Video game comics thread

video game comics thread

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I don't get it

It's a reference to the obscure game "Hotel Mario"

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based and hydrated

Fucking cringe

It's a reference to the obscure flash game "Mario is Missing"

why do they look like they're on a meth bender

The joke is Mario was formerly a carpenter.

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But they're plumbers, they don't build walls...

how far we have come

What is it about liberal "humor" that fails so much? The structure and content of their jokes always makes you feel empty after reading them, like you missed the actual joke at first because you can't believe the real punchline would be so cringe. There's never anything clever about them remotely, so many of them come down to name-calling and uppity virtue signalling disguised as jokes. It's like a Kelly comic, but not done as a joke.

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>MH is for casuals
>Quintessential casual game in Japan, played by women and children on train rides
>More popular than Pokemon
He's not wrong.

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Political humor in general is trash

If you like Attack on Titan you're pretty much at the absolute bottom of the intellectual barrel, so perhaps the jokes are just too sophisticated for you.

>more popular than Pokemon
that is not true.
what is true is that its played by plenty of women though. i know a chinese goblina engineer who's big on MH as well.

I hate Attack on Titan but Mikasa is cute, now what? Welcome to Yea Forums btw, people tend to post anime reaction images here. Enjoy your stay new friend!

The show doesn't even have good females relative to other shows so you also just have complete garbage taste in that regard. Well done.

The left can't meme.
But to be honest, when they control tv, newspaper, hollywood, education, social networks, payment processors, banks AND also know how to get inside, conquer and build solid institutions to help their own... Why would they need to?

For real comedy you need to get a little offensive

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Left wing humor is usually

Right wing humor is usually

It's just these two variations over and over and over.
It's boring.
And this is just the "long" version with comics and such.
The "short" meme version is just reaction images and calling each other names all day.

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Liberal or conservative, 99% of political comics are garbage in both art and writing, whether it's for humor or for carrying their message out to the audience. It's because of the very nature of a political comic, which is to deliver a political message in the most heavy handed way to your audience, which, in turn, makes for a shitty medium. The fact that Horsey and Matt Bors won Pulitzers for their comics should tell you as much.

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>I hate Attack on Titan but Mikasa is cute, now what?
Doesn't matter. You're showing any level of toleration towards AoT, so therefore your intellectual abilities are significantly lowered. Using anime reaction images also lowers this. Why else do you think Yea Forums is historically one of our least intelligent boards?

Did the artist imply Mario and Luigi are Mexican? I don’t know that sounds pretty racist to me.

>But to be honest, when they control tv, newspaper, hollywood, education, social networks, payment processors, banks AND also know how to get inside, conquer and build solid institutions to help their own... Why would they need to?
I can't tell if this is pro or anti Jew, but they're in the spot they're in because of blatant neoptism and a religious restriction regarding interest back when banking was established and nobody knew how big it would get. Jews are tied with whites intelligence-wise, they just don't have souls and are more tribal.

I don't get it



>this is the pathetic thought process

ever watch Colbert? you're not supposed to think about it, THE SIGN SAYS FUCKING LAUGH

>He's so mad he replied twice

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>I can't tell if this is pro or anti Jew
Jew? I Was talking about the Left as a whole


That's the strangest insult ever.

I all honestly I’ve met more Mexican people with the name “Mario” then Italian people. Then again it’s pretty racist to assume Mario is a Mexican.

Political cartoons have never really changed for centuries.

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Hahaha, well meme'd my friend. This epic new meme is just as funny as the loss one*!

*not at all

at least ben's are good, and I like hehesilly

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I miss the colbert report...
His new show is so one sided and brain dead as hell. That and forced as hell. His old show used to make fun of both sides.

>Hates AoT
Freedom hating brainlets detected.

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go back faggot

>Vidya bad
>Book good

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>The left can't meme
Already disproven

The reason you think it fails is because it attacks what you values and what you believe in. Jon Stewart did a perfect commentary on your entire point of view ages ago when certain groups on the left got upset with some jokes he made. Look it up.

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Dunno about mexico or spain, but in italy "Mario" is essentially as common as "John" in english mother tongue countries.
It's as neutral as possible.
The most standard name/last name combo would be "Mario Rossi".
It's the italian equivalent of "John Smith" in terms of being as vanilla as possible, more or less.

I'm actually 99% sure originally Mario was supposed to have "Rossi" as his last name, because "Rossi" means "Red", and he obviously wears red.
But i think what happened is that then they made Luigi and they realized it wouldn't really make as much sense because Luigi wears green instead.
So they just went with the "Mario Mario" and "Luigi Mario" bullshit wich is a pretty goofy solution but i suppose people are used to it by now.

