Overwatch is a pretty good game
Overwatch is a pretty good game
No it’s not
>gets cc'ed
ehh, nothin personel, kiddo
yeah for the first 6 months. then it went to shit.
Its the worst multiplayer shooter on the market, how is it still alive?
don't fucking lie to us, you just wanted to post that image
>yeah for the first 6 months. then it went to shit.
once ranked came out i realized i stopped having fun
Pharah is for sex!
Maybe if you’re a faggot, LOL!
hows it feel being cucked by blizzard making soldier 76 a faggot
I wouldn't know since I've never played it... the porn is good tho!
I tried to find the artist with filename but got nothing. Anyone have it?
I love Lena!
I uninstalled this shit before the beta ended.
what do you call those leggings that go under the foot?
Leggings work Foot straps.
Overwatch never went to shit. It's just that you personally grew bored of ult management and ult combos and ult denials and ult tracking... to say nothing about growing bored of the ults themselves.
The first 67 times you press a single key and kill everyone on the screen you squeal and thrash about in your chair in autistic delight. But round the 70 mark you stop caring.
If by good game you mean fapping to the porn, then yes.
Leggings with Foot Straps*
I only like overwatch for the porn
>Overwatch is a pretty good game
It took 1 year and a half for the game to fall off. I never liked it though.
>Overwatch never went to shit.
But it did.
Not really. Only thing it did right was artstyle,em everything else down to basic stuff like mouse and camera movement are complete garbage.
>google the artist name followed by "overwatch" and "artist"
>Find their twitter, Danbooru, and HF profile
You barely tried
is this the sfw(nsfw) thread?
I like OW porn threads as much as the next guy, but you don't have to spout dumb shit like that to keep the thread bumped. Or are you just trying to trick the jannies? Because they don't give a shit
I'm saying it was always shit. Right from the start. You were just tricked by flashy animations into not seeing it at first.
God I love Sunnysundown
yes, keep em coming. I need to research more of these pictures.
>get banned for picking DPS hero
>3 tank 3 healer every fucking match
enjoy your shit
>3 tank 3 healer every fucking match
Yea fucking right, faggot.
More like 4 dps a roadhog and a zen.
What really killed the game was the shitty new characters added, and little to no balancing.
>Symmetra took forever to get nerfed. (her laser bending around corners)
>adding Bridgette
>adding hammond
>making soldier 76 gay for literally no reason
Overwatch was really good until season 4/5
it had its time let it die
Stop making me want to jerk off
I stopped being good before the final beta even ended
lol you play quick match?
Either you have shit luck or not, mine keep seeing stupid shield/barrier everywhere
>Overwatch was really good until season 4/5
no it wasn't
>futa zarya
I’m fucking sick of this meme
>there is still no barefoot Tracer skin
those are some fat cocks
What's so sexual about feet
It's an okay game that spawned mountains upon mountains of good to great porn for some reason
Feet are a god tier fetish
>Tracer is still gay to a literal who character
Stirrups, user. They are called stirrups.
don't make me take out my dick you fucks
Supporters I think
me in the back
What’s that pic
Truth is, the game was shit from the start.
Blizzard should make her cannon canon.
I'm feeling nice. Happy fapping.
some girl
>there is a barefoot D.Va skin
they should just drop the e-sports aspects entirely and make it a porn game where you try to rape other players (all females have big futa cocks)
this would save OW and might actually make it a real unironic e-sport because people would want to play it.
but that's just mei opinion :3
DVA dying her hair blonde is hot because it's like she wants to become white.
Launched with too many issues to ever be considered good, the new coat of paint just wore off.
Heroes like Reinhardt and Zarya launched in an incredibly broken state, and were somehow percieved as balanced and became the standard, so everything powercrept.
Game sucks.
>Studies have shown that people with foot fetishes have the part of their brain that recognizes body parts develop wrong and mistakenly trigger the part that handles sexual arousal
>footfags literally genetically inferior
>footfags literally mentally ill
>got a foot fetish at age 21 when my gf rubbed her feet against my crotch
Sorry sweetie
nice citation, healslut.
No it isn't
I consider it a mental illness. Could be worse, at least I am not autistic.
it didn't kick in for me until I turned 20
similar tale to this guy
That's literally what he said
>if its not cuckshit its feet
not as bad but still
if it's shadman, it's probably not a girl
I know these threads are just to spam SFM art, but holy FUCK am I still upset overwatch died.
