Post your mains and favourites Yea Forums
New daily and weekly reset is now happening.
Are you ready?
CTR Nitro
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>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock
Why is one of the large slots in the Pit Stop repeatedly empty? I haven't obtained Ami's motorsport bundle yet
Sometimes that happens. I think you'll have to wait until they put her back on after the last circulation with her upfront. Also
>Ami's motorsport
Anyone who uses this model triggers me instantly.
It's like people picked the first model on the pitstop and just haven't bothered to do anything since. A game where aesthetics are abound and people stick with motorsport Ami like the other 5 people in the same race baffles me.
The bonus for wearing it is negligible unless you're farming AFK, and even then you've got other cosmetics (Cortex, Crunch) and other trophy girls to wear that no one else uses as much.
Always on the podium, never in first place. It hurts Bros. Also you niggers who hit people with missiles as they go into a ramp should slit your wrists.
I really want N. Tropy but I’ll be damned if I have the focus to do all those time trials. I’m suffering.
Relax, user. it will all be over soon.
Best girl with a cock. What more could I ask for?
The rest of the trophy girls with a cock?
The artist said Megumi is next.
Is the Sewer Speedway shortcut still borked or no?
Only other girl I care about is Isabella. And she's not a fit tomboy so I don't care that much.
I only use it for dailies but after I'm done I go back to aesthetics.
It's still the same.
The time trials are the best part of the game though.
You think it's more fun to get hit by items and spam items at other people than actually learn how to play the game through a genuine challenge that will give you a sense of accomplishment?
Beenox doesn't visit 4channel you dumbass
>grind lap glitch for 10 hours a day
Such accomplishment..
there was a beenox employee that used to frequent these threads. answering questions and relaying feedback to his bosses
>lap glitch
Tell me about Nina. Why does she wear the gloves?
how do I git gud? And are speed characters the only viable ones?
cortex noticed she had an affinity for small cute animals so he replaced her hands with metal ones so she would crush them when she tried to pick them up
what in the goddamn, that's actually ingame? i thought that was screwball game-bible forgotten backstory stuff, like cortex causing chernobyl
>when you host a lobby with like one other good guy and it dwindles down to the two of you after the last shitter leaves
First I got T-posing Dingodile, now I got T-posing Ripper Roo. Who's next?
technically it's only in the manual for the game, but it's official and published backstory
No there wasn't lmao
Thats fsnfictio tier garbage
user who said limit battling hard AI would be quick Nitro lied. You don't get shit for losing on PS4.
that's fucking horrifying
Then they patched it
Post roo's tubes times for the weekly challenge.
I know you are, but what is Ami?
Just 12k more until I can stop doing these stupid challenges
>cortex had a daughter but she was super nice so he cut off her hands and sent her to evil school.
Please bitch I'm adorable.
Beat my record like 10 minutes ago
can anyone post the weekly challenges? I won't get to play for at least 12 hours
>Cortex being evil is wrong
Oh ok so you just dont understand the concept of good writing and charwcter backstory/motivation, go back to enjoying your shitty fanfiction garbage.
No "Japanese manual/fanfiction only" shenanigans this time.
It got patched then
Im saying its garbage writing on par with fanfiction
>Oh ok so you just dont understand the concept of good writing and charwcter backstory/motivation
Ball's in your court user. Show me.
so happy I finally got my Motorcross Isabella :3
>vroom vroom!!
Shes emo.
No one ever takes the out of time or twilight tour shortcuts, the supposed "ALL SHORTCUTS" videos always skip the out of time one too
You know which one
my brother
>wind up losing SF on lap 3 from a bad bump but the turbo pad was right there so I hauled ass to get a 1:20:93
I'm sorry Dingodile, I had to overwrite you for some sick points.
If you didn't know all the shortcuts beforehand then you don't deserved to know them.
Wait what twilight tour shortcuts?
Are Racer Crunchs the new autistic tryhard's choice?
Anyone wanna lobby up for the friend challenge? Just one race.
Is Papu Papu /ourguy/
Anyone else stuck "Preparing lobby" trying to race online on PS4?
The little one at the start and the one that cuts through the bazaar, I guess
The second one isnt even that great if you don't know how to handle the turn
Crunch has always been the unspoken but true tryhard
I instinctively pick him when I know the lobby is nothing but shitters
As someone who doesn't have friends and has no intention of playing it online, is this game worth it? I remember loving the one of ps1 but then I remember at that time having friends to play with it.
Add Datightguy if you wanna get the dumb friend challenge out of the way.
Most if not all Crunch players suck colossal dick in an actual race. Its fitting for the character to be honest.
>I had to beat my 1:18:31 time on Roo's Tubes for the beat your time challenge
Took me over an hour ffs, I'm not even that good
I made the mistake of doing the Deep Sea Diving time trials with mirror mode turned on, now I can't play the level normally anymore.
Do you like kart racers? If so, then yes.
There's a lot to do between adventure mode and time trials, but honestly theres a big focus on online, an online leaderboard, and cosmetic unlocks in the online
>not taking the short cut even though you have a shield
you deserved it
Based game shitting on Amifaggots
I was actually trying to reproduce the bug, that's why I didn't take it.