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Jesus, left really can't meme.

I don't know what happened, like a switch just went off and everyone went crazy. was it trump, or did everyone just wake up and realize these people are batshit?

You make fun of what is ridiculous, the democrats are so beaten down and pussified, it's hard to make fun of them as opposed to the constant fire work show that is Trump and the Republicans.
We had the same problem during the W Bush admin.

Well the left controls those things because they're Jewish puppets, but different Jews than those who control the right.
>The reason you think it fails is because it attacks what you values and what you believe in.
Nah it's because they're not funny. They're based on this premise that the other side is pure evil and nothing else, people don't just draw Clinton and write "stupid bitch" and call it a day. That's what leftists do to conservatives.

>I declare it's not a meme, so it's not one.
You would try to bury this after /pol/ and reddit tried and failed to co-opt it with the Wall Street Journal and other right wing groups.

>Jon Stewart did a perfect commentary
stopped reading.

But Mario Maker says that he can.

>it's hard to make fun of them

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Wrong, you clearly support Trump, so things ridiculing him are not going to be funny for you. So you're going to rationalize it like you are doing in this thread and try to nitpick it.

Or worse, you just lack critical thinking and need everything to be spoonfed to you with actual labels like a Kelly comic.

In Colbert report he was acting as a dumb republican, you're supposed to laugh at him not agree with what he says.

I don't support Trump, he's an israeli cocksucking shill
what now you stupid nigger

I enjoyed reading this bait
It took me 2 minutes to find this image because I legitimately forgot his name, what a great mascot for your cause

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>comparing a political party and its leader to random literally who activists.
I can only give (you), but only once.

But thats Grimm's fairytales which are universally dark and twisted.

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>if you like someone you cant laugh at jokes about them

The problem is you've been telling the same jokes for about 4 years, most of which made no sense when they were new anyway.

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I support trump, and believe as much he deserves a good ribbing, but the jokes are just not funny. theyre just tantrums, not jokes, honestly.

>Being this butthurt that the Philadelphia Flyers disavowed the alt right and not ANTIFA

There literally is a decapitation in The Juniper Tree which is fucking by one of the Grimm brothers

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I mean, Super Mario Maker shows Mario can build walls
These cartoonists are fucking noobs

>caring about bread & circus sports

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Then you're anomalies compared the vast majority of people.
Try and openly mock Trump here and you'll get some reddit damage control team fly in and spam old and stale memes from years ago like
>It was her turn!
>Two scoops.

Congrats on that, but that doesn't mean you are the norm.

>oh shit, he got me, better change the goalposts

you know it's fake right

only the retards/pedos/neckbeards/people with bad opinions use anime reaction pics*

>w-w-w-we didn't want that dum mascot anyway...

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Out of curiosity what's your narrative going to be when he wins in 2020?

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>Try and openly mock Trump here and you'll get some reddit damage control
well, try something other than
>orange man bad jew jew cum
go ahead, I dare you.

>bring up politics and trump on a FUCKING VIDEO GAMES BOARD
>then get mad when people mock you for it

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>Implying it's moving the goalposts when the only point of late night sows it mock well known people.
If anything you moved the goalposts to have it be about anyone..

White inbreds are still retards.

Guys did you know Mario was named Jump man?
Weird haha I know cause I'm a hardcore gamer
Like if you agree


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>People start calling stuff memes in 2008-2010 starting with KnowYourMeme
>Interneters make fun of them by ironically using the word meme from 2011-2013
>Stormfags and normies who just started using the internet with their new smartphones see this and think they're not being ironic
>Now you have these users from white supremacists sites going around unironically using the word meme and thinking they genuinely fit in


>Grimm fairy tales
The Grimm fairytales are fucked up though. In Cinderella the Ugly stepsisters cut off pieces of their feet to try to fit in the glass slipper. Then die of blood loss in the end.
Imo most of the Grimm shit is more fucked up then shit we see nowadays in media. Especially when this shit was made for kids.

Russia, what else?

I guess there's enough to keep him in office, so I'm not sure where "you arent the norm" comes from. Maybe you should move to Canada.

>retard baitposter posts pure cringe lefty orange mascotte that no one in the world knows exists and dumb Yea Forums tards still fall for it

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But amphibians aren't reptiles

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I'm more curious in what you're going to do if he loses.

Good bit you fucking faggot

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A good portion of the population was always dangerously retarded. What's new is that you've reached a critical mass.

