Maplestory Yea Forums Guild

It's that time again. No cruddy private servers though.

Step 1: Download Maplestory:

Step 2: Make a character on Reboot.

Step 3: When you're in-game, search for the guild "Archived" in the guild menu and join. Or just whisper one of Magicbully, Steppenwulf or DanCTZ.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How is Reboot these days anyway? Can't be any worse than Maplestory 2.

How good's my roll? Patience pays off.

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Is there a list somewhere of classes on reboot? I heard Normal ms is p2w as fuck but I don’t really know the differences beyond that.

Forgot to mention that Zero is unavailable on Reboot. Everything else is fine though.

Now's a good time to start too because there's a tera burning event. Free CRA gear if you level quick enough.

What's a good class to start with?

>Not 4/4
>Not 12 INT
trash just reroll

normal ms is no more p2w than reboot anymore, in fact, reboot is worse and just slower and requires more time. The only difference is instead of turning your mesos into maple points you just cut out the middle man.
Also you have to grind at byebye, instead of being able to boss and shit to get gear to sell for money. So if you prefer spending your 12 hours a day grinding at byebye instead of doing dailies to get money, reboot is for you.

Above The Treetops is such a legendary theme. I immediately felt a strong sense of nostalgia when I first listened to it for the first time at the age of 8.

don't give in, it fucking sucks

Sorry private server kiddo, nobody wants to play Royals anymore.

protip: archived is the /vg/ guild. Hope you enjoy discordfaggots. Don't play maplestory anymore, it's a mess and they randomly ban you for nothing at all.

>normal ms is no more p2w than reboot anymore
lol, nice try.

Alright, downloading. Should be interesting to see what things are like after all these years.

It really isn't. If you're too stupid to get your gear to a level where you can solo cra to get your daily stipend, enjoy spending 16 hours on your kanna to grind, then beg for carries because reboot has no scrolling so it takes 5 times as long to get to bossing capable gear setups.

What are the Resistance classes like?

Oh yeah. If you're not willing to spend money on pets (which you don't have to do on regular servers) enjoy mashing Z until you get carpal tunnel.

But he's right ? All private servers are garbage tho. Even heard some drama recently about one datamining shit on ppl computers thru the client lmfaooo. Still missing this game sometimes for obscure reasons. Got good memories on official and privates. Post big bang doesn't appeal me at all also.

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Again, nice try retard. Nobody's playing Pay2Win servers. No amount of your shilling will undo the fact that the market in nuMaple is beyond fucked.

talk about desperate. Every new character gets a pet with 24 hours uptime + an additional 5 hour snail. By the time you're done with those, you get the free pet from HHilla.

Sorry idiot, nobody's coming to play with you on Bera.

that would be oldschool maple. the group that shilled their shit here. people will deny it but they also use your pc as a botnet to raise viewcounts on OSM streams on twitch. Don't believe me? Go sit in one for 15 minutes. 40+ viewers, 1 person talking if they're lucky. It's absolutely painfully obvious, coupled with them stalking your windows and keylogging you just makes me wonder how anyone can even play this shitty game, there's no way they're not all doing it, even the official server.

I don't play on bera, I don't play this shit game at all anymore, but I did play reboot for a while, and after they tried super hard to get me to buy a pet after I used the one I had, I got bored of playing kanna and sitting in byebye and suiciding for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours.
whatever though enjoy shilling your discordtranny /vg/ guild. I feel bad for anyone that actually installs this malware.

>Post big bang doesn't appeal me at all also.
It's worth a try at least in a non-p2w environment. Far more enjoyable than all current private servers/

If there's ever a pre-BB private server that fixes the lack of endgame content, I'll definitely try. I don't see how anyone could ever enjoy facing Zakum every day nonstop.

Keep the salt up, idiot. It won't encourage anyone to play with you. It's obvious you've invested too much real money in the game to the point you're endlessly bitter Reboot got so popular.

Hey dumb dumb, stop using Windows, Chrome, Google, Yea Forums, Steam, then you can talk about privacy related matters.