Does the Airplane Mode exploit still work? Just tried it and the game crashed when I crossed the finish line
>everyone picking Inferno Island
I fucking hate this stage and it's massive frame drops.
what does this mean? which cart style is best
>Race 20 laps on inferno island
You can thank the weekly challenge for that one
I bet the issue is that nitros oxide is an acceleration character and to make him hard to beat they just boosted acceleration stats higher than they look.
>Just maintained USF for the entirety of the second and third lap on Polar Pass (until a warp orb fucked me near the water area in the third lap)
>Managed to DNF everyone
Holy fuck I am playing on another level tonight. I've never hit that before
>5 rounds of steal the bacon in rocky road
are you joking
I don't even feel like grinding coins online anymore. Daily rewards on its own isn't enough and I really don't like playing online. I wish they would just bump up rewards and enable bonuses for offline as well so I can just not do this shit anymore and perhaps start enjoying the game again like I did when I was completing Adventure. I'm so bored of grinding.
Those turns at the beginning fuck me up. I can never keep usf through it.
just do it against an offline 2P
I wish the tracks would get randomly mirrored online, it would be a fun way to mix it up to make it more even
Yeah they're painful, hence my excitement
It'd be fun and hilarious but I'd lose every time and waste my daily bonuses.
>play x games of y on z
These challenges are horrible
He was, how do you know he wasnt?
It was an insanely obvious larper. I don't know why Yea Forums loves playing along with that shit. He ended his charade hilariously.
>Hey check out all these new characters, tracks and vehicles!
>Okay now play fifty times with Crash in the Team Bandicoot kart on Crash Cove
I came in first by 3 nano seconds and it put me in second. This game is rigged.
After playing Turn characters for an entire day, all I can say is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
>N Gin Labs
>Get fucked by a random bomb at the first set of items
>I am now stuck fighting with filler CPUs for the rest of the race while first place Tawnafag gets an easy win
How far are you anons from finishing the prix?
I'm sitting on around 7,000 left. On 35,000.
why is kamikaze so broken
I've done it both online legitimately and offline in battle mode to force it and it won't register at all.
Got the Tawna sticker. Probably need 7k more until I finish gold.
I just got the second last Gold reward, so about 5000 points left til Motorsport Tawna. I should have it tomorrow or the day after depending on what multipliers I use for the dailies.
It's easiest with two controllers and no ai. That's how I did it.
When will the boomers learn?
24k. That said I am in the top 5% of PS4 players just by doing dailies instead of leaving the PS4 on all day grinding battle mode
that's the thing, I've done it several times and even that won't register
>first game of the day
>Twilight Tour Online
>shud b gud for coins
>Map Literally doesn't road and I'm driving on invisible terrain and have to guess the track
T..thanks Beenox
Alright guys, I'm gonna stop by Dingo Diner and then get some oil. Ya'll want anything?
>tfw on the final day of the Prix they add a platinum reward and you never finished gold
Do they have bandicoot pie? I'll take one if they've got some
Just be glad you run the podium at all fag
Grab us some biscuits and let you fuck my arse, love.
Why is brio wearing white?
Some fag on reddit is claiming that these are the real stats
>unlocked Motorsuit Tawna
>still doing the dailies and weekly challenges
It never ends.
If true then that’s fucking horrendously balanced.
What planet are you on? Haven’t seen a single crunch player who wasn’t first by a very, very wide margin...
>beat your time on Roo's Tubes
Fucking tormentors
That's almost exactly how it was in the orginal though.
Yeah he got a special how many you want bro?
I got you but I only want to fuck Tropy
Before or after workout?
No wonder why pura pickers arent satisfied unless they finish 8th place
Uhhhhhhhhh fucking idiots
I know, which is why I’m still annoyed they didn’t balance it better despite claiming to do just that in this game.
I'd rather sniff it, but thanks for the offer anyway
Fuck you. My father was made into bandicoot pie.
That actually seems correct. Balanced chars have always felt stupidly slow, especially compared to Acceleration chars, who are supposed to be slower. I mean seriously, when you go online, the only people who will win regularly are speed and acceleration chars
Then speed is way better than the other stats. Every tryhard is a speed main.
Is there a secret to not getting dicked over by items? Because if there’s someone getting hit consecutively by 3 missiles/bombs and an Aku Aku and knocked into a wall or off a ledge, it’s me.
It happens. You just got bad lucked.
QUICK! I need tips on how to get platinum time on the N. Gin Labs relic race. Fuck me it is absolutely slapping my balls. Like I'm slowly getting better (slowly), but there has got to be a crutch I can lean on or something. Tiny's Arena was an absolute cakewalk to plat compared to this.
On tracks like Coco Park or Papu's Pyramid, stay the fuck behind the pack even if you're confident you can make it, 1st place gets fucked to shit and never recovers
Once had 4 missiles AND a warp within moments of starting a race on Coco Park because of the initial boxes
>tfw starting to master the game's mechanics and gitting gud
>tfw grinding the fuck out of coins by doing the grand prix challenges
this game is fucking fun now
I still don’t get what Naughty Dog was going for with these stat spreads. They had to have known that these were objectively tilted as fuck.
