Why do girls play as boys and boys play as girls in FFXIV?
Why do girls play as boys and boys play as girls in FFXIV?
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People prefer to look at something they think looks good over self inserting most of the time
The only confirmed women I know all play female lalafell.
Unless they play with their significant other, in which case they're a miqo'te tank/healer duo.
They're always obese and you can hear it through the microphone.
It's because they're gay.
Like this coping user.
Already have a thread up on the catalog fuck off ffxiv cuck
>spoke on the mic once
>got told my voice sounds fat
>mfw 5'5 105lbs
I'm a boy and I play as a boy
I'm gay though
I suppose it's acceptable for them to look at a cute ass of their prefered gender when playing. The attractive the characters, the more tempting and normal this will be in the game.
>It's because they're gay.
That doesn't make sense though, if they're gay they'll play as their own gender
>if they're gay they'll play as their own gender
what is self inserting
>what is self inserting
Something that would also have them pick their own gender?
Do you not know what "gay" means?
Gay means sexual attraction to your own gender.
Self-inserting is pretending that you are that character.
Big difference there mate.
Most the guys who play as women are faggots or trannys especially in ffxiv.
Gays are males that are attracted to males
Whether it's self inserting or picking what you're hot for, it's male
Are you retarded?
You must be thinking of trannies
user, most the people playing as women in ffxiv are fags. Just saying.
I wanted to play as a cute girl mi'qote, it doesn't mean i am gay
>source: my ass
Would rather see the backside of a chicks big ole ass running as opposed to the alternative
Yeah if you insert yourself into your own gender that's pretty gay
Well if you're expecting big ol ass you're playing the wrong game
>Clear party for Titania EX
>"Clear for one, been to enrage."
>Consistently make it past adds
>cant meet DPS check
>Dancer does less damage then both of the tanks.
Thats it, no more helping clear parties for me.
t. seething tranny
I just said it's trannies instead of gays doing that you stupid drooling retard
>played female lalafell in FFXIV
>played female gnome in WoW
>played elin in Tera
Short cute races are best races.
Mental gymnastics champion right here
I generally self insert in a way and play a male but I don't like how any of the males look I'm FF14 so I play a cute girl instead. That's really all the thought I put into it.
Hi...would you like to go to dinner sometime? With me?
Besides Roegadyn and Hrothgar
Literally everything else in the game is so feminine, might as well go full female
Sorry, I'm married.
Is there a Yea Forums FC on Cactaur?
Nah you're just retarded
FFXIV is a tranny capital so it makes sense.
>gain level
>get new skill
>never use skill because it shares a recast timer with a better skill or because it's just a niche situational skill designed to be rarely used
Just red mage things.. Thanks squeenix you fucks. Nice expansion.
t. trannies
Because waifus got popularized so the sheep have to follow the trend or else their life feels meaningless.
i play as a hrothgar and all these little cat faggots want to rp or erp me i only erp with other hrothgars, roegadyn males or highlander males
Is there any use for Reprise? I haven't been using it at all.
There's no use for any of the new skills except skorch. It's pathetix
i like cute girls
are there any good FC in gilgamesh that i can run ex titania with?
I'm a girl and I lov cute boys so I play as a cute catboy I can dress up and ship with all the hot male NPCs.
The only reasonable females play either Female lala or a random male race.
E-thots that suck dick for clears and send nudes to their raid group if they clear play Miqote/aura.
I want to drink femlala feet juices!
You'll have a lot more fun playing with normies, don't seek out Yea Forums groups and especially don't seek out /vg/ groups
self inserting is pretty gay
bad for your dick aswell
What if I'm a man and I play female lala?
just pug it, it's not fucking hard. I learned and cleared it a bunch of times yesterday.
Gay guy here. I played a male cat.
Jesus it's really fucking annoying when Yea Forums decides what I think when I chose to play a chick
Literally nothing does and it has never mattered to me.
Fuck off with this gay and tranny shit.
>14 has some of the friendliest mmo players
>user wants to fuck it up by playing with a bunch of dick head Yea Forums users who arent as good as they think they are
Straight guy here. I have an alt I play as a female aura to get free shit and play dress up. My main is a chad male aura.
I am a Male and I play Viera because FF12 is my favorite FF
All of my friends play Male
I am the tank too
I mean, you aren't seeing any ass either way because buttcapes.
Please post headpat webms
The worst thread ever
Because you want to play as something you find hot you fucking brainlet.
Why is she so sad?
Being passive aggressive is no different from being a dickhead, you're just being a pussy about it in that manner.
In any online game really.
You're either a pedo or a JP hardcore raider
>Get Hades in trial roulette
>Once it's over I have to immediately run to an inn room and rewatch the cutscene that happens afterwards.
Anyone else do this?
Anyone here leveled a second job? What's the fastest way to level? Already used up my dailies today and just got to 79.
"like staring at the ass" = I want to fuck my character but it's not something I'm going to say to my friends
But trannies need to distort everything huh?
It's not that I want to play with Yea Forumsirgins in particular, but I'm sick of having to tiptoe on eggshells in every single FC I join.
Because the world is becoming a cess pool for faggots that will extinct the human race.
>Why do people enjoy looking at the gender they're attracted to?
It's a mystery.
>friendliest mmo players
>Neets that only care about parsing and are passive aggresive about everything
>E-girls, casuals and gay people that report anything that offends them
>Can't even talk shit about someone's fucked rotation or they report you
Not that user, but Amaurot is extremely Rapture-ish and that entire chunk of the plot is bizarrely similar to BioShock. The specific comparison is warranted. It's more than just generic Atlantis, underwater city similarities, we got
>art deco architecture
>failed utopia
>biological experimentation that spiraled out of control and brought the city down
>an honest-to-god 20th century jazz theme complete with radio tuning effects youtube.com
>sympathetic leader of the city rightfully wanting to restore it to its glory days, but resorting to unacceptable means in doing so
>you, the main character, have a deep connection to both the city and the leader that you don't know about, and are actually returning to your home, rather than discovering it for the first time
They're trying to justify an unjustifiable existence.