>uses the word "normie" instead of "normalfag"
You arent fooling anybody, go cry about nazis somewhere else

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>says the white boi

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Wow, this thread went tits up almost instantly. Sorry, everyone who wanted a fun thread about comics containing video games : (

but there's a water level in pretty much every mario game

>He's not familiar with alliterations
Read a book

Be impressed, that's only happened a handful of times in US history and it took way worse presidents to accomplish.

you know pac man was actually "puck man"? crazy, huh?

For every white baby we abort we must birth two black ones

Enjoy your ban

I was thinking that his critiques were valid, if I recall correctly, a lot of the Grimm brothers works were rather fucked up

I am, but saying that a frog is a reptile is just wrong

normalfag is gay and tryhard
normie is kino

>Now you have these users from white supremacists sites

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Stop being autistic and just enjoy the wordplay.

Trump thought they were carpenters but they are plumbers.

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if it was actually funny, it wouldn't have been a dog-pile. left cant meme.

enjoy sucking my dick


t. newfag

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99.9% of comedy is liberal
Name calling is mostly right wing "comedy"
You don't know what virtue signalling means

You suck at being funny and smart

>imblying he meant black folk
Rent free mah man

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>Be eternal newfag that started going on Yea Forums around 2011
>Remember all the "LE EPIC MEME XD" and "le monkey face" shitposting that was on Yea Forums around the early 2010s, making fun of meme-obsessed Reddit retards
>now politicalfags are unironically trying to "out-meme" with each other

see, now we're getting somewhere...

daily reminder that 2016 ruined this website

Can't suck nothing

>escapism bad

Based cops

Don't speak to me.

Because you're a reactionary dupe yourself. Just like we don't see what's so hilarious about your frog, you don't get our jokes because they aren't for you. Political cartoons are, like most arguments and political efforts, made to consolidate and mobilise rather than persuade.

Good. Leave.

>conservative comic
>short, witty, quickly to the punchline
>liberal comic
>omg I must have a background in Hegelian dialectics and Marx's distinct writings to farcically critique Kant and Stirner and German Idealism in order to understand this incredibly specific and unique humor

2016 ruined the fucking internet

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make me

Are you going to ignore the OP when making that claim?
Either way, always fun to have little pranks.

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hans my hedgehog is pretty metal for a kids' story

>being able to find happiness in a fucked up world
pokemon good

shut up you stupid nigger

>What is it about liberal "humor" that fails so much?
Nothing, you just don't get it

You're not describing anyone. Maybe take this part out of your open mic act.

>old fogies so outta touch they think mario is mexican.

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>liberal comic
also, scat or genitalia reference. because mature, sophisticated humor.


>conservative comic
>Just attacks straw man
>Liberal comic
>hit or miss

based and h2opilled

>alt right humour
>poor re-enactment of a meme he saw online

See? It's hard to make fun of them, you just look like a moron when you try

Because it's fucking politics. Politics suck beyond all rhyme or reason. No one likes talking about them, they sour every conversation that has them in it, and people just want to avoid them altogether. So for someone to try and make humor out of it is not only uncomfortable but just plain stupid. There's a time and place for every argument and it certainly is not when you're trying to be "entertaining".

The people who ruined the internet were doing their bullshit long before 2016

Why do election newfags pretend that they've been here for 10 years?


take the L, you tards. seriously.

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>monarchist humor
>I need to know how to read to understand the joke

Because it's an anonymous image board.

2016 was 13 years ago, buddy.

>Tripfag being a racist
Did you fags not know about Mario Maker 2? Where he can build things? Like walls?

>When a political cartoonist knows more about vidya than newfags on Yea Forums
What the fuck

>tripfag so out of touch they think they're special snowflakes

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Hydrate, tranny

>alt right comic
>trannys trannys dialate niggers

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>hit or miss
see how disconnected you guys are? its literally the opposite irl

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Miss or hit? Same thing, dumb frogposter.

>1990 was 40 years ago

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Hiya reddit, thanks for proving my point instantly.

Wait.... is that actually the joke? Mario couldn't destroy walls though until Mario 64, and still cant unless it's made of destructible bricks, which relates more to the composition of what he's smashing than the type of building it's used in.

This is next level ignorance.

Have water

>tfw I remember how Yea Forums used to be blamed for all the shitposting on Yea Forums, back when this board was flooded with doubles, jimmies and pizza tipping threads

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I don't need to, they do it themselves just fine.

Then why are all big comedians left wing? Comedy is largely a meritocracy.

>can't even have LOL threads anymore without /pol/
Nuke this site already ffs

>egoist comic
>only the writer is allowed to read it

>Hiya reddit
go back please, thank you.

>2005 was 32 years ago.

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How many times can they tell the same joke and it still be funny to them?

Ah now this is a good one

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