Rank 'em. Dead Money is obviously #1 because Dean Domino is so fucking cool.
Rank 'em. Dead Money is obviously #1 because Dean Domino is so fucking cool
Sorry, I meant kewl.
Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road = Old World Blues
Honest Hearts > Old World Blues > Dead Money > Lonesome Road
My nigga. I would change the = for a > but okay.
Old World Blues > Honest Hearts > Dead Money > Lonesome Road
I actually meant to put a > my bad.
Based and Dominopilled
Gay, bluepilled, communism and quite possibly incels.
Point Lookout and Honest Hearts are the only Fallout DLCs I like or care about. I don't like how claustrophobic most of the rest of them are.
Old World Blues > Dead Money > Honest Hearts = Lonesome Road
May I invite you to choke on my dick?
How can anyone not pick Dead Money as the best one?
They played it.
Old World Blues > Dead Money > Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts
Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts > Dead Money > Old World Blues
>Lonesome Road
Has the best storyline. A philosopher who has gone mad is on a personal mission to make you understand what you took from him. You get to discover what you did before losing your memory, and you get to see its effects first hand as you journey through the divide. Also the best looking armour and weapons in the game are found here.
>Honest Hearts
Joshua Graham is probably the most badass NPC of all time. The rest of the DLC's content is pretty cool, but nothing out of the ordinary.
>Dead Money
I couldn't get invested into any of the NPCs in this DLC, and going through the casino (both outside and inside) felt like a chore. The "you've gotta leave it all behind and learn to let go" theme was executed poorly, since you can find a legitimate way to take all the gold with you.
>Old World Blues
This entire expansion felt like a chore. The wacky sci-fi theme, while fitting for mainline fallout games, felt out of place for New Vegas. The dialogue of the robot scientist geniuses started to get really annoying with their "LOL XDDD" humor. The gear wasn't that interesting. If Lonesome Road was Breaking Bad, then Old World Blues would be Big Bang Theory.
Port Harbor was actually rather big. Shame the story in the DLC was so short so the great majority of the map and locations were completely skippable.
lonesome road is retarded, that's what happens when you make up a nigger who tries to act smart
Do you people really need to make the same circle jerk shill threads every single day?
>Old World Blues
Did you not enjoy simply exploring the Big Empty? I enjoyed it a lot and most of my time spent was walking around reading the notes and tracking the storylines across the various buildings
Im not sure on the other three, but the only acceptable place for Old Reddit Blues is last.
>oh man I sure do love standing here talking to these robots about stupid shit for 15 minutes at a time
>haha this one just asked me about my sexual organs! thats so quirky, just like my sense of humor! bazinga!
>oh boy its time for another fetch quest
>yay I get to go into the school for the third time!
>maybe if I'm lucky I'll get to shoot some more bulletsponge robo-scorpions on the way there
Most of Big Empty felt boring to explore. It all felt the same. You could say the same about The Divide (or any area) but I found the Divide to be way more enjoyable to explore than Big MT.