Well, the only explanation is that it's more of a fetish than an identity, but they won't accept that.
Guy from last thread about the undercutting motherfucker. It sure is neat that crafted items have the crafters name on them so you can figure out who owns the retainer constantly undercutting you. Of course it's an omnicrafter that hasn't even hit 80 yet on a single character and spends every second of the day crafting and selling instead of enjoying the game.
How do I aoe with DRK before 72 now? Do I just spam Unleash? Back in my day we had Abyssal Drain still...
Flood of darkness, Unleash spam, fire off abyssal drain every 60s.
I mostly wish that if things to were have changed, it'd be Blood Weapon and Delirium. As sad as I am without Abyssal Drain, I understand it being an oGCD if it'll have healing attached by default.
Guys, could you check if Sightseeing Log 10 is still possible?
I can't get up no matter what I do.
I really don't get how people just keep using a fantasia every month or toon, I've been playing so long as my character it has become an extension of myself, that's what made shadowbringers so enjoyable
Girls who play fem elezen are the only ones I'm ever able to tolerate.
I can be whatever you want, user~
Oh, and salted earth.
Play Gunbreaker
Gunbreaker currently feels a little too much like it was originally meant to be a DPS class. It does a ridiculous amount of damage, managing to hold its own against the likes of Black Mage and Samurai. This seems a little antithetical to the tanking philosophy imbued within the other role options, where the thematic focus on survivability and protection is much clearer.
>fought Tsukuyomi today
>now waiting for Ghimlyt Dark
Almost there.
All three other tanks have their second hit of their AoE combo at level 40 except DRK and it pisses me the fuck off
Is there anyone on Aether that wants to run Tit EX?
I've been trying to do this fight with randos in PF for the past few days but the farthest I got was a 1% enrage twice with 1 group, and every other group I'm with fucks up the vines during the big add phase and it's driving me insane.
Fuck off to /vg/
But uhh, how exactly do I use Flood outside of Blood Weapon? You don't gain any MP using Unleash right?
only raving lunatics self insert, and they are a minority
>you can /handover to any minion and you will feed it
Just tried, they shoved a fucking invisible wall on the rock where you have to jump up.
I already do.
Anyone ever hit with Blasting Zone harder than this solo?
>all healers heal fine
>but 2 of them dont do as much dps so literally no one wants to play them or include them into their groups
Nice raid culture you have here.
Here's this instead.
Same but I view the guy as pretty much his own character and I'm experiencing the storyline through his point of view. I think of stuff like what he'd say, what he thinks about this current scenario, and even come up with character arcs that he goes through as he progresses through the storyline.
I don't even roleplay but I can't help it.
engagement has uses
but not many
everything else rdm got is sad, and our potency on our gcds needs to be upped a little
fucking verthunder and veraero feel weak as fuck now
I'm a boy and I play as a male highlander
>managing to hold its own against the likes of Black Mage and Samurai.
On what fucking planet retard? I play GNB and you are definitely talking out of your ass.
>Clear O4S for the first time
>Feeling generous
>Immediately go back into an O4S clear party to share strats and help some more people get their clear
>It's a stack of shitters that know eachother
>Constantly get blamed as the healer despite them making all the mechanical fuck ups and expecting me to use OGCDs that are on cooldown
>They ignore every suggestion I give
>They die to the simplest mechanics despite me explaining them over and over with visual cues
>They pop tank CDs seconds after the tank buster hits
>Co healer literally has no concept of 80% of their spells and just spams benefic and goes OOM before we're even half way in and then bitches about me 'chadding' and not doing enough healing even though we're even on HPS and I've way less overhealing
>Get kicked from party after two hours of these giga shitters wiping repeatedly
Never again.
retardo basado
>Niche situational skill rarely used
>But can be used
Laughs in Shoha
They enjoy the game different than you, what are you gonna do about it little bitch?
I don't think I'm either of those
It has a 5% variance of DPS from the the other tanks, topping out under like 7800 which is easily beat by a half decent DPS (dancers can pull 10k well enough)
GNB feels just right, it’s a little more aggressive than PLD or DRK but it probably should be
Not an argument.
Meant for
Pardon my ape brain
They're quoting a gamespot review
Laugh at your tiny penis from undercutting so hard you're selling at a massive loss.
you mean hrothgar right?
I like the way this was okay when it was WHM getting excluded from every group.
"lol just play ast"
This desu. Also playing a male cat!
Black mage is at 80. Should I level Ninja or Monk next? I want to do all the role quest lines.
I know which review you copypasted this from.
I’m sorry you had to read gamespot, user
Only closet homos play as girls.
"But I want to look at their butts."
You are a faggot and you even RP as a girl..neck yourself
to me ninja is more fun
You don't have a fraction of the resolve they do. Even if you sold them for 1 gil it would spring back as soon as you got bored while they continue to make millions from all of their other endeavors. You are nothing.
Many women’s fashion designers are gay men
And I thought I was just bad.
Thank you user.
Should I report that as a bug?
Why would you even use that word in a derogatory sense when it's clearly how you're meant to play crafters? Many crafters require crafts from other crafters for their recipes, there's literally no advantage to focusing on any one crafter.
I used a Fantasia once because I had 3 or 4 from 2.0's release. I just rationalized it as some spell that wore off after 3 days. Yes, I'm autistic.
I'm a PS4 BLM player
Please don't make fun of me
Male characters are actual fucking homos
>If you're a caster or healer you wear a dress and that's gay
>if you're a tank you're a muscle man constantly taking punishment from other dudes and that's full on barafag territory
>Bard and Dancer have EXTREMELY faggot outfits
You can only be a melee or machinist and that's what I am
Anything else and you're a flaming fucking HOMO
i use engagement all of the time because i'm not a parse tranny and would rather sit in the stack of people for healers than backflip out of aoe heals like a retard, oh wow I lost 50 potency a couple of times because I didn't want to backflip out of aoe healing like a parse tranny
A sad and pathetic thing where you feel good because you see yourself as the main character? Alternately, people who are too brainlet to actually RP as anything other than themselves.
