Worst trees in gaming

worst trees in gaming

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careful posting that dude, i'm not over 25

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WAW tree

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Hey guys what's going on in this thread

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Not even the worst tree in its game.

stealthy lob corp thread

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That's actually pretty good, user

You posted the wrong tree

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Is it possible to have a tree transformation fetish?

what happened one sin thread several hours ago?

>World Tree? That sounds cool and beneficial, sure sign me up

Just look at him bro

>he's attracted to anything that isn't his secretary


Nobody here but us trees

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*pops in 5ft away from your aircraft*

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*exists in the same hallway*

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waw, how long did that take

Not too hard to deal with. If it's counter is on 1 and you get a good result get ready to stop an employee. If it's a clerk I usually just let it do its thing.

More like this.

>lobocorp: battle royale
>you play as a newly hired agent with a riot stick along with 99 other nugget people
>each department has a team of 10, central command is split in two and architecture has no players
>architecture team is now the manager's office, which has cameras around the facility and an intercom
>clerks appear as cpu meat shields and cannon fodder
>friendly fire is on
>objective is to be the last team standing, as usual
>panicking just makes you cpu controlled for a while
>you can work on abnos through minigames
>minigame difficulty is based on how much the abno likes it (very high = very easy, common = normal, very low = very hard, etc.)
>you can get better weapons and armor this way which can then be equipped
>random chance to get their gift by working on them too
>retards can make abnos breach by doing the wrong things
>breaching abnos will appear in the killfeed, commentated by the tiphereths
>you can activate the wheel of fortune for the lulz
Would you play it?

Trust in this tree. He is your ally.

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I must play this game, what is it called?


that tiny tree in gta that is stronger than a fucking tank for some reason.

This is where the guys that made Athf got the idea for the talking trees episode. Pretty sure about this.

This is another fucking Reddit Corp thread isn't it?

Im tired of this game and I never played it.

No PS4 version no buy.

That tree in Dark Souls 2 at the bottom of FoTFG where it's straight up just a six-sided polygon with a repeating texture.

I'll tell you, but are you over 25 AND have a computer?

you could have prevented this

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>no part tree mutant game
Annihilation would make a good setting I think

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don't make lobcorp threads like that, you dummy - now we basically need a new one since you're basically saying "talk about a different subject"
using the selection quote is a good idea, tho.
>deleting your post begging for a PS4 version
what a cute little shitposter.

agelet detected

the worst

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Yeah fuck Reddit Corp post more Smash and Halo

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Who's idea was it to plant a single tree in the town-centre
Are Whiterun people actually NPCs? Have they heard of parks?
fuck that tree

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have you played Darkwood?


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dammat peckah.. get offa mah branch. imma kill yew.

it didn't have to end this way

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>bragging about indies
Who cares. Eat a dick

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I will be 25 in two weeks. Please you must tell me.

what the fuck
i remember playing this in third grade, i had completely forgotten its existence for 20 years

Got it last halloween and played it some, never got very far in it
most games just dont hook me the same, I expected to play it a ton
this happens a lot with games now for me unfortunately

mem repo after getting all this gear
fuck this thing, i cant even train repression on it

We can tell you phoneposted to double post.

Oh fuck me I forgot about these guys


It's on steam and mobile now. I had it at home and then school

Only the truest of Souls fans know

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Nice thread. No one's even talking about your game.


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>Guaranteed 100% PE boxes while equipped
>-1 Qliphoth to every containment walked past
>Jumps to a random employee every minute

Post trees that did nothing wrong

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I am!
What's your favorite bird, (You)-farming user?

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This thread has become a fight between LC bros and genuine tree haters.

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There's no point, fellow LCbro.
As was said earlier, the user who made the thread asked a question that veered away from the game itself instead of just using a quote or something from the game, so now it's incredibly off-topic. Better to just make a new thread with a better OP.

Well now there is a third faction.

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Last time we had Melty as the OP and we did just fine. Even got some more newbies interested in the game. It'll be okay!
It's better than having three threads get archived under a 100 posts in a single day anyways

I’m beating the shit out of OP tonight

fuck clerks

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You mean best

Back to your cage you go.

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There's not a single good tree character in vidya

Always train your Agents in Clerk Countermeasures ASAP. You can never start too early.

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what did you say about my waifu you lil shit

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I need a game where I can nail someone to a tree.

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I never finished my Judgement Bird pornfic because I felt guilty about it.
I had to look up The Little Prince on the wiki because I was so fucking confused about how its spores and the Insight shit worked.

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wrong image

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Don't @ me.

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op here i'm sorry everyone for letting you down

I never finished my Little Red pornfic because I have to add kilometres of backstory to have it make sense if it were to actually happen or else my autism wouldn't allow it.