You mean coco park, crash cove and inferno island, papu pyramid is no issue if you use the shortcuts correctly
Happens to me all the time. Typically I hit perfect starts, and will take the first box (a fucking beaker), and I will all too often get combo'd by all three of the items that came out of those other boxes. Shit gets old sometimes.
Is this just for the remaster, or for the base game too?
>you will never bury your face deep between Liz’s ass cheeks and take a big whiff of her braps as she says ‘pardon me’ and giggles each time
try keeping the blue flame as you come out of the boost tunnel, small little things like that. start the grind IN the tunnel so as you're getting perfects, it stays blue flame a little [when you're outside the tunnel]
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
What did he mean by this?
>Dr. N Gin
If you go for shortcuts on Coco park you absolutely going to be on 1-3 place
What's the most and least tryhard character online?
I know how to keep my USF, but keeping that shit WHILE hitting boxes is a nightmare. My strongest muscle mammary is gonna be the motion to restart the track.
Would you be okay with us not getting anymore grand prixes than the datamine suggests? Realistically it'd be nice to get a "season 2" but I highly doubt Activision would want any more than the initial promised obligation of the game's support if they aren't seeing any additional money out of it, a side-effect of shit being free. They could just rerun grand prixes after December. Six months of post-launch support seems like fuck all but that's five (5) characters, 1 track and 3 karts and skins per month.
Activision likely wants Beenox to start on their next project ASAP than spend the rest of their time on CTR, maybe a skeleton crew will stay around for barebone adjustments, but that would be the extent of it. Judging by how they treat Call of Duty and previously Skylanders, they'd want Beenox to start work on their next game *now* while Vicarious Visions preps the finishing touches on the game they're working on for release next year, then Beenox's next project drops the year after that.
>I hope no one notices my Tawna sticker
None of them. Someone will have some dipshit negative things to say about every character's player that isn't their own main. Ignore them and play who you like.
N.Tropy is probably the most
least is probably Pura
Ryan no!
I've been busted to second with a huge gap by perma USF boosting Isabella players lately.
Ryan YES!
I am glad we get post launch support at all. The game being fun is incentive enough for me to play.
Toys for Bob is part of their new cycle with with VV and Beenox now. VV do a Crash game every three years, TfB do a Spyro every three years and Beenox do a spinoff every three years. So don’t expect anything from Beenox until 2022, they’ve got plenty of time to dedicate to post launch support. I doubt there’ll be more than the 6 Prixs though.
fuck i need this skin
Gotta steal a bunch of bacon for daily challenges? Set the ai to easy and set the only items to be Aku/Uka/Velo masks. Really speeds things up!
That shortcut in Polar Pass where you skip the first u turn using the jump pad is going to be the end of me.
Any tips on landing it? Not the wall jump, the once before it
Raccoon Ami > Pink/Lemonade Megumi > Any Isabella = Any Liz > > > shit > > > blond bimbo whore
That one cucks me too. You need to go over the turbo pad and jump at the very highest point of the iceberg that turbo pad is on, then air-brake to orient yourself facing forwards when you land.
why must you hurt me like this
I work there and can confirm we do check Yea Forums so keep posting your concerns
>Toys for Bob year comes around again
>it's just them doing a third of the work and outsourcing the rest to VV and Beenox defeating the point of the cycle
alright then, all I can offer is watch a youtube video, something happens in your brain (for me anyway) when I quickly WATCH somebody do it, and then try it. can try that
I'm about halfway to the Tawna sticker, but going on vacation soon, going to miss 5 days worth of dailies. Sure I'll still get the outfit, and hoping that keeps me in top 5% for the car,
I dob't look forward to Spyro's future if Toys for Bob are in charge.
So, what's the secret on keeping the blue flame? Only perfect boosts before the pad, and boost as soon as possible when I get the blue flame, or should I be doing perfects still? It always feels on edge. If I boost as soon as possible, it doesn't last enough for thr next slide, if I go for perfects, the flame go out before the third boost.
I just miss the jump half the time. Is there a special technique to make it easier, or am I doomed to eternally fail the small margin and throw away my race?
More often than not there will only be 1-2 people who actually speed run the track. If you just maintain SF and cut all the corners, chances are you'll leave the rest of the pack in the dust.
>No Coco
If you're on PS4 I'm almost certain it'll keep you in the 5%. There are like 800k players now, 5% is 40,000
Perfects definitely. That's how you maintain it. Try get perfects boosts on the pad
I caught a t-posing coco on my switch version.
Mine was also on electric avenue
how does online ranking work? is it a rating system or something? not sure if to buy this
No rankings/ratings or anything
It's still a blast
how do i set items
>how does online ranking work?
>is it a rating system or something?
then what is all the talk about top 5% and a kart? is it the ingame currency they talk about?
raccoon ami lewd I promised last night
None of the first games in this cycle got three years, it’s only a thing going forward now that they’re all out. I can’t blame TfB for needing to outsource considering the Spyro trilogy is a lot bigger in scale than the Crash trilogy or CTR.
just an event leaderboard for participating in the challenges
>people still trying to use the thunderstruck skip online
Free wins
This is my current setup, what do you think?