Fair enough.
How should I even level an alt this expac? Just do FATEs and roulettes?
You better be using Expanded and Wide Hotbars, but that is similar to how I have my layout - with cooldowns on a straight hotbar above the controller layout.
I'm straight and married to a woman and play as a female lalafell. I'm married to my wife's female lalafell in-game too.
Nah I mean qt cat
No, you should be able to jump into that cliff no problem, the invisible wall doesn't even get you close to the cliff wall.
I sent one bug report but I don't need the vista, if you need it i recommend sending one too for more visibility.
Is there any way to tell your FATE rank in a given region
t. homo
Shared fates menu
t. immersed male char only player who got "seduced" by a G.I.R.L. who probably wasn't even pretending to be female
Imagine becoming insecure about what you play as in a video game because you read a couple of silly posts on Yea Forums
Grow some balls, faggot
How the fuck do you use that top bar with a controller
>whatcha reading there son
>t-t-t-the t-t-t-t-t-tale of joan of a-a-a-a-a-a-arc
>What, a woman character?
This shit is always dumb in every incarnation. It's fiction guys its not fucking real.
Get fucked.
>Yes I do play as a female elezen, how did you know?
with TP gone is it finally a good idea to invest in skillspeed
tank's can't be homo it's a rule
I agree with the caster stuff that's why I glamour all my robes off into more slim fitting clothing that looks normal (fuck healing lol)
dancer is pretty homo but bards are chads
>>if you're a tank you're a muscle man
I prefer the edgelord aesthetic my dude
Not him but with how I use it, I use it to notify me when my cooldowns are up - cooldowns being on the 8th hotbar which I access when holding R2 then pressing L2, or vice versa.
You don't, it's just for keeping track of cooldowns.
not an argument
>He doesn't exclusively tank female primals so he's constantly taking blows from hot babes
Holy shit why didn't I think of that
I've run Amaurot thirty bloody times and still haven't seen this fucker drop
go skill speed gunbreaker. get gnashing fang down to 28s
No. They continue to design melee jobs around hating sks and now they've made SAM the same.
bree is cute but i don't think she plays ff14...
Sent one as well.
Someone said that it's probably because of the Gunbreaker quest fight.
Hopefully thex fix that soon.
user, I....
It's just class favoritism. When WHM didn't have big DPS boosts, it was people screaming that they needed to change.
Now that everyone else needs to change, suddenly it's a huge problem/doesn't matter at all!
femboi faggot
You're not worthy.
My man
That's a miqo'te
You can be a manly caster tho
Got it first run with my NPC friends :^)
Reminder there are hundreds with games with female protagonists, if your father thinks you're gay if he sees you playing a game with a female protag then he already thought you were gay way before that.
I made a potato so I could be a little old man but I'm like a baby with facial hair.
Papashan and Lolorito are the only lalafells that are capable of pulling it off.
Minions don't drop in trust groups
This, is our story. Yes yes!
i got the armadillo from a trust dungeon and sold it for like 800k
because i want to be a boy
Are you a Tomboy?
Trust me, they do.
Got the flying cube thingy as well like that.
I fucking hated these. Same way I hate the way those fairies talked in the black shroud. Same way I hate how most beast tribes speak. Gas all beast tribes. ALL beast tribes. Including Mhiggers.
You get less extra loot like accessories and shit but rare drops like minions and scrolls still drop just fine.
What the fuck set is that
the only beast tribe that needs to be gassed are lalafells
>Chill dude it's just a [X] xD
Imagine having her as a wife...
Bros life is unfair...
>creating yourself like some kind of weirdo
>not creating a brand new character who meshes with the setting
something exclusive to pvptrannies
Fuck you Nu Mou are cool. Also I want a Hypello beast race
the real tank job
I like looking at a good looking guy, and watching them go on daring and or silly adventures
>implying I'm not going to stack SkS anyway because it makes me have more fun
>ya'll will never be this groovy
Not with that fairy fucking sword lmao
Also the Wolekdorf Amaro were great.
Feast top 100 from last season.
The fuck was up with the clothes Tataru made and why are they so modern looking
>Ah yes, I always play as a giant black dude with pink afro and a silly name in mmos
You mean including Garleans
I was waiting for the dumbass frog one but this works
>Lyse in her Yda getup
Why the fuck did she have to take the mask off and go full mhigger
she obviously has impeccable fashion sense far beyond her time and place
Unironically Ilberd
>boys play as girls
Shut up Lyse Mhiggers are irrelevant and you got left behind but Garleans and our best friend Zenos are still relevant
Yes, because Bioshock invented that kind of setting.
>That one Hrothgar or Roge in a fucking speedo during the hades cutscene
Thank God my blind run was full of people is their job gear. I know people can do whatever they want with their sub, but it triggers me nonetheless
Fuck you, the Namazu are adorable little fuckers that are actually really endearing and try their best if you actually did their beast tribe.
>Ilberd actually did something wrong by creating the situation that gave us Lyse
Fuck sake Ilberd
what do you guys expect in the first """"balance"""" patch?
i personally hope they make drk less sleep inducing
For being a bunch of tremendous, inhuman faggots who caused two calamities
Not even the worst Mhigger or beast tribe has done anything on their level
People want to create something that they want to fuck
Also people roleplaying in MMOs is just absolute cringe
Shoha changes because that skill is borderline useless.
I want RDM buffs, but we won't get them.
