Is Resident Evil 2 scary? I'm playing through Resident Evil 7 now and it's scaring me...

Is Resident Evil 2 scary? I'm playing through Resident Evil 7 now and it's scaring me. I want to pick up RE2 next while it's on sale.

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Eh, you're probably a zoom zoom plebcore that needs his jumpscares every 3 seconds to be startlet by stupid shit.
So you'll probably dislike it.

I'd say it's very tense, but outside of certain scenes I wouldn't say it's scary. Amazing game none the less though.

is it worth 35 bucks? Ive heard its short, but does it have replay value


Original 2 yes it has a very unsettling atmosphere. Nu2 plays a "SCARIEST GAME EVER!?!?" you'd see on youtube

It does somewhat. It all comes down to two things
Will the big nig chasing you eventually annoy you
Are you okay with not actually killing a lot of enemies you come across
I thought RE2make would be re4 esk, but i was mistaken. Its a great game, but after playing some of its content, id have to force myself to play more.
It wasnt for me, so i warn you
Its a lil spooky

7 is better than 2.

I wouldn't call it scary more like just a constant state of stress/uneasiness.

They're almost completely different games. RE7 is hands down one of the scariest games I played.
Being chased by zombie meth heads is about as scary as it gets.

REmake2 is somewhat scary, but more action oriented than 7 imo.

I must say its incredibly immersive and muh graphics are truly captivating
If thats ya thing

Well, not killing a lot of the enemies you come across is supposed to be like earlier RE games. Where you actually had limited ammo so dodging zombies was the best option a lot of the time.

Re2 Remake is way better than RE7.

Re7 is only slightly better than the shit that was RE6

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Yea I'm familiar, ive played zero and remake. As i said, i just thought itd be more like 4. Still a great game.
The tyrant really turned me off tho. With an environment so beautifully built, I wanted the creepy exploring feel.

She feeding him grapes like the Greek god he is

Nothing's really scary when you have a shogtun in your hand.

Should I pick up RE7 gold edition or Origins colection for 0?

Neither, but re4 again


The occasional jumpscare is fine. Don't be a pussy

It's not as scary as RE7 but I think it's a better game