I think Yesod is fashionable as fuck and he makes me want to wear a turtleneck

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i'm cheating, but still

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It's okay, you can just keep it in mind for next time. Consider it just a small LOB penalty.
What did you get done in-game recently, OP



I look up abnos I get on the wiki when I really really don't know how to deal with them and don't get enough time working on them to unlock the managerial hints. It sucks, but losing the chads I raised and love to a total reset would suck more

>get invited to a fancy tree library that just appeared one day
>it's just a trap and you get beat up and turned into a book

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>Black Swan's Umbrella
It's the little details that gets me

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Talking about video games is perfectly acceptable here and nothing can change that.

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Yea Forums - Does not play videogames

I'm pretty ok with this, I like trees and I like Lobcorp. Treeposters keep bumping the thread, LC posters just LCpost. Thread is ok

Is the book I get turned into "The story of my life"?

Because that would be a terrible book

i'm a newfag to the game and enjoy the threads for this game, recently I got the old lady abbo and have been fucked over by my severe lack of high prudence employees and terrible luck

thank you judgement bird

This one! This is the worst one and the worst death (in my opinion) on the whole game.

She has a favorable starter weapon for your dudes, absolutely. What Day are you on? Still before Day 10?
I'm glad you're enjoying the game, my dude.

What kind of work have you been trying, user? She likes attachment best.

day 11

Thank you judgement bird

>alright lets do Chesed Suppression
>Nothing There gets meltdown
>wheel is turned to red
>send my highest hp dude with 0.3 red resistance
>he fucking died
Oh boy this is gonna be fun

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ok thanks for the help

What a fucking cuck

The multiplier is x4, by the by.
Don't forget them Ordeals coming your way too!

what the FUCK
Am I supposed to just let them it out and ignore it until the wheel turns to something else?

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Theme of evil tree man

im so glad someone saved my trashy oc

An employee with Fort V and Temp V(and actual Lv5 stats, not LOB boosted with no Work experience) should have zero trouble working on Nothing There even with Red Boost, though it'll hurt a good bit.
Since NT gets a better success rate the higher an Agent's Fortitude(as well as worsening success rates the lower it is, even outside of Instinct) an Agent with Mimicry and the above stats shouldn't be having too much trouble with him.
I too just did Chesed not too long ago with NT so that's where I'm coming from. SO is way worse.

Germans used to do it. I bet it's older but I'm too lazy to Google.

The employee had mostly 130 stats so I don't get why he got so much negative PE boxes, probably got unlucky

Yeah, sometimes that shit happens. Mostly with CENSORED for me since it can roll so high.



I want to write some non-porn LC fics but I fear people will not like it :(

Just do it.

What a fucking great engine for platforming... one where you can't step over a goddamn ankle-high wall.

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I finished Chesed just today. Boy oh boy. Same predicament as user.
>NT is a pleb, red resist out of the ass
>Mountain, you are smalltime
>Melting Love, smalltime too
>This is easy
>ah, so the damage lit up on the wheel is significantly increased, oh well, 0.2 and 0.3 suits is wonderful
>At least I don't have Censored
>Oh wait, I have SO
>Qiploth on 1
>Slightly nervous, as white damage is multiplied right now
>prepare the gigachad squad, just in case
>fail/succeed too well
>Oh well, white shield blocks like a 100 or so, should be fine
>First tick of damage
>pic related
>JustitiaChad on the brink of insanity
>nope the fuck out
>have your fee plus tip, spooky wavy stick man
>still manage to scramble by in the end

Moral, don't fuck with your delivey guy

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Literally just do it like the other guy said.
As long as you aren't doing shit like special snowflake AND THIS GIGACHAD NAMED AFTER ME GETS ALL THE PUSY AND COCK HE WANTS AND ALSO BEAT UP GEBURA AND WON HER RESPECT SOLO or shit like that, you're fairly good.

>tfw ready to cheese it with SO's gift
Deliveryman is my best friend

>having trouble with Chesed
I wish you the best of luck, managers

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The trees in snow levels tend to look bad, no matter the game.

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fuck you too buddy

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what have you done

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It was a moshpit with me since I had some lesser dudes and spaced out about the White Boost. The resulting slaughter of all the lesser chads by the Gigachad Captains was pretty funny, though.
Then I learned a very easy 'method' to vastly increase my chances of Normal Work on SO, and he wasn't a problem after that.

I dont get it.

wow good job user you want a cookie and a handjob to validate that big brain and all its sexy grooves and wrinkles?

scp 096

"At times we must purge things from this world, because they should not exist. Even if it means losing someone that you love"

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this should enlighten you

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xen niggas

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>Look at him in a spaceship
>Move ship afterwards
>He goes flying off into space
Another day or two of living. Does the multiplayer game still exist?

