why is it cool to hate persona 5 now
Why is it cool to hate persona 5 now
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People have actually played through it and seen how hard it falls off now
Retards with no attention span or uppity P3fags
Because Atlus still had the audacity to charge full price for The Royal even if you have vanilla.
It was slightly excusable with P3 FES/Portable and P4G since DLC wasn't really a thing yet, but not now.
Also your stupid bitch has a big ass fucking forehead.
cause it's cringy weeb shit
Reminder that Persona 5 regularly ranks higher than all other JRPGs in Yea Forums polls
>slightly excusable with P3 FES/Portable and P4G
P4G is only available on Vita and Vita is dead.
Also i heard P4G is entirely new game compared to P4.
Fuck Atlus
Yea Forums in a nutshell
It got popular
It's the Yea Forums contrarion cycle mixed with sour grapes from the game not coming to switch
People are mad that Joker got to smash.
Some others are mad because despite that persona literally gets zero games for switch.
As for me, I just hate the company as a whole because instead of making new games like SMTV or P5 Arena/Scramble Atlus had this brilliant idea of focusing on remasters instead.
It's popular now.
Persoyna 4 fags went full damage control
>Game releases
>It’s good
>Yea Forums likes it
>Few months pass
>New game bad, old game good
It's popular. P5 definitely isn't a perfect game by any means, but it's a damn fine RPG that managed to streamline a lot of elements from previous games without removing the aspects that made them enjoyable.
I farted in this thread
It's Yea Forums and p5 is popular. Yea Forums thrives off of contrarian shit.
It's never cool to hate anything really.
Because it was in Smash and became too popular.
Because the milking has begun
PersonaQ2, the P5 anime, now the new version of P5 thats coming out, expect P5 anime 2 after that
I don't recall if they had one of the dancing games as well.
Because Haru is ugly.
annoying cringe fatlus fanboy
Yea Forums has a habit of turning on games that enjoyed friendly threads for a length of time.
Kind of like that the people that did like the game had their fill of it and all that's left are the anons and hate it.
Like with what happened to XB2 or Octopath.
It doesn't carry its message as well as P4. In P4 it is entirely consistent, reach out to the truth, be the best person you can (Persona) while defeating your own shadow.
In P5, adults are bad lets brainwash them. How many likes do we get on the internet, are we popular yet? It is trying to be edgy while still sticks into the convention of following the rules. This is also reflected in each character development.
Makoto starts as teacher's pet A student who want to get to good university. Makoto ends as teacher's pet A student who want to get to good university after the S link. The S link is not about her, but justifying how right she was in pre-judging her friend's bf by being a no good punk.
Haru and Japanese Bernie Sanders were the only two good, memorable S-links
>P4G is entirely new game compared to P4.
Fuck off, nobody actually thinks this
You're an absolute fucking retard. P4's "message" makes no sense. They just keep screaming REACH OUT FOR THE TRUTH when it means nothing. You catch a murderer red handed, but then you're supposed to REACH OUT FOR THE TRUTH for no reason at all. What reason in game is given to doubt their conclusion? Seriously, give a single reason they doubt their conclusion outside of a vague premonition. The theme finding the truth has no basis in the story at all, they just keep screaming it when the plot demands it, and then reveal a secret God was really pulling the strings all along. P4fags who think that idea of truth was integrated well into the story are a special kind of stupid.
>10 hour prologue
>alright thats done! finally i can start planning my days and doing activities or social links...
>oh i need to watch repeated story scenes again
>oh i need to meet up for 5 minutes and it takes the whole day again
>oh an event thats cancelled/boring/no one cares, there goes the day
>well at least its night i can go out
>oh i need to read repeated texts wondering if the targets heart changed
>oh i need to go to sleep
>oh ya its also like 40 hours longer than p3/p4 because of all this nonsense lol
Biggest disappointment of this gen for me tbqh
Last time i checked Yea Forums polls persona didnt even rank close to Legend of heroes.
In fact persona is one of the bottom tier jrpgs on those polls
Because SMT is a far superior series
I really liked the game, but theres no way you cant deny it didnt have some serious issues.
I love Anne.
its always been shit on as "dissappointing"
why it had its flaws and the story kinda took a dive in the second half, its still and very enjoyable game with a lot of good things that get overlooked
Nah, the story was great at the end. The people who complained are idiots who think the point was to set up the twist that Goro was the traitor, or that the game was about evil adults.
Don't worry, though. It'll be ruined when they forgive Goro and he joins the party despite murdering Haru's dad.
I want C!
nigga most weebs are sitting at home all day, of course they'll have the better opportunity to vote on those polls as opposed to people who work
and even the the game is on the same fucking platform, it should literally be an expansion pack at most
my only real gripes with the the story at the end was that it was a bit anti climactic and a bit forced feeling
Shido didn't have enough presence throughout the game to really feel like the final baddie you had to beat before Jaldabaoth, so he wasn't that satisfying to beat him even with Rivers in the Desert playing
Akechi being a bad guy was handled kinda badly too, just felt like they wanted to make another Adachi rather than make him actually interesting with his own sense of justice
Haru hated her dad. She only acted sad for the attention.
>they wanted to make another Adachi rather than make him actually interesting with his own sense of justice
Not trying to force him to be an anti-hero was the best thing they did. Don't worry, P5R will toss all that out to pander to fujos and you'll get you're shitty redemption arc.