Have you ever caught a shinny pokemon?

i had a shiny zoroark and 2 bidoofs in white 2

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yes bro i got a shiny missingno

I killed a shiny ponyta in leafgreen because I thought it was a glitch
Coulda had a blue maned rapidash but no fuck me

>Tfw still no Albino pornstars

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my first shiny was a pidgeotto in Gold and i freaked out as a kid
next one was a sneasel in X but i didn't care too much as i was far too distracted by how boring the game was

im not sure if encounter rates are different in emulators but I have an encounter like every other playthrough
usually shitmon too, ive seen THREE (3) shiny psyduck over the years

>eager to watch another man fuck the woman you want to fuck

they're too pure for porn

First shiny I caught was a nincada in platinum

Evolved it properly and it turned into 2 shinies

Caught a shiny tentacool and a DITTO! In my entire pokemon career.

Russian and Albino
Best of both worlds

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>be breediecuck
>hatch a shiny weedle
>didn't have perfect speed, so it got tossed away
>hatch a shiny charmander
>didn't have perfect atk, so it got tossed away
>see a shiny swablu while ev training
>kill it because his evs are worth more than the mon itself
>become a mighty injectbro
>see a shiny pikipek
>kill it because a shiny shitmon it's still a shitmon
Hunting/caring for shinies is the most autistic thing on this game, and that's coming from a former breediecuck. Thankfully now I'm a mighty injectBRO, so I don't even have to ev train anymore.

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are the shinny ditto's transformation shinny too?

Shiny Nidoran female on Gold. I thought it was a male and named it a male nickname because it was purple, didn't notice it very much when it first evolved but when I gave it a moon stone my boy was actually a queen. Felt confused for weeks.

>still no albino gf

I've only ever encountered two shiny pokemon.

A Bidoof in Pearl before I was able to obtain any pokeballs and 10 years later I found an Onyx in HG.

I got to fuck an albino for a week. It was amazing and the best sex I've ever had.

Here's your albino porn bro.

They are less than 0,1% user.
Its impossible

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shiny zubat was my first ever in crystal version. have since seen a shiny poochyena in emerald, and i bred for a shiny hitmontop

i've played pokemon for a collective hundreds of hours and i've never seen a shiny pokemon. i put probably 300 hours into my first emerald save and never saw one.

I killed a shiny ponyta in pearl because I wanted to try out the new move on my Marill, rollout.

Don't fill his mind with dread.

If I could woo one, let alone find one, so can he.

can you fucking imagine licking an albino girl's ass

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>got to
>for a week
Was she in the back of a truck when you picked her up?

i had an albino friend in hs, he was pretty cool

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No, shes my roommate and old co worker.

Cheated on my wife. Long story.

I came across a shiny once on my copy of sapphire and I presumed it was just some sort of visual glitch and proceeded to just kill it. No one had ever told me shinys were possible.

yes. its fucking awesome. it just transforms into shiny versions of pokemon

arrrggghhh i want to fuck Albino girl dammit

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Most recent are a shiny Rhyhorn in Crystal grinding for the E3 and a shiny Trapinch in Moon getting the Tapus I never caught.
Two that close together randomly means I'll probably never see one again unless I specifically hunt for one

if you count red gyrados then yeah

If you are normal and have babies with an albino grill, are the babies albinos too?

Nobody does

Theyre probably super insecure user so if you find one just be nice and compassionate

shiny ponyta in leafgreen (no balls) didnt even know what it was
shiny magnemite in saphire that i kept running into over and over but couldnt catch. still dont know how it happened
shiny raticate in gold on my birthday. Almost killed it because I was hunting for legendary beasts when I noticed the sprite looked weird
shiny tangela in heartgold while taking a shit, wasnt even gonna save just playing around. Actually managed to catch.
I then soft reset for two of each shiny starter in soul silver
hatched a shiny charmander in black with leftover eggs. It had terrible stats and I gave it to a friend on xat.
bunnelby in X. Also given to that same xat friend bc i hated it.
shiny wooper in pokemon crystal, full odds. I did the shiny ditto exploit and now im hatching shiny pokemon in under 40 eggs.

>My closest friend had his first shiny in safari zone and it ran.

