Is Rare back?

Is Rare back?

Attached: tamarin-poster-1556050990123.jpg (5000x2809, 1.63M)

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So they made Conker without the humor + boring-as-fuck levels? Looks REALLY BAD. Actually soulless, memes aside

this is like if you replaced

>ants bad
>furries good
Fuck you ants are based

What shitty Dreamworks movie is this?

looks like a russian or turkish made animated movie. awful.

>chameleon games
OP is a faggot

Yes, they made a game in 2017.

Attached: rare humor in 2017.jpg (1217x1319, 340K)

Are those ants wielding lasguns?

Didn't it flop and become universally hated by everyone?

I doubt it flopped considering it's getting a sequel, it did got bad review scores tho

The ants look badass. Who's that gay monkeyfag?

That’s nice and silly. Wonder why that game was panned


Attached: 545af0c0f1d04.png (854x480, 448K)

The worlds were, while huge, pretty empty and the art design was soulless. It was alright.

They took the ants from Jet Force

Attached: jet force.png (1334x750, 949K)

Attached: 00998789.jpg (480x480, 18K)

>Jet Force Gemini ants


Attached: 1401757397998.gif (320x240, 712K)

>Is Rare back?

Those Ants look way more interesting.
I don't want to play as some dumb, gay, fucking monkey-bush-baby-lemur homo.

I wana play as one of those Ants.
Gimmie a first person Ant shooter with some mild RTS factors like collecting resources, capturing points, and securing them with fortifications you can build.

Sounds like a 7th gen game

yeah on the trash can, where they belong

Who's "everyone?" Most YouTube reviewers lied about the game. I don't know exactly why, though. I think it might've been them trying to sabotage the game because they snubbed JonTron and refused to refund people who backed the game who wanted their money back due to JonTron not being in it. However, that can't be true for troglodytes like Jim Sterling. He hated it because Laylee makes fun of people and the game makes fun of other games. Mauler loved it and he made a long series going over it bit by bit as well as debunking most of the criticism.

I think it was a good game, but it could've been a lot better. I definitely don't think it's worth $40, though.

not even made by Rare

I got a copy of it today for $5 because the box was broken

What box? And it’s free with amazon prime right now


is the snuggle bunny video game at long last?

Reminder that you play as a tamarin wielding an Uzi that wants revenge against the ants for slaughtering his family.

Attached: 581a1fd33d96c9affebd1d22b4c7f7ba.jpg (1152x675, 284K)

Ok be honest, you’re working on the game. I don’t mind though, I’m interested in this genre making a return. How far along is it? Looks like it still needs a lot of time in the oven.

it'd be a missed opportunity to not include an elder character

Attached: Emperor-Tamarin-HD-Background.jpg (1600x1200, 172K)

the game case, i got it for Xbox

OP I recommend taking a look at the Ratchet and Clank series to improve your shooter gameplay. A Crack in Time specifically seemed to do it very well.

oh i don't work for them sorry, and
>I’m interested in this genre making a return

really? that sounds a lot more violent than i thought

>more furry shit

what the fuck am I looking at
looks like one of those bootleg cgi movies

It's inspired by Jet Force Gemini, not Conker

That's SOUL you're looking at.

looks like a pretty basic plataformer and even more basic shooter.
Rare is dead as shit.

I remember these fucking commercials