So because I use Yea Forums that suddenly makes it okay for some random weeb faggots to try and steal my cc info? Nah, eat a cock. There's levels of privacy I'm willing to deal with. I'm not okay with someone literally breaking the law and trying to steal my information though.

You're the one making threads on Yea Forums because your /vg/ thread laughs at your server, sorry discordtranny.

>that suddenly makes it okay for some random weeb faggots to try and steal my cc info?
Hey idiot, you said:
>even the official server.
If you're going to take issues with Nexon logging data, then you can do the same for literally everything I mentioned, which includes the website you shitpost on.

My god you're an idiot.

never played on any pserver though i was around for the poosade shitposting which was great. maplestory is just terrible.

For the umpteenth time, nobody is coming to play with you on Bera. Nobody is playing your pay2win shit.

They're objectively fun, especially Blaster.

Touché. Jeez the viewbot thing I member what a meme but using ppl as botnet godamn. Never played that thing despite being quite active back then. Dodged a bullet WEW.
>there's no way they're not all doing it
Made me think about another server called Crusade iirc? Like many others they had ingame incentives to keep players ONLINE 24/24 7/7. Myself and others memed about them mining coins with the client. But looking back it may be true..
Very different. I've heard the owner doxxed, leaked porn fetishes and shit. Got to keep in mind MSPS are very small communities it's always the same players.

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Is Mihile any good? I remember that being the dude I played for like the 2 days I tried the game.

>Very different
Not to official Maple, which that dumb poster went onto say were just as bad.

Mihile is pretty fun if you have ping under 100. If not, then the lag makes using royal guard (one of his main skill) nearly impossible, and you'll be at like a quarter of the damage of other mihiles because of it, and like 10% of the damage of other people since it stacks your damage multiple times over, and gives you benefits like huge boosts to defense ignore, and being able to ignore damage reflection.

They're good, one of the better warriors in the game.

Reminder that Angelic Buster is currently #1 on the DPM charts.

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>implying it's not
or you're just going to ignore that client they make you install to play now instead of just being able to launch an .exe? Or how about how it crashes every 5 minutes and their "antihack" will randomly shut down, or how the game client stays in your processes for hours after you close the game if you don't end it manually, and continues to eat up gigabytes of ram, and send packets?
But no, i'm sure you'll have some snappy one liner, right? I'm sure nexon is great, keep slurping that cock.

Again idiot, if you're content with using services like google and Yea Forums, then you're happy to be logged. The reason you're sperging out now is because you have a personal agenda.

You're honestly a retard lol. Don't you feel like comparing things with complete different scales? In Google data you are a drop in the ocean which makes your infos pretty much impersonal. Nothing to do with a nerd creeping on a hundred players.
>He's dumb because he thinks Nexon does it
Ofc Nexon gathers. Everyone gathers, data is the new gold. There is legal bounds to this tho which OSM obviously crossed.

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Lag is fine for Mihile as long as it's consistent.

backpedal more.

Hey dumbass, I'm not talking about OldSchool Maplestory. Your tiny brain obviously has issues grasping context.

I replied to this guy Specifically where he said:
>even the official server.

It's really not. Having even 150 ping will be nearly a full second in advance you need to hit royal guard, which is almost impossible on bosses like lucid or will who don't have touch damage, so you have to ESP their attacks to keep stacks up, which is most of your damage.

>Expecting people here to stay for reboot farming
They'll quit once they hit 200

Is Phantom decent or meme shit? I honestly can't tell how this game works.

they'll quit at fucking 140 when they're stuck wearing pensalir and have to 2-3 shot mobs. reboot is a god damned joke.

they suck dont bother

alright queers, I'm biting again. What do I make this time?

Wasn't there already a MapleMS guild? Or did it die already?

4/4/13/4 is best. 12 int is also acceptable, but I wouldn't settle for anything less.

It died like every other Yea Forums maplestory guild. If you really wanted to play the game again you'd have done it already on official and learn to accept that the game is different now and enjoy the new stuff it brings

Are you retarded? Do you not know what teraburning is? It takes like 3 days to get to 200 now.