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I don't think so, Jim.

when i was 13 there was a nearly 200 lbs albino girl that wanted to go with me to see that movie Journey 2 back in 2011.
ill be honest when i was 11 i had a huge erection from her large ass but at 13 i felt embarassed to go on a date with her.
now shes hot and thicc after fixing herself up and losing a little weight, part of me kinda regrets it

Does she do nude ?

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emerald is crap for finding shiny pokemon, user. Surely you knew about that?

albino people have the pass to call us all niggers

i think its a receive gene, so you might have an albino son, but most of them will be normal, if you're an attractive albino guy and you have an attractive albino gf its your fucking duty to have as many kids as possible

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I have an irresistible urge to hug these grills.

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I'm too busy thinking about that glorious albino bush.

*recessive genes

Are there any albino vidya characters?

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I got a shiny Ledyba in SuMo

just fucking imagine that

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still, i've played every pokemon multiple times. is emerald really especially shitty for shinies?

One of my friends is an albino Chad.

>Shiny Hariyama in Victory Road

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not unless you mind doing all this. All that effort you might as well use 3rd party cheat device.

Shes the 0,0000000000000000000000000000001 % of 0,01 Albino ever existed in this earth. Also she is /ourgirl/

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Only shiny I've ever seen outside of Gyarados is a shiny Pikipek I caught in Sun.

Does he have a sister?


shiny raticate in fire red don't even remember getting it

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Albino girls need to be protected.

...from sunlight


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Are they capable of tanning?

why the fuck would they do that

I mean, if they stay long enough in the sun.

probably a little, but not much

I found a shiny spinda while ev training in emerald. I finally got pokerus in soul silver

Literal angel.

>albino anglo

>albino nigger

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my torchick starter is shiny. i thought it was bugged

Oh no no no no.

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Shiny voltorb but lost my save
Shiny mankey, still have it


The only 2 legit shinies I had were a Rattata and a Zubat.
Rattata I had in Soul Silver, but my cartridge fucked itself to death and I lost the save, the Zubat was in a romhack that I don't have the save for anymore.
Meanwhile my friends find shit like a shiny Houndour and a Shiny Boldore.

Got a shiny mudkip as a starter in alpha saphire
Doesnt feel good though since I didn't technically catch it

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Aren't albinos supposed to have red eyes?


xvideos.com /video327137/icy_hot_albino

It's actually pretty hilarious and fucked that the only shiny Pokemon I ever caught was a gamesharked Zangoose on the first route of Emerald because I wanted to play with a Zangoose. So I cheated to get Zangoose, and it was shiny. So I was mad but happy because it was a throwaway game and I didn't keep cheated mons except events.

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To explain further, I didn't make it shiny with cheats.

Ran into one when I was a kid without knowing what it was and killed it. Though the game had glitched or something.
Looking back I don't know why I didn't try to catch it.

Cute tranny

ok i'm gonna need the uncensored version

My last shiny pokemon was a shiny Litten, my starter.

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You will never pass.

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RacE Is nOt rEal

tfw no shiny gf.

Thank you.

Albino pubic hair + green hair dye = anime is real

>race is just skin color
Holy shit


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I still remember encountering a shiny Beldum in Platinum. I dont remember exactly how but I think it was in the post game. Anyway I caught it and literaly spent the next 3 days leveling it into a Metagross. God that gold and silver design was so sexy.

Not all of them.
Red eyes only happen when you have literally no melanin in the eyes.
The red is because of the light reflecting through all the blood vessels within the eye.

my only legit shiny was soft reset hunting a shiny starter in Heart Gold.
My goal was Cyndaquil but a shiny totodile appeared first so i was still happy.

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>tfw missed out on marrying an albino gf
I lost her because I got institutionalized against my will and cut off the relationship before I was sent on my way, so I didn't have the shame of having her know I was in a looney bin.

Don't make me have these feels OP, I already have enough regrets in my life.

Ever tried contacting her?
Telling her the truth?
If she's still single, you have a chance.

This was over 8 years ago.

Doesn't matter, if you are the one who broke up with her, it's because she didn't want to end it.
Even if she rejects you, at least you'll be at peace knowing you did everything you could.

