What's stopping rocksteady to create a beyond game?

what's stopping rocksteady to create a beyond game?

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lack of interest

>Terry McGinnis gets chased by the Jokerz
>they end up chasing him to the ruins of Wayne Manor, where he eventually loses them by hiding
>he stumbles into an entrance into the Batcave, where he discovers all of Batman’s tech and gadgets just laying around
>he figures that there needs to be a new Batman, now more than ever
>uses old suits and tech to make a Batsuit of his own
>now has to figure out how to be Batman on his own

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from, you stupid nigger, what's stopping them FROM

Beyond is bad.

>Terry McGinnis chases the Harleys into a dead end alley
>as he has them cornered he suddenly figures there needs to be a new batman after him someday, now more than ever
>he unzips his pants.

Bet you thought Rasta Joker was a good design too.

He's alright.

how so

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I'd love to see that.

Because Beyond was horrendous? Bruce Wayne was old and bitter for a reason, Gotham had gone to shit.

fuck off you absolute fucking retard.

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DC fucking hates Beyond.

From doesn't have the Batman license, I don't think.

Batman proper has been a safer bet? Maybe Cyberpunk's inevitable success will spur them to make CYBERPUNK BATMAN

Rocksteady aren't making the next Batman game. Warner Bros Montreal are.

Nolanfying the character designs, most likely.

People don't remember Beyond.
It is unfortunate.

>ywn be reverse spitroasted by Dee Dee

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>please god talk about my waifu instead of the topic

Rocksteady will only make a Beyond game if they can shoehorn Joker into a main role

>You will never be dogpiled by Dee Dee as they continuously replicate and smother you to death in clown titties

>whole point of Beyond was to create a new Batman with a new Rogue Gallery
>lets bring back the Joker, the guy who shouldnt return since Terry cant match him at all
The movie still pretty good

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This. Look, I love me some Batman Beyond as many other anons do, but for general audiences it’s more or less unknown. Rocksteady isn’t going to make a game for a nitche audience, they need to have their games be as accessible as possible to make money.

The Batman had a nice style. I liked Beyond, but something about The Batman looks cooler.

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Shattered Dimensions features only one really recognizable Spidey (2 if you count the Symbiote suit) from a mainstream perspective, and people still played it because it was still a "SPIDER-MAN", people will play a Batman game, even if it isn't the MAIN Batman

The appeal comes from Bruce Timm and would look like crap if it was realistic. I doubt they would do cartoony graphics.

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terry completely BTFO'd the joker in a matter of minutes though?
>all the characters talking so much about how superior evil the joker is
>terry is left out simply because bruce is shitting his pants
>the only thing this caused was that there was no one around to stop the joker
>the movie tries to convince you all this happened because the joker is a great villian anyways
the movie is trash, watch the series instead.

Don't read the comics. DC makes all of Terry's own enemies useless so they can push boring-ass Beyond versions of the regular Bat-Rogues.

Sweet jesus my dick

this never works though.
people dont play something to get more of the same, fuck the rocksteady batman games are about knowing more about batman lore.

this idea that audiences lust for superficial things is what killing entertainment as a whole. The fucking MCU had the world on its palm because it was educating people about characters they never knew existed before.

>nietzsche audience
nigger what the fuck

the fact that Disney owns fox entertainment now, and now has the rights to Batman Beyond. Disney will never let anything be made with regards to batman beyond and disney ruins everything they touch

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I marathoned Batman Beyond late last year. I didn't watch it when it first came on because I was suspicious about spinoffs (even as a kid I was). I missed out.

Everybody keeps forgetting about their upgrade from when they appeared in Justice League.

I like how Terry shits on his backstory while they fight and laughs

>original Harley is their grandmother and she is thoroughly unimpressed by them


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Beyond´s batman is basically superman with that suit, its just too OP.

>Disney owns fox entertainment now, and now has the rights to Batman Beyond
im sure batman beyond is still DC´s property because the batman name on it.
either that or they will be doing their own Batman Beyond cartoon already.

That's why the crims have to be made more dangerous.

yo wtf, spoiler?

>spoilers for a 20 year old cartoon

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Both of them were posers trying to live up to their grandmother.

unironically I think they never gonna do a beyond game because bruce is not the protagonist just like the recent spiderman game you have to make everything safe as fuck to cater everyone.


Thoughts on DC titans?

I wonder if this would catch controversy today

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This is fucked

>what's stopping rocksteady to create a beyond game?

The idea that it may not sell 4 kerbillion copies and have a workable live service business model.

Damn. I wonder if you could ever escape. I had just read that gravity gets less intense towards that center of the earth.

perhaps, but then you'd have to think about things like where he'd end up (being tangible at the Earth's core doesn't sound pleasant)

>Mad Stan random encounters

>what's stopping rocksteady to create a beyond game?

It doesn't work well with the ending of Arkham Knight.

Many things would work great. There are various gangs. Splicers could show up as advanced thugs. So could thugs with Slappers. Imagine the boss fight with Shriek while you're wearing headphones.

Wouldn't even need to reach the core, rock gets hot and goopy pretty much immediately under the surface.

Question is, would accelerating towards the core give him enough momentum to claw his way up the other side?

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I thought he fucked 10.

>That poor dumb bastard that got his skeleton melted because he wanted the black goo pussy
Shit's fucked, yo

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Lack of taste

Because it's not a fucking Batman cartoon. Terry has nothing in common with the mantle of Batman and clashes with Bruce most of the time throughout the series because of it. He's got more in common with Spider-man than he does Batman and we already have a GOAT Spider-man game.
The best parts of Beyond that people remember were either A: Grimdark bad ends for people that could be attributed to any bad guy if anyone had the balls to kill a Bat Rogue or B: Featured the cast of Bruce's era, such as when Bruce suits up to save Terry, the Ra's reveal, Bane dead or Return of the Joker.
Terry doesn't get a game because he doesn't have enough legs to stand on and old Bruce would be carrying the entire game again, and at that point you might as well just make an original Batman game since that's what people give a fuck about.

hee hee

>believe me, you're the only one who cares


I'm currently watching season 2 of Young Justice to scratch my Justice League cartoon itch.
I can't believe theres still no decent JL game.
The closest was that one DC MMO where you can make your own hero.