Dont mind me, just doing "minecraft" better than minecraft

Dont mind me, just doing "minecraft" better than minecraft.

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Is that the Switch version? Is the frame rate still fucky? I was really looking forward to it but my opinion soured once I saw the frame rate.

I really wanted it on Switch, since I wanted to play with friends, but I've been waiting forever for this game to settle for an inferior version. Is it really as bad as people say it is? Hasn't it been out in Japan for ages now?

Yeah it's the switch version, it's playable so far but I'm only about an hour deep. Haven't reached any super dense areas yet.

I've been playing Minecraft for the past few days, redpill me on DQ Builders 2 and why should I play this over Minecraft?

i saw some jap tweet that compared ps4 to switch versions in some late game town and the switch version was legit 10-15fps max.

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Damn. I'd say I would wait for reviews, but I'm getting this Day 1 on PS4. Depending on how hooked my friends get on it, I might get the Switch version when it goes on sale or something.

I read somewhere it starts getting bad around Chapter 2. It's a damn shame too. Fucking Square Enix. Absolutely typical.

It has a structured story with quests, objectives, npcs, etc. You can still explore and build but the world feels a lot more "alive" than vanilla Minecraft. The npcs in Minecraft all look the same and just wander around saying "hmm" over and over.

Some of their ports have been good like Zodiac Age and DQXI S. Switch ports have just been really hit and miss in general.

thanks i cum, does this work on yuzu?

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Wtf bros, I'm supposed to have a dq2 marathon at a friend's house.
Fix the fucking frame rate Nintendo!

The US version comes pre-patched with the last nip patch, I seriously doubt they'll patch it further.

So I should get this for PS4 over Switch?
Huh maybe I'll plug my PS4 back in

I'll wait for reviews. They're bound to mention noticeable frame rate issues. Or maybe wait for those autists at DigitalFoundry to do it.

Well they're working with hardware that's two generations behind in power. It's not as bad as capcom ports.

Does anything yet?

only PC ports work perfect but the actual switch games run like shit or only boot to menu

its shit for the price, ill pick it up on sale later

XIS isn't even out yet how do we know it's good? The meager treehouse footage?

Well, that's damning with faint praise.

Literally anything could do Minecraft better than Minecraft, because Minecraft was a quarter-assed game that was mainly successful because it was memed into success.

I wish the combat was more than mindless spamming x

Did they fix your town being limited to 30x30?

Why are the graphics worse than the first game

Didn't DQB1 run fine? How did they fuck it up this time?

I read that the frame rate problem occurs while the Switch is docked not handheld. Is this true?

How do you stop people from coming into your world? Also how the fuck do I talk in the Switch version?

Still ran worse than ps4 obviously. More playable than what I've seen of 2 though. Granted I didn't get far.

>someone created a game build me a castle
>goes in
>start tearing his foundations apart
>get banned
>Nintendo now bans me for other games as well
lol wtf if they don't want me to start doing shit like this then they shouldn't put it in the fucking game.

I own the game on both ps4 and switch.
Yes the switch is as comfy as it looks, however that's only when the frame rate is stable. The more you build the less stable it becomes, enemy encounters and other resources running in the background make the frame rate tank to unacceptable levels.
If the 30fps was stable I'd say get the switch but stable 60fps on ps4 is the only way to go.

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>digitally pre-purchased the switch version with the switch vouchers
>didn't know about the framerate problems and now wish I got the PS4 version
Goddammit, there's no way for me to get a refund, is there?

>I've been playing Minecraft
Don't bother, you won't like it.

I'm actually more excited for this more than anything else all year. After playing the demo, I've been replaying the first one out of anticipation, still a blast but I'm so excited for the QOL improvements, like unbreakable hammer, gloves, and slave to gather mats for me.

Do you need a PS+ to use the multiplayer? I never use the PS4 for anything multiplayer, so I don't bother, but i've got a nintendo switch account for smash, splatoon, etc.

I'd like to use the online features, I hear they're pretty good, but I'm not gonna blow another 20 bucks just to mess around with sonybros

Wait does the town in DQ1 never get larger?

I just preordered the ps4 version from amazon, I can't wait to play it when I get home from work. Its the only ps4 game I've bought since nioh came out.

its tiny as fuck, and you cant build too tall or it doesnt count as part of the town either. hoping 2 fixes it

Man these DQ Builders 2 threads will never get a break

It always full on whining about the switch version having shit framerate, fucking BINGs act like this is new when the fucking game's been out in japan for 6 months already shut the fuck up about framerate already people are enjoying the game

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This. I just wanna talk about the game instead of the PS4. If it came out on PC great, wonderful, fantastic I'd buy it in half a second. HOWEVER I managed to suffer through the Vita port, so if the switch port is at LEAST as good as that one, I'll be fine.

what resolution and frame rate for ps4 pro?

I'm pretty far into the 2nd Island right now, I have a town built up pretty big and I've explored some dense areas. Played in both handheld and docked. It noticeably dips a bit in parts but it's hardly unplayable or anything. The Vita version of 1 was much worse btw.


switch is 720/30ish

can anyone with the switch version care to share their thoughts on this version? really wanted a comfy game on switch

I like it a lot so far. If you want a comfy game this game is extremely comfy. The NPCs are all likable so far and the main companion has made me laugh a bunch.
The building is nice too. If you're familiar with Minecraft it's a lot of the same with some quality of life improvements like no tool durability and your tools don't take up inventory space among other smaller things.

vita port isnt even suffering compared to other ports the console got. borderlands 2 and black ops come to mind