>People want to create something that they want to fuck
no they don't
I got Black Hayate on my first trust run
>wanted to get rich so bad but didn't craft since I'm to lazy for it
>I instead choose to switch my character to female Au Ra, leave my FC change my name just to catfish a cuck
>started acting like a female eventually got into an FC, I started hanging with a basic Hyur male
>tfw he asks me to join their FC Discord
>I tell them I can't do voice because I'm a MtF transgender and I wasn't confident with my voice
>He believes me and says that he's completely ok with me being tranny
>Eventually get to voicechat chat after some training with my pitch
>He and some FC member actually said that I sound very feminine and I should be proud of it
>mfw I actually started having gender disphoria
B-bros... what now...?
So it can definitely be said that Heavensward and Stormblood we're all Alphinaud's fault.
But can it be argued that he caused Shadowbringers too, and thus caused three whole expansions worth of problems?
They better not lay a finger on TBN. Being invincible is the best part of DRK.
>Not even the worst Mhigger or beast tribe has done anything on their level
>What are lalaniggers
They actually cause more harm and havoc in Eorzea than Garleans do
I just wish square gives more money to the team. Although the game was really good, the cutscene and presentation still looks janky.
They're doing the best with what they got, but they deserve more.
There's no going back.
Literally mentally ill. I'm saying this as a guy who roleplays as a girl. At least I'm not a scumbag like you.
Yoship's on Square's Board now, so hopefully he can sway them into giving him more resources for the game since Shadowbringers is so widely well received
>what are waifus?
The Crystal Braves incident led to war with Garlemald, the war with Garlemald led to the black rose calamity, time travel shit happens, Shadowbringers.
Yup, still his fault.
B-but there must be another way!
I'm a human male in real life, I don't want to be the same thing in vidya. All about muh escapism
>He caused Shadowbringers
Welp, time to cut off your dick tranny.
While the beast tribe/man conflict is pretty bad, along with zombiefying Sil'dih, I don't remember them actually causing an Umbral Calamity
Why do girls like cat boys so much?
people generally don't make waifus in mmos lol
not everyone is a waifufag
same basically but i started it in ragnarok online 15 years ago
I've never met a female irl fem elezen that wasnt a 30+ year old housewife/mother.
They won't fix the previous cutscenes but honestly everything still looks 2013 era like. I know. I know. But still, it would be nice for them to add a bit more to the presentation portion. I am happy that cutscenes have animations now but it still has that PS2 jank to them.
It's an isekai outfit for the weeb expansion.
I just wanted to have some money and some mogstore stuff!
You've always had it, but your egg just cracked
its time to transition.
Yes, your giraffe little brother that you probably legally adopted during some fetch quest is the cause of a lot of problems. Make him go gather firewood as punishment
one of the subtle things they've been doing that I appreciate is advancing technology and magitech development in the background of eorzea. Like if you'll notice how all the early mch guns are based off of black powder and cap and ball revolvers, and eventually evolve into more technically advanced weapons. outside of outliers like advanced allagan energy canons of course.. you can see the advancement in things like stoves and thermocoil boilmasters. When 2.0 started the technology level was about mid 1800's but with magitech thrown in which advanced and retarded certain technological developments Now I'd say we're about 1910's, just getting into 1920's comparitive to our own development.
What's really neat though is when you look at the architecture and furniture of the crystal tower in the crystarium you can see where technological development was going before the black rose basically killed it all. It looks to be around 1940's 1950's level of technology with things like electric tablesaws and ovens
If Minfillia didn't die or whatever the fuck in Ul'dah we wouldn't have ShB.
That would be pretty spooky because my dad is dead.
I wish they had actually made the male cats cute
I don't really like their voices
It's a bit depressing that everyone seems to becoming back to the regular old grind. Nobody seems to talk in game anymore in public other than hunt drama.
Seek help. You're a fucking mess.
Will we ever get another shipbait Rising video?
ACTUALLY it's all Thancred's stupid fucking fault for getting ascian-raped in the first place.
> I don't remember them actually causing an Umbral Calamity
We don't have the specifics of 6 of em outside of the bare necessities, I'd say blaming the lalas for one or two of em is a safe bet
>tfw you will never tie Alphinaud to a bed and ride him for hours
Why even live?
this is a fictional story, but a funny one. thank you user for not making Yea Forums a worse board with your post
The bare minimum garbage you get from gathering in the new areas is going for 1-2k a pop right now and you can get a stack of 99 in a matter of minutes.
But if you'd rather suck e-dick for your gil I guess that's up to you.
One more canister of Black Rose left. Just this once, Master Galvus, let me go all out
>bottoming for alphie
what wrong with you? he wants you inside of him
How do people take screenshots as npcs? I want to put Alphinaud in lewd outfits.
I'll pay you to suck my character pussy.
What site is this?
And did Arch spawned yet on Levi 1?
You mean Louisoix's fault, if he never died Thancred wouldn't have been as much of a depressed overworked mess vulnerable to Ascian mindrape, and the twins would have stayed in Sharlayan rather than causing Crystal Braves problems
>biological experimentation that spiraled out of control and brought the city down
that's not what happened to amaurot at all
I know this is a fake story but
>He didn't buy everything he could from vendors and Jack up the prices on the MB making millions off of retards
White heterosexual male here, I play a midlander hyur like any non degenerate tranny would do
why not both
Honestly user. That's fucked up. Something's wrong with you.
It spawned 2 hours ago.
How many of you play the same job you first started the game with?
Started off as a PLD, switched to DRK immediately after the Bloody Banquet.
I can't decide if I should change my lalafel to a hyur or not.
PLD as been and will be my main until the day the servers go offline
Nope. Mained GLD because someone told me to go to ul'dah for the first city (didn't matter because I skipped cutscenes.)
Only mained PLD in ARR went to DRK in HW then WAR in SB and now back to DRK. Maybe GNB once I level it up.