Literally look like Oblivion characters what the fuck


What region are they from?

High Rock.

Tentacruel and Ariados. I also have a pansear but who cares

No they don't.
In fact they are the people who find them the least attractive.

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>replying to him
It's American posting hours, so cuckshit is going to be everywhere. No bigger cucks than mutts.

wHERES the untodded version, anonnnnnnnnn

>chart says I could basically get any girl I want
Just gotta get over my general autistic nature and I'll have an albino goddess in no time

Dayum. The asian race truly was meant die. LMAO

The only hard part is finding them.
It's not like a subculture like goths where you can go to specific concerts or places to find those kind of people.

>Being Indian/Asian

>asian females over 70%
Get fucked white women

Holy FUCK Lillie Chan is real?!?

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Will white roasties ever recover?
There's gotta be albino support groups somewhere maybe an albino clan in a game

>Get fucked white women
White men and white woman are the most loyal to each other from any other race.
Only like 12% of white men prefer asians.

Or are you one of those white Amerimutts who hates white people?
If so, could you place racemix with black women so your worthless, mongrelized nation collapses soon?
Everyone knows America is the biggest enemy white people have.

shinny pidggey in red virtual console. only one besides lake of rage gyarados

>Or are you one of those white Amerimutts who hates white people?
Shouldn't be a surprise that the slaves of Israel hate white people.
Not like Americans are white in the first place, they are all honorary niggers.

>Only like 12% of white men prefer asians.
source: your ass

It says so in the chart you just replied to.

Oof, someone didn't get their daily dose of freedom semen.

Can you stop samefagging

Did a fair bit of shiny hunting with the pokeradar in Platinum, must have caught about 40, but 12 of those were camerupts. My pride and joy is a shiny beldum which hit itself down to red HP before i finally got it in the ball. As for legit random shinies, ive had 3 seperate shiny Golbats all from Gen 3 Victory Road, a shiny...... cant remember, its a mole from gen 5, drill arms or something. A shiny mareep back in soul silver, and i could swear there was one more, but i cant remember. Might have been a Carvahna

What a surprise, the mutt speaks like a numale.

>12% difference means only 12% prefer asians
user, that's not how that works.

Aww yes, Shedinja is great. I didnt know what he was when i first played Ruby as a kid, thought he was a glitch or something

Calm down ahmed

No, the chart says
>which ethnicity do you find the most attractive
And it says 12% of them liked asians.

>white men and women are the most loyal
Is that why the divorce rate in america is 50%?
I'll take an asian qt over a white roastie any day pal

You lucky bastard, poochyena has a great shiny form, its gold coloured, right?

You mean the country where even whites behave like niggers?
Where everyone is a blue haired liberal?
Where even the far right has convinced itself that racemixing is good?
The embodiment of societal decay?
That country?

That's the thing about you Americans, you are not white.
Some of you have fair skin, but that's where the similarities between you and white people begin and end.
You are a country of rabid savages with no culture who worship corporations and celebrities.

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Shut up and post 10/10 albinos
You gonna attract mods, retard.

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The yoros started it

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Damn, lucky. Theres an island in the post game where you can find beldum in the sandstorm area. I spent a while using pokeradar to get one, took fucking ages. You need to look for slight sparkles in 4 particular patches of grass at the same time, and with the sandstorm going on, its almost impossible to be sure. Also if you go in and it WASNT sparkling, youve just lost half an hour of progress, and need to start again. It was a struggle

Not rent free, it's just, as a white person, I find offensive that Americans consider themselves white, and that they then start attacking white people just because YOU are a bunch of savages.
But that's it, it's you, because your nation is an experiment to see just how low can a people fall.

Fortunately, for the world, you do not represent anyone.
The rest of the world looks at your actions in disgust.

Was the point of this to look sickly? The eye bags kind of ruin it if >she's trying to look cute.


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it wasnt a shiny but I had an Unown F on my Gold version as a kid. I loved that thing, and i was lucky too since im pretty sure it had hidden power psychic.

Maybe because you Americans are so insufferable that not even you stand each other?
I mean, imagine having to spend your entire life with someone who can only talk about buying unnecesary crap and Marvel movies.