Not great at the moment. In need of a revamp.

Speaking of revamps, apparently Jett is getting one soon.

Archived has been going for like half a year now, and it continued on from PageTen which was very active a year ago (10-15 on daily).

oh sure, an event they run once a year. Yeah that'll totally keep people engaged. Not like you can even buy new gear for your other characters, or prepare it in advance because no trading.

Oh shit we're finally not doing private servers? Fuck yeah. How long has this been going on though?

>B-but it was just related to Nexon
No privacy and data which is directly related to my post about OSM. I initiate I choose you draw.

Anyway kind of bored atm how is NL on nu Maple? Can an EU play Reboot or is loot lag insufferable? Might give it a shot

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Make a Shadower bro.


Archived is like 7 months old, and it continued on from PageTen which lasted pretty much all of 2018.

As someone who's played a lot of the private servers with Yea Forums or /vg/, I can tell you this feels refreshing as fuck. Sure, maybe not as nostalgic, but way more fun than Royals.

EU has it's own reboot server.
NL is god tier and two NLs duod the hardest boss in the game (black mage) on TMS, which is only slightly more p2w than gms.

i'm au and it runs fine. it stutters a bit during mvps and ursus because heaps of people crowd the map.

Try Wind Archer. They can literally fly.

Instead of recommendations what are the shit classes to avoid

How do I make a plain jane warrior? I dont like any of these newfag classes

Angelic Buster. Rip.

Why are numaple classes so edgy?

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Angelic Buster is literally top of the DPM charts atm.

Just pick explorer. You choose Swordsman at level 10, and warrior at level 30.

dpm means literally nothing when classes start hitting cap damage, then it moves over 100% to line output. In which category, NLs win. see:

Sounds stronk !
>EU has it's own reboot server.
Idk anyone playing there. Would jump in that vg guild for fun or not play at all I think.
What about looting stuff? Bet a pet is going to be mandatory.
>NLs win
Some things just never change

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Shade, Phantom, Bishop

Jett, BT, Phantom. Jett because it's just a worse Corsair with some skills not helping or even working in the first place for years. BT because weak skills and only really good for bonus xp which doesn't matter since every class can get Holy Symbol in 5th job. Phantom because many nerfs were done to it and general low damage skills that's only really fun for stealing skills from other classes. Any other class you should be fine with as long as you get the gear for them

>What about looting stuff? Bet a pet is going to be mandatory.
Pet is always mandatory in Reboot. The thing is, you get given like 3 free pets at the start. One has 7 day duration, and another has 24 hour uptime (IE- time only runs down when you're using it). By the time they all expire, you'll be able to run HHilla, which drops a 90-day pet like 60% of the time.

Evens: Main Kanna
Odds: Main Cannon Master

>tfw they still haven't fixed Jett

Don't worry, you'll have a Kanna anyway. One of the more important classes in the game.

Jett is getting a revamp soon.

I remember reading that Cygnus knights have a lower level cap, does that mean they're strictly worse than other classes?

>as long as you have money, you're basically guaranteed to do well even without good drops
Shame it's kind of boring to farm.

The japanese classes just got a revamp. Kanna is actually fun to play now, nowhere near as janky as before.

Are you fucking serious?

>One has 7 day duration, and another has 24 hour uptime
All good if it ain't that shitty ass snail who randomly fucks off. Downloading tonight and trying out tmrw. Thanks for the tips. Back to genocide cute monsters who asked for nothing

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Do Kannas actually have damage now or would I be better off just maining some other class? Seems like it'd be best to just main Kanna if I don't feel like asking others to kish me always for that bonus spawn rate

What's the fast leveling guide now?

that hasnt been the case for a while. cygnus knights are fully fledged classes now

What's the difference between reboot and the Pre-BB MS Private servers?

You don't lose your progress and it's actually fun.

reboot is still new maple, AKA trash garbage with the ability to choose from a variety of classes which is dumb, and not having to HP wash which is just retarded, and getting to do more than one boss which is just terrible.
fucking new maple.

