Game can't decide what it wants to be

>game can't decide what it wants to be
What's her name?

Attached: 1562723113128.webm (960x720, 1.72M)

Bethesda's post-morrowind catalogue

Fire Emblem Heroes

what game is this?

How was that even made, is it just footage neatly tied together? I'm assuming the map and DS boss is gmod with everything else juxtaposed in?

>he doesn't know

A lot

I kind of would like a version of dark souls where you can play as doom guy

Looks like CoD4

That's runescape

Looks like modded minecraft to me

Lego Star Wars you donut.

>what game is this?
Video Game 2: Electric Boogaloo

It's Super Mario 64's sequel.

>How was that even made, is it just footage neatly tied together? I'm assuming the map and DS boss is gmod with everything else juxtaposed in?
I would unironically play it even if it were a broken piece of shit.

Its literally Garrys Mod, with you know, mods.

Map, boss and weapon are GMOD, overlay was added in video editing

Lego Star Wars: Call of Super Mario Kart Souls Grand Theft Auto 64, you casual fucking zoomer.

>rs map moved with perspective
never noticed this before, absolutely great

also would unironically play this (or a facsimile thereof)

You missed the Overwatch and Minecraft.

My game since it's currently Max Payne with a Megaman style progression system

LEGO MineScape 64Watch: The Fire Fades Edition Double Dash

You know what I hate? The recent trend commiefornians are pushing where they call everything "she" and treat the items features like human features in ways that dont make sense.

So for example they would bite an apple and say shit like, "oh she's brave, she's strong, she sexy", which translates into, "its alright".

I hate it. It's so stupid

user... Sailors have been referring to their boats as "she" for literal centuries. This isn't a new thing

Faggot this post format has been on Yea Forums for years before you discovered chan culture through reddit

Nigger, as the others mentioned, it's been a staple on Yea Forums ever since its inception and the reference is centuries old.
Also, many user's first language use gender for nearly all nouns. To them a gendered inanimate object is quite normal.

>Peach: "Those guys are out fighting on the lawn again."
>Mario: "Yeah, there ah they are."
>Peach: "Well? Do something?"
>Mario: "What ah do you want ah me to do? They have guns and sheet."
>Peach: "That's it, I'm calling Bowser."
>Mario: "Oh, come on!"
>Peach: "This is your own fault. I'm calling him."
>Mario: "Princess, please."
>Peach: "You should just go home. He'll take care of everything."
>Mario: "Maybe I could ah help him or..."
>Peach: "No. Not necessary. In fact, we're going to want our privacy tonight."
>Mario: "But ah princess!"
>Peach: "Bye Mario! I'll probably call for you after the weekend is over."

have sex


There's a VERY clear distinction between what I said and what you are referring to. I feel like you knew that but wanted to be an ass for no reason

The fact I didnt call out OP for it should've been the clue you needed to know that I'm not talking about his post at all. The "her" bit reminded me of that gay shit. I knew Yea Forums was filled with idiots but this is too much

possibly the dumbest post of all time

You made a retarded blog and people called you a retard. Fuck off.

Lego wars 64:Grand theft kart souls 2: Doomcraft of overwatch duty.

Forgot about Portal

I can see there is heavy autism in this particular thread and you are looking for someone to shit on to alleviate your anger.

I just wanted to talk about some gay bullshit that's going on but you dumb assholes would rather just rage at me for things I didn't do or say than discuss it or even to tell me its if topic

And Fortnite.

Most men refer to their car as a she
boats are usually referred to as female too

this has been a thing forever

nah you're just a knuckledragger

Things incels say

The Darksiders series, immensely.

Not video games, consider suicide.

Attached: 1549479645759.gif (406x449, 1.4M)

california wont even let latino's say latino or latina its latinx now
so I dont know what you're talking about when you say commiefornians refer to everything as she, they literally hate gendered language

Awwww, does baby need her diapie changed? Yes she does! Yes she does!

Seems to be: Doom, Lego Starwars, Dark Souls 3, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, GTA, Overwatch, Minecraft, and Fortnite all at once. A true cancer classic.