>male lala
into the trash it goes
still WHM six years later
feels better than ever
Am a woman playing a fem Miqo. Everyone thinks I'm a boy /shrug
>did Monk quest after having already completed Hildibrand's ARR story
>this fag talking about how Sil'dih went and zombiefied their own people for the war effort
It's a shame they couldn't make early job quests change in reference to later events since it would've been neat if he mentioned how recent discoveries point it was actually Ul'dah's fault, what with Godbert promising to release the truth
On a side note is SB Hildi as good as ARR's in terms of comedy and/or the lore bombs?
>can't decide if I should change my lalafel
Change your lalafel
Started as pugilist and swapped to scholar as soon as i could, still main scholar to this day
I fell asleep god dammit
>questioning your gender over how your voice sounds over the internet
How insecure does one have to be?
>The Source
>Lalafells are jews that cause problem after problem for everyone
>Beast tribes summon primals due to discrimination (caused by the jews)
>A pirate is considered a respectable city-state leader
>Ala Mhigo exists
>The First
>Lalafells are bro-tier dwarves
>Beast tribes don't summon primals and are bros with the playable races
>The cities aren't led by pirates
>Ala Mhigo doesn't exist
Uhhh, bros? Why don't we just stay on the First?
Was initially planning on it, then I started really liking Dragoon, and at this point I main NIN and SMN on the side
better than a female one desu
This ones for you user
Tataru blackmails us.
Bullshit, every woman I've met in the game plays male elezen or Au'ra... And in their thirties
Because it's our duty to improve the realm and after doing Eden the First should be more than well enough to handle its own, while our home still needs fixing
Started beta as a GLD but launch as an ACN but I don't main any of these jobs. Been having a lot of indecision lately so I might revisit one of these jobs.
>Beast tribes don't summon primals
Oh you'll see ;)
Hey guys
what if, but just what if
we added some random trash "hunt" log on the new areas that require players to kill 66 (SIXTY SIX) fates per area? All for the orchestrion rolls and some other shitty rewards?
Really good idea huh guys?
What is your opinion on yaoi
what a cute dork
Tataru would sniff us out and force us into indentured servitude
Is Shadowbringers worth it? I haven't played since the first ivalice raid came out. Been playing FFXI private server and waiting for WoW classic.
>Waiting for WoW classic
No Shadowbringers, it's not for you
>opening the smash invite with a fishknife instead of breaking the wax seal.
I mean with sealed letters that could destroy the message inside.
How long until I can make my retainer look like my husband 9S in this game?
Why did they make Vieras look like trannies?
Did you forget me?
Cute! CUTE!!!! thank you user
not your kinda game, boomer.
Nothing can ever beat the good ol mmos like XI and WoW where they were full of soul.
Alright I need some advice
>Have level 61 MCH
>Have level 70 BLM
>Don't know whether to
>>Shelve the MCH, do SHB on the BLM and make my MCH my alt job
>>Do SHB/endgame content on my MCH and pick the BLM back up later as an alt
>>Just do roulettes on MCH while doing SHB on my BLM then get stuck deciding on my main again later
Why is this so fucking hard to decide
Literally who
i can't fucking forget with you spamming this picture everyday
You have no shame.
It's the same retard that closed himself inside the crystal tower because he felt like humanity wasn't ready for the CT powers.
When we're at war with beings that can travel between worlds.
Had to level both SAM and BLM to 80 to finally decide to stick with BLM as my main job.
Should I level RDM, BLM, or BRD next?
Be a parsefag BLM
Honestly the /vg/ FC is the friendliest of any Yea Forums community I've ever seen. Coming from someone who spent years involved in the warcraft Yea Forums community, I was completely shocked.
I'd very much recommend joining them on Ultros
The difference is you're explicitly reading about another character, as opposed to the one you created
I did the same but got bored of SAM way before 70
BLM, RDM is boring and braindead, MCH if you want an RDPS job
Why the fuck is there SSS for this joke fight?
They should fuse rescue with fluid aura and inflict bind on everyone that gets rescue'd for 5seconds.
>/vg/ FC
No one's joining your tranny cult
I fully believe whoever designed the new Astrologian has never played a video game in their lives. I've never seen so much busywork with so little feedback in my life. I don't even understand how gamepad players are even coping with this shitheap design. You can see high end players cope with it by saying it's "for calculating players who like to think ahead" but the truth of it is - you have a ton of weak ass buttons that are not satisfying to press. Why should I plan my ten OGCD heals when WHM can just benediction and go on their merry way? Why do I need to do Starcraft level CPM to give damage to others (that you can't even see because of how small each individual card is) when I could be casting Misery for fat 60k CDHs? It baffles the mind because this unsatisfying gameplay is why they started moving away from DoT effects in the first place - nobody cares about a bunch of small ticking timers, they aren't fun, big hits and being a damn hero by pressing one right button at the right time is fun. If they had to change AST so fundamentally then they should've ponied up and redesigned it from scratch instead of trying to wrestle something out of existing animations, it's basically the same problem that happened with MCH in 4.0 (although even brand new skills aren't a guarantee of good gameplay as evident by the same MCH in 5.0).
Honestly, just what the fuck.
At least this is more specific than my problem of not even know what role I want to play. I do not have a group to play with so my options are open but a lot of statics are only recruiting a few jobs that I am not interested in playing like NIN.
But you promised user...!
>70 and 72 gear sets are all nice
>74 sets are absolute kino
>76 is alright
>78 is complete dogshit, unsubscribed from game
what the fuck happened
Was he wrong though? look what the white raven did with the fucking moon. imagine if the empire, who was a very real threat when he went to sleep, managed to worm their way into the CT.
if SMN can summon phoenix and bahamut, next step is transforming into a primal like Thordan did right?
RDM for tranny progression.
BLM for tranny parse.
BRD if you like to have fun and play the game your own way.
Shut the fuck nigger, you were doing more personal dps than WHM while buffing the fuck out of everyone for 2 years.
Not on ninja. The bulk of their damage comes from ogcds.
