>Sell service saying it will get 3 NES roms per month.
>Release only 2
How is this not false advertising?
>Sell service saying it will get 3 NES roms per month.
>Release only 2
How is this not false advertising?
Other urls found in this thread:
Japan gets 3 games, while US site doesn't really specify the amount of games we get per month
>advertising new NES games a week ahead of time as if its legitimately some shit to look forward to
>rewind feature
better throw away all my ROMS now
Who the fuck wants this shit? I don’t mind playing a few NES games but this is hardly sweetening the deal. At least give us SNES games for fucks sake. They don’t even sell the VC games in the eShop anymore. What are they thinking?
>rewind feature
Nintendo won!
Firstly, find the document where it explicitly promises that. The rest will come naturally.
>dripfeeding fucking NES games
literally any device made after 2000 can emulate that shit
>people were actually expecting Nintendo to not fuck it up like they did the Wii VC
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.
I'd like this shit a lot more if we got the japan only games too.
>NES games
Fuck off, Nintendo. Just dump ROMs and then give me SNES, N64 and GCN games.
The Wii VC was fine though. So many games on there.
>rewind feature instead of games people give a damn about
thanks nintendo
you're dead to me
If they don't want to translate the previously unlocalized games. And they don't want to release them without translating them. Why can't they at least just give us some western exclusive to compensate?
You're thinking Wii U VC. Wii VC actually gave us a fair amount of JP-exclusive games as well as platforms like game gear and PC-engine.
>Wii VC
>games get added every week
>from multiple consoles, including Genesis and Turbografx
>Switch Online
>3 NES games a month
>a fucking month
>except when there's a Japan only game NoA doesn't feel like localizing, then its 2
>datamined SNES games with no release date in sight
>accept terms of service that explicitly say that sometimes they can change anything if they want
>get surprised when they change something
I wish they made it available on PC, because every console generation Nintendo reduces their amount of available games.
>actually defending NSO
>even if your point is correct
Because there actually weren't that many and most of them that actually were US exclusive were licensed games. Konami, Capcom and whoever has the license to Sunsoft's properties are contributing the bare minimum of games too and that's not helping the game selections.
Nintendo as a business is run by fucking morons imagine how much money they’d make with someone even a little competent
>Why can't they at least just give us some western exclusive to compensate?
Japan must get everything.
>every video for these has much more dislikes
>Nintendo still doesn't give a shit
It's the children who are wrong.
That's not fair to Japanese fans.
Reminder that the service already has tons of classic games.
I don't give a fuck about this until they give SNES
Dripfeeding a bunch of shitty NES games is exactly why I don't subscribe to this service, even if it is cheap.
There running out of games they have to be
Why can't we get snes or gba stuff?
>STILL no Mother
Wow I didn't know Nintendo's only other console was the NES?
Oh and what about those 2480 games Nintendo claims Switch has? Why can't they dig into those for the free games?
Imagining getting hyped for nes games.
>implying they will add games from other consoles
>when a literal game boy port is being sold for $60
70% of those games is shovelware shit and you fucking know it
Is sware if that start porting shit like JR math I’ll be so mad
which game is a gba port?
Link's Awakening is an original Game Boy port.
Hope they move onto SNES games soon...
Link's awakening
game boy, not advance
Oh, I can see Ultimate being called a port but cmon, that's more than a port. Plus that game is totally worth I wouldn't pay more than $15.
>just wanted virtual console
>get this shit instead
I have literally not touched my Switch in months. Are they trying to kill this thing?
Not to mention I still can't remap shit. Switching to missiles in metroid on the joy cons is real fun.
It's so baffling that Nintendo somehow went backwards from the virtual console. That was already way too limited. Now they're down to a handful of NES games, and everyone has already played the good ones.
There are lots of third party games, tho.
Tetris won't make it anyways, despite being developed in-house.
I don't have a Switch. How is it? It's a Humble Trove-like service or can you buy the games they add each month?
Wii U VC gave us the Prime trilogy so it wasn't all bad.
>japan also only gets 2 games
The fuck?
these are shovelware-tier
It's a Game Boy-size game being sold at full price in the modern day with an ugly funko pop art style.
>How is it? It's a Humble Trove-like service or can you buy the games they add each month?
Fuck if I know I don't pay for my internet twice.
>Mother 30th anniversary this month
>Mother has already been localized so it wouldn't be hard to put it on the service
>they don't
Not even mad, just dissapointed
motherfags have to learn to stop expecting shit during anniversaries
Nintendo doesn't give a shit about the Mother franchise, so this isn't surprising.
