Just finished it. AMA
Sinking City
What games did you pick up in the steam sale?
how many bugs and crashes?
Is it worth pirating or should i not bother? This is from somone who enjoyed the first bit of the old call of cthullhu
can i see your elbow
No crashes and no game breaking bugs. It feels janky, I gotta say though - far from triple-A quality.
Panzer Corpse (Full package)
Field of Glory II
Order of Battle World War II (Full Package)
Age of Wonders III
Call of Cthulhu
Gray Dawn
War of Rights
Holdfast:Nations At War
Impossible Creatures
Metronomicon: Slay the Dance
Dark Souls Remastered
Fantasy Wars
I loved it. The characters who you meet on your way are all getting their individual endings, according to your decisions (don't expect anything groundbreaking though, it's far from Triple-A budget).
Also, the combat is horrible (I liked it though, but I'm a jank-whore so I am easily impressed).
The story and the detective-parts are where it's at!
Not at all.
The combat is terrible.
The graphics are passable with optimization issues.
The story is bland a snoozefest.
Open world aspect is just go here, go there, investigate thisx20 and never varies.
Enemy designs are OKAY but are wickedly repetitive.
Have you played this? If so, compare them.
Is it just Cthullu again or are other things there too?
How do you feel about the current tax rate?
You see some monsters, but you never ever see anything like Cthulhu.
No Cthulhu, their own thing. Dagon is part of the main story, but only partly. They tried to do their own thing, I think.
Take off the reshade effects. Stop misleading people with these fake shots.
No I haven't played the Sherlock Holmes games - yet.
I'm 99% sure cthulhu is part of the game indirectly. The creature responsible for the sinking of the city is called the "dreamer's daughter" and I am fairly certain that is in reference to cthulhu the great dreamer.
It is part of the game, but never mentioned. Another elder god is in the focus of the story. No spoilers.
How would you compare it to Vampyr?
Vampyr has better combat, that's for sure, though I liked the story in Sinking City more. Vampyr is a more rounded experience though (polished).
Just because Cthulhu's daughter is involved instead of the big bad boy himself, I'd hardly say he's not involved.
Besides, the story is full of a whole bunch of elder gods or elder god like beings from classic lovecraftian mythos. Carcosa is mentioned, the yellow king is a major part of the plot, dagon is as well and the city of innsmouth plays a major part as well.
Also some dude fucked an ape and made ape human babies apparently.
Fake screenshots. Game does not look like this.
Why are you posting fake screencaps? Are you a shill?
Vampyr has some great morality mechanics and the gameplay is decent but when I last played it the world was completely fucked because you had to run past ONE MILLION fucking enemies every time you wanted to go anywhere.
Sinking city has some enemy infested areas (where enemies respawn) but they always have good loot in them and you can just go around them if you want.
Yes he is. The game is a major flop.
I don't know, I barely - if at all - found "Cthulhu" mentioned in the game. Maybe I missed something. The mythos around him is mentioned though (all the things you've mentioned).
"The Dreamer" is cthulhu. I don't think he's ever mentioned by name but whenever you hear "the dreamer" or "the dreamer's daughter? that's who it's in reference to.
I don't question that! My only "gripe" (if you can even call it that) is that Cthulhu (literally) is never mentioned - everything else you say is completely true!
If I could take the gameplay of Vampyr and stick it in The Sinking City it would be a perfect game. Vampyr had a couple spots that were janky for me but Sinking City I feel I could easily get into areas I'm not supposed to if I was patient enough and ran against walls trying to climb them. Basically, Vampyr has better gameplay but Sinking City has a better story.
this. Sinking City won't entertain you with its combat I fear. It entertained me, but I love janky, "chaotic" running around, throwing grenates and molotov cocktails after making the enemies group together, chasing me.
That was a wierd as fuck boss, you just shoot like four explosive barrels and it dies. wtf were they thinking lmao.
Why are you responding to every post except the ones asking you why you're posting fake screencaps that make the game look better than it is? Why aren't you responding to the post asking if you're a shill?