Lucio and Genji were fun to play at the start, and I had fun with comp. The game died when blizzard gave more of a shit about esports than the actual game, and only added new modes during events which were temporary. Like, there hasn't been ONE NEW FUCKING GAMEMODE IN COMP. It's always KOTH, attack/defense, payload, or hybrid, which is the same fucking thing as payload and attack/defense. The maps were okay, but the attack/defense maps are always worse. Heroes were okay, ana, sombra, and doomfist were the best, but fuck brig and moira.
>inb4 t. mad genji main
man, this game has way better online shooter communities!
You idiots. You've had it the whole time, you just didn't "wake up" to it until an extremely arousing situation.
despite how lazy the team is, its amazing how it only takes a second for me to find a match
Who? That's Tracer.
"Dick-made". Literally made for muh dick, or just "sexy as fuck".
nope I actually had tried to fap to them before but it didn’t click
>tfw want to buy this trash even though I know I'll hate it after a week
Ok I think I can explain what went wrong with overwatch
Character can no longer stand on their own merit, you NEED to base your character choice off of what your team has chosen, as well as what the enemy has chosen. There's practically zero chance of success if you stick to a single character as your "main". It's a constant rock paper scissors game and if you aren't fighting x with y because you wanna be Z than the game is over.
What's worse is nobody has any health, nobody can do things alone, everyone does crazy damage and a stray bullet will take everything out unless you're a tank. what this has lead to is everybody staying as close as possible to each other and moving in a linear line towards the objective.
The overall reliance on team members coupled with how every hero is crippled if they aren't accompanied by their team makes the game extremely irritating, also some hero's are objectively useless. If you get stuck on a game where people wanna play genji, Widowmaker, Hanzo and Winston you're fucked.
This is what happens when you pander to gaming tournaments. This game is made for teams that always talk to each other and can switch heroes at any given moment. You can't stick to 2 of your favorite heroes just cuss. You can't play on your own in quick play because coordination With random players just isn't possible. You can't play whoever and however you like, you either move as a single unit with the appropriate hero or you get bent. It's why the hero's who were made to play solo (genji, Widowmaker, Hanzo, reaper, sombra) have no place on the game.
I think about going back to it, but when I did previously, I played like 2-3 matches, and got instantly sick of it. I hope they fix it, cause I did really have fun.
I even participated in my college's overwatch tournament
>shilling a dead game
Would you say D.Va loves to get bleached?
Maybe because the ones you tried fapping to were low quality feet. Only attractive feet are fap worthy.
>You've had it the whole time
I disagree, you fatalistic monkey
experience shapes perception in this case
To improve the game just Cut player damage across the board and improve health. Make us let reliant on other players and let us act solo. Increase player speed. Add TRUE balance, let us play any character at any time against anyone. Having a main is important.
Overwatch *has pretty *average *porn
I only care about Overwatch because of Ana and by extension Pharah. The game itself is awful.
Why do you want me to masturbate so bad?
I can fap to almost any feet now so no
Why they gotta ruin her like that, D.VA is reserved for size B people
Here, I'll fix this trash for blizzard. You can send them a picture of my post.
There should be 3 different balances and play styles to the game. The first should be the competitive/mlg game mode that is balanced to cater to the pro scene and people that give a shit about that.
The second should be the fun game mode, a game mode that has balancing made specifically to provide the most fun to everyone and is not particularly balanced for pros. This should be a game mode where teamwork isn't required and you can play as any character you want without having your team disadvantaged due to character mixup.
The third should be an intermediary play mode where it's more serious than the fun mode but isn't stifling like the pro mode.
All three game modes should have a ranking system and rewards for playing.
But the player base is gone now and they're already moving on to overwatch 2.
What a lad
I got golden gun on tracer and then dipped
from an FPS perspective, the game has huge flaws
It's a pretty dead game.
Who in the fucking world would ever watch another person play a porn game.
good speed user
>Fap to Widowmaker every single day since her release
>See nice latina at work with Widowmaker ass
>Have her as gf now
>No longer fap to Widowmaker
Widowmaker was my top tier fetish.
Toe-revealing foot/legwear
god speed user
lol, weak bait
hmmm, I don't think this is allowed here
Calm down Tyrone
At least we have the renders
But now you have to real the variables for all the characters across 3 different game modes instead of 1 across the board. Blizzard won't do that. Blizzard doesn't do anything unless serious competition rises and everybody starts to compare the two.
Why not? The game hasn't changed much since it came out. You can have three teams dedicated to their own mode. Besides, they release a new character twice a year. They do nothing as it is.
are their pussies itchy?
Great job in the office today Bob, see you next monday.
