Every game should have RPG elements
Every game should have RPG elements
that too
Based Yunyun OP
Nobody cares Yunyun. Nobody values your opinion or be your friend. Nobody loves you Yunyun. I bet even Trashzuma, the one guy that treats you nice does it out of pity. Heck even your own unborn baby didn’t want you.
>rpg elements
That doesn't even make fucking sense. Please stop existing.
This is okay though
That’s not nice!
this is why you don't have friends Yunyun
This is actually right.
Yunyun is best girl
your finger smells funny
take it out of my face cunt!
No that's Wiz
room temperature pussy
Do you think my girlfriend might find it weird if I asked her to take a ice cold shower right before we have sex?
Shut the fuck up freak
Tell her why but don't tell her the reason behind why, bill it as a random kink you want to try.
how much of an RPG a game is is the.main deciding factor as to whether it is good.
This is a well known fact, normies don't like RPG mechanics.
*rape elements
God I wish girls were real
yes, but not lewd ones. only cute girls
Unironically this.
Does it smell fishy?
no u
Absolutely noone:
Not a soul:
Japan: eVeRy GaMe NeEdS RPG eLeMeNtS
bless Japan
Do niggers like making these posts?
Absolutely noone:
Not a soul:
user: IM gOnNa Be RaCiSt LmAo
You're impressing nobody you sad incel.
Lie down Yunyun, I have something to give you, if you let me do this, I will be your friend.
thanks for the yunyuns
I can see nipples maybe
Yunyun is the only girl who is cuter than Megumeme
Oh fuck now I have an urge to hug her and kiss her while saying "Everything is alright"
This... this hurts me. I just want her to join the cast officially. Can’t she catch a break? She’s so talented, why hasn’t Kazuma invited her into his party yet?
I love my wife Yunyun!
I love her too.
so its true then
This is why you're all alone Yunyun
I wish there was a game where I travel with a cute Litch.
I wish there was a game where I marry and impregnate her.
That would be fun.