>and it's actually fun.

one of them is fun to play and the other is post big bang trash

Frequent events, tons of content to explore, bosses, great RNG for gear. Reboot has got everything.

So it's still post-BB MS then? Not touching that shit if so.

is this one of those things where i get started and everyone stops playing? it sounds fun to join up i miss this game.

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>Do Kannas actually have damage
Scroll through this video and see for yourself:

Her new summon in particular is nuts. It's like having another character on the map that can dominate entire platforms.

You remember it being fun, but you have to enjoy the current game and not leave.

yeah man I'm going back to pre-bb too, I want to grind on one mob in one map for 80 hours for 130 levels.

Keep in mind this goes through most of the popular spots. It's often better to find a lesser known map at 100% burning for optimal gains.

Speaking of burning, there's a teraburning event, which means if you choose to burn a character you just created, every time you level, you'll actually level three times until 200. Only applies for one character on your account tho.

better than every class jumping around with flash jump like a spastic retard clearing the whole map in one button press

This guild has been going for over half a year now and the leaders carry Lomien. Plenty of stability.

yeah man I want to have to walk and grind more slowly!

>HP wash
Private server standards have changed a lot. Not surprising to see them bring features like remove HP washing nowadays. It lakes boss content ofc but the old version is more based around grind anyway.

If you actually tried it, you'd find that classes actually do feel different, albeit in a different way to pre-BB. Yes, every class has mobility now, but warriors still feel a lot heavier than say, assassins or xenons. The latter also have less survivability than warriors.

Reboot has actual endgame content and a population too. As soon as you hit 120 in Royals, it's Zakum and Skelegons forever.

Bros I miss Maple Global

>Maple Global

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>postBB maple

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I fell for the egg meme and server got shut down due to whore stupidity, is there a way to not have to level another 24 classes to 120-200 for charbuffs, did they get rid of that shit? I can't be fucked to drop another 6+ months of 12 hours a day grinding to get decent account stats, especially not with how unstable nexon seems to be lately.

Is it like Unusably bad to the point you're unwanted in parties? Stealing monster buffs sounds fun.

Every class can be great with enough funding, except for maybe Jett.

I was carried by a Bishop for Hellux a few times.

shut up zoomer it was great while it lasted

When are we getting Zen?

What's a class with bad early game but is really useful mid-late game?

>it was great while it lasted

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Angelic Buster
Blaster (requires extreme autism)

Kanna easily.


I wanna play but everytime I click "play" on the launcher MS would simply never start. Its like it opens the process 1 sec and then automatically closes, help?

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the maplestory.exe is probably still running. terminate it before trying again

Have you tried lately? Did you try re-installing the launcher? Are you on Windows 10?

Try this:

or submitting a ticket.

>Hating on pre-DMCA MG
What a fag you are. Stay on your highrate or post bb garbage. The real men grind

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nigger samurai

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>osm players still defending osm
why does this happens

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>osm players still defending osm

>Quit after Big Bang
>old friend invited me to come back to attend level 250 party
>All my friends quit except 1 whale
>Scania is fucking dead
>Quit again after 2 months
>Miss some of the jobs
I miss my Buccaneer, Cannoneer, and Battle Mage bros. Why must the good times end?

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If all that doesn't work, just go to gamekiller, get the bypass and get a custom launcher:

blaster will also give you carpal tunnel

>the real men grind
lel, pre-bb 1-200 is 1/1000th the amount of time it takes to go from 270-275.

Nexon NA is incompetent as fuck and Kanna is basically a requirement for optimal grinding (both mesos and exp) so most people end up getting a laptop with an alt account just for kanna kishin
Outside of that Reboot is fine and doesn't have the awful p2w shit from regular servers.
Getting the arcane river gear is a huge pain tho because the grind is enormous without trading (speaking of months of constant grinding) and the upgrade process being able to destroy it means you have to have super autism if you wanna do real endgame on reboot

Scania is dead because they had an event where people stuck in all the dead worlds could switch to a world of their choice one time. Nexon didn't allow Scania or Windia as options, so everyone just migrated to Bera. This even prompted Scanians and Windians to move because Bera became the biggest pay2win world by far.