>The combat is terrible.
Just like Silent Hill.
>The graphics are passable with optimization issues.
Maybe on consoles, but PC is fine. Nobody plays games on consoles, anyway.
>The story is bland a snoozefest.
I thought it was pretty good. The individual cases are interesting "really makes you think" tier stuff.
>Open world aspect is just go here, go there, investigate thisx20 and never varies.
That... is how an open world detective game is supposed to work. Remember LA Noire?
>Enemy designs are OKAY but are wickedly repetitive.
True. But the bigger problem is the game's overuse of combat.
Yep. Like I said, the combat is ridiculous for most people. The guns have no power and feel very samey.
>The game is a major flop.
Without sales figures for the PC version, there's no way of determining that. Have we forgotten that literally none of Frogware's games ever sold super high numbers? Crimes and Punishments is yet to cross 200k on PC to date.
blatant shilling.
>overuse combat
Yeah. Especially the instantly respawning zones, if you just leave like 10 meters in one direction. But, I don't know, I enjoyed the game.
>Open world aspect is just go here, go there, investigate thisx20 and never varies.
With all due respect, I absolutely loved tracking down people using vague directions. I also liked the subtle visual signposting like how doors that can be opened often have a lit lightbulb or street lamp near them. So you're subtly drawn there as you run down the street checking the houses.
any cool monsters?
This or Call of Cthulu?
Fuck man I really want to get this game but I’m feeling burnt out on Vampyr atm which I didn’t even finish. I can’t decide whether I roll with something that looks similar and has similar choice shit to Vampyr or play something else entirely like Outward.
Is the game disappointing like Call of Cthulhu or are the plot and quests handled better here?
>I absolutely loved tracking down people using vague directions.
One of the keyfeatures of the game, desu. I also highly suggest playing it on all the maxed out difficulty settings.
I haven't finished Call of Cthulhu yet - maybe somebody else can offer more insight on that one.
What about Vampyr did burn you out? The story? Sinking City has a better one (in my opinion). If it's the combat, Sinking City will disappoint further.
I don’t know about SC but what I do know is that Call of Cthulhu doesn’t even do anything interesting with the plot. It’s so bland in the quests and art design. Even Sinking City has an interesting world at a first glance. And Jack Walters’ VA for the protagonist, I guess.
Can you change outfits in this one? Vampyr was fucking boring in this aspect. How could you make a third person action game but not add costumes so you can mix it up and not fall into a coma in your 40 hour game? Even Mafia 3 realized they fucked up and patched it in.
Yes, you unlock outfits via gameplay. There are about 10 (some of them DLC, but don't ask me which).
Vampyr just has a really dry beginning to mid. I was expecting to be intrigued about this universe of vampires but there’s barely anything. The whole plague plot works well but I haven’t found anything engaging to look at or do. Some anons here hyped up the choice system but I’m too much of a wuss or an autist to kill anyone because I want to reap max xp rewards. They weren’t kidding when they said Bloodborne lite.
Sinking City had multiple points for me, where I thought it's going to end, but it went on (and managed to keep me interested with its twists and turns.)
One of the greatest things is figuring out what you have to do. The game doesn't hold your hand - at all. (Max out the two difficulty options - there's one for story, one for combat). You have to get police records, go to the library and find an author, go to the local newspaper and check out old headlines etc.
That sounds fun. How does it affect multiple playthroughs? Do you have to “unlock” that knowledge through piecing our evidence or can you blurt out the suspect at will?
I have played the game only once until the end, so I can't really tell you, sadly. There are definitely points in the story where you can decide wrong and make someone accountable for something he didn't do. You can even go so far as to do it maliciously, or simply because you didn't collect all the evidence. Some quests are elaborate, many not as much. Some might argue there is some filler in there - I enjoyed almost every quest aside from some "pandery" short sidequests that shouldn't have put in the first place ( i even believe that these ones are part of the pre-order DLC, could be wrong).
in short: You can be a real asshole. The Voiceactor definitely lends himself to that notion, in my opinion. His intonation is very fitting (english).