Is this worth playing or is it just another generic GTA clone?
Is this worth playing or is it just another generic GTA clone?
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Unironically better than any GTA. Though that's not saying much
it's a really good game, fantastic story
Good undercover cop action game
It's a good ride, didn't play the expacs tho
Wei is really funny when he's not being a edgy asshole
I played it a few years back and remember enjoying it. Some of the DLC was worth it. Plus, you can get the whole package for like $5 USD. Way more than worth it at that price imo.
It's a GTA clone with awful driving, and gunplay. The combat is basically BamHam. Still enjoyable if you can get it cheap.
>inb4 some retard mentions Yakuza
Wait for sales, they are very good always.
Are you the faggot who complained about his asian gf buying you Sleeping Dogs in the other thread?
Its enjoyable for a single playthrough. Each individual aspect of the game is mediocre but threaded together through the story it makes for a pretty fun ride.
Totally worth it, it's got a fun combat system and driving system and a decent enough story.
It's liberal horseshit.
Every open world game needs a classical music station
Driving is unironically more fun than GTA, ramming shit is gr8
It has to be him
I think the story is alrght. One of my favorite tropes is for the undercover cop to actually bond with his cover.
It just controls horribly. Feels really janky despite the ramming mechanic. It's serviceable.
How can you guys like the story when the MC is insufferable?
Decent game that really captures the atmosphere of HK. The radio stations are really good.
How is it liberal? Aren't you a chinese cop for the commie government?
What's wrong with Wei?
It's a perfectly averageish game, it tries to do a little bit of everything that you see in other open world games. But it works well enough. Besides guns, they kinda suck. But they aren't exactly the main focus either, apparently the DLC is also good but I only bothered with the not-old school martial arts tournament one.
Huh? There's nothing wrong with Wei at all. He can be a stubborn idiot but that's kinda of the point.
The kung fu is fun
Him getting in too deep with the Triad while still trying to act morally superior to Pendrew is fucking retarded. Him sperging out at the funeral is the worst scene in the game. His super violent rogue cop past is only mentioned once and never comes into play because he's too much of a goody two shoes.
>sperging out at the funeral
I think you might be autistic.
I'll agree partially on the first part because even I thought he was kinda being a hypocrite.
>His super violent rogue cop past is only mentioned once and never comes into play
user do you not recall what he did to the final dude you fight in the story?
Wei's whole motivation is taking down the Triads. Why the fuck should he question making an arrest at a funeral and letting the gangs kill each other when he used to torture and murder gang members?
Yeah it's pretty funny but he shouldn't have shown anyone sympathy besides Jackie.
Your mileage may vary.
because he grew a personal connection to Winston and the wife, and respected Winston in a weird way
both, really
how the fuck, I barely got 80 hours to 100% everything
I fuck around a lot in games that let me fuck around.
I wish they make more of this
So many hongkong crime-martial arts movie
So few games
I only know this and the PS1 Jackie Chan game
but there's nothing to do in SD
There's a PS2 Jet Li game called Rise to Honor.
Great storymode, but a bulk of the sidequests are boring slogfests.
It really is a character driven game at the end of the day.
Which movie/tv series/games include also this trope? I like it as well.
What the fuck is with all the threads asking this lately?
Yakuza is an awful fucking series my god, recycled map for 8 fucking games, almost zero gameplay, pants on head retarded writing, you would literally have to have a double digit iq to enjoy them
Better as a GTA game than anything after SA.
I completely disagree, but I hate it when nu-Yakuzafags ruin SD & Shenmue threads.
Oh look, its a moralfag
>Him getting in too deep with the Triad while still trying to act morally superior to Pendrew is fucking retarded.
How? Wei is having to live a double life in an incredibly vulnerable and unfair position. Meanwhile Pendrew is in a cushy position above him and is calmly exploiting all sides of the game for personal gain.
The Departed and Infernal Affairs are pretty good.
You don't get any (You's)
But no really. The shittiest Yakuza game is a better experience than Slumbering Canines.
That's part of the problem.
never played it
what, that the character actually has a diverse personality instead of you just wanting him to be a cold hearted psycho?
as I said, you're autistic
This game is pretty good. The story will keep you occupied and the combat is fun when you're not shooting people.
Also, I have never played shenmue, should I?
It's not diverse, it's hypocritical. No one likes hypocrites, especially when they're in the wrong.
Jackie Chan?
More like Jackie Hang!
>it's hypocritical
Not at all. Learn what that word means.
It really doesn't. The driving is fine
>fuck the triads i hate them and enjoy torturing and killing them despite being a cop.
>oh but you can't arrest these triads and leave them to die at a funeral! i got to know them! fuck da police!