Just goes to show SE has no idea what to do with healers.
>write a short story
>it has a female character, based upon my own tastes
>oh shit I'm gay now
SMN's just summon Avatars of the primals, not the primal themselves, summoning actual Bahamut would take a lot more effort and cause a lot more calamity
You're whats wrong with this game. Not the game designers.
BLM for parse and having fun* not everyone is a bandwagoner who picked up BLM yesterday
So how the heck are we summoning Bahamut and Phoenix in the First when their ambient energy shouldn't be there?
It's a well known fact that homosexuals play female characters.
t. homo
t. elf
kill yourself ya beardless bastard
Gogo gadgeto dilate now.
It has nothing to do with logs dipshit, there was no reason at all to play WHM back on SB because devs are fucking incompetent.
Started as a LNC, regretted it in the early leveling experience but it got way better once I hit 40-45 DRG. My true love lies with Black Mage and Samurai but I do still play Dragoon, and it was the first job I took to 80.
>muh logs
>run the Twinning for tomes and hopes of getting an orchestrion drop
>get a PLD in leveling gear (Eureka weapon, 406 armor and a few Amaurotine pieces here and there)
>ask him if he doesn't have artifact gear
>DPS are the most average samurai that ever sammed and a bard who insists on standing outside the range of every single party heal and thus demands extra Lustrate care from me
We made it through just fine but I think it's time to stop playing for the night.
So which one did you pick, and why am I expecting you fags to all say Halone?
>there was no reason at all to play WHM back on SB because MUH LOGS
>based upon my owns tastes
You're gay user.
I did it, I finished the post-SB quests and can now begin ShB
>finally have to spam dungeons to level to continue msq
>nervous since still in mostly scaeven at lvl 77 because fuck opening up those gay chests
>do fine and get 3 coms
my god the changes to tank is so, so great. we can go so much longer without changing gear. before you had to just for the sake of keeping aggro, now its so you can be a little tankier and do better dps
also the last boss of the well is really fucking good, I'm already sad I won't be seeing it much once I have everything to 80
SB Hildi is pretty good for comedy (mostly relating to Yojimbo), Heavensward's is pretty good for comedy and feels
>We made it through just fine but
Then why are you fucking chimping you drama queen?
>muh logs
>doesn't realize it was easier to parse orange on WHM because people were playing whm more casually
>make a character I want to fuck
>oh god she's hot
He's going to appear in the next expansion trailer r-right guys?
I like crafting
You mean the thot that killed nophica friends because she wanted to hone her spear?
Matron's teats!
Halone, of course. What better deity for a career Elezen Dragoon. Now where are my Ishgard GC and housing?
>Having a fucking blast on GNB
>Been playing for years and never did endgame content before
>Already farmed the fuck out of Titania and Innocence and got my gunblade and jewelry
What am I supposed to do now? I want to fuck more shit up with my pistolsword.
Last I checked you can get pretty close, just make a short midlander male and give him white hair and an appropriate glamour
Derplander isn't Adbert.
Yes, she's a pretty major bitch just like most Ishgardians, the snooty bastards
Sure, Not-Ardbert will continue to be the trailer guy for expansions even though we know our soul can look completely different than him
It it worth starting this on PS4 or will it be a much better idea to play on PC? I've heard that playing with a controller is better than you might think but I don't know about what other sort of QoL things I'd lose out on playing console. I'm just not sure I'd be able to run multi-party raids at an acceptable framerate.
Althyk because the God of time and space is literally the God of all.
Hopefully default male Midlander WoL will finally get a shave
Nald'Thal the Trader because I'm a cheap, Jew of a gremlin.
>the loading screen for Il Mheg
good lord
>Picked Rhalgr
>Regret my decisions after learning he is the god Mhiggers idolise
Poor guy is brought low by his fandom
>not keeping your existing black mage glamour but adding the dwarf casting hat and dying it tan/orange
Llymliaen but I wish I could change it to Menphina or Oschon desu.
Yes technically, he is part of us now.
The only downside of playing on PS4 is that it's harder to use parsers and VPN. The game itself runs identically and you can use a keyboard if you want.
Guys, i think i really enjoy this game
Nald'thal for underworld and Jewy shit.
oschon because it was my real birthday
No reason at all to play on PS4. If you want to play with a controller just connect one to your PC.
Because I don't understand what makes these people tick and that scares me, I just know that playing at 4am probably makes it more likely to run into such personalities again
He said he was leveling an alt job so he MUST know that he can get free gear from not-Gerolt
Have to go with Oschon
>Gunbreaker turning casuals into real men
This job must be stopped. It increases testosterone levels beyond human limits.
Will Derplander pick up DoM jobs or is he sticking to SAM and DRK, will there be a female version of him
nophica's fat meaty tits
the only person I know who plays a girl when he's a dude is actually married to a girl
everyone else plays their gender and is single
Why does EVERY FUCKING MOB have a circle AoE around itself now? Being melee is fucking cancer because you're constantly having to interrupt your rotation from running out of all these fucking circles
An egi is a construct "attuned" to the primal and, for all intents and purposes, is a carbuncle aspected to the creature you're trying to summon. You need to bathe in the aether of a primal to be able to summon it, and that aetherial pattern is used in the construction of the egi. I'm guessing Demi-Bahamut/Demi-Phoenix is related to the Trances you use which is a lowgrade and safe version of Thordan, Shiva, or Tsukuyomi summoning a primal into themselves(?), and Demi-Bahamut/Demi-Phoenix uses that power to make a bigass egi.
every guy dreams of being a slut and teasing cocks that may or may not rape them.
It's impossible to use a parser on PS4
Also no mods
And the perfomance difference is huge, even a PS4 Pro has trouble competing with a modern $400 PC
It runs fine on a PS4, and raids and trials are grand on it. controller works far better than you'd expect it to, but honestly there's no reason to not get it on PC and just plug a controller in
RDM and BLM are a possibility but you will never see him as a healer or a book using nerd.