Glad there's no sound, would have hurt my ears
>he doesnt want to watch Mei grab Mercy by her hair and throw her to the ground in one swift motion, freeze her limbs to the floor like handcuffs, and start violently scissoring her until they both have explosive climaxes, scoring a point for Mei's team
you a gay nibba
All it has is this song if I remember correctly.
They focused too much on the esports angle, you really can't force that stuff. It was pretty funny when they pandered to tourneyfags pretty much exclusively and then wondered why their community was becoming so "toxic." What a surprise that nobody wants to play with these people. They just bitch and whine any time they lose, and if blaming other players doesn't cut it then they blame the game and harass the devs into constantly re-balancing everything. It exposed another whacky concept: A lot of people don't like coming back to a game being completely different because some loud kids on the internet think any game where they can lose is unfair.
Also they tried way too hard to give it a big story. The world of overwatch was a lot more interesting when it was all left to the imagination. When people started referring to overwatch characters by their "real" name (like Lena instead of Tracer), that was when I was out.
Stop doing no fap
I still play it daily. I like it much better than PubG/Apex. The game is fast paced and when you die, you are back in within seconds - not kicked out into a lobby and having to spend three minutes in a lobby waiting for the next game.
Fetishes are gained/learned
It's just a joke from Doomguy's girlfriend's show
It was fun at first but it's gutter trash nowadays
the balance in this game was dogshit and got worse over time, they exclusively pandered to a few loud esports reps who were removed because they said faggot one time in 2010. The story got trashed so they could shill lgbtq shit for free money from morons but backfired when they did so too pbviously with 76.
nice, didn't have this image. Instant boner
fuck you make me sick
what is the allure of apex and pubg
i played both
pubg is shit
apex is a shit titanfall
overwatch is just cancer but i had fun with it when i was playing but also fuck me people are fucking retarded and its what makes fightan games better than all other videogames, dont have to rely on a team to not drop the ball
>game ends
>kicked out onto the menu and have to spend 5 minutes queueing for qp
I'm pretty sure Scratchy was the pussycat
slow and shallow """arena""" shooter
why is mei so ripped...
tfw censor threads don't exist anymore
It reminds me of the twitch streamer that censors her own feet so she can sell it to footfags later
They do exist on infinity chan
i don't care much about the feet, just in general i found it hot, but when it got really intense with the insults and shit is when i got tired of it.
For me its legs
also where would i find them
Sunny is the artist that made me a fatfag. God-tier anatomy.
Blizzard tries to forget / never references it because China bans games with gays.
China = $$$$
Gays =
there's a censorship thread on infinite's /d/
I'd link it but it keeps getting flagged as spam
Overwatch is dead
so dead that people are getting bored of the porn of it.
yea i actually found it after doing some simple digging but i wasn't sure if it was on some obscure ass board since they have so many.
Thanks anyway
don't worry overwatch 2 is coming with more lgbtqxyz characters, make sure to tell your blue haired friends and liberal controlled videogames media outlets!
>there's only one good animated sfm of tracer
you got proof?
Overwatch characters look better fat.
tracer is a so boring character they had to make her gay, and even then she is still boring.
her gameplay is good, but damn, im not playing with a such character with almost no personality.
>brainlets keep referring to blender animations as SFM
this bothers me more than it should
I wouldn't sayy good but at least playable if you wanted a team classed based shooter.
Mei being fat is a meme
She just wears bulky clothes because she's the ice-themed character
Wrong it's shit for a seemingly limitless number of reasons
>But goddamn if it doesn't have some of the greatest asses ever modeled for a game UNF GOD DAMN MY FUCKING DICK!
We know you fags only mention this game because of the porn.
would be two if it weren't for vg's pregger fetish
>be me
>new work
>meet a "girl" that was too manly to be a girl
>eventually noticed that he's a tranny
>he never tells me, and he doesn't make out a big deal out of it (he's not telling everybody to be open minded and that shit), so it's cool for me
>he's actually a cool person
>start talking about games
>he mentions overwatch and that he loves overwatch and overwatch esports, and that he's pretty excited about some new season or whatever
>laugh internally because the tranny-overwatch memes were true
I've got some fucking basic ass employees that I work with that are the most typical Overwatch Esports! crowd. You better believe I'm a kill joy asshole whenever they mention that shit, I'll be damned if someone is going to enjoy something that I think is shit.
The creampie animations are kino
Sounds like you're even worse. What with being an autistic sperg and all.
I would cum so fucking hard on those feet
Love to spread your ass cheeks real slow like and give it a lick like the pretty little princess you are.
