the Xbox
Literally how did this happen?
Cope Kakashifag. Obito literally let him win so he could pierce the curse tag. Pay attention autist.
>he's still raging
Funny how they actually address this in Ninja Storm 3.
>tfw got into Narututu in the first place because it was popular on Yea Forums, way before sage bombs
It was popular in the US so Yea Forums being contrarian started to hate it. Narutard newfags acting like newfags didn't help to improve the situation either.
fucking hair on my arms and leg just stood up
that art
that fight
Probably so his kid doesn't become as stigmatized as Naruto by mere association with him, also out of fear that Naruto would sperg out and become the Nine Tails.
Idk, you just see a scene of Shikaku getting his son and Choji away from Naruto , while he ignores Naruto completely, as Naruto becomes the last kid to leave the playground in the Iruka filler
>they start playing shogi
>dad fucks with him the entire time, trying to provoke him
>shikamaru finally loses it
great cinematography and animation in that episode too
Naruto fans act almost as autistic as Sonic fans, so that isn't a surprise.
>figures out simple things
>200+ IQ
>smartest ninja in years
Are ninjas retarded?
inoshikacho duo best shit in shonen brukowski
>Best boy is a jobber and never gets his moment to shine
It's not fair.
I didn't mean their 1 on 1 fight, I meant Kakashi figuring Kamui out and sending shit into the other dimension to fuck Obito up.
Copyright music. Ubisoft won't touch it with a 10ft pole neither will MS.
>He's still that retarded
... Okay I'm just gonna repeat myself then. Boruto barely does any new world building. You're just a retarded contrarian if you think otherwise
>he's still raging
Didn't he actually beat Zabuza?
Fun fact: Shikamaru's character declined in the Hidan and Kakuzu arc. Almost everything he says now is about Shogi, which is pretty much Japanese Checkers that disguises itself as Chess.
How do ninja even exist? You got a problem with a guy you can just roll up on his block and let your .40 bang
>He finally realized
>Jump Force was garbage
>OPM: the hero nobody knows looks garbage
>Good ultimate ninja storm successor never
fucking loved that game, even bought every fucking full priced re-release they'd do every couple of months when they thought they had enough new characters to add.
But only Naruto does. What is a hero but a man who does the things others wont.
>Bleach doesn't even have a single 7/10 game
>he's still raging
Team 7's whole shtick was that they were a dysfunctional match up. It was like mixing water and oil and turning the flame up higher. Kishimoto just couldn't make it endearing and have them properly grow.
This game was good but you could juggle everyone to death. That's how I cheesed the single-player, but that was true even against humans
Literally none of that mattered because it was Obito's plan to have the curse seal broken to absorb the ten tails anyways. Everyone else in Naruto Kakashi's rank or lower was able to beat the same level opponents he got shit on by, like Sakura and Sasori and Guy and Kisame.
I'd like to add this was the first moment anyone stole the spotlight off Naruto and Sasuke. He was the only genin at the time who showed he had the ability to compete with them, aside from Gaara and Neji, and he was the first of them all to steal the spotlight and in a massive way.
Thing is though it wouldn't have been a similarily outstsanding moment even if Neji had got that attention since the build up wasn't there.
Maybe My Hero Academia will one day get a good game like it. I'm more hoping for Bleach getting one, but it's pretty obvious that won't happen.
Please tell me there's a doujin where he incorporates this into his sex life with Hinata.
>Everything he says is about shogi
I mean they've beaten the "what is the true King" thing to death in Boruto but objectively improves as a man after Hidan and Kakazu before that. I don't think he mentions the game much at all in Shippuden desu. The fuck you talkin bout
All the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games are great though.
4 and 5 are overall better than 3 and the only thing 3 has over 4 and 5 is being able to assign multiple ultimate jutsu for 98% of the roster.
oh shit is this rise of the ninja
that game was fucking awesome
Idk, technological process in the series is pretty fucked. They gave television but no one was smart enough to make a basic musket somehow
I'm still waiting for one where they switch and Naruto uses the Sexy jutsu to become Naruko and Hinata uses the transformation jutsu to make herself a dick and become a futa
I demand another (You)
1 and 4 are inferior to 2 and 3.
Togashi, you lazy fucker.
Anko a best.
Mechanically, 4 is fine, but the story mode was short as fuck. Not the game's fault though.
I mean, for like most of the world it was pretty endearing. Pretty sure you're the exception here m8
Especially as fat.
Man I loved the Naruto games. They managed to get me hooked and invested in the story. I started watching the anime and reading the manga because of them.
Death City...home
Yes, considering the guy that made people hate the fox demon kid and didn't think anything could go wrong was hokage, Konoha literally got lucky he turned out to be an idealist.
A lot of people bitch about Team 7, so I'm definitely not an exception.
Limitation of the writer, Kishimoto obviously doesn't have 200+ IQ so he can't realisticly write character who does. You can do that in a sci fi show a la Carter from Stargate, but you can't do it regarding battle strategy in an anime like this.
Maybe you could argue that he figures out simple shit in the heat and stress of a battle in a matter of seconds (keep in mind that fights in naruto are actually way faster, since the characters aren't literally talking to themselves in their minds about what they're gonna do) and that's how he's so smart.
2 yes, 3 no. 4 is better than 3.
He does beat him, but untill Zabuza he literally never has any trouble, while fighting Zabuza he has to go "all out".
Man the sound ninja team got written out of the story so lamely, shame to since they had cool designs and sound powers are sadly underplayed.
I’ll never forgive Kishi for doing that to her.
>Have steller games out of almost all anime/manga adaptions.
>Series is famous across the anime industry.
>Multiple mangas take inspiration from it, even popular ones like MHA and Black Clover.
>Fanart daily.
>Have autistic fans making fanfics taking the series more seriously than he ever did.
>Was so big Yea Forums had to ban discussion of it back in the day.
Is Masashi Kishimoto the Chad Mangaka?
That would be Kubo. Pisses off fans and gives no fucks.
>A lot of people
Still a minority. I don't think you fully understand just how popular this anime is. Team 7 bonding despite their differences is like the entire main plot of the anime , and yeah, after like 15 year it does mind of grow on you
You're confusing Chad with Troll.
I can't believe a Naruto thread on Yea Forums reached bump limit and had more in-depth discussion than the Yea Forums threads.
>made the most hyped moment in the franchise turn to shit just so he could draw huge animals all the time
>everyone is fine with it and it even got a sequel that doesn't need his input
I wish I was him
>made the most hyped moment in the franchise turn to shit just so he could draw huge animals all the time
I forgot what that moment was.
I really want a What if movie where Naruto and Sasuke switch places. Would be interesting.
It helps that the games are good, I remember the Ultimate games on the PS2 pushing the hardware harder with every entry
You should catch /ck/ threads on Yea Forums for maximum comfy
That was basically Kakashi and Obito.
Why did this series have to die? It's not fair.
>Sakura vs Sasori
that was mainly Chiyo though
>Guy and Kisame
Guy literally counters Kisame, he had easier matchup against him. Guy is still stronger than Kakashi though, I'm not denying that.
>We never got Uzumaki Chronicles 2 that adapted Shippuden.
A grave fucking sin.