I don't even know why the other worlds even exist at this point.

Do those faggots still ban you for intentionally dying to avoid leveling up?

>not making a macro blaster

So basically it's better to just play Bera then?

No? Everyone has a suicide Kanna these days for byebye station.

If you intend to go hard on endgame, as in, you want to hit lucid/will and beyond, non reboot is better, just by sheer fact of being able to buy droplets (super rare item you need to make level 200 gear, like, 10 a week of them if you're lucky, and you need 24 or some shit to make one weapon), but if you want to get to like, nlotus/damien solo level, reboot will provide you a more stable and easier path. reboot nowadays with all the nerfs and changes and dailies and shit is more like a demo to see how content works.

Reminder that Canoneer is objectively the most fun class to play.

The reboot way is actually better. It actually means something to defeat Lucid, whereas on pay2win servers some kid can reach the summit by stealing his mom's credit card.

That's not Cadena
though my hands don't like her that much

I disagree. It doesn't mean anything to beat any boss in this game. It's just a load more time you have to put in on reboot, suicide grinding with a kanna at first, then grinding for droplets in arcane river later on. It adds assloads more time to the already insane grind for reboot, and if you're unlucky you can spend upwards of a month grinding out the droplets for ONE arcane weapon.

false autoban waves at least twice a year too

Theres still challenge in the bosses themselves desu

I don't think you understand what I mean. When there's such a long buildup to something, it makes it more rewarding. Same applied to preBB when you were strong enough to defeat Zakum or Horntail.

I have no intention of playing for as long as the serious nolifers, but those people will experience rewards normal people like yourself cannot possibly understand. A kind of reward you can't buy your way into like in pay2win servers.

>when there's such a long buildup
it's not really buildup to it though, it's just sitting in the same maps doing the same thing you've been doing since the start, in grinding out byebye with a kanna.
If you think you need to pay real money to hit lucid on regular servers, you've never even played the game outside of reboot though, so whatever. Enjoy your grind, I prefer to progress.

The guild window sure has come a long way.

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Again, you're just further proving that you will never understand.

I played more than enough on Bera from 2005-2014 and it's always been pay2win shit, maybe unless you're good at sucking dick. Cubes, hammers, random reward shit, all of that has always been mandatory.

Yes and thankfully you can just use mesos to get maple points to buy all that shit, and you don't have to sit at byebye for 18 hours a day. But again, enjoy your aimless grind.

Ah so that is why it takes longer for you to do said progress then huh?

>it's a retard pretend he plays the game to shit on someone but he actually doesn't

Up to soloing CRA? Sure, it's harder. After that, being able to sell droplets and nodestones that I get as drops means I progress 80 times faster. Because I can scroll my shit, and also get bpot cubes to nearly 1.5x my stat%

>Yes and thankfully you can just use mesos to get maple points to buy all that shit
Are you a retard? To get mesos in the first place, you need all that shit, so you can make weapons good enough to kill bosses that drop good stuff. You either spend real money, merch like a boring retard, grind/farm even harder than reboot at lower rates, or suck someones cock and hope they help you.

Nobody's joining you on Bera, kid. You can stop trying now.

>to get mesos in the first place
no you don't. go do ebosses. Go do ursus, go sell traces.
>Implying I'd want these shitters playing with me
I'm f2p and always have been, but these are the same retards who actually make people spend money. Instead of telling people how easy it is to progress without it, they make people think they can't progress without paying, so nexon just shoves in more p2w shit. self fulfilling prophecy.

Why not play LaTale, Ragnarok Online, Eden Eternal or Mabinogi instead?

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When I checked about a week ago, Archived was pretty dead. If the guild hasn't dissolved by a week from now, I guess I'll join it. I've got good memories from my previous two Yea Forums reboot guilds, normal player guilds just aren't the same

Don't you just love these new edgy cutscenes for class-related quests?