>there is zero good Zarya porn
Her main outfit is shit but Barbarian and Olympic skin are great
Is climbing in comp worth it? I'm in silver, on the upside you can jump into basically any situation as winston, assume that a sniper will never land a shot on you, go for any rez as mercy, etc. On the downside you usually have to pick between being the only healer or the only tank on your team and your teammates are so fucking retarded that reaper can shadowstep into them and they won't realize he's about to ult
>Is climbing in comp worth it?
???? why do you want to? have you never played a game with a rank system? its literally pointless
those aren't really comparable since they're battle royales. battle royales are just bad FFA matches.
okay i know this is that something hotel cartoon but what is the doomguy reference
I'm pretty sure que times in Overwatch are bigger then 3 minutes.
Not only that que times in Apex are like 1 second, I have no idea how you can play Overwatch over a month that game is incredibly boring. I thought the Quake fags and Tf2 Autists were just sperging about Overwatch having a low skill ceiling and no depth in the game I was horribly wrong.
Honestly anyone who still plays Overwatch plays less then 2 hours a day at least to be honest. Literally all my gamer friends for the past 15 years always played more then 5 hours at least 5 days a week even normies.
I forgot to mention the ONLY people I know currently that play Overwatch are MMO players that dabble in it for a little while, My friends Dad, a stock trader business owner I know and a married couple.
Yeah, Hazbin Hotel. Doomguy is dating Charlie.
Apex takes a while for me to get into the game because it has to queue and then go through the character selection process
Overwatch queue times are non-existent for me as well. Maybe it's different for everyone.
There's even porn.
i'm just going to assume it must be a part of the show. i haven't seen it and no one really talks about it, but the art is cool.
Pilot comes out in October, watch it then!
ok now post the uncensored version
sure if i remember lol
Is there a name for this type of artist? I see this so much: "good" shading and general polish, but absolutely dogshit basic drawing skills. WTF MEI
You didn't hear? Literally who is going to die in Overwatch 2 because they're trying to bend the plot towards fanservice instead of the current plot-hole ridden travesty that they have right now so now she's going to be gay with a reformed widowmaker instead
It went to shit sooner than that.
Fuck Tracer feet. There's not enough Pharah feet
Those rumors were too good to be true.
Because I assume at a rank like plat where all the players are competent the matches wouldn't be steamrolls as often
God I love that image
I love my wife Lena.
>those censors
>That smug look on her face because you'll have to make do with her milky, plush thighs and calves
Oh no, the horror
Whatever shall I do
You two sound like really fun buds.
>Overwatch 2
excuse me?
>Doomguy is dating Charlie.
Fuck I want Goblin Slayer dating a qt female goblin now. Makes thematic sense since he's spergy about goblin lore and knows there's only male goblins, so it'll work.
>Vagina Goblin.
>I see. Not a goblin.
Post some widowmaker's butt
This will work. For now. But they call him Goblin Slayer for a reason, user. Goblina's Layer.
Tracers feet are making me rock hard...
Why am i such a fucking brainlet
what's with the influx of faggots with tenor in the fucking filename? Did another subreddit get quarantined and you're migrating here?
Do girls actually do this?
I reinstalled it today, are there PVE events all year round?
I thought sfm stood for "sexual full motion"
the rankings in overwatch are a joke, diamond + wil tell you it's fine and to get good, bronze are retarded, and everyone between silver and plat is suffering. It's a widely known fact buying a fresh account and goign ranked will get you a higher rank and it's hard to move once you get intoa rank. Basically the system tries to kep you in the rank you're at by saddling you with shitters and other retards.
Nothing about this game works right.
It isn't and those aren't even very nice feet
can someone post the 2b feet webm before this thread gets deleted
I recognize that fetish pic
i played 5 minutes of over watch and knew it was floaty no skill cluster fuck garbage. and with blizzard balancing it i knew it would only get worse. instantly refunded
Surely any artist would know after so many hours of drawing this that Mei's back is FUCKED UP right?
What the fuck even is this
Esports ruined Overwatch.
Bless you user
Based image
i got bored of the porn of it, what now?
Ohh yeah...
>Make a bunch of friends in beta
>Play the game almost everyday, everyone has a blast
>Competitive comes out
>Friend group splits up into cliques to grind rank
>6 of us basically stopped playing with them to grind rank
>all of us are in top 100 in the first week
>More people within our group branch off, some join pro teams, some stop playing for other reasons
>old casual friends quit playing since we stopped playing with them, pro friends dont have time to play anymore
It fucking sucks dude. Comp killed this game for me, I haven't talked with any of these guys in years. Wish I could go back and stick with the casual friends instead of throwing it all away for a shitty animated spray
>Overwatch never went to shit.
