Here's your free $1.50, bro.
Here's your free $1.50, bro
dive into a braindead hour long quest then wait until next week!
>the tides have changed!
Well they aren't wrong. BfA Was their downfall. Certainly the tides HAVE changed.
If I don't string you along how am I going to keep you subscribed.
when's the timeless isle patch
Reminder that Azshara is for breeding
>All eyes will be open
>Statues close their eyes
what did they mean by this
That's more of a "stuck it in my pooper" face 2bh
The worst part is I'd probably come back if my server wasn't dead, or at least if server transfers didn't cost as much as a game for just one character.
You could have made a game worth playing for more than an hour per week, for starters.
This prick has a very punchable face
Lawyers usually do
Do I even have to say it at this point?
Shadowbringers is kino
Only reason I haven't gotten into it is because it would inevitably fuck up my time and focus at college
Only reason I haven't gotten into it is because who the fuck plays subscription based games still
You don't have the strength to punch anyone
I don't have the strength to not miss WoW
Why can't it just be good and worthwhile still so I don't feel like I wasted thousands of hours on something that doesn't have the decency to just die
would be playing it, and probably have a blast playing it, if it weren't for the many fucked up "features" that spoil fundamental game mechanics. seems it's a requirement for them to pull this shit every expansion now since WoD. in BFA it's gearing which gets royally fucked over by features such as warfronts and mythic+ chests which serve up near-top items on a silver platter, and then there's azerite (artifact) power which is a constant drain on the fun factor.
This post titanforged to ilvl 420.
>just did an ilvl squish this expansion
>already back up to the 400s
Whatever shill.
They don't even let you see any of the zones. When they did a free trial in MOP they did.
Like why? Doing some boring ass scenario ain't motivating nobody to come back.
Probably trying to get people who lapsed mid-expansion to come back.
I feel bad for being tempted but I've put so much time into this damn game
There is no reason to come back, the game is dying and Blizzard has been experiencing a creative drought for years.
That's fucking pathetic lmao
Why is the trailer for BFA just a Male Draenei at the character menu?
This is like seeing your high school girlfriend in a stripper's club pole dancing, so sad.
What is 3 days even enough time to do?
he cant even spell his name properly
sshhh not in the dojo
What is this dojo meme anyway? Jap racism against Square?
I really hope this clown gets fired over BfA. Blizzard's stockholders must be breathing down their neck over the game if they're handing out free sub time trying desperately to get people to come back.
part of the "leak" where supposedly the WoW development office is referred to as "the dojo" by the designers working there and their mantra is "negativity isn't allowed in the dojo," and they're not allowed to talk about FFXIV there
but it's just a meme
leak claimed talking about ffxiv at blizzard wasn't allowed because they didn't want "negativity in the dojo"
Reminder that 8.2 was literally dead on arrival. This was DAYS after the patch dropped.
Who would even take his place?
every new female character looks post-wall
they've been doing these promotions since like wrath. i remember the majority of my playtime in cata was through free time
No, they haven't. They rarely ever give away free gametime, and it used to be they only did it if there were multiple-day service outages.
The only reason I haven't gotten it yet is because NOBODY has confirmed whether or not the $60 version has all of the content on disc or not. I just downloaded 90 GB of ESO (the disc was good for nothing) recently and my bandwidth cap is pretty much done.
You would have to download an update almost guaranteed.
I remember the days when if you bought gametime cards physically, they came with free game time for friends. Yet if you inserted the code, you could claim the free game time.
I like it
Max item level is like 435. Of course anyone that unsubscribed isn't going to return. As far as faction wars, all the extra experience in the world isn't worth corpse running from Alliance graveyards.
What a stupid thing to complain about.
I want to marry and impregnate Sylvanas
I would rather spend it on FF 14
we're talking about wow here, not ffxiv
WoW is shit, talk about something better.