Real life anime girl
Ignore the la creatura behind her

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I caught a shiny Poochyena in Emereld about 12-13 years ago. Haven't seen a shiny since.

Can guarantee I'm whiter than you, now fuck off retard.

It's called albino, she's born like that.
You wish you looked like that, tranny.

While playing through Ultra Moon I came accross a Lavitar in the cave I forget the name of. It called for help and I'm like, fuck no. The help it called was a shiny Lavitar and then I'm like fuck yes.

t. Ahmed

Pokemon Firered,I was like 8 or 9, Grinded the Game Corner for hours to get enough coins for Porygon. Redeemed it and saw it was Blue. I knew Porygon was pink, so I thought it was blue because It was 9999 coins. I turned my DS off without saving to show my sister the cool secret I found out. First and only shiny til about 5 months ago when I got a Shiny Aerodactyl in Lets Go Eevee.

No you aren't.
Besides, the color of your skin doesn't matter when you behave and talk like a hoodrat.
A big part of burgerclap culture is worshipping nigger behaviour, after all.

That's why I said that the similarities between you and white people begin and end with the color of the skin, and i'm not even sure of that lately.

The good part is that your behaviour lends itself to self destrution, so America will die before you get a chance at truly harming the white world.
Which you have, and not only within your country, everywhere you have influence, you are absolute cancer.
The US must die.

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>la creatura
she is pretty cute user, i think the absolute angel of perfection in front of her is twisting your perception

Post more pls.

Yes, I have more than 100 shinies that I caught

I'll agree we're pretty cancerous but I just want an albino/ginger gf pal

Unnerving as hell

shiny mitotic. i transfer from every gen since 2011 she has garbage IVs though.

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t. ahmed who thinks jews are white

They look pure and calm.
I want to cuddle an albino grill.

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Ok, jeez

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No, American, I agree, your masters are not white.

Pretty fucking based.

dang, i've just been todded

i thought she was Aurora

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You're really fucking dumb. Last (You) you're getting.

Agreed, they are too perfect.

Post the source or the uncensored version damn it!

Don't lewd albinos pls.

Literal angel

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wasn't this thread about pokemon?

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When I was a kid I captured a black Rayquaza in Emerald.
I felt like a god.

Goodnight user

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Imaging waking up every day looking at those purple eyes.

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Great, now im depressed

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porn can be solo dumbass

God I want an albino gf.

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They are meant for lewd. Otherwise you would never be able to see one in all it's glory.

A shiny weedle once in all of the years of playing the games.


Post albinos you nerd

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They are pure angels.
Not for lewd.

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>not staring lovingly back while stroking yourself
You don't deserve her

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im an unlovable bitter 5'3" manlet, you could have it worse.

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>Shiny hunt a box full of my favourite mons over multiple gens
>They will forever stay trapped in sun and moon

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i might have to make a dedicated albino folder

>wasn't this thread about video games
Where do you think we are?

I'll die a happy man if Legalporno gangbang porn featuring 11/10 russian albino girl exists....

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stop with this thread.
my heart can't take it.
my heart can't fucking take it.

atleast the end of the world is near anons

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Find someone who's into mother son fetishes

Is this the albino who used to post on /pol/ and /int/?

Not really.

When the mongols conquered and raped Chink women, the mongols got "absorbed" into the Chink race.

The same thing would happen if Euorpeans conquered Africa and raped nigger women, the Europeans would get "absorbed" into the negro race.

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Imagine finding an albino woman bathing under a waterfall on your camping trip

this picture is too much for me bros.. i don't think i can handle it...

Seems like it

Yes but i think its only once

China is a country that's been racemixed and raped to death.
It's why they are all soulless insectoids.

You'd probably be more likely to actually encounter a siren doing that.

based. That's 1/8000+ odds

Yea but the question is would I still wanna fuck the siren?
yea probably

>You will never encounter a real 11/10 russian albino girl in your life time

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I need to be such a great person that cute albino girls fantasize about me being their boyfriend.
It's the only way.

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I hope you get an albino gf but that isn't Russian.
Russians are crazy.

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Remember anons, if you're going to jump do it head first.

what kind of guys do you think cute albinos fantasize about?

In the future, me.

i cannot understand these boyfriends...

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