>If you're on PS4 I'm almost certain it'll keep you in the 5%. There are like 800k players now, 5% is 40,000
Yeah, that's my thinking. I'm around 3000 for the Nitro board, and don't figure will lose enough, am on PS4.
go to grand prix, and go to champsion leaderboard/nitro, then look at player counter and work out if you're in the 5%
one is for champsion points [little point trophies you get when you win/lose a online game]
2nd leader board is nitro points, points you get for doing anything, challenges, etc etc.
just need to be in the 5% of one of those, and you get the kar and decal, not hard at all, you can do it
>First time playing online
>Crash cove
>1st place for 75% of 1st lap
>Immediately get hit by a bomb, a missile, and 2 clocks one after another
>End in 6th place because everyone is already practically a lap ahead
once again, fantastic work user. the coloring on these is excellent
Do you have plans to draw any of the other trophy girls/Tawna?
Nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice
They did a good job with Spyro 1, the issue is that these remakes didn’t actually get 3 years dev time like the games that will follow. IIRC Reignited only entered development in early 2017 when Activision were pleased with N.Sane preorder numbers, and Nitro Fueled didn’t enter development until after N.Sane was out. The 3 year thing only really applies to the new games because of the remakes and not the remakes themselves. VV will put out their first game with a 3 year development next year (N.Sane got like 2 years I think), TfB will Pit our their first game with a 3 year development in 2021 (Reignited has between 18 months and 2 years), and Beenox will put out their first 3 year dev cycle game in 2022 (Nitro Fueled had 2 years of dev time). If they maintain the quality of the Spyro 1 remake because they don’t need to outsource some of 2 and all of 3 then I don’t think a new Spyro game from them will be bad.
N. Tropy and Penta usually, but currently Tawna
I've never seen anyone playing that dog, much less a good player
yeah, I'll probably pitter away at something in the next few days. I was actually thinking Pasadena, I'll try and sketch her out a bit tomorrow evening
glad you like it
>Need to do a bunch of challenges for battle mode? Just plug in a second controller and cheese them. Really speeds things up!
Hey I DNF people all the time with Zam.
say hello to next grand prix's kart unlocks
>just slap an unrelated sticker on top of the crown decal
>dude lmao blue wheels gold trim
>white car with a red-shirt blondie
you have terrible color coordination, I hope you have your mother help you dress yourself because I'm sure your wardrobe is a disaster otherwise
Could you do an Ami pegging obj_motherfucker with a strapon?
Okay but do you have any proof you even exist?
Its perfectly fine take five minutes to learn it and you will never fail it again
Is Zam the one that burps on his podium animation
I suck at math. What range do you have to be for the 5% for the Nintendo Switch version?
Fake Crash, Polar, Nash for maximum goober
Yes because this universe is known for its awesome writing, you fucking autist.
less than or equal to Total Number of Players times 0.05
God I hope so. Would make up for the shit baby characters sans Rex.
1 and 2 make sense because ones confirmed and the other is thematically appropriate respectively, but what makes Yellow Horde a likely pick?
This better?
No, Zem is the burping goblin. Zam is the alien doggo.
Remember it as zAm for the cAnine
Top 2264 for Championship, Top 6561 for Nitro
If we don't get a non-baby character in the next Grand Prix I'm gonna start a riot. I know it's a joke at plumber boy's expense but acknowledging that what you're doing is stupid is not the same as not being stupid.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Zam is the alien dog, Zem is the burping ogre.
easy, buckaroo
it's found outside of the prehistoric exhibit in CTTR
Zem is a twat, only podium animation that genuinely becomes grating and I have to take it off
sorry, pegging and strong tomboys just get me really crazy.
>I'm 1616 in championship
>I'm 3020 in Nitro
Shit, now I feel obligated to hold my stance
much better
I'm personally not fond of the twilight tires in general but you've got the rims matching the exhaust pipes and the decal so it's a lot more cohesive instead of random-shit-thrown-together
Pinstripe fags btfo.
I’m getting fucking tired of all these god damn Ami tryhards in every lobby. I’m expecting every lobby to be full of Baby Tropy tryhards next GP because they all gravitate to speed characters for being ‘meta’ despite not knowing how to use them properly.
Hopefully the spyro gp introduces a kart that's fantasy/magical themed. The twilight tires would look good on them.
The more I play this game the more I gravitate towards Crash. I just think he's neat.
If you don't leave from the front of the ice pad and from the side you won't have the height to clear the gap. The same issue exists on Out of Time.
if they force us to play as the trophy girls for a month i can assure you nobody is touching them again after this whole GP ends, but if they let us play with whoever we want, the trophy girls might not be so dead later on
>tried to pull off the papu pyramid ultra shortcut to easy win oxide ghost
>say fuck it and give up
>beat the ghost normally anyway
Wasn't this supposed to be one of the harder ghosts?
Fat Tribesman in a UFO. That is how to be stylish.
Alright ty user also This one was my older eva 01 setup
thanks doc
Divide by 10 then divide by 2
Congratulations you now know how to calculate 5% of anything.
God, I fucking hate Clockwork Wumpa.
Do you mean the shortcut at the end? I did some tests today and you barely need any speed for it. You can start from a standstill and do one drift boost, and you'll get over the gap. I don't know what's up with the jumps in this game
How about just multiply by .05
lrn 2 slide
No, there's an ultra shortcut. Right at the beginning, you can do a jump and land at that last part after the bridge. You can finish the track in less than a minute if you pull it off every lap. The one you're talking about is intended.
