His career is over
used to get 30K now scraping the barrel with 9k
What killed him? the weed? his depression? or him not taking streaming seriously?
His career is over
Who gives a fuck
Most streamers have zero fucking charisma or are drama queens. Only streamers that are worth watching are people like Ph1lza, Jerma, and other small misc. streamers that escape my mind right now.
nothing he's boring. twitch is just like youtube. Member all those old yt stars? Most of them are ded channels now. Tobuscus is the biggest example I can give. Twitch is the same thing with popular streamers falling out to make way for new popular streamers. It's just the cycle. You would have to be deluded that someone like summit would be a popular streamer for more than 10 years. Most streamers nowadays will be dead in a few years.
$300,000??? Must be extra from his YouTube channel
The only good Twitch Streamers are the Wrestling E-fed guys that announce their own make believe OC wrestling shows using the WWE games or Firepro.
literally because of wow lmao no one likes watching that shit
Summit is pretty charismatic imo
I heard he's pretty relatable as a person but even that is bland in itself
What happened? He's not top dog anymore?
He doesn't make much from his youtube because he hired someone else to run it and that guy takes most of the money from it still.
he'll come back. he routinely drops to about 4-10k viewers for a few months until he bites the bullet and starts playing whatever fotm game pays the bills. usually while crying about it the whole time. he'll be ok
Seriously even a daily 1k is enough to quit your job and live off.
tyler1, aris, zfg1
the rest can die
your opinion is shit
meet one person irl and you will find that summit’s entire persona is “dude weed lmao let’s chill brah”
That too and plus the fact that no one wanted to watch it because everyone else was playing classic wow
Does destiny still play games? I thought he was debating teenagers from /pol/ now
>Most streamers nowadays will be dead in a few years.
And I'll see to that. *cocks gun*
he did his “best executed run” today but lost two minutes to fishing so it didn’t PB
hundo is about to be put to rest
he's like shroud minus the skills, extremely boring to watch
>punches computer
>didnt even break
>"i-i wouldve thought it would break, i hit it with my hardest"
He's a fucking manlet with the strength of a 90 year old woman who lacks calcium
no one wanted to watch even classic wow, especially when he was just getting extremely assmad at it literally nonstop lmao
Summit can be dumb sometimes. If he would take control of his YouTube and post there often, such as reviews and video games news he would be making bank, people love to eat up streamers opinion, especially someone as popular as him
only streamer worth watching for charisma is Jerma, change my fucking mind
All the popular make streamers look 90% the same.. shroud, summit, kinggeorge..
Same beady eyes, black hair, large noses, snapback hats.
Jews all of them.
>*blocks your path*
destiny knows how to make the most of his smaller audience
most of these streamers are lazy retards sitting on goldmines, content with the amount they make
yeah hes probably fine but lets see how long it lasts
Why do people care about these streamers? Watching someone play video games is so boring.
fucking yikes
His streams are 40% shit games like league, 10% good games his viewers annoy him into playing, 30% shit debates with either lefties or righties, 15% travel around the world fucking girls, and 5% good debates where something was actually achieved.
James still makes AVGN content to this day and he came way back from the beginning of YouTube days.
I hear a steady 300 would be like minimum wage, so could maybe live off of that depending on location. Still better than working as a McWage slave.
Shroud is Jewish?
people who strictly do let's play type streams are. people who can twitch act and know how to have fun with the chat are easily funner than anything on tv. i know you're too literal autistic to realize this but people watch streams for entertainment value not for being lonely cucks like you you projecting nigger.
why do you waste so much time watching shitty and irrelevant streamers instead of playing the games by yourselves? don't you already waste enough time shitposting here?
He is one of the least charismatic people on twitch.
What's with all the fags coming into our threads and making fun of streamers and Lets Plays? Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...
Name a better streamer
whatever zoomer
>why do humans react the way they do
>t. Philosopher
Not videogames
go elsewhere
This is a pasta right?
Dudes a pedo manlet.
this except the entire donating spiel
why would you need to pay money to someone to enjoy what they’re doing
>and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends
I was with you until this point. Fuck off.
easy, in fact he’s already been mentioned ITT
also when’s the next rando, clint
dudes memes!!!
I mean... unless you’re guys like AVGN who still pull 2 million a video at worst.
>Why do people pay for sport
>Why do people pay baseball games
>Why do people pay golf
>Why do people pay for chess
>Why do people pay for football
>Why do people pay for volleyball
>Why do people pay for wrestling
>Why do people pay for movies
>Why do people pay for entertainment
Summit is our guy, fuck you boomers.
Holy fucking yikes!