>now that's all done with i'm back to being a cop like nothing ever happened lol
Wei is terrible. At the very least he should have gone native and not return to the force.
>He never rode around smacking pedestrians with the open car doors
>He never got into a bus and rammed into motorcyclists at full speed
>He doesn't derive pure primal enjoyment from chopping Triads with butcher knives and throwing them into traffic
Most of your green text isn't even right. It's clear you completely missed his character.
And you have autism.
yeah I did for 80 hours
What's with the number of newfags lately asking if Sleeping Dogs is a generic GTA clone?
It's 100% true. Bitching about the police while being a cop is a perfect example of hypocrisy.
Gonna stop replying now since I know you're just baiting to keep this shitty thread up and this game doesn't deserve any discussion.
You're probably one of those retarded children that needs to be bombarded with side bullshit at the expense of the main game. Stick to GTA 5
It's less GTA and more True Crime Streets of Hong Kong. And yes I am aware that was what the game was meant to be originally.
You're really one-sided.
user it's very clear you've never had a job of any kind. Being in a certain profession doesn't mean you can't take exception to certain things going on within it. You have to be the biggest retard to have this much of a problem with Wei and it's evident you don't understand the first thing about him
>stick to another empty map with nothing to do
You're an autistic retard. There's nothing else I can say.
GTA fucking wishes it was Sleeping Dogs. Literally the only game worth shit in this trash genre.
t. ADD kid
Not ping best girl
Either come up with a counter-argument to my point of SD being barren or fuck off.
Either come up with a unique and valid critique for the game or fuck off. It doesn't have to be loaded with side content to not be barren. Just because it's not spoonfeeding you endless random shit like the blabbering retarded child you are doesn't mean you can't make your own fun. The engine opens up numerous possibilities for that
The guy with 350 hours here: There is a fair bit of side content, really. It's mostly fetch tier action man explosion quests, but yeah, I enjoyed trying to get higher scores on missions by optimizing the routes and what not. I also really liked the kung fu film DLC island stuff.
>the map being barren isn't a valid critique because I said so lmao
>make your own fun
Fuck off.
It's not a valid critique because it's not true dipshit. Stop typing
>not playing the DLC
>not drinking chinese magical tea
If it isn't true, then prove me wrong instead of namecalling.
the dlc was awful
The ending segment felt ridiculously rushed.
The humor for that DLC is something else.
Nice stupid opinion you stupid fucker.
>wahh he say da mean ting bout da shit game i like
I tried playing it twice. Quit as soon as I got to drive a car both time. The driving is so bad, it was enough to ruin the game for me.
Cockfighting, karaoke, fight clubs, collectables, all kinds of shit to parkour over, races, leaderboards, vehicles out the ass that you can steal just by jumping out of another, etc.
>inb4 I don't like any of that so it doesn't count >:(
>be randomly exploring
>encounter an interior area with clear cover points and a general path forward
>it's fucking big too
>100% the game
>never once go there for a mission or a collectable
For what purpose? It was an area near the southern end of the map by the waterfront.
>the driving is bad
These are the fuckers that actually unironically and literally liked GTA4's car physics.
You are definitely retarded. I mean autistic.
>random parkour
Gotta be pretty desperate to include these. Also, the karaoke, fight club, and cockfighting are pale in comparison to Yakuza, where they're actually fun.
>Your post is the only result
>wahh stop disliking thing or I'll bring up a game nobody has even mentioned
The physics are kind of rigid but I ended up enjoying driving once I got the feel of the jank down.
people buying it cheap on the steam summer sale. same reason there have been so many kotor and deus ex threads
Driving the top-tier cars is alright, but so many of the missions force you to use shitboxes and vans and shit.
>vehicles out the ass
There aren't that many variations to be honest.
>I don't like it so it doesn't count >:(
Yeah, like I said, you're an ADD kid.
I figured you'd bring up that shit pile of a series which is actually void of good content. Stop typing.
I didn't say I didn't like them, but including general traversing of the city on foot is pretty sad. I've never really cared about leaderboards either.
>the series this game takes so much shit from (even heat moves) is bad grrrr
okay buddy
Do you commonly do that, go into a thread without reading the OP?
>calling anyone ADD when you're the zoomer getting upset that they don't like your mediocre open-world game
Good fucking lord.
You know the term GTA clone has been around since before GTA4 existed, right?
He just said GTA, because this is literally a GTA clone. He didn't specify 4.
Such a shame the studio got shut down.
It's a forgettable game, but I wouldn't mind more Hong Kong film styles games. We have more than enough from Japan
All the menu themes really fucking locked it down.
>getting this butthurt and attacking an entire series like a baby
It's summer, and zoomers cannot handle criticism.