But it did. meta is more one-sided and TTK is longer than ever. They should rename the game PeashooterWatch when now only snipers do any decent damage, everyone else just slaps each other with wet rags.
>>Is climbing in comp worth it?
lol nope. same shit, different tier. unless you're trying to be esports guy...and even then you have to hope someone notices you.
yes. A girl I knew used to do this at the play ground. she was 10.
They gotta do something for that yeast infection.
I require sauce for academic purposes
Every time I consider fapping to Tracer her porn dissapoints
why does she look so determined? this is a really funny image
I remember when the beta came and all of my friends and I played it nonstop. Then we played it for another two weeks after launch, and bam, I don't think a single one of us has touched it since. Very strange.
esports ruined video games in general
Never post Wocka Wocka again. He's a soiboi disguised as a rapper. Vegan ass nigga.
It's only pretty good because it gave us Mercy who will never be real.
citation, never seen this one and i fap to pharah almost religiously.
Tracer is a pretty good gal
>arena shooter
try again, OP
Overwatch characters are in a weird place where they look way better in concept art than SFM or Blender or anything. I've only seen a few animations where they don't look like gross rubber dolls.
>those toes
Woah, waht the fuck dude/ never post shit lieke tjat agaom gppd ;prplr
but wheres the uncensored version of this?
i was scrolling by incredibly fast on the front page, and scrolled back up to this thread
The reason: i thought op was a cute and funny character "presenting" herself on her knees
just thought id let you know
Tfw healslut fetish
sub or dom
But think of the advertisers for esports!!!!
Have ***
Also tracer has the worst ass ever seen on a videogame, its like she is actually an amputee and instead of proper prostethics, she got two bland corndogs for legs
Someone hasn't seen her diner skin
Do it yourself coward
damn, that's really cute
but then why'd they make the poster girl gay in the first place?
Tracer being gay was because they wanted to include at least 1 gay character.
76 being gay was for diversity points.
Why didn't they make Zarya gay instead
It exists for the porn which is absolutely fucking stellar. My god, I dont think I've ever seen a series with such high quality whack bait before. Thank you Blizzard.
Overwatch sucks ass.
Because she would've been too stereotypically butch and Russia hates gay people.
So they went with the lipstick option.
In terms of animated content and 3dcg content it is unmatched.
>bend the plot towards fanservice
little late for that when Fornites around
>posts pick of girl with worst ass
the fanart's great though
I want to suck D.Va's ass If you know what I mean
Hey that reminds me
What does Widowmaker's arm tattoo say?
doo doo comes out of there
Ma grosse boule de beurre
Tracer has the worst ass it's fucking flat while
while Dva has mounds of ass
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Overwatch
What happened?
Looks like her ass is stuck to the floor, pisspoor job
Ovewatch plain old sucks
sometimes you just can't figure out how something's supposed to look/work when drawing and you wind up having to grit your teeth and fill it out as best you can so you can finish your piece and be done with it. behind the scenes the artist me well be trying various quick re-sketches and such to figure it out but decide that fixing the issue might take too long or take too much re-working. it's definitely bad, though, given that she's front and center in the composition, but imagine what happened is something like what i described rather than the artist thinking that looks perfect
Overwatch porn is more overated than the game, literally the only decent shit is Mercy and Dva and everyone else is garbage
This isn't a beach, it's a bathtub!
Yea Forums stopped being distracted by the fanservice for a minute, which was enough to realize the actual game has no depth
>What happened?
You woke up from the coma.
Game is style and no substance
>join match
>put on defense for the 20th time in a row
>again for the 20th time in a row team is made up of complete faggots, either 4 snipers or 4 DPS
>don't heal because I'd rather break my fingers one by one than support mongoloid niggers in any way
>4 gold with some meme hero I picked just to piss off my teammates
>if I quit these shitshow matches I get penalized despite it not being comp because the game has to coerce good players to stick around and carry fat retards through every game
>bans anyone who complains for being toxic
Yea Forums never liked overwatch
>"Yea Forumsideogames"
this board (and website) gets worse every single nanosecond
This just in: Overwatch is not a video game because this dick said so. Amazing work, son.
Normally I don't like them this big but for some reason widowmaker is doing it for me.
Based Devil Survivor chad
and dva is in the exact same boat
at least Tracer is cuter
Seethe more
>posting soft core overwatch porn is videogames