>Can't even screenshot
Can you still get items in the Motorsport bundles if you own the matching trophy girl?
I haven't seen the bundles in days.
Only 10k. I don't think I'll make it, even with 19 days left. I only have so much time on weekdays to play. How do you all do it?
I like the car but pink nise crash looks odd.
It's great
I get the feeling they wont appear if you own anything in the bundle but I could be wrong
Wow OP you stole my Digitropy look. Can't blame you though, that kart was made for him
Well, Yea Forums?
Oh sorry, I meant I'm at 10k. I have 32k left.
the paint and sticker together cost 1575 or so. I saw it today in the pit stop
well what?
yes, the bundle will be priced as if the item you already have isn't inside the bundle though.
since the bundles are discounted but the individual items are not, this winds up costing you more than if you had waited for the bundle outright
>liz cost 1500 without discount
>liz bundle saves you 1350 because the liz in the bundle would've been discounted 10%
Whaaat? I can’t help it! The damn phone conspires against me!
>Tawna player
>Team Bandicoot cart
>Pinstripe sticker
Good shit
I can but I am too lazy to do it.
ami > isabella > tawna > liz > megumi
If you've got a calculator then sure.
Hey dafightguy, if you're in here I'm sorry for not going into your lobby earlier. I wasn't actually around, I had to bail with the PS4 on and didn't see the invitation till about 40 minutes later. If you need the friend nitro challenge try again sometime.
What did they patch? My connection (letigimately) dropped and I wasn't earning any nitro despite getting my PS4 back online until I restarted the game
Based and flexpilled.
kill the thunderstruck shortcut
So.... how fun is battle mode online?
They patched it due to the turbo controller cucks? Leel
Good taste
>Seeing all that customization options
>knowing i will never get even half of them because "no online"
Fuck them for making the Wumpa Coins so unblanced, for a single character you have to farm more than an hour offline or doing 3 online matches that take up 10 min
Usually short and rewarding with coins.
do i have to beat my Oxide time for the sewer speedway weekly challenge, if this is my personal best ?
of yes, fuck this
Because of this the time trials leaderboard is a complete joke.
>comfy small lobby gets invaded with usf autists
it's alright
it's actually closer to five times more, but git gud. Why can't you play online? Just pay for better internet.
I'm good for the Nitro Leaderboard. No.1349
I noticed earlier when I played a battle mode five times in a row, after the third time I stopped getting nitro for it. Guess they killed the farming
what will happen to the scoreboard once this shit is completely fixed?
>boosted acceleration stats higher than they look
Wasnt the same in the original, where accelerate characters had worse stats than blanced on paper but on game data they had better stats than them actually?
I dont whant to make a 10€ PSN subscription just for farming Wumpa Coins on CTR.
I really dont care to paly online in any game, so it's basically a 10€ microtransaction to buy wumpa coins for me, and i hate it.
How do drift boost on straight areas without ramming into walls?
do you play any other games with online functionality?
Hard to know, they could do a complete reset, but that will piss off many diehard fans, they can maybe track thhe best possible legit time in all the maps and delete the times that are much lower than intended.
But probably they will do nothing and leaving all the glitched times there, unbeatable forever once the gliches are fixed.
Stop using turning characters.
If they didn't want people to farm they shouldn't have made collecting Nitro such a slow and tedious grind.
you git gud
also take acceleration characters
play a speed character and go fast
No, the only few only games i play i have them on PC. I bought a PS4 mostly for exclusives and a good 95% of them are single palyer focused.
to be fair, you have 25 days to get all rewards
thats enough time to probably fill the bar twice by just doing the challenges
Play Accel or Speed.
Can someone explain Android Alley to me? Everyone's placing kept jumping all over the place, I could be in 5th and jump to 2nd and when the race finished, the only person who got a time was the 3rd place racer
>how does King Crimson work?
ok faggots, how does U turn exactly works? i can manage with high jumps by pressing brake before touching the ground but how in the living fuck do you do that with short hops?
how the hell does reserving works? i've done nothing but perfect turbos and avoiding long air time, how do i know i'm reserving?
also how do you beat the pro challenge of "start the last lap at last place and still win the race in online match making" its literally impossible because there's always 1 shitter skipping ahead and you can't ever catch him again if you try to stay last before the last lap starts, its like trying to catch on a time trial ghost
People aren't farming to get stuff unlocked, they're farming to top the leaderboard which they'd do regardless of grind speed
>you're in 1st, guy behind you gets missles, Aku masks and a fucking orb
>in 2nd, all I get in TNTs and beakers
>people vote for dragon mines online
what the fuck is wrong with these people
braking won't kill your boost as long as you're holding back at the same time as the brake amd moving. Either tap back+turn+brake while on the ground (making sure NOT to let go of back before the brake, or stopping all your speed), or do it in the air, where braking is guaranteed not to slow you down
peer pressure
>they're farming to top the leaderboard
Literally what is the point of that. You don't get anything for it, and the people who see you on the leaderboard just think you're autistic
5% soon adds up. Even if you are just doing dailies. Everyone uses that because she's a speed character
Why does it always feel like my missiles are fucking terrible every time yet other people's always hit me no matter how much I hug the walls or jump to avoid them?
whats up with every 3-4 online race crashing the game at the finish line?
