Every game should have RPG elements

Every game should have RPG elements

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that too


Based Yunyun OP

Nobody cares Yunyun. Nobody values your opinion or be your friend. Nobody loves you Yunyun. I bet even Trashzuma, the one guy that treats you nice does it out of pity. Heck even your own unborn baby didn’t want you.

>rpg elements

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That doesn't even make fucking sense. Please stop existing.

This is okay though

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That’s not nice!

this is why you don't have friends Yunyun

This is actually right.

Yunyun is best girl

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your finger smells funny
take it out of my face cunt!

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No that's Wiz

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room temperature pussy
Do you think my girlfriend might find it weird if I asked her to take a ice cold shower right before we have sex?

Shut the fuck up freak

Tell her why but don't tell her the reason behind why, bill it as a random kink you want to try.

how much of an RPG a game is is the.main deciding factor as to whether it is good.
This is a well known fact, normies don't like RPG mechanics.

*rape elements

God I wish girls were real

yes, but not lewd ones. only cute girls


Unironically this.

Does it smell fishy?

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no u

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Absolutely noone:
Not a soul:
Japan: eVeRy GaMe NeEdS RPG eLeMeNtS

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bless Japan

Do niggers like making these posts?

Absolutely noone:
Not a soul:
user: IM gOnNa Be RaCiSt LmAo

You're impressing nobody you sad incel.

Lie down Yunyun, I have something to give you, if you let me do this, I will be your friend.

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thanks for the yunyuns

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I can see nipples maybe

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Yunyun is the only girl who is cuter than Megumeme

Oh fuck now I have an urge to hug her and kiss her while saying "Everything is alright"

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This... this hurts me. I just want her to join the cast officially. Can’t she catch a break? She’s so talented, why hasn’t Kazuma invited her into his party yet?

I love my wife Yunyun!

I love her too.

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so its true then

This is why you're all alone Yunyun

I wish there was a game where I travel with a cute Litch.

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I wish there was a game where I marry and impregnate her.

That would be fun.

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