Where's the psychopath Wei screencaps from that one thread?
Best menu theme ever
The nightmare DLC is bugged on DE at least on PC. The starting ghost chase just gets stuck on a pillar.
>Not yelling at the police to maintain your cover
>Not also using the opportunity to bitch out your superior who's been blatantly using you the entire time and nearly gotten you killed at least once
You have zero CHA in real life, seek immediate professional assistance.
are pork buns really that good?
Good gameplay
Good Soundtrack
Good everything
>Good gameplay
Already wrong.
Great story, solid gameplay, driving was a ton of fun.
>solid gameplay
see The combat is brain-dead, the driving is janky as fuck, and the gunplay is a joke.
the dude is under cover. Do you not remember the start with Conroy in the restaurant? He has to make it look like he is one of them, even if he is in to deep at that point. That is meant to be one of them "rock & a hard place" moments.
I haven't played Banham, but combat in this game is combo based and afaik banham isn't
>combo based
Not really. You can just wait until the enemy glows then counter them.
>Him sperging out at the funeral is the worst scene in the game.
OR he could have been doing it to maintain his cover? he was with the leadership of the sun on yee after all
it was decent maybe about 15-20hrs, the driving kind of sucks and the romance sidequests were pretty shit. not a lot of things to do afterwards though.
my only complaint is that the world isn't open enough. Like how in GTA you could drive in alleyways and through parks and stuff. You don't see that here. You are more or less limited to the roads and sidewalks and maybe 1 or two alleyways per region. Utter awful map design, other than that it's solid. Gunplay feels nice and driving is on point.
>Gunplay feels nice
good joke
it does, only issue is the recoil being fucked sometimes but it is nice. Good cover mechanic overall, definitely better than GTA V
If you think the shooting is better than GTAV, then you have severe brain problems.
I've played both. GTA V is worse, firstly the cover mechanic is shit. Vaulting over things takes too long and the movement in general feels too cinematic, Dogs doesn't suffer from this as much, and feels a lot quicker. Secondly in GTA V shooting consists of hitting the guy once or twice until he falls over and then unloading the clip into him, whereas dogs had enemies that were smarter and took cover rather than just chilling on the floor when shot, and also when you put 5 bullets in their chest they died like human beings rather than just sitting there doing nothing. Shooting itself feels better in Dogs as well, you can tell the bullets have power in them, a pistol can be deadly, in GTA V a pistol is shit and can't kill anyone but civilians.
that driving/handling looks waaaaay better than any grand theft auto.
>Shooting itself feels better in Dogs as well, you can tell the bullets have power in them, a pistol can be deadly, in GTA V a pistol is shit and can't kill anyone but civilians
Haven't heard a worse opinion this year. The shooting in SD is beyond clunky, while it's smooth in GTAV. Also, GTAV has well over 10 pistols.
>GTA V shooting consists of hitting the guy once or twice until he falls over and then unloading the clip into him
Or a single headshot like someone who isn't shit.
people took cover in 5 too, as well has police pulling their fallen comrades behind cover
yeah but kills shouldn't be reliant on headshots. 5 bullets into your chest should put you down for the count.
yet you fail to explain why it's smooth in GTA and bad in SD other than vauge responses. Also no matter what pistol you use in GTAV it's always shit unless it's automatic. I use the .50 and have to put half a mag in someone to keep them down.
>5 bullets into your chest should put you down for the count.
I was literally just playing the game and out down a gang anger with 3 chest shits from the base unupgraded pistol.
One of the biggest complaints for SD is that the gunplay is awful. It's just very awkward and clunky.
yeah that's true, but it still sucks to have to unload a mag to kill one guy, and the fact that they fall over in two hits makes it even harder because they can fall behind cover or in awkward positions that make them hard to shoot, even if you they fall normally you now have to readjust your aim to hit them in the new position they are at.
I liked the gunplay in SD but anyways. GTAV gunplay disappointing me, any other GTA game had better gunplay than it. And in terms of killing power the base pistol is only good for the first few missions where it relies on it, after that it's shotguns and AR's for the rest of the game.
>to have to unload a mag to kill one guy
You don't though, not even if you're fighting heavily armed law.
I mostly play online, so maybe it's different in SP.
no shit retard
It's alright but get the original one. Definitive edition is really bad because of how it fucks up the visuals. Don't expect good driving in this game, the physics are weird and you can do these retarded maneuvers that shouldn't be possible in a car. The city of Hong Kong is really good looking in this game though only if you play the original version. The story is bland, just a cop/triad flick; it is really predictable. The martial arts are alright, the game focuses on it more than gunplay which is a nice change.