We're getting Baby T and he's not a baby version of an existing character
>he doesn't know the secret technique to make missiles go faster and be more accurate
I can get up the spiral easily so I vote it for free wins.
If you're not doing challenges, the bonus amounts to a couple thousand at best for the month. Pretty meaningless. I'm going to disregard nitro entirely the moment I hit 42k
Even maxed wumpa doesn't do shit
sure they don't, newfag
I vote it sometimes just because I know literally no one is good at that track
Is it ever worth trying the shortcut? I've attempted once or twice and it just ruined my whole race
>tfw not even good enough to beat adventure
How the fuck am I suppose to beat my own time on Roo's Tubes?
What next? Crash Cove or Papu's Pyramid to dub on those glitch users especially?
time trial is your friend
Only if you have a mask.
delete your global save file with the cost of remove all your unlockables
You got that time once, you only need to be faster by one hundredth of a second
I didn't have a time so I was lucky
Unfortunately I went full retard and rather than purposefully having a shit time the 2nd time I accidentally finished with a decent one
If the challenge pops up again I may struggle
How hard is it to unlock N Tropy?
Not too hard. Digital Tropy is a bitch though.
will be fun for people who have already beat Oxide
no ones going to do that
Yeah, if you're weak.
>Implying I'd want to play as someone I'm faster than
not really, online racing is the real whore
I’m doing Relic Races at the moment. I know back at launch if you got all Platinums before facing Oxide it wouldn’t unlock the Hovercraft, is that fixed? Can I get all Golds? Or should I leave one at Sapphire, beat Oxide, bump it up to Gold or Platinum then go do the Oxide rematch?
what game pad do i need for afk boosting nitro points ? a pro one for the ps4 ? maybe i can find a cheap one
I got him but some tracks were cunts. Dragon Mines in particular, fuck the spiral.
Let's say you do 20 online races a day every day, that will be 600 races for the month. It would give you 6000 nitro, and with the 50 percent bonus 9000. So that's only an extra 3k throughout the entire month. I suppose it helps you hit 42k a day or two earlier. Though I guess many people play way more than that, since the leaderboard has people with like 10 thousand championship points already
I only switch to the bonus gear if I'm doing a specific thing, like for the "win 10 races" I'll switch before the tenth win. Otherwise I'll rather go with fashion
I just did it. It's not that hard to beat your own time ever so slightly unless you're literally world record.
Do this but back up before deleting and restore after completing the challenge
Just do the Oxide race at least once before getting your last platinum relic.
It's not platinums, it's relics in general. Race Oxide ASAP.
Don't bother by the sounds of things they've patched out the afk method.
I just did it earlier and I had a comfortable lead at the end. My best time was only 1.22 and it was a sloppy run, still enough to beat Oxide though. I slowed down at the end so that my new time would be almost as slow as the old one, in case I need to beat it again in the future. Though I'm guessing it will be a different track
im not attemtping sewer speedway, got the shortcut three times in a row, thats not going to happen again
Ok then I will. Thanks fellas.
I haven't bought it yet, is Tiny in the game
Dragon Mines took me the most restarts, but after clearing that everything was a cake walk.
no sorry
Aw what that's pretty lame, he was my favorite character
>did they remove a character that is originally in the game?
gee i don't know
man i dont want to use the Bandicunts anymore for the bonus nitro
He's lying, Tiny is in
except hes not
stop lying
how would better balance the classes?
I could really use a tuna_
Why is everyone doing Twilight Tour
muh challenges
Jesus removed the love from my heart so anything is possible user.
don't trust this guy, Tiny squashed his own puny kart and he can't race anymore
They also need to stop voting for Polar Pass and Hot Air Skyway.
don't trust this guy, he's a balancespic that had his ass handed to him by speedchads and accelgods
No, he was replaced by his cousin Tony
>Hot Air Skyway
ohnonono imagine being afraid of heights and USF!
>Play against your friends
fuck this
Everyone and everything from the original and even the PS2 sequel (except the sequel’s campaign mode) is in this game, plus more.
Hot Air Skyway is good other than when you get hit by a powerup, fall off, then get hit by another powerup and fall off again right as you land
No they don't, what's wrong with you. Those tracks are height of racing fun and going FAST, right up there with classic Sewer Speedway.
Give handling one more point of speed so it basically mirrors speed class in its stats. Make balanced actually balanced and not handling lite.
The Crashpill is real, user. Sometimes it's time to clean house with the main character.
Balanced: 4/4/4
Handling: 2/4/6
Acceleration: 3/6/3
Speed: 6/4/2
**max possible stat is 7
After choosing your character, you can allocate an extra 2 points wherever you wish for that race. This allows for a wider array of stat spreads without being impossible to balance, and makes them all competitive with one another even if speed is still gonna be the superior choice for veteran players.
>new crash kart game released
>it's CNK
>same maps and content like CTR, but with just CNK story and new power ups from it
How mad would you be?
>Spyro track replaces wumpa with gems and Aku Aku with Sparx
What's the best class for Skyway? I'm shit at it
Man, the more I play Sewer Speedway, the more disgusted I start to get at how it feels now
if it doesn't happen, it's a botch
I really don't understand why they Wumpas don't respawn. There also needs to be a generic item that gives Wumpas.
