What would you do if you didn't play games?

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create shit like I did when I was broke kid, I guess.

obligatory "i dont play games" shitpost here

wish i was playing games.

Kill myself, I've been playing videogames since I have memory

Probably would have shot up my school and kill myself like everyone kept telling me i would do because i was wanted to be left alone.

damn.....this really says a lot......about our society.........

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I like to tell myself I'd be happier, more outgoing, successful but chances are I was probably going to get picked on in the shit school I went to either way. If I didn't have an outlet for my frustrations I'd have probably gone through with the suicidal thoughts back then. Who knows, though. Maybe not being exposed to porn and autistic memes at the age of 12 might have made me normie enough to not be a target.

have sex

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be a productive human being

I would make video games :)

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I would rise up.

Kill myself.

either have a successful career or die

Be a virgin

What animal is that??

I would watch other people play them

poor doggo got stung by bees :(

Never mind just seen its a seal

more time for books and kinoplex

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watch tv probably.

Read and build plamo. I'm a turbonerd.

ERP even more than I already do, which is a lot.

Read a lot more than I'm currently reading. Sadly I can't really balance my time between vidya and reading, so I end up playing vidya for the entire day and then read a couple pages for half an hour before bed time. I'll never finish any books at this pace.

I'd be drawing more often and seeing more movies/cartoons, but I'm not going to blame video games for my lack of focus on my artistic endeavors. They're a nice source of inspiration and much more engaging than other media.

I'd probably either be collecting yugioh cards or kill myself by now

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Masturbate until death and go to the gym even though I already go. I've been playing games ever since my mom bought me them as a young child to distract me. Honestly it distracted me from my fucked up childhood.

Make them

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What're you reading? I'm about to finish Book One of THE WHEEL OF TIME. Reading at night time before bed is pure kino

I understand this feeling. Also, it'd be interesting to stop playing video games, but i think I'm too invested in this medium to just quit. Video games are really cool.

I wish I knew man.
Every day is the same stupid grind of success-work-money-health. For this, I had to drop a ton of hobbies to begin with which I lost over due to age or the time it needs to maintain it. I'm working on a fucking schedule to somewhat support myself and my wife which is freeloading on me.
I had a pretty bad start in life and all the people telling me it gets better are all gone, fucking themselves probably. I'm at my 30's this year and time just seems to float by, where I'm trapped to live in the moment forever until I'm finally six feet under.

Vidya is the only thing going right now which helps me escape my daily troubles and makes me forget my life for at least 2-3 hours a day, until the nightmare just starts over again.

And don't even (You) me with "start changing your life user". I tried to do that. Not only is life blocking my way, I have to part myself with the few things that are still dear to me - which is not alot, considering I have no savings, no social life, only sheer pressure and disappointment along my path.

I really hope you anons have something better going for you man. May it be out of luck, hard work or inheritance. Have fun, regardless what other people tell you. Because in todays day and age, this is too fucking much to ask for apparently.

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Looks good desu

probably read more

Kill myself
more likely retreat into manga and books

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I don’t really play that much, but I really wish that I did because they’re fun as fuck. So I shitpost on Yea Forums a lot; it’s like taking methadone. I just start feeling really guilty if I play for more than an hour, and then I have to do something else, like read a book, watch a movie, workout, study something, etc. Games are really awesome, and I love them, but I can’t let myself enjoy them too much

one of my dozen other hobbies, because gaming isnt my only hobby like an incel

>play games
Do you have any idea where you are nigger

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Likely have a better life

And you browse Yea Forums.

Make em

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sure, let's say that's why you don't get laid.

cure cancer

Having sex.

have even more sex with my bf (no homo)

the edgelord in me wants to say suicide because life is meaningless and while that is true death is also meaningless so I would likely substitute the gaming I do with more youtube, anime and movies.


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I would become games itself.

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kill myself