These are the highest rated games ever, how does that make you feel Yea Forums?

These are the highest rated games ever, how does that make you feel Yea Forums?

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lole i dont care

So then why did you respond if you don't care?

>1/5th of the list is Mario
At least RE4 is 7

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Never played it, is Mario Odyssey really that much better than other 3D Mario games?

this just goes to show you how bad critics truly are, deus ex isn't on the list and fucking mass effect 2 is

Deus Ex is trash, you faggots only care about it because of the "Le Redpills"

Wow Final Fantasy 6 was the best game of 2013?


pretty good list outside of uncharted, gta v, batman and tlou

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Do you have a single fact to back that up?

no it's worse, that's just the switch bonus at work
exact same applies to fart of the wild

It's a horrible list

> Over 6000 people reviewed it
> Bbbbut all of them are going out of their way to review a game highly that they don't like
Fucking cope

>which was a direct downgrade from ALTTP
Why do zoomers love this game so much?

fuck off zoomer

The only people who think ALTTP is better are zoomers who watched EgoRaptor's sequelitist video

Batman is fucking amazing you massive faggot

Actual GOAT
>chrono trigger
>Mario 3
>Mario galaxy
>Mario galaxy 2
>Arkham city
>half life 2
>super metroid

>metroid prime
>breath of the wild
>uncharted 2
>mass effect 2
>Mario odyssey

>soul caliber

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>barren overworld, unlike lttp which is brimming with content
>less items
>better dungeon design
>better difficultly
>doesn't waste your time with a shitty story
>semi-non linear unlike OOT which only two levels can be done out of order

All of this was directly quoted by EgoRaptor, nice job outing yourself

What was the metacritic for NES Tetris?

why do le boomzoomdoomloompoomgooms like video games so much?

Kill yourself, the only reason you faggots claim Mass Effect 2 is bad is because Mass Effect 3's ending ruined the series. Everyone loved ME2 when it came out

billions of flies reviewed dogshit and gave it a 10/10
why don't you go eat some dogshit then?

Arin didn't say anything like that though.

>Popular = good
Gameplay wise most of these games are shit

They were using the highest reviewed version of each game so Tetris was Tetris Effect on the PS4 (89/100)

> Contrarians are still parroting this baseless argument


> Muh popularity
Pokemon made 90 billion dollars, why doesn't it have a game on this list by your logic?

All of them outdated, except for RE4

Low effort bait

>these are the "best"
video games are fucking trash

lol nintendo bias
half those games are mediocre

I would love to hear about the garbage games that you consider good

breath of the wasteland praise was such a desperate attempt to surpass ocarina

For every 1000 people who enjoy a game, there will always be another 2000 people who will claim it's shit. "Nintendo Bias" is a non existent metric that PC drones use as a coping mechanism for the majority of people liking a game that they do not


No one else's opinion matter but mine because I know I'm right because I'm me. So if I know that those games are medicore, then that becomes the truth

Yet it's better than OOT

exhibit a

most people fell for the open world meme, and didn't evaluate the game critically. the overworld is too large, the combat too repetitive and one-note, the enemy variety incredibly lacking, only 4 main dungeons, no soundtrack, poor visuals for a switch game..

its much, much worse.

BOTW was literally made to serve as a tech demo for BOTW 2, this is what brainlets do not understand.

That you are a zoomer? Yes I know

only games that belong up there are portal and super mario galaxy.

Damn nintendo cleaned up. Maybe i was on the wrong bandwagon growing up lol

this is your brain on memes

>this entire time, the top game only has an n = 10320 and nothing else even above 7k
wew lads why do publishers even take metacritic seriously

Gimme Metroid Prime, Super Mario World, Breath of the Wild, Resident Evil 4 and Soul Calibur. Trash the rest.

It's almost like OOT is the most popular game ever which is why it always ranks first on every list

Mario Odyssey is a well made game. But it lacks replayability compared to the other 3D Mario's. You're just collecting stuff in hub worlds so theres no actual levels which makes you never wanna come back after you beat it. I certainly enjoyed my time with it, but its easily the worst 3D Mario.

So basically it's a Tech demo for a much better sequel that we are getting in the future?

Ratings are invalid, only SALES matter. Video games are a business, only the money makes any difference.

There is no other factor that has any real impact as far the executives and shareholders are concerned.

Does the list go further than 25? Because if it does it's probably overall better than the Yea Forums 2018 list

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Spoken like a true NPC

This is THE most awarded game ever made, how does that make you feel Yea Forums?

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No it was only counting games that scored a 96 % or higher

Realistically what are the chances that The Last of Us II ends up on this list when it comes out?