And no he won't ever be a girl you stupid cuck.
>tfw rewatched that scene where Ardbert hands you his axe and the Shadowbringers theme starts playing like 10-15 times already
Shit's too fucking GOOD
Been thinking of Fantasia'ing to Hrothgar, at least for a bit, because they look cool but I typically play a female character and have a female name.
I'm compelled to have to change the name to at least something more gender neutral/androgynous or named after an object or some shit but I can't think of anything
>they picked up ardbert this expansion, so wol could be voiced by Gendry
>they'll pick up a female wol soul next expansion, so wol can be voiced by Arya.
It'll happen.
>even a PS4 Pro has trouble competing with a modern $400 PC
I use a PS4 pro and you are literally full of shit. My game runs fucking flawlessly. I have never had any issues and this shit looks great, stop talking out of your ass.
your gay lol just embrace it and take the hrothpill
please no I don't want that Goblina to canonically voice the female version of the WoL
>spend an hour practicing Innocence EX
>get to enrage multiple times, DPS is just too low
>ask my buddy to check his parse for me
>I'm 2nd on DPS as MCH with everything melded correctly, but only ilvl 431
>1st place was a summoner buffed via dancer
I don't know, other then replacing my 430s with 440s I'm not sure how to get myself up stronger. Maybe it was a group failure? I keep thinking to myself, if only I was doing more dps.
Azeyma because religions based around Sun deities make sense. What else makes such a big impact on our lives and provides so much? It's also funny because my character is a mooncat.
>Also no mods
Oh wow you can't mod dicks onto your carbuncles whoop dee fucking doo
I wouldn't worry about it homie.
>Arya voices WoL
Goblins aren't a playable race though
How many of you aren't maining the first job you got to 80?
Ny buddy is playing on ps4 and it works well but he cant communicate with anyone because typing on controller is a bitch.
is the group dying a lot?
are you not using LB3 ASAP?
>Urianger's vision of the future has the WoL in the edgy Scion outfit
seriously, why is it so edgy looking?
why can't there be a non-autistic looking scion outfit for the WoL
>He doesn't have his Titania weapon yet
got SCH to 80 and it's boring as fuck now
I'm maining a fisherman
t. console retard that will never make his game look good and run above 30fps
>Being melee is fucking cancer
It was fucking cancer before 5.0 too
>Option to bully Alphinaud
>It's the right option
Right in the kino
new summoner's so hard to get used to. I know it does a lot of damage but it's just not the same.
I've just started eating a few aoe at this point, its almost unbearable as a mnk.
I was a retard and haphazardly fanta'd to Hrothgar as soon as ShB early access started.
Their face and hair clips with absolutely any chest piece with even a tiny collar. Their animations and hunch are pretty awful too. Even by this game's standards their textures are pretty fucking awful too.
Something like 80% of headpieces don't show up on them, and the only ones that do show up are headbands/glasses/monocles/full head replacements.
Also you will be associated with obnoxious furry bara faggots and assumed to be gay.
It's not worth it.
>want to maximize my dps to ensure optimal raid success and fflogs is a good measure
>don't want people in my raid group doing suboptimal dps and raising the chance of failure
>get called a parse tranny for wanting to do well in a game
Why is Yea Forums afraid of getting good?
I'm only level 30 but there sure is a lot of rape in this game.
>Gendry voices Ardbert
Huh, didn't make that connection. I knew Roose was cutting loose as Gaius but Gendry being Ardbert is surprising
Only JRPG fans are like this. WRPG fans prefer to self-insert.
Reminder that Nero never surpasses Wedge in his mastery of Kettle Technology
>Tfw realized GNB is the best tank after I got DRK to 80
PLD, I just really like it because they can do a lot of shit and have no weird bullshit tied to their mechanics.
I'm awful at using cover though, can never find who I need to target and cover in time before they get fucked.
>first attempt at titania ex
>beat it and get weapon drop as well
wew lad
They're just the right mix of of masculine aspects that intrigue them and feminine aspects they can relate to. Burly Chad's may be hot to women, but they're also a bit intimidating and foreign in nature.
It's like how tween girls start out liking boybands with femmy looking twinks, but warm up to more masculine looking men with time. Cute guys are comfy and nonthreatening.
It's not my fault, no one is recruiting ranged DPS for PF.
What's your FPS counter at in ShB zones, buddy
>all my friends got theirs without me because I was distracted by another game
>now I have to rush through story and get to 80 tonight even if it kills me
If you are hitting enrage on Innocence it is 100% a DPS problem.
I have like 10 Innocence EX kills under my belt right now and have never once hit the enrage. Shit man I only even wiped like 3 times. Find a new group.
Also what IS his enrage? Genuinely curious.
>grey parse
holy shit get it together
>green parse
bare minimum understanding
decent, could be better
excellent player, knows what they're doing
DNC partner and DRG eye and litany padding
I got DNC to 80 first
Shit is too weak and its gear design sucks
Does it count as playing a girl if I openly tell people I'm a futa?
You haven't seen anything yet buddy, though Sastasha is quite the rape cave
that option only works because he respects the hell out of alphinaud. The Chai's are so nice and wholesome, I'm really happy they went that way with them.
>He doesn't know about the patch 5.1 dungeon Twining part 2 where Nero's created an Ultima weapon that also serves as an espresso machine
Derplander will appear in future trailers but Ardbert is part of you now user.
Enjoy the story instead of letting no-life faggots dictate the pace at which you play your games
No idea. But there is zero lagg or clipping and the shit runs just as smooth as every other zone so why the fuck would I care about your autistic numbers?