>Nintendo still pretends the classic NES DK games are still worth anything nowadays
You could beat all three games in about the same amount of time it would take to read through this thread.
You are allowed to RENT (yes, RENT, you must check in every so often to make sure you are still subbed to access the NES online app) a small selection of NES games. Online netplay is awful (as expected), emulation is decent, feature set is garbage compared to retroarch
Wii's VC is paid though. I know we need to pay for Nintendo Online in order for them to be free, but still
>you must check in every so often
What happens if you don't?
So, it's like the Humble Trove, but with DRM. What a pity.
You're locked out.
>nintendo adds snes games
>but only if you pay an extra fee of $8 per month or $5 per year to your subscription
will you do it?
They've got to be scarping the bottom of the barrel in terms of NES games they're willing to put onto this thing.
even if it was 3
nobody would care anymore
christ no
>$8 per month or $5 per year
There seems to be a discrepancy here
>Top 5 favorite game of all time is Tecmo Super Bowl
>receive the downgraded version on nes online
>tfw it will never be added because retards will complain that we already got a tecmo bowl
Imagine making NES games $5 apiece
Now imagine making Nintendo manchildren buy them every virtual console generation
Some dumb faggot has spent hundreds on the NES Marios at this point and he's angry he can't give more to Iwata
Why the fuck is this shit so tortuous? How the fuck could the get SNES and N64 emulators to run well on the fucking Wii but they just push out shit-tier NES games every once in a while? I think I’ve only every enjoyed 2 or 3 NES games in my whole life, they all suck major cock
>wrecking crew and a DK game
Those are more Atari than Nintendo quality. Where's like Crystalis or Faxanadu?
Can't launch the app until you check in. There's like a 1 month grace period, so not an issue for normal users, but when you put it against XBL and PS+ letting you own your free games it doesn't look good
Was that SNES game datamine from January BS? Haven’t heard about it since and they’re still filling NES online with bottom of the barrel shit
Nintendo would have to pay SNK or other makers for those. They don't have to fork a dime over for their own stuff. Ergo why every vc is shit
>just push out shit-tier NES games every once in a while
Because people keep paying so they don't have the need to improve the service.
But the Virtual Console had lots of third party stuff.
PS+ doesn't let you keep the included games, and XBL only lets you keep the 360 games.
>"They'll improve the game selection, trust me. Look at how popular VC was. It'd be crazy to pass that up!"
>"Maybe we'll get Gamecube titles this time around"
>"We'll probably learn what the Special Offers are eventually"
>"It's just $20, so what?"
Is the Switch the most half-baked console of all time? The Wii U was a dump and even that launched with a social network, Netflix, N64 and GBA games, a fucking video call program, and it was free.
Guess the rewind feature is a "game"
If they do that I will pull the trigger on a pi 4, overclock it and finish my handheld PC project and use higan-accuracy for SNES emulation on the go. No way in hell Nintendo deserves my money for that
Bullshit. I got Battlefield 1 via XBL, had my subscription run out and I kept it
Meanwhile in PC...
>no Combat
>no Mappy
>no Nuts and Milk
>no Pinball
>no Bomberman
>no Tank
Not only they are just releasing NES only games, they're just releasing trash NES games. Nintendo online is a fucking trash.
It stays on your console, but you can't launch it.
I literally have no idea what they're even thinking over at Nintendo. They've made a hybrid console, the possibilities just in VC and app support are just insane as well as customization options but no VC, no apps, still only the two themes from launch, the thing is currently worse than the 3DS and I don't fucking get it. You'd think they would want to support their latest system but they clearly couldn't give a fuck.
An extra $5 a year to get games that didn't age like sour milk? Yes
Well after shit like BOTW TORtanic and doom posting memes I don’t blame them.
oh you gotta be FUCKING KIDDING ME
i was SURE this month was the month of the SNES GAMES
it has NES games, that you can beat in 1 day
Plus they refuse to acknowledge the complete edition they made of the first DK that saw limited distribution back in the early 2010s. It readded some of the arcade's cutscenes and added the cement factory level back in.
Nintendo in 100 years has never once had a good and comprehensive back catalog you could easily and reliably navigate and purchase.
They're just lifetime salarymen pushing papers until they die like their country and I'm glad of it
>That time Wii U got pokemon snap when Switch was already out