Nah man, up to Lucid is still faster on reboot. There is a pretty massive difference in how cheap cubes are in reboot.
F2p doing normal server is literally retarded lmao
>B-b-b-but dailies that also exist in reboot!
Just because you think you are progressing fast doesn't mean you actually are.

The entire concept of Kinesis is hilarious

I'm in a similar boat to you. I remember checking out Archived back in February and thinking it was pretty dead, then I joined a normie guild for a week before quitting.

I rejoined last week and it's still going. They get like 6-7 players on daily, and the two leaders carry Lomien. I was in PageTen during 2018, and Archived is getting there, it just needs a bit more of a push.

The current dev team is trying really hard with this anime story shit.

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I absolutely HATE those "cinematic" windows and shit they have going on nowadays. Nothing makes me want to hold down the spacebar more

>that hud
absolutely disgusting

Did you ever do the Lotus prequests? Also known as the Black Heaven questline. Imagine that stuff, but for 5-7 hours.

Yep, Lotus prequests were garbage. At least the Damien ones let you skip to the last act

Award winning script right here.

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Mirrors how Scrapyard weeklies are shit while the DWT weeklies are pretty good

>all these people not playing ms2
yikes, why would you play this awful p2w shit?

The anime story is the best part. Get out of here.


I like the variety, but I wish Nexon didn't reduce the individuality of the classes by giving everyone a flash jump or teleport and shit like that. A number of jobs are very similar to each other and new jobs are just "build meter to do cool stuff"

People shit on the kinesis dubstep, but maple music is like 99% god tier, even to this day.


So did they ever do anything about the Black Mage plot? Did Masteria just sit in a shithole unfinished forever with no Krakia Jungle or Badlands or expansion to the Crimsonwood Keep? Was there ever a Pirate hero class? What's the strongest boss in the game right now? I'm pretty out of the loop.

So many classes, so little time.

>ever do anything about the black mage
all of the 5th job area arcane river was chasing after the black mage. Last winter we killed the black mage. nigga's dead.
unused, basically. It's gotten some new storyline quests but they're all pretty fucking terrible and buggy.
>pirate hero
yes, named shade, he uses knuckles.
>strongest boss in the game right now
black mage. You need to go through 6+ months of dailies to get the arcane force needed to do damage to him at all, and even then no one on GMS has beaten him, at all. KMS has had two or three groups beat him, TMS has had like 10 or 20, but TMS is even more p2w than GMS.

>Did Masteria just sit in a shithole unfinished forever with no Krakia Jungle or Badlands or expansion to the Crimsonwood Keep?
They made a "blockbuster" Masteria through time
>Was there ever a Pirate hero class?
They made Shade, who gets forgotten by everyone each time he moves between worlds
>What's the strongest boss in the game right now?
The Black Mage is the current final boss, released a few months ago. Very big event, buncha catchy tunes

Im on mabi, is far better

I really love the old music its just so simple and calming main lead bass rhythm you can have track on in the background for an hour and not get sick of it
Hated this at first, but it grew on me over time. ToT section is the best

LucidMS ww@

I agree, there's something special to the original songs, maybe it's nostalgia, I just mean there's new songs that are really good too:

somehow even more p2w
>ragnarok online
you mean a pserver with 10 people on it?
>eden eternal

>They made a "blockbuster" Masteria through time
GMS got an exclusive blockbuster questline?

Why did TMS get the best Maplestory music?

I've been out of the game for a while, can you go into more detail on being banned because you kys to not level up?
Why bother killing yourself? Why bother banning?