And there's only going to be more rape going forward my friend
Bro just like Low Blow/Leg Sweep.
havent even touched any of the trials yet, still leveling my jobs
Your own fault.
if you make a girl you're a tranny or horny retard
if you make a guy you're a faggot or a dad
if you make an ugly mother fucker you're based as fuck
these are the only absolute truths
Not when the WHM spams holy and already makes the mob stun resistant. I dont know why the fuck stun is still allowed with that skill, fucking remove it
adulthood is realizing they're all trannies
Oschon because I knew nothing about the game and its lore and "The Wanderer" sounded like a good adventurer god.
Sastasha was completely in your face about it but I just mean like every other random female NPC in MSQ so far seems to be threatened with rape or rarely actually raped off-screen.
guess I'm trans, where's my free dick mutilation money?
>just get AoE right away instead of a long distance attack with Pugilist
Well that's nice, and makes sense
It's a pain in the ass having to still juggle it, and my buff and GL against mobs though
Look at this fucking closet case over here.
Alright thanks. I've just been wanting to play an MMO again and I'm not getting back into WoW. While I've never played XIV I did play a decent bit of XI during the CoP era.
I didn't expect people to say it isn't a bad idea to play on console. Of course I would use a keyboard and I suppose I could use VOIP on my phone, right? The VOIP issue is one of the main things I wasn't sure about. Do guilds (linkshells?) tend to segregate and only accept either PC or console players or do they often intermingle? I just don't want to be at a very obvious disadvantage by not playing PC. If I end up liking the game I could also just get it on PC once I get a few upgrades.
Why do you try to argue about performance when you don't even know how well your system performs? What are you even trying to prove?
Their own fault, my friends also rushed to 80 the second day of early access and missed on the most kino moments in the entire game.
I reached 80 like 3 days ago taking my sweet time.
>big difference there mate
you are just defeating your own arguments you retard
>mainly play tank/dps
>start working on leveling a healer because I want to be available for any role as needed
>mfw dealing with incompetent tanks
why the fuck are these tanks turning off their tank stances randomly
why the fuck are they not using their aoe
why are they bitching at me for using holy
what the fuck
i've never been so mad as any other role
My main is always a male roleplay. Like in ESO, I roleplay as Todd Howard. But I almost always make my first alt character in a game female to see the different armors and dress them up like a slut.
i'm not coping, you're projecting
Actually may go with BLM, there's so much to fucking stare at on MCH I'd rather not have it be my first job for endgame content. Gonna get it to 70 first, though
I got no choice other than play something else.
solution: get an AST to spam gravity instead
I just got into a huge ass argument with my novice network chat after I made jokes about how the empire was better than eorzea. I never such a soft community in an MMO before.
>I didn't expect people to say it isn't a bad idea to play on console
They are just dumb autists. Roughly 50% of players use console. I use console and I clear content fine. Nobody cares man.
>Enemy aggros right as I jump off a high cliff
I thought everyone loved the Garleans more than Eorzea though
>If I end up liking the game I could also just get it on PC once I get a few upgrades
Console and PC have separate product codes, so if you wanted to do this you would need to buy the base game and all the expansions separately for each platform. Better to commit to one and if PC is an option to you then it should be the obvious choice.
Even my retainer has full titania and innocence gear. What the hell user?
Started as a Pugilist back in 3.2, still playing Monk as my primary class today.
I have literally never seen any particular DPS barred from fucking PF. Make your own group or leave whatever trash datacenter you are on.
Shit dude I farmed this fucking thing on Crystal.
>I roleplay as Todd Howard
A pathological liar with a maxed out speech score and an obsessive need to sell merchandise?
Started as PLD and still enjoying it to this day. Stay righteous
It is when most groups already have 2-3 ranged at all times.
What does Innocence EX drop?
Do I need to know anything about HoH before starting it?
Garleans are a bunch of dumb faggots, if anyone deserved to get hit with Dalamud, it was them
4 accessories and a crafting material (not always).
>wahh why can't we have a party wide hallowed ground every pull
It's pretty much Palace of the Dead 2, same rules apply.
>t. A Mhigger
started SMN, couldnt handle """"macroing"""" the pet so switched to brainded dragoon and my shitter self has never been happier since.
Alright, also is there some 51-60 version I'm not aware of? PotD is a bit slow for that range
Cute borb.
4 accessories, his music sheet, crafting mat, white dragonlet mount
Then make your own retard. Also I sincerely doubt EVERY SINGLE PF has 3 ranged before you can join. And even if you AREN'T full of shit who fucking cares? I farmed 5 of my kills with 2 MCH, a DNC, and a SMN. It's EX primals, they are a joke.
Not these faggots. I legit thought we were all just joking around then these dudes just started getting super serious and then next thing you know it insults are being thrown
>novice network chat
Well found your problem user
Yes. I got banned already for impersonating him.
How did the argument go? What did they even say?
I'm honestly curious how someone could get heated over such an inconsequential topic.
>emet-selch ahegao
>if PC is an option to you
I'm not sure it if is desu.
How reliable is the benchmark? I ran it before and my score was higher than I thought it would be but wasn't super impressive or anything.
Nope, there's no 51-60 equivalent. You either have to take POTD and all the extra time that entails or just spam dungeons or something.
>neir automata raid coming out at the next major patch
>gonna have to deal with every basic bitch wearing 2B's outfit
I haven't even got my first clear yet, all the practice groups I do can barely pass lightning tethers. I am not making my own group with as inexperienced as I am. Sure I might be making excuses but I am not doing shit unprepared.
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world except for Lola. L-O-L-A. Lola.
Reminder to blacklist everyone with a crown.
what datacenter
no loss. people say the community on XIV is touchy but they have nothing on how hair triggered the ESO community is.
>>gonna have to deal with every basic bitch wearing 2B's outfit
You could already sort of make a 2B glamour though
Maybe is going to be the armor that won the gear contest.
>not just modding the nier outfit to be an another outfit
Was it the Shadowbringers benchmark?
I wouldn't put too much stock in the benchmark's scores but you could also just start the free trial on PC and see how it runs firsthand.