Make Turning class 3.8/4/6. That way you don't need to change the visible stats, but they would still be faster than before.
Make All-around class actually 5/5/5 as listed
Actually limit Speed's midair handling. It doesn't have to be painfully stiff like the original, but their handling is literally perfect once you leave the ground, and there's no reason for that. Honestly it makes them feel janky more than anything to suddenly turn 10x harder in the air.
What do (((we))) think of CrashMania?
There already is. It's the Wumpa crates
I have no strong feelings one way or the other
You know ps+ is free right?
I’m constantly being DNFed and finishing in 6th even though I’m racing my ass off
What am I doing wrong
How about just a new game
I am I jump off every ramp and drift through every turn I can
These trophy sluts keep DNFing my boy Trash Bandicoot and I’m sick of it
Race smart, not hard. Hit those Time Trials and master those perfect boosts.
And know your competition. Try to grab a good weapon and hold it until you know it will permanently slow down your main threats.
Thanks for the advice
I finally won one
Finally got 101% in adventure mode. Some of those gold relics were a bitch. Call me a casual if you want, but I don't even want to try for the platinum relics. I'm satisfied with my Oxide skin.
I felt that. though, i feel that all the time i'm hit.
it's not enough. always drift, don't just do it on turns/
These are the basically the exact same stats they had in the original. Did he just go to the CTR wiki page and copy those stats as closely as he could? I want an actual data miner to get the correct stats not some reddit nigger that is just speculating.
das dat gud shiet
Are you sure this procedure will work Doc?
Until you get nuked by a bomb, missile or some other jerk.
Good for you, user. Oxide's boomer skin is great and most players will never have it anyways.
it's time, user
take the speed pill
When they designed them there was no online play nor internet. Current scenario changes everything.
Thanks. Where the fuck do I grind for coins now? That Papu's Pyramid shortcut is too inconsistent for me to grind with. Maybe I'm just shitty at it.
>collected full lobby
>I know that without AI players on the last place, game will give orbs and clocks to 6-8 places
>It going to be really fun
>map vote: Twilight Tour, Coco Park and N. Gine Labs
>picked TW, because I thought someone might need to complete that challenge
>they picked Labs anyway
>I know that most of them are going to be DNFed on that map and be mad about it
>3 of us in huge lead, while dodging 6 orbs and clock spam
>finished 3rd with 4 of us being 2-3 seconds apart
>for a first time actually had fun racing against 6 orbs and with clocks
>for a first time saw 3 orbs missing and going for a second attempt
>others obviously DNF
>back to lobby
>one by one people leaving lobby, despite it was them who chose that track
>even guy on 1st place gone
Grand Prix was a mistake. People care too much about being first and points.
Have some fun too, pick easy tracks too.
coco park?
not a lot of coins but it can be done in 1:30:00
The only other thing I would want is a twinsanity grand Prix, but I never expected it to happen.
>November Grand Prix
>The original track is themed to a Thansgiving banquet
>Part of the track has you burst and drive through a kitchen
>It's an unusually long part of the track, when you suddenly hear AH, YUMMY! FRESH MEAT FOR MY POT!
>He chases whoever is racing in first for a third of the track, throwing items, and doesn't get affected by warp balls or time clocks, essentially a Wizpig type obstacle
Tough talk from someone who is bald.
I've backed up my already backed up saves you N.gorent baldy
Do bandicoots sniff each others butts like dogs?
>bar is 6 segments instead of 7
>exact same stat spread as OG CTR
I call bullshit until someone datamines actual info.
>men who play as Fake Crash
november grand prix is a finale send off based on CTTR, adding all the missing CTTR racers and giving us a carnival-themed track.
I have a feeling twilight tour is bugged.
>Online matchmaking
>I am first thanks to USF
>Someone launches the blue orb
>Yeah, I'm fucked
>Orb gets closer to me, I simply move closer to the walls
>Orb ignores me and starts doing a full lap
>Maining N troph/y/
Post webms
Your timepussy will just take 33 more beatings if you do it.
oh, hey there. don't mind me, just passing through. don't let me interrupt how big of a fucking loser you are. I know it takes a lot of effort for you to be as big of a failure as you are, I don't wanna accidentally rub some of my cool off on you.
>start race in 2nd
>get hit by 2 sparky balls, sent to 4th
>get lucky, get 2 masks in a row, get back to 2nd
>get cucked by a third ball right before the finish line
>Red & Black edgy color scheme
>"Look at my super secret character I had to put in a whole code to get him"
>Pindicks still at it
Sankyuu docta
android alley, coco park and roo's tubes are all among the most efficient tracks for solo farming without battle grinding, each averaging at about 22-30 coins per minute if you're half decent
android alley is about twice as long but the coin payoff is roughly double the others so it works out
Why did you post this and make me feel bad?
oh lawd he comin
this isn't a minecraft thread
Based. I’m working my way up to 42k Nitro so I can finally stop playing as bandicoochie and go back to Cowboy Fake Crash.
Does anyone have the one with the eggs, you know, THAT one?