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Yep, gives a pretty good title too. One of the best non-event ones, I think

>exclusive content
>other versions have it too
I never understood this


Kannas kill themselves to lose exp so they stay the same level of the mobs they're farming. For each level above the mob you're killing you get fewer mesos dropped
Never done it myself though, I just kill the welfare bear and my daily bosses for money

if you play reboot, you have to make mesos by grinding on a kanna. And the best money is by staying at a low level area, so you kill monsters till you're about to level, then you go and kill yourself multiple times to lower back to 0% exp, so you can grind more. That's how you progress on reboot. As for why they ban, they ban for literally anything. They'll ban for literally NOTHING. people have recorded themselves afking for 20 hours and getting banned for it because nexon's anticheat is retarded and 100% of their customer support is outsourced to india so if you get banned you just have to flood support with tickets and hope it eventually gets escalated to someone whose first language was english, where they'll STILL make it seem like you were somehow in the wrong.
They also banned people playing kannas for a while because one of their skills teleported them, but their antihack didn't account for that, so it thought people playing kannas were warping around with hacks instead of the FUCKING SKILL.

>maybe it's nostalgia
its really not the music is just really calming

Nobody ever got banned for killing themselves, that guy is bullshitting.

Suicide Kannas are a thing in Reboot because once you're like 10 levels higher than a monster, they drop dropping meso, and there's this one really damn good map to farm meso with level 139 monsters so people keep killing themselves at level 149.

>ywn hear Night Market with headphones on for the first time again

Haha you are one bitter little retard. You probably got banned for vac hacking and taking your frustration out on the company.

welfare bear?

Nope, I got banned for doing nothing, then started hacking after they unbanned me, and still haven't been banned. Feel free to believe whatever you want though. The company is shit, or have you not realized that by them nerfing kanna to the dirt to try and sell more frenzy totems?

This sounds great

That shit is my alarm song and it never fails to wake me up.
leafre mirror world is my ringtone and you would be surprised how many people recognize it, if only vaguely since most people quit before zero.

Ursus, during a certain period of the day it gives 2x mesos. Pretty much every poor person on reboot gathers in the entry on channel 13 to do their three daily runs, you can easily get 60m per run, 180m per day. Not bad considering how short it takes. It gets quite laggy though, understandably

Nobody's believing your salty ass, retard.

as stated, their autoban is complete crap, and they rely on it too much since the antihack security client is completely compromised and the game is too unprofitable to bother hiring GMs(feedback loop here)
while it was not intended, their autoban HAS tripped on suicide kannas, changing maps too fast, using runes in game, and various class specific skill bugs
the problem is they always dig their feet in and deny anything's wrong for days/weeks until hundreds of people get wrongly banned before admitting it, and hackers already bypassed it completely

This is the reason to level up

keep slurping nexon cock and ignoring it. The forums are filled with people complaining about it too, and dozens of memos about these false bans that happened.
love this song spent ages trying to tab it and play it on bass when I was 16

Hackers like yourself, I know.
Nobody I know has been banned yet, because unlike you, they don't hack.

Pretty neat. Is this related to Temple of Time or something else?

arcane river, the 200+ area. that's in lachelein , a 220+ area.

Downloading now

I recommend playing through their launcher rather than Steam. I used to play through Steam, but it kept giving me a weird error whenever I tried to log into a channel, hasn't happened since I switched
Just a fyi

>tfw never gone to these areas because still in temple of time
Actually future henesys but same schlick

How are Battle Mages and Dark Knights doing as far as compared to other jobs? Might hop on my account for old time's sake.

>not showing the korean fuckers how great americans are by being the best on their shit server
fucking casuals I swear

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Battle Mages are fun.

How's Luminous? That one looks fun but also looks like it has the potential to be awful

Best mobber in the game bar none, reflection makes chain lightning look like a joke

>Finally quit MS last week after I finally got tired of retarded unnecessary nerfs
>Maplestory threads keep popping up on V recently
>People keep asking about Battle Mage
>MFW I quit a 241 Battle Mage

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There's nothing to be proud for wasting your time playing this shit game, if you're on reboot OR wasting your money if you're in any other server.

The game per se, is not bad it's charming and it's enjoyable in it's most basic form, HOWEVER it's under Nexon, there's no fucking company thats more incompetent at EVERYTHING than nexon, they literally CAN'T do anything right holy fuck it's just amazing, just recently they leaked a bunch of accounts from people that went to their maple fest, just because they had it open in an excel file accessible to anyone, someone took a phone picture and that's it.