Yeah, I love flying in San Andreas, and I hate that pop-in.

came in expecting this

yeah it does, and there's a big update in the works that overhauls the medkits and adds a few new items, including a few pills of SCP-500 to act as the insta-heal item as a super rare spawn per game

>red and black damage is boosted after ordeal
>clerks die due to the ordeal so obviously mountain + big bird + monk + little red get out
>rabbit team the fuck out of mountain and big bird
>meanwhile let red kill monk
>try to kill red after that
>the damage boost is so big the bullet shield just breaks instantly
>lose two of my 10 chads to red
>meanwhile red killed so many clerks again that mountain got out again
>killed another two of guys, including the one wearing twilight gear

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Chesed sounds fun
Wish I could do his but Gebura is standing in my way

I had Chesed, Tiphereth and Gebura all available to me at once, so I dunno why you seem to be unable to do Chesed first. You sure you've fully expanded Welfare Team? Done all the requisite quests?

Territorial Oaks in Earthbound, hands down.

fat fuck thinks he can stick a tree up the nice police lady's cooter

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t. 24 years old phoneposting consoletard

It says "Core Suppress Condition: Suppress Core of Gebura" under the welfare dept. on the deployment screen.
Also cannot suppress Tiphereth until day 36.

wait nevermind it just says clear geb mission 4

Taking a break from the game tonight, but anyone got any tips for how to deal with Hod's Core Suppression without a lot of high stat chads?

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Can only really take it carefully if you don't have You Must Be Happy, due to the stat cuts going -15/-25/-35. If you don't have maxed gigachads you don't really have a choice but to take it low and slow with small-risk abnormalities, or figure out what high-energy ones you CAN do and handle with lower stats.

t. 3kliksphilip


I do have You Must Be Happy, but I'm uncertain as to how it works. Last time I used it I only used it once and my dude ended up dying at the end of the day.

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>it has already been 2 years

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>employee with 1 fortitude has a gift that lowers her health even further
>dies to abnos that don't even deal red damage
Is this supposed to happen?

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Why is this giving me a boner?

Is her health deducted to the point it's at 0 or something?

No, sometimes she just walks into the room and dies immediately.

Using it once shouldn't kill anyone, probably something else ended up "killing" him.


user might've left their agent in for too long and they died from sheer buffd/debuffs

>tfw turning 25 in a couple of months
Finally I’ll get to experience this masterpiece

just some trees here

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Got this guy?

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Bros... I just want to be a Fixer irl...

Yeah but he's in the same department as some spoopy scarecrow things I haven't worked on much yet.

If their head gets cut off, you'll have to unlock them managerial tips on the armor

I had all the tips but I never realized it could do that. Huh.

How are those pets doin, bros?

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Imagine becoming so fucking powerful that you immediately die and vanish without a trace. Truly the Chad's destiny.

What do you guys think happens to them? Personally I think they get so powerful they ascend to a higher plane of existence. That or the machine eats them while nobody’s looking

it activates latent brainwashing made to trigger when they're a certain degree of powerful, and they're killed in their sleep by security to avoid them trying to break out. I guess this because it's written in the view of an oppressed korean citizen(if you're not happy with your country before your life-saving surgery, well...) So it was basically used to make gigachads for a communist regime.


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I think the notes on that are misleading, I believe it's 5 uses total on someone, not per day.

I dunno, but imagine fucking their empty tree-mouth while they're fully immobilized

I think the Scarecrow is the perfect place you should be after all.

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I browse Yea Forums pretty much every day how the fuck do I not know this meme?

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Ending C sequel when? What kind of game would it be, when everyone becomes an abnormality?

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Because you're not old enough to have played this game

its been around for a few years but rarely gets posted.

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come on buddy dont hate these trees, N64's Ocarina of Time trees needed the job

It's a LC circle meme.
You will understand eventually.

>when everyone becomes an Abnormality
Didn't Ending C just depict Abnormalities just flooding in from a reality tear created by the Corporation and not people becoming Abnormalities, there's a few normal people running about as well in the pic. Also I'd imagine it'd probably be (You) and a few other people going around the Backstreets/Nest to survive in the equivalent of Abnormality Hell and also the leftover Fixers, Sweeprs, etc who are all killing each other and Abnormalities. So like LoR but taking place in the Backstreets and having to manage resources to ensure your squad survives and gets stronger, with the further days essentially forcing you to off members out of necessity as you approach closer to the Corporation's location. Ending would probably have you go through onslaughts of nightmarish Abnormalities as you approach the Core of the corrupted Seed of Light to awaken Angela or some shit considering that she would have been forced to TT2 reset the Facility to avoid Ending C according to the script, and awakening her would probably lead to a TT2 wipe and continuation into LoR