I do but its filesize is too big
Just unlocked Digital Tropy AMA
Does this still work?
(And how?)
You now have 31 less things to do in the game
Worst Oxide time to beat?
She's perfect.
I’m late.
For me it was by far Sewer Speedway, that shortcut just doesnt fucking work properly.
In terms of actual challenge and not the course being broken then probably Dragon Mines or Deep Sea Driving. Tiny Temple isnt as bad as people make it out to be, keeping blue fire on there is easy as long as you do a ton of perfect boosts in lap 1.
So who else hoping that Fake Crash gets a caveman skin next month .
What will the baby grouped skins be? Will they just be a fake version of themselves to mimic the theme of the prix?
Papu Papu should get a skin next month as well
Also a flintstones style kart would be cool to see, with characters running their feet as well
Sewer Speedway shorcut is fine and it is great that it is rewarding players who took 5 minutes to learn how it is done instead of letting everyone avhieve it
Shortcuts shouldnt be piss easy to do as there is no drawback then.
I have yet to fail since learning it
>be top 2%
>stop playing few days
>go back
>check leaderboard
>still 2%
feels good to play in ps4, 800.000 players right now
Not him but there's a difference between challenging and just plain choppy to use compared to every other shortcut.
why should 8th place players get affected by the clock
It is legitimately broken, even after I learned how to do it there were times when I would just be stuck in midair at the edge and it was a coin toss whether it spit me out or sent me flying over the boost pad
>only just broken the barrier for Gold tier
>already safely into the top 5%
God bless this player base.
why does no one play Nash
hes not even ugly like those green gremlin fuckers, i dont get it.
I would play him if he didn't have stupid looking accessories
The only people who play accel are waifu fags for coco and megumi.
he's still more popular compared to krunk or geary
Because he's a superficially charming but ultimately forgettable character from a second rate game. People would rather play as someone more iconic.
>You're currently asleep
>You feel like something is wrong with your arms and crotch.
>You wake to find out you cant move.
>you turn your head to the right and see this.
>Few Minutes later you're forced to have sex over and over.
>Later find out you're really Ami, and she's doing this because of your harassment with the blue laser balls and time clocks since the last 10 races.
You mean like the nitro girl waifu shit or the fat clown?
ami deserves to be punished for all the horrible things she's done
Hearty Kek
>online match on Cortex Castle
>takes forever to start the match
>lighting is fucked and everything is dark for some reason
>half the stage isn't loaded for some reason so it looks like you're driving on top of nothing with fire everywhere
>the obj_motherfuckers weren't behind bars
Yes, exactly like them. I understand you're upset your main doesn't get more appreciation but those are just the facts, user. There's no need to try and drag better characters down to Nash's icy abyssal depths.
They need to change few things
1st cant get a barrier anymore, only masks for protection
Warp orbs need to be faster then USF speeds
Clocks shouldnt affect anyone below the person who used it, so yes if you are first and got clock prior to being in first, it will do nothing.
Improve missile tracking so wumped up ones still dont crash into terrain but cant catch up to usf speeds unless you used it at usf speed
But it isnt choppy it is just challenging to use which is great and more shortcuts need to be changed to be less 100% success rate
We got a Cortex main over here.
They should only be 100% success rate if you're good at them, which this still isn't.
Nash's Legendary skin should be a parka like the shark boys in Meteor Gorge
I unlocked him the other day since I already had all the grand prix shit in the pit stop and I got coins to spare. I quite like him, he just needs some good skins.
fake crash is a FREAK
But itnis, yet to fail since learning it baby
Just git gud
If everyone is wrong there is no getting through to you.
well, my gf who still in bronze is top 5% by playing a bit every day
>they patched out the crystal challenge exploit
Good job, Beenox. Now everybody else is screwed while the guys who already exploited the system sit comfortably at the top.
In bed
Incorrect. I'm a waifufag of Tawna.
I'm on about 31k. Slowly getting there. Weekly are gonna help a lot when I get home from work today
Did you say FREAK?
1 2 3 4
Acceleration really is easy mode.
Shame that the colors don't change when you use different paints.
No i just got good unlikenthe whingers
Seriously take 5 minutes to practice it at each speed and it will become natural
now the Freak has cum for you
No thanks
I did. Doesn't make it less broken.
The top 5% of players with the most nitro points or the most accumulated online race points unlocks an exclusive vehicle at the end of the grand prix
Draw Tiny handholding[\spoiler] Megumi
Is that... the Spider-Buggy?
It would be fantastic if Liz performed fellatio on me
Oi ya've got license for that blowjob, ya cunt?
canonically the most hung bandicoot. biggest eyebrows, biggest nose and teeth. biggest cock
Clownfish Nash is god-tier, shut the fuck up.
Papu Papu has a mask on his head, when he dies will his spirit inhabit that mask like Aku Aku and Uka Uka?
Yes yes, very painful, big guy etc.
Accurate stats
Collisions giving me reversed controls has been annoying me the most.
Why did Naughty Dog and now Beenox lie on the stat screens?
Who the hell knows man
Are there stats like this for other characters?
No other character types exist so no.
How would you feel if Robotnik (Not Eggman) got in?
Sonic and Crash: Transformed when?
>Mashed Bandicoot Grand Prix
Fund it