You guys still have your free mouse pads, right?

You guys still have your free mouse pads, right?

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It's the only way to prove you're not a newfag in these desperate times, but I don't have a picture

Never got either my mousepad or my challis.
Still buttmad

Its in my closet somewhere

How long has it been boys i want to get off the ride

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I'm a barely pre-election fag. What's this all about?

I foolishly assumed they wouldn't ship to my country and didn't bother getting one. Same with the engraved glasses. I was a real idiot.

Mine got burned. Had an accident that also left me without a computer for a while. Feels bad, but it's not like I lost anything with the mousepad. It was free, so I can't complain too much.

Old thing where you could literally get a free mousepad with any image on it, free of any charges (I think you still had to pay for shipping, could be wrong). It was an error in the system for some website, and they didn't fix it for like a week or so. Forgot what site it was though.

Some site with customizable shit made a mistake and you get free mouse pads(free worldwide shipping).

The others guys have said what it was, the actual timeframe was 2009-2010.
Stella Artois had a promotion where you got a free beer glass with anything you wanted etched on it, that was also a meme for a while. Think that was also 2010ish

Thanks. It's nice to learn about this stuff

my cowboy bebop one fell apart so I threw it out last move, miss it still

Mine was disgusting a decade ago, not using it but I couldn't throw it away. It's buried in my shit somewhere. I used this image for it

I still have a stack of them, pic related. I'm currently using a fuck huge steelseries mousepad some user here gave me for free via amazon wishlist.

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There were anons getting loli/gore ones printed, some were denied shipping but the mass rush on the automated system meant some really fucked ones slipt through the cracks.

>made the mistake of getting one that was mostly white
>turned black over the years because of dirt from my hands
threw it away for one of those long ass mats that go under the keyboard too

Still have 2 of them lying around somewhere.
I missed when you could just chain them together with yourself.

>The post mans face when I'm signing for packages for "mouse paddington" "abc123"
and myself

Made that mistake with my latest mat. Now it has large stains where my arm rest on the desk.

mine fell apart after awhile, it's a real shame

I still get the art cow ads on my normiebook

2 of them got worn out from use and I still have another one with Ainsley Harriott on it somewhere
>2010 was 9 years ago

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It's worn down but yeah, I'm using a desk pad now but was still using it until like a month or so ago. Got another one but have no no idea where it is.

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>Witch of the holy night is 11 years old
Jesus christ

>tfw my dad accidentally kicked my beer glass into a campfire
It had a Boards of Canada quote on it, I reckon that if the glass had a sense of irony it would have found some solace in its own demise.

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no the black gunk fucking stuck to my desk

it was this

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I'm 34, I feel like I'm 74.

>tfw they never fucking sent me the beer glass I ordered