Game has photo mode

>game has photo mode
>you can take selfies

Attached: 51DF6B77-A6BF-4635-9B95-2416CD77A241.jpg (960x960, 174K)

>never use it because I don't have any friends to share the photos with

Attached: 1561868966552.png (970x545, 291K)

>game has a pic taken from the front page of reddit

Attached: 1560187594522.jpg (584x657, 231K)

>game has a character that browses reddit

>le funney catto xDD

Fuck off.

Attached: 34564567.jpg (850x850, 131K)

>be on Yea Forums
>hate cats

Hello newfag

>le catts are le internetz xDddd
>le newfanggg x-dd

Fuck off and die faggot.

Attached: 1559260636839.png (480x480, 213K)