Nexon sadly makes this game absolute garbage, only people that play it suffer from sunken cost or sheer addiction they can't be reasoned with and will go to extreme lengths to defend the undefendable.
Play the game for a lil while if you must, but bail out because you should never expect anything good from Nexon, it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse.

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Luminous was good shit, but like usual equipment always holds you back in Reboot.

133 221 333 123 111

Nobody cares about your blog retard. Fun things are fun, move on.

Based and Ludipilled

Despite "MUH EDGY PAST AND DARKNESS" Ark is pretty fun in his specter form, which is pretty often
Fuck Nexon though for the stupid long ass tutorial just so you get a mandatory skill

>The one retard who never understands where to go during the brute force combination puzzle

I remember playing reboot when it first came out, together with a /vg/ guild and it was quite comfy.

Did any of you join Pay2Win or LOVE when reboot first came out? Is Elyi still playing?

>ywn re-experience the best limited time event in nu-maple
>ywn party up with randoms and ks other fags off the boss spawn map

>only people that play it suffer from sunken cost or sheer addiction they can't be reasoned with and will go to extreme lengths to defend the undefendable.
Thanks for proving my point

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How active is this reboot guild? Do you guys cap daily ?

Some are still in Archived.

Again, nobody read your post or gives a shit. Cry some more.

>this level of cope

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Do you remember Future Henesys?

Black Mage got an actual fight
These were from when it was first released, it acted as a boss with a shared HP bar across all worlds.

Yep, lotta time spent in Knight's Chambers and Hall of Honor

Is it even possible to forget the best track in the game?

>best track in the game
>not Temple of Time + its 3 remixes
Posting the best one.

So what happens in Maplestory now that the Black Mage is defeated?

Probably some multi-verse shit since Kaiser world doesn't share the same 'gods' as the maple world. Black mage lore was mostly shit anyways.

Have they ever actually explained who the Maple Goddess is?
There's a whole exposition for the Goddess of Time with the Black Mage and Zero, but what IS the Maple Goddess? All I know is that she likes to fool around with the explorers in her avatar, protects Maple World to some degree, and thinks bishops are cute


A transcendent from kaiser's world is planning to take over the world I think

I haven't played Maple since 2005ish, should I try again?

cygnus but for grandis is trying to take over the world and rule it, versus black mage who was trying to destroy it.
it's nothing like it was back then outside of being 2D. Keep that in mind, and then redownload it cause it's fucking free, and give it a try.

What class should I make?

How do I join the Archived guild? Whats a guild menu?

Is it still a comfy 2D grindathon that's good for wasting time?

the grind is harsher than ever, it also has dailies now too. "comfy" means literally nothing so I can't say, if you mean in terms of community, no, it's not a magical bubble separated from the rest of the internet that has somehow retained it's 2003 era community. It's just as shit as everything else.

No, see:

Look under your keybinds for the guild tab, open it up, type "Archived" in the box and select guild name, press the apply button
Your choice of class depends heavily on what you're looking for. Melee or ranged? Mobbing focused or single target focused? Magic themed or physical themed? How heavily do you prioritize mobility? etc.
It is 100% a grindathon, even moreso if you play Reboot


Worth a try, if only to see just how in awe you'll be.

Don't worry about this salty loser-

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Let's Maple!

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Whats a good starter class? Post-BB simply has too many, but I remember night walker and phantom being the most fun and also unfortunately money vacuums.

What should I start with?

Kanna is always a safe bet. Hero's also a great choice. Pathfinder for fotm value.

What is a pathfinder?

Why didn't people like Black Heaven?

Serious story does not blend with maplestory

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ark ark ark

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>money vacuums
Huh? What isn't a money vacuum these days? Play what you have fun with.

This is the most pathetic cuck mentality i've seem yikes!

playing latale right now
it is completely soulless and p2w as fuck, has an autistic "endless grind" system at level cap a la shitsword, and its clear the publisher is just milking it until it closes now
can't even do pvp anymore on it, the p2w and power creep is so bad that late game pve shit completely trumps the pvp gear they implemented that was supposed to normalize things